My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1145: ruthless

Lydia, Shiril, and Angel studied in the room for three days. During these three days, they could hardly close the door. Even the three meals a day were sent to their room by the maid. Three days later, the meeting was held again, and everyone looked dignified. After some exchanges, the research and design work on the energy station began in full swing.

Anyang also often participates in it, exchanges technical points with them, answers their questions, or puts forward his own opinions.

If he is in Pallans, he will find every reason to forcibly move the two chief engineers from the institute to his bed at this time. At this time, the cousin and cousin who are intolerant during the day will shift the front and obtain them. Between the rare calm.

Pallans' time passed very fast, but the real world time passed very slowly.

Small villa, roof garden.

At this time in early spring, the winter melted down, the flowers bloomed, and today the weather is not bad. The bright light makes the roof garden show extremely bright colors and full of pixels.

Anyang walked to the side of the guardrail step by step, holding the handrail and looking down.

Gradually, his pupil lost focus and his mind sank into another world, exploring everything from the perspective of Haishi · Ancient Silver Dragon.

It was also a mountain, and Hai Shi stood on the top of the mountain and looked down like him. He stole the sight of Hai Shi, and he could see that the mountain was beautiful and enchanted. From the foot of the mountain, it was hazy and faint, like a winter night at any time. It can make people understand why people in ancient times will firmly believe that there are gods living in the mountains.

But the mountain was very inaccessible, and there was no trace of human beings around the sea stone. He stood alone on the top of the mountain, staring at the strange complex in the mountain depression below

Tianding Energy Station.

The Tianding Energy Station is not majestic at all. There are no towering buildings and no sci-fi atmosphere design. It looks like a vast factory complex. Only a few roads are well planned. Several huge chimneys, surrounding power grid walls and sentry posts around it illustrate its extraordinaryness, and it is centered on an energy station. At least dozens of miles around it are military restricted zones. It is not only the army that blocks it, but also the work of the energy station. The strong radiation that escaped from time to time.

If it were n’t for Sea Stone, it ’s really impossible to get in.

Unattended and lack of life, only some of the plants that have been cultivated to absorb radiation can survive, but the beauty of them consists of few people who can appreciate it after all.

How sharp is Hai Shi ’s vision, across such a distance, you can also see the vehicles in the energy station, the staff who can only enter through the security check, the drone walking around, and many soldiers wearing special military uniforms holding weapons. A crystal card warrior in strange armor, and finally a silver light that only you can see

The silver light rose from the middle of the energy station and gradually expanded larger and larger until it covered the entire energy station.

Hai Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at it.

His eyes gradually shined, as if reflected by the silver or sunlight in the distant energy station, but this ray of light was a little too soft, like the heart of this fourth-order scholar who has lived for hundreds of years The most gentle side of the map.

At the same time, scenes of scenes flashed through his mind.

"Are you the third brother's son? I didn't expect to grow so big in a blink of an eye. I used to hug you when I was a kid!" The old man in a white coat and protective clothes looked at him kindly.

"Hungry, I'll cook something for you." The old lady looked at him like her husband, with wrinkles on her face and hands, but not the indifference of the old mysteries, only the warmth like the sunset, "It's so late There are only these at home, so you will deal with it. If you are not used to it, just order takeout. "

"What? You're going to the energy station? That's definitely not possible. How can the energy station let people in easily!" Even the third brother's son won't work! That's illegal and too dangerous! His request.

"... Okay!" The old man compromised.

"You are all in your thirties and you should have a family. Look at the girl at the registration desk. They are only twenty-five years old. They are clerical staff!" The old lady said to him once, although he was determined Disagree, but the old lady really started to take the red line with him regardless of the fact.

"The first time you met, you came to work at the energy station two months ago. I have paid attention to you. Compared with other researchers working here, you are quite strange." The girl looks beautiful and beautiful , The figure is also very tall.

"This is a souvenir brought by my mother back home. I feel the soil is exploding. I have to bring it to me. I don't like to eat it. Well, give it to you in half."

"Pay attention to your body, don't make it too late, I won't pay you overtime if you work overtime."


These are the things that Sea Stone · Ancient Silver Dragon experienced after coming to this world, mostly some trivial fragments, somehow they are always forgotten, and they just popped out at this time if there is no mystery in this world, He must have misunderstood that he had been cursed by his opponent and forgot about it!

