My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1144: the study

Anyang transferred a total of 16 outstanding scientists from the Huaibei Empire, 11 of which were regarded as small accomplishments on the road of monasticism, and 5 were traveling in the magical world.

In addition, he also transferred four senior monks from Shenzhou World. Unlike the Huaibei Empire, these four senior monks did not have a deep understanding of science. They also reflected the talent training of traditional monks from the side. Short board. Fortunately, after the results of his monastic education have been promoted, the number of monk masters will inevitably increase greatly, and there will be many monk masters with comprehensive qualities in many aspects.

The most important thing is that only the cultivator who he cultivated understands the awe of the empire. Unlike this group of cultivators, he is only subject to his force and does not fully understand the rule of the empire.

The Silver Moon Empire itself provides a scientific team of about fifteen people. These fifteen people are all heavenly soldiers. What makes Anyang particularly pleasantly surprised is that they not only have a solid foundation in science and technology, but also have a very good knowledge of extraordinary civilizations. Deep, many people have a good sense of Taoism in the Taoist system, or they can already be called the magistrate of Azeroth.

There is also a construction team, but they are not qualified to stand here. Perhaps in the days to come, some leaders will communicate with the technical team, but it will not be too deep, and the core technology will not be completed by them.

They do not have that ability to complete.

At this time, Lydia and Shirley were standing on the stage, steadily manipulating the presentation projection panel that they had just learned, and easily shocked the thirty or so people sitting below.

Lydia wore a modern dress for a few days, and then put on her dark loose robe. The mysterious text on it gleamed faintly, giving her a sense of mystery. She put on a hood again and covered her face tightly. A pair of blue eyes glanced from under the hood in the gap between the operation panel. It made the technical team of this member all possessed a stupefied silence.

For a long time, she raised her head and scanned everyone calmly.

The mage robe seems to have a mysterious power, completely annihilating the breath of her body, so that everyone below can't feel her existence once they close their eyes. This strange feeling makes them think that they are facing a black hole when they open their eyes. , A black hole that can completely devour one's perception.

The hood seemed to be able to devour the light. Even if Lydia looked up, no one could see her facial features. The only thing she could feel was the blue eyes, as cold as the plateau Winter Lake.

When she released her majesty, Shirley sat down directly, glanced at her lightly, and said, "It's boring, the people are nervous, no one here knows that you are the captain of the castle guard , Who would be afraid of you! "

As soon as this word came out, it was Lydia's face.

However, she couldn't do anything with Shirley, she had no choice but to continue to examine a circle of people whose faces had become strange, and said indifferently: "The purpose of everyone coming here must be known by some people, but some people are far Coming here, I am afraid that I haven't had time to figure out my mission. "

After she finished, there was no one out there.

Lydia nodded, very satisfied.

But there was an outdated voice beside him: "I only know what it means to play with the shelf!"

Lidia did n’t even turn her head, and directly filtered out the voice. She continued: “Everyone is very serious. I thought I knew the importance of this task, but everyone should n’t be too restrained. What we mainly do is Technical research analysis, this kind of task is probably not easy to complete in your constrained environment, so I will just say it. "

Shirley didn't speak anymore, and no one said anything.

"Your Majesty let you come this time, mainly for this!" Only the voice of Lydia echoed in the entire conference room, accompanied by the technical information manuscript projected by the projection panel, "Please look at the projection panel."

"This is an energy technology, a brand new energy technology that you and I have never seen before. And what we have to do is not only to study it thoroughly, but also to design and build a foundation based on this energy technology. Energy Station, this task is very difficult, so your majesty has transferred the most elite from the three worlds, and invited me from a distant place of origin, in order to successfully complete this task. "

Everyone looked at the projection panel.

Among these people, the research team of the Silver Moon Empire has already seen this technical data, and the others have not seen it, but their expressions are about the same as when the people of the Silver Moon Empire first saw this information. , So surprised.

Then, it was a wholehearted investment.

The roads are different, and the same path is the same. Each universe has similar basic rules. Moreover, they are involved in at least two civilization systems at the same time. Naturally, they can understand the technical information described in this manuscript, and they can easily understand it from the short introduction What kind of technology is this?

