My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1132: Empire Square

Anyang thought about it carefully, he rarely encountered snow in Pallans, let alone such a big snowstorm.

It's a pity not to go shopping.

Turned his head to look at the rabbit essence.

The goblin just reached out to catch a snowflake, carefully put her hand in front of her eyes, looked down at it carefully, and then turned her head to give him some surprise eyes, as if she wanted to share with him the anecdotes she had just discovered.

The wind and snow were still very big, the goose feathers and snowflakes fluttered wildly, the wind blew her coat up to the side, and the snowflakes fell on her soft, long hair scattered down, adding a touch of snow to her head.

A beautiful-looking woman with an innocent and innocent expression stood in the heavy snow, with the silver-clad castle as the background. Every breath exhaled resembled a fairy mist, with a magical taste.

Her temperament was dusty, as if she could be taken away by nature, even Anyang couldn't help but move.

The rabbit seemed to be completely afraid of the cold, and showed him a bright smile.

She likes the white color most.

Anyang smiled softly, walked over to take her hand and pulled her over, touched her head, said: "Are you cold, if you go back in the cold, Sister Xiaoqian will say mine."

"It's not cold." Rabbit replied finely, there was still a slight excitement in the tone, and it was not difficult to come up with her happiness.

The last time I saw snow, it should have been a long time ago, while still in Shenzhou World.

Anyang shook her head and glanced at her.

Although the rabbit essence wore his long black coat, it was still thinly dressed. I could see a white and beautiful calf exposed at the hem of the coat. eyeball.

Anyang thought for a while and said, "Let's go shopping and walk in this city. It's been a long time since I last came, just to see the changes here."

The rabbit essence didn't understand what he said, and nodded after thinking for a long time on his head.

Anyang also said: "Here you can expose your tail and ears, as well as your eyes."

Rabbit Jing frowned, looked at him seriously, and said crisply: "No tail."

"Short tail."



The rabbit drew back his gaze, and then shook his head slightly. Two long white furry ears protruded from the top of his head, and his eyes turned into crystal clear red, like a pure ruby ​​inlaid.

At this time, she stood in this scene, the smell of magic was more intense, and it was like a magic movie. The supreme alien king lived in the castle covered with snow.

It's a pity that her expression is too pure, and her appearance is too cute, which dilutes the cold and desolate smell.

Anyang turned back and said to An Qi: "If you are in trouble, go ahead first. I will go around and take a look around. Let the shadow troops follow me. When I am finished, I will go back to the castle to find you. . "

An Qi opened her mouth, but after looking at the rabbit essence, she bowed her head and said, "Yes, General."

As it happens, she hasn't been busy recently.

In this year's rare heavy snowfall, in more scientific terms, it was a small ice age that happened once in hundreds of years. The eastern continent is still covered by heavy snow, and the newly recovered northern continent is even worse.

In the heyday of Pallans, the so-called Little Ice Age was not worth mentioning. Even if the weather was harsh, the civilization at that time had countless ways to ensure the normal output of food crops, the normal operation of civilized institutions, and the stability and unity of society. .

However, after the shrine was destroyed, civilization was degraded and threatened by war. The Little Ice Age was a catastrophe.

Like the ancient civilizations of the earth, at this time, food production is greatly reduced, people are unable to eat enough, hungry and wild, and God will be busy resisting mechanical creatures, resulting in terrible famine everywhere, and even the city is full of people, Yi Zi eats, Killing his wife and hungry, God and Tianbing can suppress the riots, but it is not enough to appease the people, and the tragedy is exhausted. It is difficult to speak ...

The current situation is of course better than before. After all, there is no threat of mechanical creatures. The food is enough, and the materials are also stored. It is impossible to freeze dead people, but this is also the case on the eastern and western continents.

The environment of the newly-conquered northern continent is much worse. In order to develop the northern continent, the parliament voted to pass the immigration decree, attracting many people to the northern development with abundant conditions. Now they are all threatened by the snow disaster.

The northern continent is short of materials and urgently needs to be developed. There is basically nothing. The empire not only needs to transport food supplies, but also sends people to build greenhouses, turn on heating, and even send monks to influence the sky.

When this empire was fully recovering from cultivation, this kind of thing was very troublesome and very worrying.

An Qi had already laid down the regime and devoted herself to her chief marshal, but she was afraid that the group of politicians would not pay attention to this matter, and at the same time this matter also required the close involvement of the military, so she stood up and provoked This troublesome thing.

"Alas, General, An Qi said goodbye first."

"Okay, don't get too tired."

"Thank you General."

After An Qi drove off the mech, Anyang said to the shadow mech again: "Follow it in secret. It's too conspicuous for you to follow me like this. You are scared to see the passersby over there. . "

The rabbit was stunned for a while, and turned his head, only to see a group of people standing not far away, throwing a curious look at it.

When she looked back, the team's tall and dark mech unit had disappeared, causing her to look blank and glanced subconsciously, but did not find where they were.

Anyang also glanced into the distance, then stretched his hands around the rabbit's narrow and thin shoulders, and pulled her forward with a little effort, and at the same time said, "Don't watch, go shopping."

Rabbit Jing didn't speak, but was dragged away by him obediently.

The empire in this era is still recovering rapidly. Various regulations are for this goal, and almost all human and material resources are leaning towards this goal. The first to be built is of course infrastructure, economy and military. Although people's livelihood is also very important, it is still slightly behind compared to the previous ones.

Therefore, although the current empire has high-tech cameras, few people own it. After all, the empire was created too short. People have not had time to pursue spiritual enjoyment and material enjoyment. Even personal communication terminals are not fully popularized. Only a few wealthy people can have it.

It ’s not because it ’s expensive, but it ’s because many people who came from the war years feel that ... it ’s not necessary ~ ~ It ’s better to buy more food at home.

If this were not the case, those people would not just watch them curiously, but just like modern people, they picked up their phones and took photos of them in a circle of friends.

Anyang was walking on the street, glancing around calmly.

The rabbit essence also followed him honestly, not taking a step away, looking around curiously.

The snow and ice, and the strong wind whimpered, leading to a small number of people walking on the street. Even if someone passed by, they wrapped their bodies tightly, hurriedly wearing large black umbrellas, and hurried home to enjoy heating.

Few people are able to walk with ease, and few people can appreciate the heavyness and panic of this heavy snow. Most of them can do this, and they are mostly small couples snuggling together, or stomping and boring waiting for the car on the roadside. Madam, there are other tours that are carrying various flags and coming to Silvermoon City when they encounter heavy snow and are unwilling to delay the day.

The prosperity of this world is vigorous, but now it is inevitably asymmetric.

It has sci-fi high-rise buildings, but lacks entertainment venues; it has flying cars that connect the whole country, but it lacks civilian internet; it has interstellar fleets across galaxies, but it is difficult to find a delicate mechanical watch on the market; The wisest people it raises can learn about astronomy and geography, and the vast majority of civilian daughters lack the necessary sense of female independence ...

However, Anyang believes that with the development of the empire, when the most difficult part is restored to the peak level, it is a full recovery of civilization, and these asymmetric phenomena will eventually be solved head on.

Walking, he came outside the Silver Moon Castle and in front of the Empire Square. Looking up, he could see the magnificent castle.

He looked up at this building.

Rabbit essence also looked up.

In front of them, is Empire Square.

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