My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1146: Space container


"Let's add physical fitness points to the brain power. In addition, all the skill points obtained are added to the ancient nerves." Anyang took the mobile phone and squinted at the distance.

"Distribution of physical fitness points is completed!"

"In the distribution of skill points, the establishment of energy and information transmission channels, in the transmission of energy and information ... distribution is complete!"

As soon as the voice fell, an extremely complicated feeling occupied Anyang's brain——

At first, it was the sense of ears and ears brought by the increase of brain power. This feeling as if the whole world became clear. He has experienced it many times, and at the same time he can obviously feel the reaction speed and processing ability of his brain become stronger. Then there is the horrible knowledge of the amount of data flowing into the mind, some are filled into the memory area, some are stuffed into the subconscious mind, and some are directly mixed with the soul, and some more divine reaction occurs in the underworld.

Followed by the majestic spiritual power!

This kind of spiritual power seems to flow out from the inside of his body, not only flooding the storage area of ​​spiritual power, squeezing the space where energy is fused, but also abruptly expanding the storage area and meridians.

It seems that they belong here by nature, but they have been hiding somewhere and have not been discovered.

And more changes can't even speak to Anyang, he can only feel the pain, the pain of long-lost heart!

Every inch of skin on the body, strange meridians and eight veins, and every place where energy is stored, seemed to be torn apart by the sudden influx of spiritual power; Fly away

Anyang tried to keep calm, his body trembling was suppressed by him to a point where he could barely see it, his hands bulged with green bars, and the railing was crushed directly by him. The violent body contrasted with the calmness of his expression. Nothing was leaked.

If someone stands opposite him at this time and looks at him, he will definitely feel a clear visual impact.

Calm and restrained expression, his eyes seemed to suppress the sea level of the volcano, sealing the **** of destruction to death, but the body told him that he was not easy at this time. On the contrary, he was under the pressure of others who could not bear it!

Sweat converged on the curve of the cheeks, dropped down by a drop, and fell on the floor of the roof garden.

"Slap ..."

The sound seemed clear and audible.

But he didn't have time to ignore it, and he didn't have time to look at it more. He just stared at the front, and there was anger in his eyebrows.

The sound of the floor was heard one after another, and they became one.

Finally, the pain dissipated like tide, and his body and soul quickly regained his dominance. He took a long sigh of relief, looked up into the distance, and the green hills were still lush.

Needless to say, the improvement of mental power is nothing compared to the improvement of ancient nerves. The sudden influx of spiritual power is the main reason for his pain, and now those spiritual powers have become the same as those he cultivated by himself, and they are completely under the control of his mobilization, like some of his specific will. Kind of extension.

Anyang opened his five fingers in front of his eyes, felt the spiritual power, and put them away to make them docile—


The same huge amount of off-white energy flowed out of his body, and began to come into contact with these spiritual forces, and cut it into small areas, slowly eating away and assimilating, until he became a part of himself!

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind—

"Anyang Daoyou?"

Anyang turned and saw that Huang Lan was slightly opening her eyes and looking at herself with curiosity, while walking towards her step by step with grace and lightness.

"Anyang Taoist, what are you doing here?"

"I have something to deal with, find a clean place." Anyang's voice was as calm as usual, totally unable to hear that he had just suffered so much pain, like eating upstairs and smoking a cigarette, "You, come What are you doing here, not just to find me? "

"This is the rooftop!" Huang Lan stared at him strangely.

"What about the roof?"

"Why are you at the top of the building asking me what I'm up to?" Huang Lan's tone was somewhat inexplicable. "Isn't the top of the building the most frequent place for me and the little fox? What's so strange about me coming here! It's you, not often Here."

"Oh, this is what it is," Anyang said, rubbing his head. "I've been a little busy recently, dizzy and dizzy. I stand up for a while and blow it. It's pretty good."

"You are indeed busier than before." Huang Lan walked to his side and stood still, almost a little shorter than him. He looked up and learned the posture to look into the distance, saying, "If you used to, you lay on the sofa all day and night. , But yesterday and today, you can't see any people except for dinner. "

After a pause, she changed to a more comfortable posture and lay half on the railing. She still looked into the distance: "It's rare to see you so busy before, especially when you are so busy and have to come back to eat."

