My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1121: Body

"You can also become a body and eat it again, we don't mind." Anyang shrugged. "Maybe Xiaoqian will also like how you become a body. Well, actually I think it's not bad, shaggy, yes Right? "

"... Anyang Daoyou."


"I repeat it! I am a feline! But not a cat! Do you know the difference between feline and leopard subfamily!" Huang Lan gritted his teeth, "You are despising the majesty of my king of beasts, the consequences are Very serious! Really! "

"Leopard subfamily? So you want to say that you are not actually a tiger, but ... a leopard?" Anyang looked at Huang Lan suspiciously. "It doesn't look like that. Just like I haven't seen you really Becoming an ontology is not as good as being an ontology. Let me study and research. Are you a tiger or a leopard? "

"Do you understand science? You are still a modern man!" Huang Lan is about to go crazy. "The tiger is a tiger. How could it be a leopard, but the tiger belongs to the leopard subfamily of the cat family, are you stupid? Ah! And have n’t you seen my virtual body image and ghost? Have you ever seen a leopard like that? Where have you heard that a leopard can control a ghost? "

"Ah! It turns out that it's your body! It looks ... it doesn't seem so cute." Anyang said.

"I repeat again! I am a tiger! Very fierce tiger, can eat humans! And it is not the kind of petty stuff in the zoo, I am the king of all beasts!" Huang Lan spit out a long Tone, "I can't hold you account of the inferior cats like me and leopards, but I have to reiterate it again, I don't rely on selling cute food, I never get cute, and please don't Defile me with cowardly words like Meng! "

"Is it?" Anyang looked at her very annoyed at this time, looking at it for a long time, and hesitated for a long time. After all, she swallowed what she had to say, and asked, "What do you rely on for dinner?"

"Of course I was relying on arresting ..." Huang Lan Yu Guang glanced at the pot of steaming meat on the table and swallowed unconsciously. By the way, he swallowed the rest of the words. I can't say anything.

"Then ... let's go back to the previous question." Anyang understood Huang Lan's embarrassment at this time, so she changed the subject very intimately for her. "I don't think the tigers in our world will control the ghosts. And what about tigers and leopards, is n’t the jaguar just the jaguar? Your western Xinjiang also belongs to a remote area. Is it normal to confuse the leopard tiger? "

"I don't want to discuss this topic with you." Huang Lan's face hurt, and she didn't care about anything. She picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Anyang was still sitting next to him, looking at her food, and said, "Let ’s discuss it, you said, I can also feel the discomfort of your human form. After all, you are a super fierce tiger, but you have to be forced to change. As an adult, this is equivalent to living with a puppet cover every day and wearing a mask. It is hard enough to think about it. "

"Well, well, well, it ’s not hard. I have been in Taoism for many years. I have completely adapted in the first year or two. Now for me, this humanoid body is similar to the body, but the body is too weak. Haw, haw. "

Huang Lan said while eating, "You don't want to fool me anymore. After all, you are only twenty or thirty years old since you were born. I am probably walking longer than you with humanoid bodies." "

"Ah ..." Anyang was choked. "But you certainly still like the original look? After all, how beautiful is the gorgeous and bright fur! How perfect is the streamlined and explosive body! There are so many natural claws." Sharp! Even the spirit of the king of beasts must be displayed in the form of a tiger? "

Huang Lan couldn't help but reveal her drunkenness, she couldn't help but spread her five fingers in front of her eyes, and her sharp fingernails came out from her fingertips, and nodded, "This is also true."

Anyang suddenly showed a happy look.

"In that case, we might as well set each month ... ah, it is better to set Monday of every week as free time. You can change back to the perfect body unscrupulously. How about this idea?" Anyang said. Then, I pouted my lips a little and considered, "If you feel that someone is embarrassed, I can persuade the rabbit and Xiao Chan to accompany you!"

Huang Lan's expression condensed, and he snapped his nails back, and said in a low voice: "No! Yes! Yes!"

"Then the 1st and 15th of every month?"

"wishful thinking!"

"Only one, is that okay?"

"It still doesn't work! Ha ha ha ha ..."

"Why? Don't you want to change back to your perfect and beautiful body? Do you want to bear this ... Ugly and weak human body living forever?"

"Oh wait, what is ugly, even weak, why do you use the word ugly?" Huang Lan suddenly looked at him with a dull face, a serious face, and then chewed the meat in his mouth a few times ~ www ~ After swallowing, I said, "My human body is obviously beautiful, and I have been used to the world for so many years. I have been used to the aesthetics of human beings, otherwise how could I ..."

Huang Lan quickly glanced at Anyang and stopped talking.

"How is it?" Anyang asked.

"It's needless to say, if I still maintain the natural aesthetics, how can I stay with you!" Huang Lan secretly relieved in his heart, his mouth did not stop, "In ordinary tigers are serious, you can just walk The meat is okay, and it's much more ugly than the cattle and sheep on all fours! "


Huang Lan stared at him and continued to eat.

"That seems hopeless?" Anyang continued to look at Huang Lan tentatively, looking forward to it.

"Ang!" Huang Lan nodded with something in her mouth.

Anyang handed a paper towel over: "Wipe the oil dripping onto the table .... Then I will interview you, Miss Huang Lan, why are you so resistant to becoming an ontology? You are not against your ontology. Arouse pride? Why would n’t you want to show it? "

Huang Lan wiped the oil clean, swallowed the contents of his mouth, cleared his throat again with a cough, and then turned to look at him, very politely said: "This reporter is like this because I became After the body, there is no way to wear clothes. And as a goblin who has high intelligence and has been educated ... Although I am still educated and wise, I will not allow myself to be naked in front of others! "

After a pause, she asked again: "Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Anyang twitched his mouth and said: "In fact, this is not a problem at all. You see that the puppies on the roadside have their own clothes. I can also let people customize a suit for you, which will ensure good-looking and comfortable! How much is coming ... "

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