My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1123: Unfavorable

"I know the little maid who is protecting you!" Huang Lan's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"Yeah." Anyang still rubbed Xiao Chan's head, "Can't you still protect your little girl?"

"But you are too biased, obviously you fooled me with this kind of lie, and when I used it to foole your little girl, you stood up and took me out!" Huang Lan said with dissatisfaction. And then looked at Xiao Chan again.

"He is here to comfort you. Don't believe him. If you don't believe me, wait for the vines to grow from your mouth and nose. You will be too late to regret it!"

However, Xiao Chan only looked at her weakly, silently, without saying a word.

Obviously, she believed Anyang completely unreservedly, and she only listened silently to the lies that Huang Lan painstakingly weaved, and then thought to herself that she was too stupid, even the rabbit ... was not as good.

Anyang patted the little fox's head again and said with a smile: "Don't think about it, how can you a carnivorous animal know that you need to spit seeds when eating fruits, and you don't have any relevant experience in this respect, of course, don't know these seeds What happens after you swallow it. "

"Um ..." Xiao Chan nodded, his voice still a little low.

"Let's eat!"


Although there was still a little bit of grievance on her face after being bullied, she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat slowly.

After having breakfast, Comrade Xiaoqian and Xiaochan went to wash dishes.

Anyang sat on the sofa and saw that Huang Lan rarely played games or practiced embroidery, nor did he practice calligraphy and painting. Instead, he sat on the sofa altogether, showing a look of anger, as if in a daze. Contemplation is like thinking about which dish is best to eat this morning without ever having an addiction.

"What's wrong? Why is it so silent?"

"I don't want to talk to you!" Huang Lan leaned over and continued to stare casually at the ceiling.

"Cough cough." Anyang coughed twice, and then looked at Huang Lan's expression at this time, a little stunned, "Why, where did I offend you, Huang Lan Daoyou."

"No!" Huang Lan continued to stare at the ceiling.

"I'm making fun of you but protecting Xiao Chan, making you feel unfair?" An Yang asked in surprise.

"No! How is it possible! My king of beasts is so stingy!" Huang Lan refused, and paused, adding a sentence, "That little fox is diligent and sensible, and he can do laundry and cooking, which is indeed better than me. More flattering! "

Anyang twitched his lips and said, "Great king, you are the king of beasts, how can you be so stingy!"

"Where am I!"

"You just admitted."

"Is it?" Huang Lan's eyes opened slightly, and then whispered, "Is it filling again?"

"I heard." Anyang said.


"I heard what you said." Anyang shook her head helplessly. "The reason why I take care of Xiao Chan is because the girl is so naive, so simple lies, she actually believed! You said, if she is true Believe in it, since I do n’t want to eat rice, I do n’t want to worry about growing vines from my mouth and nose all day long. Who will cook for us in the future and who will wash clothes for you and the rabbit? "

"Eh ..." Huang Lan's eyes stunned slightly, "It sounds reasonable."

"Yeah, it really makes sense."

"It doesn't seem to be!" Huang Lan reacted suddenly. "But why are you trying to fool me? Although I don't cook or wash clothes, if I believe it is true and suffer from anxiety, the consequences will be very serious ! Do n’t forget that I am a super fierce tiger! "

"On our planet, tigers generally count on their heads."

"That's good, then I'm a fierce tiger!" Huang Lan stared at him seriously, as if to see from his expression what flaws could be seen by her IQ and eyesight.

"Also, you do n’t want to change the subject. If you honestly answer me, is it because I do n’t know how to wash and cook, and I do n’t have the value of being cared for? I can just let me worry all day that I will grow vines from my mouth and nose. ?"