And the people in the story are basically in this energy station at the moment, engulfed by the silver light he released.

He didn't know why, he always wanted to think of this group of people. This group of people is almost equivalent to the ants of this group of ants. This group of mortals who will not have any intersection with him in theory and will not affect his mind.

Probably because I felt equality for the first time here, and all attitudes based on equality.

But by this time, the silver light had reached its extreme


A loud trembling noise, the earth rumbling trembling, the mountain cracked for it!

A fierce faucet with a diameter of at least five kilometers rushed out of the ground, the scales also reflected silver light, and suddenly engulfed the entire energy station, as if biting a prey.

"Boom ..."

The shocking energy of the energy station was suddenly detonated.

The dazzling light bloomed in an instant, and the sound hadn't had time to pass before he closed his eyes.

The glare came with a super high temperature and hit him in the face, as if to dry every trace of moisture in the air, even if you closed your eyes, you could feel the devastating power. Then there was the shock wave, which easily lifted the earth's soil layer, and the trees and rocks were like objects on the table cloth. The cloth was lifted, and they were naturally uprooted.

Hai Shi stood there, motionless, like a towering mountain. Even if his clothes were blown and hunted, and even his hair was blown wildly, he was standing on the spot, squinting his eyes towards the explosion center in the distance.

The violent energy is extremely violent.

Everywhere was filled with violent energy, which interfered with his induction, and seemed to change him back to a mortal, making him feel like a leaf in the storm.

Soon, the glare dimmed, replaced by a contrasting cold, the shock wave no longer raged, and without the rumbling rage, he felt a bit scary around him.

Hai Shi opened his eyes, and the luster was gone.

The eyes are full of complexity and difficulty.

He stared ahead, and the building complex was no longer there. There was only a circular giant crater surrounded by cracks. It seemed that there were still traces of the fierce rush of the Silver Dragon.

All the rest are gone.

The terrifying energy has almost destroyed everything. Whether it ’s human architecture or the graceful landscape, whether it ’s humans or the plants they created, they ca n’t find any traces from the giant pit. Some of them are only after high temperature. The scarlet surface is not cooled down, or the magnificent glassy reflection has been cooled down.

Old man, old woman, girl, boss, colleague ...

It's all gone!

"The mission is successful and the mission reward is obtained: the fourth-order mystery to the fifth-order promotion handbook; space shuttle and principle; the space-time badge and instructions for use. The space-time mercenary can always withdraw the reward and return to the original world.

Hai Shi frowned involuntarily.

Obviously the task was successful, such a rich task reward should be excited or happy.

But why ...

Over the past few hundred years, have you done such a thing yourself? Have you ever done more insidious things than this, and more ruthless things than this, have you done it more than once?

Is there any difference this time?

He frowned, and he didn't feel it.

"Extract task rewards."

Silently, a neat handwriting came into his hand, a cyan badge and a piece of paper also floated in front of him, and there was a lot of information in the mind ~ ~ , Is actually a careful explanation of space shuttle!

But why ... still not happy?

Hai Shi still frowned, stuffed his hands, cyan badges and a piece of paper into his pocket, and was not in a mood to immediately investigate the space shuttle and its principle, so he stood staring at the same place, looking towards In the distance, the huge pit that was still smoking with dust and hot smoke, no architectural traces were left.

Thousands of mortal lives, I do n’t know how many mysteries are willing to obtain a good knowledge with a massacre, but how many people have acquired the space shuttle that they dreamed of, is it not a big profit?

He didn't know, but he knew that he should leave.

Even if this world government ’s response capacity is poor, such a tremendous movement should awaken the world. The army should immediately arrive and blockade here. If you do n’t leave as soon as possible, you may be in trouble. The army in this world still has its uniqueness. The most unwilling thing for Haishi is to confront them hard, which is very disadvantageous.

He glanced at the crater as a souvenir, not even knowing what he was thinking or wanting.

"Leave, Lord God."


This strong figure disappeared on this hill.

At the same time, Anyang also withdrew his eyes and stood on the rooftop of the building and shook his head.

Originally, the rewards given to Haishi all came to him. There are a total of physical fitness points and three skill points. Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to draw props.

He also sighed with emotion.

Anyway, if you change him, it is unlikely to be able to make such a decisive decision, because after all, he has not been influenced by the culture of the mystery in the place of origin. Although he can often do whatever he wants, it is hard to be so ruthless.

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