My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1135: energy

"Ah! Finally finished reading!" Anyang put down the stack of materials, stood up from the chair and walked out. "Come on, go and see what you have done for me."

"Yes, general."

An Qi was slightly lowered, obviously an iron body, but made a very classical and graceful daughter gesture.

Then she took the lead and led the way.

When she walked out of the office, she deliberately slowed down. When Anyang came up, she said tirelessly: "General, I don't know how you think about it!"

"Ah? What did you think about?"

"It's Na Fei's business." An Qi didn't care about his pretending to be stupid, and explained it patiently. "The relevant stakes in it must have been explained to the general last time. The general said that it will take some time to consider Well, it ’s been a long time since the last time I proposed this proposal to the general, should the general consider it too? "

"No ... cough, no consideration."

"Don't you think about it yet?" An Qi showed a slight disappointment on her face, and shook her head again. "It's okay, the general will consider it at dinner."

"Cough, this is not a trivial matter. It is obviously not enough for me to consider it by myself. I still have to discuss it with the queen."

"His Royal Highness? Didn't your Highness still agree with you last time?" An Qi paused and turned to look at him in amazement, then reacted, and bowed her head in a low voice, "I know, the general doesn't want to Please accept the concubine. "

"Ah, that's not what it meant." Anyang twitched his mouth.

"That's what I want to do!" An Qi's eyes gleamed again, and her emotions changed rapidly.

"Ah ..." Anyang hesitated, then made a decision with a bite of his teeth, and looked at An Qi seriously, and said, "I think I should think about the choice of Nafei carefully. Everything is well prepared before proceeding with this matter. After all, such a big thing as Na Fei can't be a play, let alone the national level of interest, even if it is to the concubines, there should be enough respect, right? "

"The general said something." An Qi nodded with a frown, but she thought for a while, and then said, "General, wouldn't you want to delay time again?"

"Why!" Anyang denounced.

"If this is the case, let me go and discuss with the Queen Her Majesty's candidate, finalize the matter as soon as possible, report the good news to the people of the country as soon as possible, and let them share the joy of the general this morning. What a harm! "An Qi, as always, prevailed resolutely," General, what do you think. "

"Am I?" Anyang was a little embarrassed. "I still can't be too hasty. After all, there are more than one empire under my rule. It encompasses the entire three worlds. Even if you want to inform people of this good news, you must also It ’s enough to inform the people of the three worlds at the same time, let alone to announce the concubine ’s candidates and hold the concubine ceremony. These are all troublesome things. ”

"Yes, listening to the general, I really feel very troublesome." An Qi nodded, paused, and said firmly, "But it doesn't matter, let An Qi worry about these troubles, guarantee Arranged properly and gave the general a beautiful ceremony of the concubine. "


"General, why don't you talk."

"When the restaurant arrives, let me try the food first. It happened to be a bit hungry too. I look forward to your craftsmanship!"

"Really? Then let's talk while eating."


This meal is destined to be very difficult.

Anyang is also glad that Comrade Xiaoqian is not here. If she is there, her character will surely fall into this matter. It will be even harder for him to get out of the stubborn Anqi.

Unless you press her with the power of God.


After eating the last piece of high mountain beef, Anyang wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at the rabbit essence next to him, saying, "How is it? Does the thing here fit your appetite?"

"Hmm." The rabbit nodded seriously, holding a fork and poking a string of greens into his mouth.

"Do you like to eat this dish?"

"Huh." The rabbit essence nodded quickly.

Anyang turned his head and was about to ask, and An Qi preemptively replied: "This is the Red Creek Moon produced on the southern plateau. It has a unique taste and is rich in protein. Grey eared rabbits on the southern plateau like to eat this grass. It is also the top grade in the raw materials of wild vegetables and medicinal materials. However, when it is fully matured, it will turn red, and it will have a slight numbness when eaten, and the gray-eared rabbit will not eat it again. "

At the end, she added another sentence: "I sent someone from the southern plateau to deliver it urgently an hour ago. It's really good that Miss Rabbit likes to eat."

After listening to her, the rabbit essence was stunned for a while, and he thought a little before thinking about it, and then came to understand it, and showed a sweet smile to her, feeling a sudden rise.

