My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1136: Hire

An Qi was puzzled, but she would not look down on the will of her own god, Master.

She hasn't studied crystal card civilization in depth, and of course she can't understand the professional terminology and esoteric technology. All she can understand is the previous introduction. A few words attracted her attention.

After a moment, she looked up.

"If these brief descriptions can be realized, does the general want to build this kind of energy factory in Pallans to provide energy for the general?" She no longer mentioned Pallans' energy production technology. No longer ask how much energy supply Anyang needs.

If the above description is true, then this civilization really has a natural keen sense of energy, and the technology about energy is also very advanced, which is not comparable to Pallans. Once this kind of energy station is built and operates normally, the energy it can provide is absolutely unimaginable. Maybe an energy station can supply the energy required by the entire Pallans today. Needless to say, how much energy does Anyang need? .

"Well." Anyang nodded.

"What about the general?" An Qi asked again.

"No hurry, this is a hassle, and it involves a lot of things." Anyang tapped rhythmically on the table with his fingers. "This can't be given to ordinary researchers, because this is Another kind of civilization involves a part of what Pallans science does not involve. In terms of understanding ability, it is easier for those who practice aisle, magic and mysterious civilization to understand. "

"If you can build an energy station and ensure production, this is the expertise of the group of researchers." An Qi said.

"Yeah, that's why I said trouble." Anyang sighed. "Either find someone who is proficient in Pallans science and civility at the same time, or a group of people will cooperate closely."

"The first point is that although the empire has been vigorously pursuing literary education, it may not be long after the start. The first monastic education was well received, but the monastic education took a lot of time. I am afraid that it is not easy to find a master of both scientific and technological civilization. If you choose the second method, the Empire currently has a group of engineering soldiers who are proficient in scientific research idle, and there are generals who have been transferred from other worlds to teach and practice, but not to mention, just two batches. The communication between people from different civilizations in different worlds is a big problem! "An Qi said contemplatively.

"It's just because of the trouble, so we have to solve it." Anyang took a deep breath, "I have added a lot of notes in this book, which can help people understand, otherwise it is more difficult to understand the core technology of a civilization out of thin air! "

"Relax, An Qi must be done for the general!" An Qi saw his embarrassment. Although he felt troubled, he answered decisively!

"It must be possible to complete, and this difficulty is not really difficult to overcome, but I will urgently need a lot of energy in the near future. The more the better, the energy will definitely not be provided by Pallans." Anyangton After a while, I said again, "So I need you to conquer this technology as quickly as possible and quickly build a large number of energy stations!"

An Qi frowned, looked up at An Yang again, and gritted her teeth: "An Qi must do her best!"

Seeing her look like this, Anyang smiled instead, picked up the water from Table Mountain, and sighed abruptly: "You understand me more and more now, and the water in the glass is also Pallans Is it something special? "

"It's blue durian, blue durian juice." An Qi replied.

"Sweet and sour, it's delicious!" Anyang exclaimed, paused, and said, "I have a disobedient girl in my family who likes this kind of taste. I have time to prepare a little bit for me. I leave. It ’s time to take it away. "

"No problem! Blue durian is cheap, but it has a unique fragrance, elegant and refreshing, and the sour taste is sweet, not only the general, Angel also likes to use it to soak in water in her free time." Angel said, bowing her head, but her face was red.

Anyang looked at her at this time and couldn't help smiling.

Who would have thought that, as the Silver Moon Goddess of war furiously flying in the Southern and Northern Wars, I do n’t know how many people are worshipped, but at this time, it seems like a young girl who is just studying junior high school, I do n’t know how to express my heart. People are on par.

This kind of careful thinking really makes people can't help but smile.

Anyang pursed his lips and said, "Going to talk and laugh, the business is not over yet."

An Qi heard Yan quickly put away the shyness on her face, staring at him with a straight face: "Apart from the energy station, what else do you command?"

"It's gone. But the energy station is not small. I can't put this burden on you completely. And currently there are few monks in the empire, and they are also responsible for teaching. Maybe they let them put down their hands and devote themselves to the research of the energy station. "Anyang paused and said," I will give priority to selecting people who are proficient in two civilizations in the other two worlds, Huaibei. The empire began to promote several kinds of civilized education very early, and it should be possible to find such people. "

"If I can't find it, then I will send some monks who have a rough understanding of technological civilization in the Shenzhou Empire, or hire some mysterious people who are good at academic understanding from other worlds to let them be responsible for the research of energy station technology. More or less can help you reduce some of the burden. "

"More generals."

