My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1137: Aphrodisiac

In the evening, Anyang returned to Pallans on time.

It is still the Silver Moon Castle, the office dedicated to him, Angel is no longer there, the chair is empty, but the projection on the desk is still open, and the picture is frozen in an article depicting the method of capturing energy in the world of crystal cards. The descriptions are all formula principles and equipment models.

For ordinary people, these mysterious and mysterious texts are bound to be obscure and difficult to understand. Even if Anyang “translated” the above professional terms and made sufficient annotations, few people can understand the process described by these texts. What kind of technology is recorded. But Angel is different. Pallans has actually stepped into the threshold of material energy, otherwise there will be no proton detonation bombs, maybe its understanding of material energy is still shallow, but it can also be used by Angel for crystal cards. The understanding process of world energetics lays some foundations, at least to know where the energy captured by the crystal card civilization comes from.

Regarding the origin of the universe, the real world, Pallans and the place of origin all have a common understanding, that is, the universe explosion theory. The universe that originated from a big bang was initially empty, with no dust, no matter, no light, no skewers, no wind.

But now there is everything in the galaxy.

Matter is transformed from energy, and every bit of matter contains amazing energy, even if this matter is so insignificant in our opinion, it may be just a dust, a leaf on the roadside, a spit from the mouth, from the head A bit of dandruff falling, or a bit of bone residue from the grilled lamb chops and a bit of pepper noodles accidentally dropped ...

Ordinary people can never imagine how much energy the universe spent in order to create these obscure objects!

Whether it is a shocking explosion of proton detonation bombs or the energy capture technology of the crystal card world, these materials are reduced to the world's original energy, reversing the process of the initial mass energy conversion of the universe, and thus profiting from the creator.

However, Pallans ’understanding of this way is still very shallow, and he only learned to violently release the energy in the material. This is an uncontrollable release. The released energy cannot be used by anyone except for causing damage.

Having said that, starting with the primitive people igniting the first flame, to black powder, to chemical explosives, and finally to nuclear weapons and material weapons, it is some kind of use or release of human intelligence to material energy. It is just that the technology is not enough, and the degree of energy release is high or low. In most cases, a certain substance is converted into another substance, and a little energy is released during this conversion process.

Including nuclear energy, it is also the use of some energy that escapes during the fission or fusion of atomic nuclei.

It was not until the emergence and capture of antimatter that mankind finally completely disappeared matter and completely transformed it into energy. So far, Anyang has only shown that the crystal card civilization can fully use the energy in the matter, and without the help of antimatter, it directly annihilates the matter with a very advanced technology and completely converts it into energy.

How difficult this process is, how advanced this technique is, since I do n’t use words, even the fourth-order academics such as Haishi · Ancient Yinlong, who are very good at analytical research, are amazed. It takes a lot of time to understand it. .

After releasing the energy, it is necessary to collect such a beastly and terrifying energy to make it gentle, and this process may be even more difficult.

A little carelessness is not the crystallization of energy, but the proton detonation bomb that destroys everything!

The people of the crystal card civilization may spend more time on the latter than the former, so that there is the crystal card civilization that Anyang also has to admire, so that it combines the exquisite and incomparable crystal card technology. Its complexity is also self-explanatory.

It was extremely difficult for Angel to be patient.

Anyang pursed her lips, seldom sighed, and turned to touch the ear of the rabbit essence, and walked out in her blank and innocent eyes.

After two steps, he turned around again, looked helplessly and stared at his rabbit stunned stupidly, saying, "It's time to eat, don't you want to eat the kind of weeds we eat at noon?" After this village, you do n’t ... you do n’t understand it, and you wo n’t be able to eat it when you ’re gone. "

"You can't finish packing." The rabbit's face was pure and pure, but his eyes were extremely serious, pinching his fist.

"... Is it with Huang Lan again?"

The rabbit looked at him stunnedly, but shook his head.

"Who did you learn from?"

"Little ... you."

"..." Anyang was speechless, and it seemed that this nizi would sooner or later teach her pets badly.

Shaking his head helplessly, he waved: "Let's go, let's eat wild grass."


"Not yet wild grass!"


"Come on, let's go." Anyang turned and beckoned to the rabbit, watched her as she walked to her side, stopped, and looked at herself before pulling her arm out of the office.

As soon as I went out, I saw Angel's cool figure appearing around the corner. I walked over a few steps and bowed a little: "The general is back, just right. Dinner is ready. When are you going to eat? , I will let the maid start to eat immediately. "

"Then now."

"Yes!" An Qi nodded and extended a hand to the side to make an invitation gesture. "So, General, please come here."