"Haha ..." Anyang laughed twice, "There are many people eating at home on weekends, and they are usually not so lively, and I am not bad to be absent, I am afraid that your interest will be swept away!"

"Don't you want to be absent?"

"Haha ..." Anyang laughed awkwardly again. "It's rare to feel the warmth of everyone eating together. It's rare ..."

"Isn't this a normal thing, what's so embarrassing?" Huang Lan felt a little inexplicable, and pouted. "So many people, everyone is happy and happy during the talks, I also feel very warm! ...... Eh , Are you afraid that your sister thinks you really want to eat with her? "

"How do you know?" Anyang froze.

"Cut! There is nothing I don't know! In the words of Ms. Wei Wei, both of your siblings are virtuous!" Huang Lan sneered, and looked side by side with him.

After a pause, she probably expected that Anyang would be embarrassed to say so. She quickly moved away from the topic: "Are you annoyed by these days? In the past, you rarely ran to the top of the building to feel sentimental, this kind of It was always the little fox who did the most. "

"Neither." Anyang pursed her lips. "It's just a little more upstairs, otherwise what if the girl ran up when I was doing something."

"Same thing." Huang Lan nodded.

The two chatted casually for a while, until a slight footstep came from behind. They turned their heads and saw Xiao Chan's petite figure leaning against the entrance of the corridor. He looked at them timidly and hesitated before saying: "Eat ..." time to eat."

"Okay, let's get down immediately." Anyang said.

Huang Lan turned to look at Xiao Chan, leaning back against the railing, and saw her face flushed slightly, running downstairs in panic, she frowned and turned to Anyang Road: "How come I feel a little wrong, This little fox ... we ... will she misunderstand us? "

Anyang looked stunned, looked at her, then looked down at himself, and finally twitched his lips: "Aren't we just talking on the rooftop, even if the rooftop scenery is good, there is nothing to misunderstand? "

Huang Lan thought about it and nodded, "Also."

After all, she picked a light orchid from the garden and sniffed it in front of her nose, then tossed it away to hide the embarrassment: "The flowers in this garden are blooming well, the sun is good, cough, The wind is also good. "

Anyang muttered: "Be a thief ..."

Huang Lan's expression didn't change at all, and she tried to pretend that she didn't hear it, but she blushed a little.

Anyang pursed his lips, left the railing, and went downstairs, saying, "The elbows on the table downstairs are better! Don't be stupid standing on the top of the building, let's eat."

Huang Lanwu coughed twice and was about to go downstairs with him. His eyes flicked at random, but he was slightly startled, and turned his head to stare at where Anyang had just held his hand. Shedding and cracking, it is not difficult to imagine how strong the person who exerted force just used here!

This house is protected by a magic circle, and it is not an ordinary magic circle. It took a week for a large group of monks to lay down under the leadership of two powerful men. It will never be damaged. She wants to crush it. It's not easy ...

Huang Lan was stunned, watching Anyang go down the stairs before reaching for the railing.

At this time, the railing was already intact.

Then she trot forward and ran downstairs.

One day later.

Anyang was sitting on the sofa, holding a bunch of strange devices in his hand, and carefully looked at it, and from time to time, he also sucked.

It is a device, because it has buttons, interfaces and indicators, but it is not like an earth instrument. Instead, it is like a string of metal wristbands from the magic world. It is shiny and shiny, and it is very powerful to wear.

In fact, it comes from the Divine Empire, the world of Taoism, and it is the most technologically-produced item among only a few instruments currently designed and locally produced by the Divine Empire. It is also the crystallization of wisdom shared by the Changchen Dao people and the white old demon-carrying space The armband of the Array model is the second experimental model.

At that time, Changchen Daoren and Bai Laoyang entered the earth by mistake, and gained insight and inspiration in the space shuttle. They have been studying this since then, but Anyang did not expect that they could really solve this problem!

And so fast!

It is said that Changchen Dao Ren and Bai Laohuang have created several perfect formation structures from beginning to end. Each structure is a pioneering school, which not only consumes a lot of energy, but also more difficult than creating a new and feasible practice method. And in the end, only two types of structure can achieve the effect.

