My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1134: How about it

"These bronze statues presumably everyone knows their identities and names, but they need to be mapped one by one, which may be a bit difficult. After all, you should not have actually seen these people, at most you have only seen video materials, bronze statues Well, there is always a gap between it and the real person, it is not like a wax figure. "The tour guide said, leading a group of people from the snow and waving the small flag in his hand.

"I will not say the first one, and there is no need to say it. Our sire, everyone knows it. Let's take a look at these 17 giant city gods first."

"There is no doubt that in the war against mechanical creatures, these 17 giant city gods will all contribute to the human race, otherwise their bronze statues will not appear here. I have said before, in After the mechanical creatures were annihilated, a civil war broke out among the human gods. Among these **** generals, some stood on the opposite side of the silver moon giant city at that time, and some attacked their allies, but they did not when they built the bronze statue. After considering these, these slowly say ... "

At this time, a tall boy asked: "Guide, why isn't Master An Qi here?"

"Because all the gods are here, you see, the first on the left is the **** of fire who was in charge of the city of fire at that time. Lord Xiu, the city of fire is at least the world's first giant city for at least a thousand years. Of course, fire The giant city's **** of repairing the festival is also the first of the seventeen giant city gods to swear allegiance to your majesty. "The tour guide said," Although An Qi is recognized for her achievements, even more than some giant city gods, but she is not after all God General. Of course, Master An Qi is humble. With her credit, she can put her bronze statue here, but she did n’t do it, so only the bronze statue of our majesty, which used to be the silver moon, is here. The bronze statue of God. "

At that time, another young man in the team interjected and said, "At that time, His Majesty's forces were far more than the forces of the Silver Moon Legion, and there were many Legions loyal to His Majesty. Listening to my father being drunk once, Master An Qi She controls the Silvermoon Legion, but other forces are not under her direct control, and command so many gods and other people. So, really speaking, once the Silvermoon Force was not the only one in the Silver Moon Force, which was credited to the world. It ’s not just Lord Angel, but also this ... Bronze statue also does n’t stand here. "

"The old man? The prince Li Kai of the Shenwei Legion? Or the prince of Kawei of the Heavenly Shield Legion? Or the prince of the winter cold?" A girl who looked so beautiful and beautifully frowned, "These lords It seems that none of them match your description. Although they have extremely high status and rights, they are far from Master Anqi. "

"Of course not them."

"But is there any other adult in the castle who has the qualifications comparable to those of An Qi? Is it gone? ...... This adult was made up by you, otherwise there is no record in the book, nor does it exist with the current What about the military and political circles? "

"I do n’t know about this. I only know that the adult is not a **** general, nor does it seem to be a heavenly soldier, but except for the Silver Moon Legion, most of the forces belonging to His Majesty ’s Legion are in his hands, including my father After the situation is settled, the adult seems to have evaporated from nothing, and there is no trace anymore. "

"Evaporated out of thin air?

"Yeah, I'm wondering too! But there will be no more generals in the future, and I will not inherit my father's troops, nor will he tell me these things."

"Evaporated out of thin air ..." The tour guide looked at the young man, swallowed, and then said immediately, "Well, no matter whether it is true or not, this kind of thing should not be discussed, let's continue to look at it."

"I will first introduce to you the 17 **** generals, and talk about where their legion was stationed in that year, and where are the main theaters, to see if they can correspond to your hometown ..."

"Your Majesty's Silver Moon Legion's defense zone is needless to say, with Silver Moon City as the center, around ..."

"The **** of repairing the festival is on the western mainland ..."

The tour guide said, but suddenly felt a little quiet at the scene, except for the noise of wind and snow, no one attached to him.


He turned his head, but found that most people were looking in one direction, and there was a lot of talk in a low voice.

In that direction stood the bronze statue of the silver moon **** general, now the imperial emperor.

No, they are not looking at bronze statues.

It's the two people under the bronze statue.

A man and a woman seemed to have seen it before, but he didn't pay attention at all, but now he was surprised when he looked closely.

The man was wearing a long black wide coat with a wide-necked round hat, and the clothes were covered with snow. He was standing in front of the bronze statue of His Majesty the Emperor, raising his head slightly, staring at the bronze statue. It happened that the bronze statue also lowered its head slightly, originally looking at the seventeen giant city gods saluting to him, but now it seemed to be staring at this person.

The most surprising person, the two look so similar!