"Of course not!" Anyang first vetoed, and then silenced for a few seconds before saying, "That's because I have enough trust in your IQ, and I know you won't be deceived by such a trick. ... and even you I ’m fooled, if you really show symptoms like anorexia ... although this possibility is not high ... "

Before he finished speaking, Huang Lan immediately grabbed the words and said: "Of course this possibility is not high, I will not be anorexic and depressed! My king of all beasts will only be mad and fierce because of anxiety. Dafa, eat you first, and then eat the little fox you love! "

"Is it? ... But the little fox has Dinghaishenzhu eh, that's awesome!"

"Ding ... Dinghai Shenzhu, Li ... what's the matter, I'm the king of beasts, she's just a little fox, can't this king be able to clean her up!"

"Okay, okay, then I'll go on." Anyang twitched his mouth. "If you really show symptoms of madness because of anxiety and want to eat people, then I will be like Xiao Chan, Tell you the truth. "

"Tell me to tell the truth!"

"It can also be when you are anorexic and depressed, but you said it yourself, you will not be anorexic at all, you will only be crazy and eat people. Otherwise, how do I know you really believe it and feel anxious about it? "Anyang spread his hands and said helplessly," Dao Huang Huang, why are you so unreasonable today? "

"Is it unreasonable to me?" Huang Lan's complexion was so heavy that her hook-like nails immediately protruded from her fingertips, almost reaching Anyang. "I can sit here and listen to you So much, it ’s enough to give face, okay! I do n’t believe you go to the zoo to try, how can a tiger sit in front of you like this and listen to you! "

"You finally compare yourself to the tiger in the zoo." Anyang revealed lightly.

"I ... I don't have it!"

"I recorded it." Anyang raised the phone in his hand. "I just wanted to record your jealous and sulky look and enjoy it. I also used it to tease you when you are in a good mood. I never heard that. A paragraph, so that I have more embarrassing things about you. "

"You ... I'm not jealous and sulking! Can that be jealous? Can you be sulking? Is there any common sense in you?" Huang Lan said angrily, "Hurry and bring the phone over, let me take it The contents are deleted, there are a lot of adults in this king, and the explanation you just barely passed, this king will not pursue this matter! "

"Can you not give it?"


"Take it." Anyang obediently handed Huang Lan a cell phone like a black glass panel.

Huang Lan took the phone and let out a long sigh of relief.

So, she was ready to delete the recording.

After a moment-

"How do you turn on your phone! Why does the screen not light up and there are no buttons, what's going on!"

"Don't you say it, isn't it just a mobile phone, is it difficult to get a talented and intelligent king?"

"... I still don't know how to open it!"

"Hurry up! How to drive!"

"Don't talk, right! The king has torn you up!"

"Still not talking?"

"Really torn? Well, the claws are bright!"


"... not torn."

Huang Lan spent a long time working alone in the talk and jump up and down, Anyang also sat on the opposite sofa and watched the movie for a long time with Erlang's legs tilted, and finally Huang Lan compromised and threw the phone in frustration To Anyang, said: "Return this immobile lump to you, but I declare in advance that I am not jealous or sulking. This king is just unwell, do you know?"

"I know!" Anyang answered readily.

Huang Lan just showed satisfaction, and listened to him again: "It's just because of the uneven distribution of my pets ... the phenomenon is all my fault, I will review my own."

"Then I will just ... nonsense!"

"By Huang Daoyou, if you really count your age, how old are you from this year after you have become Taoist?"

"Why should I tell you!"

"I asked seriously."

"Why ask!"

"Because I found that your unreasonableness today is very similar to the abnormal emotions of women on our earth after a certain age due to physiological changes." Anyang stared at Huang Lan seriously, "So I want to ask clearly, if you are, I should have been a little better for you these days, after all everyone says so. "

"What ... oh! I am!" Huang Lan looked at him in an uncle's gesture, "so you can treat me a little better, I want to eat sauce elbow flower, Dongpo elbow, braised elbow and steamed elbow at noon today! "

"Then ask your menstrual period ..." Anyang hesitated for a long time before embarrassing, "Stop it?"