Angel's mouth also evoked a slight smile, and nodded slightly to her.

Anyang saw it, really speechless.

This goblin was really a silly rabbit, and she bought her away with a bit of eating, which made people feel embarrassed. Was the one who overthrew the goblin in the original numerology trajectory of Shenzhou World?

Finally, the rabbit essence for the slow-moving meal finally finished, Anyang handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth, then stood up, just left the table, and waited for the few waitresses to gather up the chopsticks, leaving only An Qi Standing motionless.

"General, are you okay?" She asked.

"I am very full."

"Is the taste of the food still satisfactory? Especially the dishes I made, are they still your taste?"

"Very satisfied! I used to only know that you are commanding the army and driving mechas first-class, but now I know that your cooking is so good!" Anyang spared no effort to praise her, "Just I have a greedy friend, If she came here today, she would be very happy. "

"She? Is one of the candidates for the General Princess?"

"No, just a pet I have."

"That's it! But pets should be expressed with" It "!" An Qi frowned.

"..." Anyang was silent for a while before saying, "You know that in the Chinese language of the earth, he, she and its pronunciation are exactly the same. After all, I am essentially an earthman, and it is inevitable that there will be confusion."

"It turns out this way."

"Don't talk about her." Anyang waved her hand. "Your cooking is so good. It's beyond my expectations. It's just that the queen is also very good at this aspect. She's very interested in this aspect. If you can communicate together, she will definitely Very happy! "

"Really?" Angel immediately jumped up as if she heard a secret word.

"of course."

"That's great!"

"..." Anyang wiped her mouth. "Actually, I am still here this time. Now you don't seem to intervene in the political arena. Since that's the case, call the official responsible for the development and construction of the empire. I have a problem. Tell him. "

"If the general needs it, An Qi can handle anything for the general!" An Qi firmly said.


"Simply put, the general can simply talk to An Qi without wasting time. An Qi will gladly serve the general. No matter what the general does, An Qi will always be at the forefront."

"But, now you ..."

"Although I no longer take care of the affairs of politics, I also laid down my rights, but if the general needs it, I can still pick it up at any time. After all, the general's business is the highest directive of the entire empire, let others do it, I don't rest assured."

"Cough, okay." Anyang's eyes twitched.

"Then let's talk somewhere else."

"it is good."

The two quickly walked into his exclusive office.

Anyang sat down on the chair, while An Qi stood straight across from him, standing tall like a javelin.

"Please sit down, this matter may be discussed for a long time." Anyang glanced at her, a chair that had been placed against the wall suddenly moved out of nowhere, and fell firmly behind her.

An Qi turned her head to look at the chair, but said: "It's okay, An Qi was born in the Celestial Corps, marching to fight, and has suffered much harder. The load of continuous combat in the mech can stand up so much, standing for a while Anyway ~ ~ Now the war is over. After all, suffering is bitter. If there is no reason, who would like to eat that thing. "Anyang looked up at her," Sit down, there is no need to be restrained between us. Feel free. "

"Then ... yes!" An Qi hesitated a little, then sat down with a determined face. "General, please!"

"Don't worry." Anyang opened the system integrated into the desk, let the bio-assist chip connect, and immediately projected a dense image of information on the desk. "You look at these things first."

"These ones?"

An Qi carried the chair, moved forward cautiously, leaned over to look at the projected materials, and extended her finger to click an image that looked like a cover.

"." She whispered out, and immediately frowned more, turning to Anyang, "General, is this a book about a certain energy harvesting technique?"

Anyang nodded.

"General, IMHO, Pallans’ energy production technology is already very advanced. Even when the resources were nearly exhausted, the temple still survived the energy crisis. Even ... even the sun you once brought Although needle technology can obtain a large amount of energy in a short time, it is at the expense of destroying stars. This approach is not worth it, nor is it long-lasting, and there is really no merit. "

Silently, she added: "So, as long as the technology of the temple can be restored, with the current energy demand of Pallans, there can only be excess energy, and there can never be an energy crisis. The usefulness of this technology is estimated ..."

She didn't say much about the rest, but Anyang understood what she meant, saying: "Pallansi's demand for energy is not high, but my demand for energy is high."

"Can't Pallans supply?"

Anyang didn't answer, just motioned to see her.

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