My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1127: Brother cares about you

"Cough." Anyang was also embarrassed. In order to divert his attention, he quickly handed over the things in his hands to Anyou.

"Xiaoqian's Dragon Claw is specially made for you, there are many flavors, and some small snacks bought on the road, I am afraid you are hungry."

An You also knew that she was almost wrong, so she immediately accepted Anyang's words: "Dragon Claw, I had eaten it a long time ago, I really wanted to eat it, but unfortunately I never had a chance, I didn't expect Xiao Qian's sister to do it!"

Comrade Xiaoqian just smiled: "If you like to eat, eat more. Don't worry about keeping in shape all day long, or the most important thing is to have a good time."

"Sister Xiaoqian is right." An You said, unscrewing the box of the thermal insulation box, glancing into it, and took a deep breath.

"Woo! It smells so good!"

Comrade Xiaoqian looked at her with a smile, and glanced at Xiao Xueer again: "Try it."


"Thank you Xiaoqian sister."

"I made it for the first time, and I do n’t know if it ’s delicious. You have to give me more pertinent opinions. Do n’t just focus on saying that it ’s delicious, otherwise I ca n’t make it better than once."

"Sister Xiaoqian's cooking is the best, and the things she cooks are always the best. There is no room for ascent." An You narrowed her eyes and patted a flatter.

At the end, she turned to Xiao Xueer: "Xue'er, did you say that?"

"Huh." Xiao Xueer nodded, "I must learn more from Sister Xiaoqian in the future."

Comrade Xiaoqian still smiled gently and politely said, "Why is there nothing to learn, I just mastered some essentials. If you really want to learn, don't worry, if you cook more times together, you can naturally I got it. "

"Huh." Xiao Xueer nodded calmly.

"Sister Xiaoqian is really generous, if I were to say, this kind of craftsmanship must not be casually rumored!" An You slapped again and narrowed her eyes.

Suddenly, she found something wrong!

More cooking together ...

The smile on her face stiffened slightly, and she closed her mouth and said nothing.

The two sat down on a chair next to them, holding the insulation box, opened the snacks brought by Anyang, and began to eat on the spot.

Anyang glanced out of the window, facing Anyou and Xiao Xueer, who were eating right, and frowned, saying, "Did the company not arrange a body teacher for you? Even if you want to come here for class, you can change one Classroom? There are no curtains here, so let so many people watch you practice dancing? "

There was already some dissatisfaction in his tone.

He knows that most of the clothes worn by girls when they practice dancing are light and close-fitting. It is thought that the rhythmic clothes worn by An You and Xiao Xueer at this time can completely outline the undulating curve of the girl's figure. And in the process of practicing dance, some movements are too large, it is inevitable that they will go out.

Even if these problems do not exist, as a public figure in the future, it is not good to be regarded as a tiger in the zoo ... sorry, as a monkey in the zoo? What's more, these people are pregnant with ghosts, and even want to push the door directly in, saying that the seriousness is enough to be harassing.

An You lowered her head to concentrate on eating chicken feet, and seemed not to hear him at all.

Instead, Xiao Xueer ate in a small bite and behaved gracefully and politely. After hearing his words, he spit out a bit of bone and smiled sweetly, and replied: "It's like this ..."

Before she started to speak, Anyou raised her head and whispered in reply: "In fact, these are arranged by the company!"

"Arranged by the company?" Anyang and Comrade Xiaoqian were both stunned.

Then they turned their heads and looked at the people outside.

"Oh, you are so stupid! ... Xiaoqian sister, I didn't say you, I mean this guy!" An You never looked good at Anyang, this brother, but abnormally, she respected Xiaoqin's sister-in-law very much.

"Of course, these people are not arranged by the company. The company just told us that we should not be so picky. If someone wants to come to our class, let them see it. Just pay attention to it."

"What do you mean?" Anyang still frowned and paused, and he turned to Xiao Xueer again, "Xue'er said, I will never understand what she said."

An You immediately raised a brow: "You are questioning my language skills? Did you know that I ..."

"Language test 134, right? You have said it hundreds of times, and my ears have heard the cocoon." Anyang said helplessly.

"You ..." An You was almost speechless.

Xiao Xueer smiled with her lips, still behaved gracefully, and looked outside again, then said softly that they could not hear: "Because our momentum is too strong, there are many inside and outside circles that are not conducive to us. In order to neutralize these remarks, the company has prepared a lot of public relations strategies, part of which is to publicize our hard work on the side, which is almost equivalent to selling badly. In order to cooperate with the company, but also to deal with reporters or some insiders. We have no choice but to practice in this classroom as before, and show it to those who want to see it. "

"Oh!" Anyang suddenly understood.

