My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1122: Tiger cheating fox

"No! Yes! Yes!" Huang Lan said.

"Is it necessary for you to use so many exclamation marks?" Anyang pouted, "Little sting!"

"This is not stingy!"

"what is that?"

"This is called dignity!" Huang Lan said.

At this time, Xiao Qian came over with a pot of hand grabbing mutton. Hearing their conversation, she couldn't help but be surprised: "What are you talking about, how did you rise to this height!"

"Oh, I'm trying to persuade Huang Lan ’s Daoist to return to the body and be honest, but Huang Lan ’s Daoist is very stubborn. Although she admits herself, she prefers her own body. Changing back to the body also allows her more freedom. She just didn't agree to change back to the body to show us. "

Xiaoqian put the plate on the table and pondered for a moment before saying: "This idea is indeed good. Sister Huang Lan, you can consider it. After all, we have already seen the body of Xiao Chan and the rabbit."

"I didn't care about you, your two husbands and wives follow me!" Huang Lan said, really no longer looking at them, and locked his eyes on the hand grabbing lamb, and licked his mouth.

Comrade Xiao Qian shook his head helplessly: "Then I will continue to cook in the kitchen."

After she left, Huang Lan started.

It didn't take long for a plate of dishes to be put on the table one after another, as if the whole living room was filled with rich meat.

But apart from the food of the two carnivorous animals Huang Lan and Xiao Chan, the rest of the meat is not much. Most are light and nutritious breakfasts, such as raw fried buns and fried eggs, and rabbits. Alfalfa grass that you want to eat ...

Huang Lan ate and ate, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and then her expression circulated, and she became quiet again.

She continued to eat.

After a while, the tigress raised her head and smiled with a benign smile, sandwiching a piece of beef with Xiao Chan: "Come on, little fox, eat this, be nutritious and cook every day, it is hard work for you."

I saw Xiao Chan's expression stunned for a while, and then he was stunned. It took a long time to react. He glanced at Huang Lan quietly, and then silently lowered his head and said nothing.

She finished eating the meat in her bowl first, and then hesitated to lower her head before picking the beef that Huang Lan pinned into her mouth and chewing in a small mouth, quiet and delicate.

Seeing this, Huang Lan looked unimpressed, and then looked at the rabbit essence again. She decisively grabbed a few grapes from the fruit tray on the edge of the table and placed it on the plate in front of the rabbit essence. He also said: "You think you are so stupid, you should take some vitamins, and eat more fruits is good for your health!"

Rabbit spirit also froze for a moment, looked up at her staring blankly.

Her ruby ​​eyes shone with doubt, and gradually turned her head away, looking at Huang Lan with a calm face.

Nothing could be seen from Huang Lan's face. She looked back suspiciously, lowered her head, frowned, and stared at the few handles placed on her plate.

The fuchsia color seems pretty.

Huang Lan pursed her lips calmly and looked at Xiao Chan again.

It seems that in order to avoid eccentricity, she also grabbed a few raisins on the plate in front of Xiao Chan and said, "You also need to add more vitamins, which are good for your health. Rest assured, I have just eaten and it is delicious ! "

The little fox eating innocently was caught off guard, and there were more purple fruits in front of her, which made her stunned on the spot again.

She raised her head to look at Huang Lan, but she quickly took her eyes back, said nothing, and lowered her head to eat meat silently.

After eating the meat in the bowl, she hesitated for a long time and decided not to live up to Huang Lan's good intentions. So she carefully picked up a handle with chopsticks and placed it in front of her eyes, but the crystal clear and moist thing really made her uncomfortable.

This kind of fragrance also made her uncomfortable.

At this time, Anyang had basically seen Huang Lan's intention.

This tigress cared wisely, but pretended to be alright. She picked up a bowl of broth and put it in her mouth, blowing out the noodles, blowing out a burst of heat, and her eyes were not squinted, only quietly using the remaining light Looking at Xiao Chan and Rabbit Essence.

Finally, Xiao Chan put a handle into his mouth.

She chewed a few times and frowned slightly, but she swallowed it in, and there was nothing left, before she continued to look at the other handles in the bowl, worrying.

Huang Lan was relieved.

At this time, the rabbit essence also picked up a lifter with his fingers and put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, no extra expression, and then spit out a few seeds.

Upon seeing this, Huang Lan couldn't help showing his disappointment.

But she quickly put away this disappointment and continued to look at Xiao Chan kindly and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Xiao Chan heard that some heads looked up at her rashly, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Sister Huang Lan is rarely so kind. She gives herself what she feels delicious. They are all carnivores. They are not easy to say that they are not delicious? And if you want to lie on your own, you are a little bit unspeakable, especially in front of so many people, and ... there are also scholars here.

"Huh? Is it delicious?" Huang Lan continued to ask.

