My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1133: This is probably history

The name of Empire Square sounds magnificent, but it is not very large, and it can't accommodate many people. It was built after demolishing some of the residential houses in front of Silvermoon Castle. After some repairs, it is still glorious.

But it is the lintel of the empire.

The Empire Square has a strong symbolic and commemorative significance, and there are many people in the public. Even on this snowy day, many tourists from all over the world queue to visit and take photos. They stopped in front of those sculptures, silently recited those inscriptions and inscriptions, lamenting the time when the war was so fierce that even the most powerful soldiers could not save their lives, and realized the hard time of the peaceful era.

It is now afternoon, and it is approaching the evening eclipse at dusk, and it is the season of heavy snow, and there are fewer tourists.

If the weather is a little better, there will be more people visiting the Empire Square and the Empire Museum and Memorial next to it. If it is early in the morning, people watching the flag-raising ceremony will be surrounded by water.

Anyang came here, and like the rabbit essence, his body was already covered with snow.

Especially the dress of his coat and round neck hat caused a thick layer on the broad brim and shoulders. He had to take off his hat first and shake off the snow above it. He just wanted to reach out and pat his shoulders and clothes. The rabbit spirit came over and helped him down the snowflakes one by one.

It's just that she imitated Xiaoqian too deliberately, and that gentle movement was almost exactly the same.

Anyang smiled, squeezed her face, and found that it was getting cold with the weather, so she reached out to help her gently pat off the snow on her head, and then gave her the button of the coat up two buttons. The girdle is tighter.

Not far away, a tour group was walking through the snow, and a young girl who seemed to be standing still looked at this side, and she felt that this was really the most beautiful scene in this snowy day.

Women are beautiful, with fairy-like bunny ears and ruby ​​eyes, gentle snow for men.

The man is also tall and tall, and his temperament is absolute. He is gentle on the woman's every move, even if it is just an ordinary action, the spoiling in the eyes seems to overflow.

It's just ... the man seemed familiar.

Have you seen it on the bus before?

The girl quickly lifted up the transparent glass-like camera and recorded the scene with a click, carefully retracted it and looked at it. The picture recorded by the camera was fine and lifelike. Standing habitually on the spot, the heavy snow on the square and the magnificent Silver Moon Castle were frozen at the same time as the background, and everything seemed destined.

"very beautiful."

The girl murmured quietly, and quickly put the ultra-thin camera into her trouser pocket, keeping up with the large force in front.

The imperial capital is very big. Now the snow is full and the visibility is low. Most of the imperial residents are shrunk at home. If they lose the tour guide, they will get lost for a first time like a small road like her. That kind!

My father told me to come into a big city before coming, so be careful and careful not to lose yourself.

A team of people moved away, the figure gradually disappeared in the snow.

"In this weather, I still come out to play, and the tour group does everything for money." Anyang smiled and stood side by side with the rabbit spirit, watching the hazy figure of the team.

As soon as the girl raised the camera, he noticed her, but he did not stop the girl, and even called back the two shadow mechs that flew to the girl, and just placed himself in an ordinary The location of the person.

He continued to walk forward and looked around.

There are many monuments on the square, which often use concise words to describe important historical events of Pallans, such as the sprouting of the temple ’s original plan to create life and the wars caused by the watchmen, such as the huge city of fire and the tragic glaciers. , For example, the rise of Silvermoon City and the execution of the rulers left over from the temple ... It ’s a little funny, many talented and glorious people are just a few words, many millions of people filled out the war There are only dozens of words on it, and those events that change the fate of the entire world may also be read lightly. Only by carefully understanding can someone feel the weight of it.

Anyang was suffering from wind and snow, and she showed great patience.

"Peak and glorious times ..."


"Rebellion and repression, war and destruction ..."

"Mechanical frenzy ..."

"Marks the destruction of the temple and the watchman together ..."

"Salvation Plan ..."

"The Pallans civilization is regressing endlessly, the world is plunged into primitive chaos, and no one hundred billion people survive ..."

"God will ... giant city ..."

"Silver Moon ..."

All the way to the end, I have always seen those things that I have experienced as if it were yesterday. But those things that are so real, so magnificent or so tragic, are only aroused by the people here. In the vast history of the sea of ​​smoke, it seems that it has just stirred up a more conspicuous splash, not the beginning Is not the end, and it is far from all.

Although for many people, it is the beginning, the end, and the whole life.

Throughout their lives, they either walked through their lives silently with their heads lowered step by step, or devoted themselves vigorously to the war, and they were all summed up cleanly in one or two sentences. .

Probably, this is history.

