My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1128: such……


Anyou feels that this guy is like brown sugar. Once it sticks, it can't be shaken or pulled.


She glared at Anyang. She could n’t help but do some simple actions, such as pulling ligaments, and also told her, “It ’s still a lunch break. After the class is over, the students are back. You can Can't be here anymore! "

"Yes, yes ..." Anyang answered readily.


An You put her long legs wrapped in rhythm pants on the stretching frame, while complaining with dissatisfaction, while reaching out and pressing rhythmically on the thigh.

Xiao Xueer was doing some dance moves next to her. These ordinary moves were full of beauty and temptation. Many male students' eyes were straight out of the window.

It is possible that Comrade Xiaoqian and Anyou are both present, and Anyang is embarrassed to keep staring.

Not long after watching Anyou, he couldn't help but said, "I remember you learned dance in junior high school and high school, and often performed on stage. Why has it been so many years in the past, how painful is it to press a ligament? "

"The ligament requirements for jazz dance were not so high before, and you don't want to think about how long I haven't practiced, really!"

"Not so painful?"

"Where am I suffering? Which of your eyes saw me suffering?" An You said, reaching out and pressing **** her leg, her pain suddenly changed, but she quickly recovered as if nothing had happened and glanced at Anyang with disdain. .

"I clearly enjoy it, OK?"

"Yeah, but your expression just changed."

"That's because it's so comfortable!"

"Oh, let me help ..."

Before Anyang spoke, he was interrupted by Anyou, who already knew what he was going to say, pointing at his nose: "What are you going to do, don't allow it? Men and women don't accept each other. If you dare to touch me, I'm called impolite! "

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhws, I have already said, when I was a child, I still hugged you, when you did not even wear open crotch pants.

"..." Anyou gritted her teeth and stared at Anyang. "How many times do you have to say it!"

"As far as I don't want to say it. You are really funny, your mouth is on me, and I am telling the truth, why don't you let me say it!"

"The ghost knows whether it is the truth!"

"Do not believe it and ask your mother!"

"How do I always feel that you are swearing ..."

The two brothers and sisters fought for a while, and Anyou simply ignored this guy. As the name implies, he left a little face in front of Sister Xiaoqian.

Watching her continue to press her legs, Anyang still hurt.

He also expected to watch this Nizi practice dancing, not to mention that the fragrance sweated wet the clothes and stuck it on his body to reveal the lines of underwear, etc. At least he had to dance?

This is the only way to make this trip worthwhile!

He hadn't had time to speak yet, and Anyou stared at him with a guilty contempt, and he grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Look at it ... It's good to be able to suppress it to this degree, okay!"


"I said, it's good to be able to press down to this level. Didn't you see that my legs have been raised higher than my head, like this, I can definitely relax easily!"

"What's so good about a word horse, a girl with a little dance skills can take a word horse!" Anyang's tone is full of contempt, "You will have to rely on dance skills in the future, don't say anything else At least, you also need to be able to stand on the spot and easily lift your legs above your head! As for standing like a rock, I do n’t ask you anymore ... "

An You knew that what he said made sense, and she was indeed thinking from her standpoint, but she was not convinced.

"I know that I can't stop reading all day long! I'm so annoying! You can do it, don't beep if you don't do it ... Say more!" An You lowered her body and almost stuck her upper body to the raised one On the leg.

This guy's requirements are too high. If you stand on the spot and don't have support, if you want to easily lift your feet over the head and eat and eat, how deep is your dance skills! There are so many people in the entertainment industry, and not many people can do this step?


Anyang was speechless, ripped the corner of his mouth, stood up from the chair, and at the same time raised the trouser legs of the casual pants.

After a moment, An You heard a gentle but calm voice from the side-

"Do you mean this?"

"What?" An You straightened up in amazement, turned her head, and suddenly froze.

I saw Anyang standing on one foot with his upper body slightly slanted, and the other foot straight up without any support, with the sole of the foot facing the sky, his expression relaxed, and looking at himself calmly and calmly.

At the same time, his entire body was as stable as a mountain like a sculpture made of steel. Even if he maintained this difficult movement, there was no sign of instability at all.


Anyou stunned, turned around and glanced around.

The onlookers outside the window opened their mouths wide, and their girlfriends were still sluggish behind them, as if they saw something incredible.

She also felt incredible!

Anyang made this move? !

How can it be! !