Anyo gritted his teeth.

Xiao Xueer also said: "Yesterday the company has found someone to post, probably it means how hard and hard we are, and there are pictures. I heard that it was sent in the name of Yiying students. Some people should believe it. . If the credibility is not enough, there are quite a few tricks in the PR department ... "

Then she smiled again: "In fact, it's nothing, just get used to it. Anyway, in the spotlight, you don't have to face a lot of eyes."

Anyang nodded: "It turns out this way."

It is already the lunch break, more and more students have eaten, and more and more people gather outside the window.

Some people just take a look at it and leave it at a glance, while others have been waiting outside the door, wondering if they want to wait for An You and Xiao Xueer to go out or want to watch them practice dancing.

Anyang stood in the practice room for a while, but still felt a little dissatisfied: "What if you want to go out to eat and use the toilet? There is no bodyguard, do you have to pass in front of so many people?"

"We are not very famous now. If we put on bodyguards right away, it will cause a lot of gossip! And there are not so many ordinary people, there are fewer hours in class. In general, it is still very easy to deal with. Anyway, we also have to Slowly learn to cope with this situation, can't you always rely on the bodyguard? "An You said, suddenly a little impatient," Oh, what are you worrying about, the emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is anxious, we didn't feel anything about this, really, salt Do n’t worry about eating carrots ... "

Anyang: "..."

After a pause, he asked again: "Outside those people, there should be many people who will confess to you when you go out?"

"How do you know?" An You froze for a moment, and then was a little embarrassed. "How can you say it is so exaggerated, there is nothing more, just one or two every day."

"Then how do you deal with it?" Anyang said with some doubts. "Well, I remember there used to be a boy chasing you, Wang Luyang or something, why didn't I see him to defend the divine love?"

"Wang Luyang?" An You was stunned.

"Don't you remember?" Anyang ripped the corner of his mouth, and an egg hurt.

"Don't remember ... Ah I remembered. It was that person. I was too busy recently, and I really don't remember a bit." Anyou was a little blushed. "Why are you asking this?"

"Take care of you! For example, is there any contact with him, is there a boy or something like that."

"You are going to die! I will forget him soon, how can there be contact! Those people are just like the dragon set written by the author of the novel, just take a name, and even the author will forget it after a while, how can I return it? remember!"

"Really? Then there are a lot of good boys out there, unmotivated?"

"These people?" An You was full of contempt. "Either in the best years, I only knew that I kept chasing girls like collecting vases, or I only knew that the second ancestor who depended on the family had a good pair of skins, right, some. You do n’t even have a good skin. Where can you call it excellent? Are you afraid of an intellectual disability? "

"... Brother cares about you."

"Huh ..." Anyou rubbed her arms hard, feeling that she would feel uncomfortable every time he heard this, and goose bumps on one arm.

"Okay, okay, Xueer and I are about to start practicing. I will bring you the incubator when you get off work ~ ~ you go!"

"Is this ... a guest order?"


"You don't go out for dinner?"

"Eat chicken feet! Still snacks, enough, too lazy to cope with so many people." An You didn't want this guy to see how others confessed to themselves, because she felt that these people compared to this guy, it was weak. If your own suitor is just this kind of thing, you will lower your grade, and you will be half-headed for no reason to speak in front of this guy.

"So ... then you start!" Anyang said.

"..." Anyou made a pleased gesture.

"I'm here to see you." Anyang sat on the small bench they had sat before they gnawed their chicken feet, and Comrade Xiaoqian sat down beside him tenderly.

"No!" An You refused seriously.

"Why?" Anyang glanced outside. "They can all see it. Can't I just be the elder brother? I'm watching you grow up!"


"I used to hug you when I was a kid! At that time, you were only so long ..." Anyang used his two hands to draw a distance of about a foot, "like a puppy."


"Let's get started, don't ink anymore. What have you seen that I haven't seen? Are you afraid of this close-fitting rhythm suit? I have seen both crotch pants and suspenders ..."

"How many times do you have to say it!" Anyou could not bear it, and finally said.

"Then you start."

"I reject!"

"Well, don't you even show Xiaoqian's sister who always gives you good food?"

"Sister Xiaoqian can of course ..."

"Well, I'm here to accompany her! You know from childhood to age, I have always been a super gentle man, and of course I have to accompany my girlfriend."


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