Lydia did n’t give them much time, and soon said: “After reading the introduction, I guess you also understand the significance of this technology to your majesty, needless to say, complete it, your majesty benefits, you can also Famous for thousands of years. "

"Then, I will send this technical material to everyone next. Let's take it back and take a good look at it to understand the principle of this technology." Lidia said, extending three fingers, "Three days, everyone There are three days. After three days, we still meet here, and then go to our research institute, and then we will start to discuss its implementation technology. "

Shirley muttered beside him with a voice that only he could hear: "Obviously, I need to take the time to poke out an idea ..."

Lydia reached out a bit on the projection panel. This presentation was immediately copied dozens of copies and sent to everyone present. Then she said, "So, let's break up."

Everyone looked at the presentation and nothing happened.

Only Lydia packed her things in a hurry, glanced at Anyang sitting at the back, and Anqi beside him, and then stood up and left the meeting room without looking back.

Then Shelly also got up and left.

Subsequently, Anyang and Anqi also got up and left.

The remaining group of temporarily assembled researchers sat in the conference room, staring wildly at the presentation projected in front of them. While reading the introduction, they were still chanting words and saying where to go.

"Fruit ... It is really a brand-new technology that can controllably use the energy of the material source!"

"The old man has been immersed in Taoism for more than 100 years. This is the first time such a magical and powerful method has been seen. It has been unheard of before! I can participate in the cracking of these powerful methods in this life, I have no regrets! Can you refer to the mysteries of these methods to create a more mysterious practice method and a more powerful magical power! "

"The most mysterious magic in the world, the forbidden curse is nothing compared to it. It's just that people in that world actually use it to provide energy. If we are given a century of time, there must be a teacher who can understand its final secret!"

"I seem to see a road leading to the gods, the key to creating everything in the world ..."


Every different civilization, every different type of cultivator, everyone will have different ideas when they see the crystal card energy technology, some people see creation, some people see destruction, some people see knowledge, some people see eternity . It is like a towering mountain, looking at it from different angles, it will return you with different results.

The castle, the room for cousin Lydia and cousin Shirley, are also preparing in full swing.

Anyang has assigned them a heavy responsibility, and assigned them a higher status than others. Of course, they must also come up with the corresponding skills. At least three days later, they must suppress everyone when they officially start technical research. To be able to cope with everyone's doubts and unexpected whimsy, this is equivalent to adding a lot of difficulty to themselves, and they must make sufficient preparations in advance.

I saw that Lydia took a miniature projector to take a random shot on the table, and the technical information was projected, but she didn't take a look at it. I didn't know where to find a copper that looked like the lamp of Aladdin. Color teapot, lift the lid off with one finger

"Boo! ... huh!"

A strong wind blew through, and a lot of thick black smoke came out of the teapot. Upon closer inspection, it was actually a series of black shadows. Although it looked like it was completely condensed by black smoke, it was wearing a colorful top dress. With big pants, some still have a regular black top hat, which looks inexplicably funny.

These black figures came out of the teapot one by one, taking an exaggerated and neat pace, lining up to the wall and standing in a row, silent ~ ~ said nothing.

It seems that they also have no mouth at all, only eyes, noses and ears of different shapes.

When the copper-colored teapot no longer smoked, Lidia covered it, turned her head and glanced at Sheryl, who was frowning and chewing on the technical information alone, chuckling softly, disdainfully: "Don't waste it Kung fu, let's honestly put down the information, do what your deputy should do, and cooperate with me fully. What you want to understand is naturally easy to understand, even if you don't understand, I will answer it for you, why not There is a car built behind closed doors! "

"I am the deputy chief engineer, not your deputy!"

"Eh? Isn't the Deputy Chief Engineer an assistant to the Chief Engineer?" Lidia looked at her in confusion, and she said nothing more, she ignored her, turned her head to look at the projected technical information, and checked a shadow. After hooking, "Come over, give me a short-formed matter simulation array, and then call me the guy with the number on his forehead."

The shadow came to her in silence.

Shirleyton paused and walked towards her.

Then, An Qi, who stood at the door side by side with An Yang, also walked into the room and hesitated before asking: "Master Lidia, forgive me, can I be your apprentice for a while? Just like It ’s the same as these shadow people. "

"These guys ... they are not my apprentices. They can only be regarded as handymen at most. If you want to be an apprentice, you should say like this coquette." Lydia pointed to the light armored Cheryl. But he waved his hand again, "But it's not bad, come on, anyway, it looks like you are more clever than this fox!"

"Really! Thank you very much, Lord Lydia."

"You're welcome, you have been with us to wander around a few days ago, I can always remember this feeling!"

Shirley: "..."

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