Since this guy grew up, let's not talk about dance cells, even the sports cells are only moderately upward. How is it possible to make this action? !

"No, wait, you must be breaking up with your hands. Maybe you won't be able to break up with your hands. Sister Xiaoqian helped you up!"

An You leaned over and pressed her leg before, but she didn't even see this scene. Anyway, she didn't believe that An Yang, who was stiff at first sight, could make this dance female student's movements that she didn't necessarily do!

"No, that's how I am ..."

Anyang said to put his leg down, and then kicked upward gently. The leg immediately rose straight into the sky. The whole movement was natural, just like a standard sky-high leg lift.

And in this process, his leg standing on the ground is always as steady as Mount Tai, as if rooted on the ground.

An You suddenly stayed again.


Anyang put his legs down easily, then shrugged: "You asked me to try it, I hope it won't hit you."

After a pause, he said again: "According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, it is up to you."

"I ..." Anyou said for a moment, "Don't be complacent, isn't it just a leg-lifting movement, I can do it after a few days of hard training!"

"How many days?"

"Ang!" An yo yo raised his head, "I just haven't practiced this movement before, wait for me to practice for a few days, and I promise to make it!"

"..." Anyang said nonchalantly, and then cared about it, "Don't you toss your body out of anger with me, just relax, girls are very likely to cause damage to certain organs when they practice dancing."

Anyou blushed suddenly, gritted her teeth and said, "Rogue! Bastard!"

Anyang's face was baffled: "What's wrong, I'm talking about ligaments. Isn't the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology so strict now that even ligaments are prohibited words? Surely it can't be mentioned anywhere between the thighs?"


At this time Xiao Xueer also came over, picked up a light green cotton towel and wiped the thin sweat on the face and neck, and then smiled sweetly: "Brother Anyang is so powerful, I never knew Brother Anyang You can still use this hand. If you have n’t deliberately practiced this movement, even a girl with good ligaments ca n’t do it! "

"Brother Anyang is so powerful ..." An You learned yin and yang strangely beside him, "How many times have you said this and how many times have you counted yourself? ... What awesome, I can't help it when he lifts his legs, I heard some sound. "

Xiao Xueer glanced down at Anyang's slacks: "If Brother Anyang's pants were torn, wouldn't your face look good?"

Anyou smiled and turned to look at her: "Xue'er, you are so cute, I hope it is not the sound of torn crotch."

"What's that voice?"

An You glanced at the few people who were still around the window and whispered: "The sound of broken eggs ..."

Xiao Xueer pursed her lips and turned her head: "It's not good for you either."

"Why not, how happy I am!" Anyou opened his eyes wide. "Even if there is no substantial benefit, I am happy to see this guy unhappy!"

Xiao Xueer shook his head without speaking.

Xiaoyou has fallen ill.

There is no medicine to treat it.

Anyang listened beside him, and shook his head ~ ~ This girl was so vicious, since she even came to see her with such a heavy thing.

Instead, Comrade Xiaoqian had been sitting aside, listening to their noisy, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, like a blooming orchid, which attracted the eyes of the people who came to see An You and Xiao Xueer She glanced at her.

Soon, class will begin.

Several girls came earlier and had already arrived in the practice room. Anyou immediately gave Anyang a glance before chatting with these girls.

Anyang also kept his promise. Bai Lai stayed here for a long time without any begging. After making a few eye contact with the pretty and charming girls, he left with Comrade Xiao Qian.

When he got home, he whispered and didn't expect to see a push about Anyou and Xiao Xueer as soon as he opened it.

Following the principle of curiosity, he clicked on the link.

"It's too hard! An Xiao's combination practice is too hard, and he has no time to eat! 》

Anyang twitched his lips and looked down.

What two people have carried too much since the beginning of Yangyue's concert. They still have good talents and hard work. Recent efforts are well known ...

In order to practice body shape and vocal music, the two of them insist on practicing when others go to rest and eat, and have no time for lunch ...

Finally, Anyang saw his own photo.

A person in the public relations department of An's media wrote this sentence: Because I really can't see that my sister is so busy that she doesn't even eat lunch, Anyou brother went to deliver the meal in person, so as to avoid Hua Xianzi from going hungry at noon.

It was really sad for the hearers, and weeping.

Anyang twitched her lips and watched the news. She finally had an understanding of the responsiveness of the public relations department of Anshi Media.

I only went there at noon, and they were immediately used as the object of discussion.

Moreover, they are bold enough.

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