The tour guide was silent and wiped his eyes quickly to ensure that the wind and snow did not cause him to hallucinate. He also found a card on his body, held the card against the sky, and looked at the side of a man exposed through the light, carefully contrast Come on ...


He took a breath.

Looking at his actions, the young people who were whispering in the regiment were all agitated. They each took out objects printed with portraits of His Majesty the Emperor, which were always more authentic than bronze statues.

Then, one by one gradually froze.

On the other side, Anyang looked at his statue and gradually frowned, murmured in his mouth: "Is this chin ... a bit sharper than mine?"

After all, he turned his head to face the rabbit essence: "What do you think? Does this look like me?"

The rabbit squint turned his head and didn't answer.

Then she stared blankly at the bronze statue for a long time, looked back at Anyang, then looked at the bronze statue, and then looked at Anyang around her again and again, and found it interesting.

Anyang withdrew his gaze and was about to walk towards the castle, but found that the girl who had photographed herself in the tour group over there hurried towards her, blushing, and it was full of excitement.

He frowned and stopped the shadow troops.

"Your Majesty, are you His Majesty? You look exactly like the portrait in my house!" The girl, who looked only about seventeen or eighty years old, walked in front of them and hesitated, realizing that she had just been filming in the snow. After they passed, they were embarrassed and said, "That, are you really His Majesty?"

Anyang smiled at her without answering, but asked, "Where did you come from?"

"Ah! It's really His Majesty!" The girl exclaimed, her hands squeezed into a fist, and her nervousness was placed on her chest. "I ... can we take a picture?"

Anyang smiled: "Yes."

The girl was so surprised that she couldn't speak. She hurriedly touched the camera in her trouser pocket and lifted it up. She was standing slightly ahead of Anyang and came to take a selfie with Zhang Xie at a 45-degree angle. Also included.

Afterwards, she put down the camera, looking excitedly and somewhat embarrassedly at the rabbit essence: "You ... can you help me take a picture? This is really ... I am so lucky that I can meet your majesty here, this After a trip back, I have to brag with my family and friends! "

Rabbit essence: "... ah?"

Anyang chuckled and stood gently, as if he had stood here a long time ago without moving.

Suddenly, a black mech with a height of about two meters appeared next to him. The lines of the fuselage were cold, and the blue flames flashed on the soles and backs of the feet, making him suspended in midair.


The girl was suddenly taken aback.

At this time, the shadow mech fell on the ground and gestured to her, which made the girl relieved.

"Hoo! Then thank you." She said that she handed the camera to the shadow mech, and then she walked beside Anyang with her little daughter's gesture, and hung a rare shy Smile.

After taking a picture with her, the whole tour group on that side looked like chicken blood, full of excitement, and with a little hesitation, they approached this side together.

"That ... saw your majesty."

"Your Majesty, can we also ..."

The rest of the shadow troops could not sit still at last, showing their bodies next to each other ~ ~ looked at everyone beside Anyang.

The emperor's entourage was finally revealed, which surprised the whole tour group, but they did not have much fear of these majestic mech units, but they were more excited and did not dare to raise them indiscriminately. The camera looks funny.

"You can take a group photo, but don't shoot randomly." A mech sounded like this.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"Great, thank you majesty!"

Anyang spent a few minutes, took a group photo with some people, then took the rabbit essence, under the arch guard of a team of shadow troops, walked along the passage behind the bronze statue to the castle.

"Fortunately, there are not many people in Daxuetian, otherwise, I really can't take pictures with so many people." Anyang smiled, but it didn't matter, just took a few photos, it didn't matter. The tour group was mostly young children. It just happens to be a chance, and it ’s okay to take care of their vanity.

No one in the shadow army dared to answer at random.

But if I want to come, if Angel is there, I will definitely be dissatisfied with his behavior.

Entering the castle, he went directly to the top floor, read the development information and major legal records of the recent Silver Moon Empire in his office, and soon saw Angel.

"General, it's getting late. The dinner is ready. There are a few dishes made by An Qi himself. May I ask if I am dining now ..." An Qi walked in and looked at the rabbit essence, then said directly.

"Wait a minute, I haven't been back for a long time. The change is really a bit big. Let me read the stack." Anyang looked through the stack of materials, revealing a look of interest.

"Yes." An Qi lowered her head and paused. She looked up at Anyang again. "I don't know what I suggested last time with the general ... What about the concubine? The general has been thinking about it for so long, how is it going?"

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