"It should be I who caused you trouble. If there is enough time, I may come here in person, visit the chief engineer, and personally urge the construction of the energy station to solve your doubts."

"Really? That's great!" An Qi realized that something was wrong when she spoke, and quickly put away the look of surprise on her face, hesitating and said, "I mean, if there is a general's participation, the energy The station will be built quickly and smoothly! "

"I hope so." Anyang finished and stood up. "It's not too late. I will go to the Huaibei Empire now to see if I can find a suitable candidate."

"General, go slowly! Wait, general, will you come back for dinner?"

"I don't know either, maybe or not, to see if time is too late."

"I know." An Qi said.

"Then I will leave." Anyang said, and opened the passage to the end world directly in the world of Pallans. I was just about to step in, paused, and looked helplessly at the office. On the rabbit's essence, "You stay here, I will come back soon, anyway, the kind of wild grass I eat at noon today is enough."

The rabbit gave him a stunned look. The silly rabbit was clever at this time, and immediately ran to him, pulling his clothes, a look that I would go wherever you go.

Of course, it would be even better if she glanced at Angel without a souvenir.

Anyang pursed her lips and stepped into the blue space channel with her, and disappeared into the world in an instant.

The remaining Angel, who had already stood up, stood at the spot, opened her mouth, and said nothing. She continued to sit alone and sighed, staring at a small yellow flower on the desk alone.

"Should we be more courageous, and perhaps we should ask the general if I want to accompany me, and the general will just agree on a whim!"

"Forget it, I will stay here to prepare a dinner for the general."

Looking at the place where the door of space had just disappeared, and thinking of the girl with rabbit ears and ruby ​​eyes, her eyes were full of envy.

But what about envy, she is not her.

Pressing the projection device on the desk, she turned over the information of the previous energy station and looked carefully.

Doomsday World, Huaibei Empire, Royal Palace.

Anyang is still sitting on an office chair. The layout of this office is similar to that of Pallans Castle. It is very simple, but the smart desk with integrated pointing office system is replaced by a classic sandal wood table. , Thick and steady, just sit down and there is a light wood fragrance lingering into the nose.

Cao Zhao, Minister of the Ministry of Education, stood before him, listening respectfully, listening to his instructions.

There was also a small chair in the corner, apparently just moved in. The rabbit was sitting on it, and Youzai swayed her legs while raising her head and looking around.

For a long time, Cao Zhao wiped the sweat on his forehead, and felt a little embarrassed. He replied: "Your Majesty's request I probably already know, but I can only guarantee to find this matter as much as possible. After all, I am proficient in scientific and technological civilization. There are not many civilized people. "

After a pause, he said again: "If ... if your majesty set the order and allowed me to choose people in the army, there would be more people found .... after all, since the promotion of several civilized educations by your majesty ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ The best-qualified people are always from the army, especially ... especially the Majesty ’s Guards. It ’s just that most of the people who meet the conditions of His Majesty are doing armament research for the military, so they take the people away. Some people may not be happy. "

"Okay, I will immediately draft a written decree that will allow you to select people in the army, including the Guards. As long as the conditions are met, anyone will have to follow!" Anyang stared at him calmly, "You are the Minister of Education, and There is not much intersection between the military, and it is enough to do your own thing, no matter if they are upset, really upset, then come to me and say! "

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Just in case, Anyang went to the Shenzhou Empire.

Ding Yujin, Minister of the Imperial Administration Department, said: "Now the Empire is really a bit nervous. If your majesty wants to send a senior monk, if I gritt my teeth, I can barely draw a few people. But if your majesty is looking for a monk who has a certain understanding of technological civilization. The words of an expert ... "

He paused and said, "Since His Majesty has promoted science education in the Empire, there are indeed some monks who have developed a strong interest in it. But you know, Your Majesty, many monks are either addicted to the avenue or just the eyes Above the top, there are really not many people like this. "

Anyang pursed his lips and sat in the office, silent.

I do n’t know if the people found in the Doomsday are enough. Even if it ’s enough, I am afraid that they will focus more on scientific and technological civilization. He wants to find some people in Shenzhou World who are more focused on the cultivation of Taoist civilization to complement. But now it seems that it is a bit difficult.

It seems that the requirements must be reduced.

But fortunately, at least someone can be found.

Perhaps, you can also deploy missions in the place of origin and hire two space-time mercenaries to assist, no matter how bad it can provide another way of thinking.

Okay, Anyang admits

He missed his cousin and cousin a little.

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