Xiao Chan listened to her urging and couldn't help getting nervous. Her black and white eyes turned back and forth. She looked at Comrade Xiaoqian and Anyang from time to time. After a long time, she finally bowed her head and nodded slightly. .

"Delicious, eat more!" Huang Lan smiled.

So Xiao Chan could only silently pick up the handle from the plate, put it in her mouth, and frowned, swallowing forcibly.

After she finished eating, Huang Lan ate a few pieces of meat in a hurry, and then suddenly remembered: "Ah! Have you eaten all the handles?"

Xiao Chan raised his head, staring at him with some surprise, and then inexplicably panicked, lowered his eyelids and said softly: "No ... didn't you give me something?"

"I gave it to you, but I didn't let you eat it all!"

"You ... you told me to eat more."

"It's asking you to eat more, but I didn't tell you to eat the seeds inside too. Look at the side, the stupid rabbit knows that it is necessary to spit out the seeds." Huang Lan looked anxious, like Something serious happened.

"Ah?" Xiao Chan was a little flustered, but still kept a little calm, stammered, "I'm a fairy, should ... shouldn't I diarrhea?"

"Diarrhea is a small thing!" Huang Lan said, and then moved out what Anyang said to her before, "Do you know what those seeds are?"

"No ... I don't know." Seeing her expression so anxious and dignified, Xiao Chan couldn't help getting panic. She quickly put down her chopsticks and looked at Anyang subconsciously.

Anyang smiled and did not speak.

Huang Lan said: "I won't say it, let this silly rabbit talk! Silly rabbit, you tell her, what are the seeds in those fruits?"

"It's their seeds." Rabbit Jing looked at Huang Lan with her budding eyes.

"Look, this silly rabbit knows that these seeds are their seeds, and they cannot be eaten." Huang Lan said.

"You are a silly rabbit!" Rabbit Jing's face was full of dissatisfaction.

Xiao Chan asked weakly, "If it were eaten ... what would happen?"

"It will take root and sprout in your stomach, and then absorb the nutrients in your body, thrive until it grows out of your mouth and nose, turning you into something like a grape shelf!" Huang Lan said very seriously And, in earnest, she also added a bit of anxiety, which was even more persuasive.

"Then ... then I wiped it off with Reiki!" Xiao Chan closed his eyes when he finished.

"Ah ..." Huang Lan froze for a moment, and quickly stopped, "Don't, useless, believe me, the seeds have entered your body, even if you wipe it, it will still germinate in the future! Plants grow like this. You see those little trees and small flowers, you uproot them, how can there be seeds below! "

"Ah?" Xiao Chan opened her eyes, feeling anxious. "So what should I do? I ... I fixed it with Dinghai Shenzhu, and it couldn't grow out!"

"Ah ..." Huang Lan was stunned again, his eyes turned involuntarily, thinking for a long time before he said, "You have fixed your stomach with Dinghai Shenzhu, how do you eat in the future?"

"I only ... only set seeds."

"No, I have said that it is already integrated with your stomach, just like the flowers and plants you saw outside, their seeds are also integrated with the land, they are invisible, only visible Rooted. "

"Ah? ... but ... but I can still see it!" Xiao Chan closed her eyes and opened it again after a while, quickly said, "Really ... really seeable."

"That's useless." Huang Lan sighed secretly ~ ~ Really troublesome!

After spending a lot of time, she finally convinced Xiao Chan that the raisin seeds she had eaten would take root in her stomach and then grow out of her mouth and nose, turning her into a living grape shelf.

Anyang and Xiaoqian were listening with a smile on their side, without heart and lungs, watching Xiaochan coaxed by Huang Lan.

In allegorical stories, foxes coax tigers.

The rabbit essence opened his eyes wide and stared at Huang Lan with a novel face, as if he heard this for the first time.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you remove these vine branches like a man shaving every day, it won't affect your personal life, at most, at most it looks a little ugly." Huang Lan also added, adding more The credibility of this lie in Xiao Chan's mind.

"Oh ..." Xiao Chan replied a little lowly, obviously absent-minded, and even had no thought of eating.

Comrade Xiaoqian couldn't bear it. He poked Anyang with his elbow and signaled that he should go out. After all, he was so foolish that he didn't want to eat this little fox's meal, and it was really a sin.

So Anyang smiled, reached out and touched Xiao Chan's head, and said, "What are you worrying about? It's all fake. It's a lie that Huang Lan Daoyou deceived you. The seeds will only be digested in the stomach, how can it take root Sprout? This kind of lie can only be used for those children who are not sensible, you can believe it! "

Xiao Chan immediately raised his head, turned slightly, and looked at him in surprise: "Really ... really ..."

Anyang smiled again and continued rubbing her little head: "Of course it is true. You see, rabbits will not believe it. Only a little fox like you who has never eaten fruit will believe it! Well, eat quickly. . "

Huang Lan suddenly appeared in the side.


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