"Don't be so restrained, let's go together." Anyang smiled.

"How can this be!" An Qi opened her eyes, took a step forward, and walked in front of the two of Anyang. "Please come with Jun Jun and Miss Rabbit. The dinner tonight is almost all prepared by An Qi. Of course, it ’s not as good as the professional chef of the castle, I just hope to meet the appetite of the general and the rabbit. "

"My taste is almost mastered by you. Is there any suspense? As for this stupid rabbit, she is even simpler. You can have some fresh, dewy weeds and she can eat happily." Anyang said, glancing at her back again, "In other words, do you want to be so restrained all your life?"

Angel's back shuddered immediately, and her footsteps also stopped before moving on.

She couldn't see her expression clearly from behind, but she hadn't heard her response. She should have been silent.

At this moment, the rabbit frowned slightly and turned his head, looking at Anyang with a little dissatisfaction, saying: "I am not a stupid rabbit."

An Qi turned back a little, and pulled out an unnatural smile: "Yeah, Miss Rabbit is so smart, how can it be said to be a stupid rabbit."

"Uh huh." Rabbit Jing quickly nodded in agreement.

For this person named An Qi, her favorability in her heart has risen a lot, and in the blink of an eye she passed the silly tigers and foxes at home, and was already approaching Anyang's sister and Xiaoqian's sister.

According to Pallans's convention, dinner is the richest in the day, followed by breakfast. If there are no special circumstances, lunch is just a cushion. Even if the dietary specifications of His Majesty the Emperor are extremely high, dinner is still much richer than lunch. A variety of rich ingredients from all over the world fill the table, and this black gray volcanic marble table is enough to be used as a small On the stage, at least a couple of men and women can dance ballroom dance is no problem.

Anyang was sitting on one side of the dining table, and the rabbit spirit was arranged to sit on the other side a few meters away, which made her a little unhappy, but looking at the face of this newly recognized little friend, she defaulted to this arrangement .

Anyang glanced at the table and said to An Qi: "Sit down and eat together."

Angel's eyes widened again: "How can Angel eat at the same table with the general ..."

Before she finished, she didn't know what she remembered. She swallowed the rest of the speech forcibly and stared at Anyang sitting at the table. After a while, she only promised to change her mouth and said: "I ... I have already eaten, Not hungry now. "


"Yes ... yeah." An Qi said a little hesitantly. "When I was preparing dinner for the general, I tasted every dish a bit. When I tasted it, I felt completely hungry."

"..." Anyang glanced at the dishes filled with the table, at least there were hundreds of them, and he could not pick out the fault.

Most of the emperors in ancient China were not extravagant. Many emperors only had a few dishes, but only the ingredients and workmanship were extraordinary. The full seat of the Han Dynasty was the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty. Yes, and the level of extravagance of my own now, I am afraid that only the Empress Dowager Cixi who had eaten thousands of silver in a meal at that time could barely compare with herself.

All in all, the reason why Empress Dowager Cixi spends so much on food, including the corruption of the Qing court and the corruption of the imperial kitchen ~ ~ Thousands of silver is not real, but the dinner on this table It's extravagant. Many ingredients even come from Peking University 6. They need to be transported by aircraft, and they need to be salvaged in the deep sea. This is a lot of money for energy and maintenance costs.

Anyang sighed and said nothing, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Extravagance is extravagant, but it cannot be wasted.

Including the rabbit essence, a purely grass-eating fairy, the dinner in front of her is also very rich. In addition to the Red Creek Moon, which is a specialty of the northern plateau, there are a variety of wild grasses that are difficult to see in the real world. It is estimated that they are excellent rabbit food that An Qi has urgently delivered. .

After about three hours, the dinner was over.

At that time, it was already very deep, and many dishes were overheated. Anyang Leng was eating all the food cleanly, which made An Qi look dumbfounded.

But she didn't ecstasy, but just looked at Anyang with some anxiety: "General, you ... don't you eat?"

Anyang waved his hand, indicating that he did not, and left the dining table.

In the evening, he told Angel many things again and read some reports about the empire before preparing to enter the room to rest.

He did not know that at this time, Angel received an emergency communication from the famous General Nightingale.

"Sir Angel, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? So urgent."

"Also ... it's not a big deal."


"It's just ... the food that you asked me to send to collect the rabbit's favorite food. There is a grass called Lily of the Valley. The rabbit can hardly resist it, but it seems to be a little aphrodisiac."


"We also just learned that after all, after all, our Silver Moon Legion is fighting, but no ... no experience of raising rabbits." Nightingale's face was full of apologies.

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