"Ah? What?" Huang Lan froze for a long time before suddenly reacting, and his face turned red. "What are you talking about, I'm not you human, where is that kind of thing, my king of beasts, always want Declaring my majesty, how could it allow such troublesome things to drag me behind! "

"Then your ovarian function has gradually declined?"

Huang Lan's face was even redder, and Nono said: "This is even more impossible. Although this king is a hero in the world, he never had a plan to have a child, but this king is just a youth, and he is a practitioner, and all the functions of the body Absolutely intact! "

"Birth." Anyang corrected.

"Anyang Daoyou, I will fight you."

"Okay, let's talk about the matter." Anyang frowned and thought for a long time before he said, "Since your warming nest function has not declined, and there is no menstrual period, then what is the cause of your estrogen level decline and cause autonomic dysfunction What about a series of syndromes such as metabolic disorders? Oh yeah, bluntly, that ’s why you do n’t make sense today. "

"Why, what reason ..." Huang Lan was completely confused.

"Huh? Didn't you admit it?"

"What did I admit?" Huang Lan looked at him puzzled.


"what is that..."

"... Okay, I think I know." Anyang sighed helplessly. No matter what, he finally diverted the tigress's attention.

Look, now she doesn't care about her sulking at all, and instead takes out her mobile phone to search for information about menopause.

Anyang looked at her for a few seconds, and suddenly stood up and stretched his waist, saying: "It's too sleepy, Huang Dao, you play with it first, I'm going upstairs to rest."

"But it's only now in the morning." Huang Lan said, burying his head without looking up. "Are you a pig?"

"Don't you cats often sleep in a place lazy during the day?"

"That's because our strength is stronger. If we stay active for a long time, it will consume a lot of energy. After all, we are not like foxes, rabbits and the like. Even cats of the same body can easily bite the dead fox." Huang Lan said.

"No, I have to go." Anyang quickly walked upstairs without answering her bragging words.

At this time, Comrade Xiaoqian came over carrying a plate of things, looked at Anyang with surprise, then sat down beside Huang Lan, put the plate on the coffee table in front of her, and said, "What's the matter, Hujun? How is this? Are you running upstairs? ... Come and taste the Dragon Claw that I specially made for you, and it will melt once you sip it. When you are hungry, eat as a snack. "

She looked at Huang Lan gently and kindly.

However, Huang Lan was rarely attracted by the aroma of food ~ ~ but looked down at the screen intently, and raised his head for a long time, his eyes flashing fierce.

In an instant, hundreds of grim and terrifying ghosts appeared faintly around her, and the wind was swept in a moment, and the ghosts cried and wolfed until she looked up to the direction of the second floor, and the scream of ghosts reached its peak at this time!

Then she turned her head and looked at Comrade Xiaoqian: "Sister Xiaoqian, please tell Anyang Taoist in trouble, I want to order with him ... Um!"

Comrade Xiaoqian looked at her with a smile on her face: "How is it? Is it melted in a sip? I started doing it last night, and I barely achieved this effect until this morning!"

"Hmm ... Pooh!" Huang Lan finally finished eating the soft waxy chicken paws, spitting out the bones, his eyes were fierce, and continued, "Sister Xiaoqian, don't stop me, that guy is so abominable, Even turning around and saying that my menopause is here, I swear in the honor of the king of beasts that I must ...

Comrade Xiaoqian didn't understand what she was talking about. She continued to look at her with that gentle watery eyes: "That was the original flavor of roasted fragrant, this one is spicy barbecue, you taste how it tastes, which is better Eat? If it ’s delicious, I ’ll serve it to the husband, if not, I ’ll try again ... "

"Sister Xiaoqian ..."

"Try this rich fragrance again ..."


"And the smell of this sauce ..."

"good to eat."

"Is it?"

"Well, more."

"Is it really delicious?"


"Then I took it up and ate it for Fujun. You can play the game below alone, don't you grab the sofa?" Comrade Xiao Qian gently told him to go upstairs with the plate.

Huang Lan alone looked at her back with a whimper.

Hey, what am I going to do?

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