One of them is called the maintenance type, which was proposed by Changchen Dao Ren at the beginning, and the other is called the link type. It is the sudden inspiration of the white old demon after the former experiment failed.

Both space law arrays will create a space, but the size of the space created by the former is related to its performance, and the size of space created by the latter depends on the ability of the law engraver; the former needs to maintain the stability of the space all the time, which consumes The energy is far from what a portable device can provide. The latter throws space into chaos and then links with coordinates. It only needs to provide a small amount of energy support and then bear the energy when used; the former is more expensive and the latter It is even possible to transfer the space-creating law array to the equipment production line, and only the space-space law array and the key are engraved on the device.

No matter how you look at it, the latter model is better and more suitable for mass production and equipment.

The one that Anyang holds is the second model used, the link type.

This wristband looks smooth on the top, but in order to prevent the damage of the magic circle and the interference of the operation of the array, all the magic circles are integrated under the metal surface, and it is a space link magic circle engraved in it.

There is a embossed button on the silver surface of the wristband. The user only needs to press the button to complete the breath authentication. The magic circle will start and link to a space in the chaos according to the coordinates, that is, for the white old demon and the long dust Taoist. The space circle creates a space bound to the linked circle.

It is also engraved with a miniature energy array, which can supplement the energy array.

If the energy value is too low, the indicator light will start to flash. At this time, the monk can directly replenish energy for himself, and the non-monk can go to a fixed place to charge or find the monk to help recharge, or wait until the energy slowly recovers.

If the energy is exhausted, the space cannot be opened, but there is an advantage that the space does not collapse immediately, unless the space is not recharged for a long time, the space in chaos will shrink due to the lack of provision.

It is very convenient to use!

But the first model is not useless.

Despite the high cost and high energy consumption of the maintenance space law matrix, if these two problems can be solved, its safety is much higher than that thrown into the chaotic space. As long as the power supply is not disconnected, it will hardly be lost. Accident. After the popularity of space containers becomes more and more popular, it is inevitable that lawless elements will find the law of coordinate numbering of linked space normal arrays. At this time, even if the energy consumption of the maintenance space normal array is still very high, it will become a storage of confidential or important items. First choice.

But to see that day ... it will be a long time!

Even the current link-type space container is just a test model, rough and tight.

Its space is about half a cubic meter, that is, about 500 liters, which is comparable to several large suitcases, and it can really hold a lot of things. After mass production, the military is the first to be popularized, and for the military, this capacity can already hold many sets of automatically folded armor!

Anyang took a look at ~ ~ and pursed his lips.

This armguard is still relatively rough, with the words "Test No. 2" engraved on it, and the experience is inferior in use. It seems that the two masters have not fully appreciated the importance of user experience!

Anyang thought for a while and shouted, "Xiaochan, come with a pen and paper. In addition, there is a box with a seal on the left bedside table in my bedroom. Also bring it to me."

Soon, Xiao Chan came with a pen and paper.

"I'll get the box right away!" The little fox placed the pen and paper in front of him, afraid he would move slowly.

Anyang didn't care about her, so she picked up the pen and began to write.

Huang Lan, who sat next to him for a long time, finally couldn't help but be curious, and he leaned over to see what he wrote.

Topic: Space Arm Guard Experience Recommendations.

The content is relatively boring. First, he briefly described his experience of using the armguards, and then let the military conduct a large-scale investigation in the military to figure out what form of space law lineup is more suitable for them. Then let the white old demon and Changchen Taoist people refer to the military's opinions when designing, or simply let go of the design right, and only master the core technology.

Let the white old demon and the Changchen Daoist find excellent personnel from all walks of life to carry out a paper survey, let them try the arm guard, and optimize the operation panel and use switches of the arm guard through the investigation. It is best to refer to ergonomics when designing the carrier ...

Do n’t play with technology. Pure technology ca n’t make a fortune in the future. You must know how to cater to users ’appetite and how to package your own products. If you do n’t understand this, just like other people who know how to ask for more, at least, you need to understand how Let your technology create the greatest benefits ...

Etc., etc.

Finally, after dropping the money, he took the box brought by Xiao Chan, took out the special seal of the emperor of the Divine Empire, and covered it in the lower right corner with a snap.

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