Rabbit Jing raised his head to look at him beside him, as if feeling his nostalgia and sigh, his eyes shimmered, his slender hands almost as white as snow pulled his coat, and looked at him weakly.

Anyang smiled at her, turned her head and walked some distance, actually saw the former team of tourists again.

They lined up in long lines with hats in eye-catching colors. Some of them also painted the silver moon flag. While listening to the tour guide ’s explanation, they looked at the monuments that recorded history. Some people were excited, some were silent, and others echoed, Some people face heavy.

"Look at it, the battle of the glacier is recorded on this monument. I know that many of you are **** generals, and you should be familiar with this famous battle."

"In the middle of May, two years before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Allied Generals encountered a fierce counterattack or ambush in the hinterland of the northern continent. This is the most tragic battle in the entire Northern Continental War, and it is no matter from which perspective A battle that can be recorded in the annals of history, it laid the victory of the human gods, laid the peace of today, and buried millions of elite soldiers ... "

"In that battle, the mechanical lords showed ... invested ... appeared ... the gods ..."

"Now the colleagues of Lord Angel, the Imperial God of War, General Linna and General Du Xing are killed in this battle, and they are also the highest-ranking generals killed in this war. Of course, these generals are all named Later chased ... "

"Talking about General Linna and General Du Xing ..."


Anyang heard, and gradually narrowed his eyes.

The tour guides in their thirties are not very exciting, and they are probably just back-to-back texts, but this battle is already tragic and tragic, and there is no need to modify the words at all. The fact that the intact move out of the cold can make people move, I was immersed in it, as if I had crushed a big rock that shuttled from more than ten years ago, my breath was frozen, and I only lamented the heavyness of that period of history, lamented that the heroes exchanged such peace for future generations, lamented that The clang of the years of war ...

No one noticed Anyang. Only the girl who had photographed him before would occasionally glance quietly at this side, and then a young couple with her behind also frequently watched here, not knowing whether they were looking at him or watching The rabbit is not so beautiful.

The tour guide led the team and continued on.

"I don't need to say more about the things recorded here. The North Continent was completely recovered by the gods. Almost none of the mechanical lords survived. The mechanical creatures scattered around the country also faced the liquidation of the gods. The chaotic world of thousands of years ended. The war was settled, and the world has since said goodbye to the days when the tortoise was shrinking into the protective cover of the **** general .... You seem to be very young, presumably most of them were still young at that time, you did not feel the excitement of our kind, I was lucky or unfortunate In short, the joy and shock of the celebratory celebration must have never been felt ... "

"I was thirteen years old, and I was still a little impressed."

"I was ..."

"Okay, the snow is quite heavy, and the sky is quite late. We are going to finish visiting the Empire Square today. Let's go to the Empire Museum and Memorial tomorrow to take a closer look at that period of history .... Next look here, the mechanical creature is Completely wiped out, but Parrance is still in a fragmented era, and God will hold his own military and political power, and also have ambitions. Everyone knows that ~ ~ The war is far from over, and the next will be God They will fight for control of the planet in their civil war. This war may last longer than the Northern Continental War. It may also cause Pallans to split into multiple regimes, and even ... God will bring the civil war on schedule. No one thought that the war ended so quickly ... "

Anyang didn't listen to the tour guide's more talks. He couldn't be more clear about this history. Even any citizen over thirty years old could speak it brilliantly when he was in the mood.

Moving on, we reached the end of the Empire Square, a group of statues of people.

Behind the statue is a passage guarded by a mech that leads to the gate of the castle. Tourists are forbidden to enter. At most, they can only stand outside the separation line and raise the camera to take a picture.

Anyang stopped.

The statue closest to Silvermoon Castle is of course his appearance, and besides him there are more than a dozen statues, which should be seventeen. Among them, there is not the now famous Silver Moon God of War, but the statue of the **** of the 17 giant cities, arranged in two rows on his left and right sides, no matter whether he chose to rely on Silver Moon City or fight against Silver Moon City Sword, facing him, with a firm face and a humble and indifferent greeting.

These gods will seem to be affirming his rights and status, but they stand here, this is a great glory.

At this point, after the establishment of the Silver Moon Empire, they appeared to be treated equally, and they did not deny their merits for any reason. Even some gods who set off the civil war by vile means, even those who turned their face with the giant city of Silver Moon, stood. Here, a lot.

On the contrary, An Qi was humbly, leaving no trace of herself, only holding her own **** to the heavens.

Anyang just stood for a while, and carefully found out the faces of the gods from his memories. I identified it according to this bronze statue, and the voice of the tour guide came from behind.

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