My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1049: Reincarnation contract

The battle-stricken soldier did not pay too much attention to the quiet time, and quickly withdrew his gaze to Anyang: "Then, Your Majesty, I will go."

Anyang nodded and said nothing.


Tianlin has turned into a white light and disappeared into the room.

Then came Huang Ju.

He not only survived the cataclysm of the Doomsday world and survived, but also joined the army of Huaibei base long before the establishment of the Huaibei empire, confronted the tide of zombies head-on, and suppressed the mob by iron-blood, regardless of whether the zombies were considered human It can be called countless murders, and the determination is far stronger than ordinary people.

Looking at the task panel that appeared in his sight, he was only a little puzzled, and he was not worried.

Mission World: Independence Day 2: A Comeback

Task performer: Huang Ju

Mission objectives: use biological traps to capture alien queens; obtain the technology of alien civilization;

Mission success: Obtain mission rewards: Carla Magic Scroll * 2, Scroll of Forbidden Curse *, Bloodline Enhancement Potion *

Mission failed: no penalty

Task time: waiting for the executor to confirm within 24 hours, and forced to open after 24 hours

He pondered for a while, or saluted Anyang: "Your Majesty, I have gone too."



White light flashed, and he disappeared into the room.

Anyang pursed her lips, stood up from the sofa, and stretched her hand to touch the void. The whole room swayed in a wave of water, and all the furniture emerged out of thin air.

He turned around and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window. The rain outside the window seemed to be a little bit smaller, but he still plopped.

Suddenly, bang! !

The floor-to-ceiling window seemed to be hit by something heavy and suddenly opened, and the figure of Anyang disappeared from the room the next second.

The branch of a tree outside the window shook, and the long-drained rain suddenly fell, splashing the blossoms on the mossy blue stone board, but it was only a short bloom, and no one could see its gorgeousness.

Jinguan City, downtown area.

There is no one to stop except for taxis.

Because of the rain, the street shops usually have little business, and this bustling city looks deserted. Pedestrians holding umbrellas have hurried footsteps, and have not paid attention to whether passers-by passing by have looked back at themselves in their past lives. All they care about is when the rain will stop, and whether it will fall tomorrow. How much money can be left in the month, and how many credit cards and flowers will be paid next month.

"Mortal, mortal!"

A man walked on the street with scattered steps. He was also one of the few who did not hold an umbrella. The rain drenched his black jacket and long-sleeved shirt, his clothes and pants were tightly attached to his body, and his hair was drooping , Eyes blank.

Only that sentence came from his mouth.


He stepped into a puddle and splashed water.

But he continued to move forward without knowing it, stepping into the puddle step by step, because his shoes were already filled with water.

The rain washed the street clean, and washed his shoes out of their original colors-it was a pair of black leather shoes that had been degummed in some places. A brand that had never been heard. The front of the shoes had long folds and the leather had started to fall off. .

"Human, life, busy. You are a waste of no good. After so many years of hard work, nothing was said. No wonder she looked down on you, no wonder even her brother did not want to help you when you are in trouble. No wonder you are in such a situation ... "The man muttered to himself with a feeble footstep, until he walked across the intersection and walked to a bridge. He leaned on the railing and looked down.

The Jiuqu River showed a turquoise color, so deep that it couldn't see the bottom, the raindrops made a circle of ripples on the river-he thought he could see his reflection from the river, but he didn't.

Only the ripples of the raindrops swayed from circle to circle.

Facing the river, he continued talking to himself.

"What use do you say you have? After so many years of graduation, nothing has been achieved, not even a stable job. Classmates and friends buy a house, buy a car, get married, and you follow you from college to the present. The girl ca n’t hold it, what else can you do? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Fate makes people, fate makes people!"

With a self-deprecating smile on the man's face, he suddenly recalled the spirit of university, but the closest to him was the ironic face of the old classmates who called his chairman at the classmate meeting last year. Last week, the chat record of the girlfriend who had fallen in love for eight years was discovered by herself, but she straightforwardly counted herself and gave her nothing.

Yeah, she was right.

She never gave her anything.

In addition to giving her happiness when she was in college, she was the vice chairman of the Student Union at that time, she was proud, she was also the goddess in the hearts of many people, Lang Cai was female, I don't know how many people envy. But after being born in society, he has suffered many setbacks. After so many years, he still has a hard life, and he has never given her anything.

Thinking of this, the sarcasm of the man's mouth became stronger.

No wonder she will play with others online!

He never imagined that the person turned out to be her classmate in common with her university!

Breaking up is a matter of course, but he is still unwilling to do so, still expecting to have an opportunity to change his life, as written in those novels, and then he will counterattack and make everyone look at him.

Unfortunately, this opportunity did not come.

Never arrived.

And he only waited for the news that his parents died in a car accident. He hurried home to his parents but died later, and he rushed back to work non-stop, but even so, the boss fired him because he took too many leave, which means he cut off the source of the economy and the money left The monthly rent cannot be paid, let alone eat.

Destiny is really fooling people!

The man narrowed his eyes, his expression a little trance.

Suddenly, he saw that the rain on the river under the bridge had stopped, there were no more ripples, the water became calm and clear, and a figure appeared gradually.

The man had absolutely no energy to look at other places, nor did he have time to pay attention to the rain. In fact, the numbness allowed the cold rain to hit his back, only to stare at the water, and seeing this figure became clearer, but not Look like yourself.

He was stunned, trying to keep his eyes wide, but he couldn't see clearly.

At the same time, a voice rang in his ears—

"Some people are destitute and destitute, and their lives are bleak. They always think that fate is fooling themselves. When they see others glorious and rich, they think that it is the gift of destiny to them. In fact, they are just incompetent and dare not face the bleak life, so they make up lies to deceive. I have fabricated a ridiculous fate that controls everything but can't live with myself. Maybe this will make me feel at ease. "

"who are you!?"

"You still have the energy to control who I am, it seems that you haven't reached the time when you have no desire for this world!"

"What do you know !!" The man is a bit stern, "I have always done better than others, I have done better than others, I work harder than others, do much better than others, finish better than others, but I can't be better. Someone took the shortcut, and it was always me who was unlucky! This is not to blame me! To blame can only blame this society! Only blame this **** fate! "

"In fact, fate is fair to anyone. It doesn't have the energy to fool you. Maybe you just missed an opportunity to prove yourself. Or maybe you are a waste. It is impossible to fly yellow waste."

"Opportunity? I have met countless opportunities, but unfortunately they have been robbed by those who are related."

"Now the opportunity has given you the door. Are you willing to give it a try, hold it, and let those who have insulted you and betray you look at it, or fear to move forward and continue to be a waste?" A rough texture Suddenly the parchment fell from the sky like a piece of blown rubbish, and landed in front of the man.

"This ... what the **** are you!"

"Look at the content on the paper and sign your name on it, you can change the fate of this fucking."

"I ... why should I sign!"

"Don't you already feel bored in this life? Don't you want to make your ex-girlfriend, old classmates and your brother-in-law look at each other? Don't you want those who betray you to regret it? You don't want to resist this **** What is your destiny? If so, what are you afraid of? ... Or, you just said that those words are really just talking, you are not willing to be so ordinary on the one hand ~ ~ You are not willing to fool yourself by fate, but you accept it reversibly It's at its mercy? "

"Of course not! I ... I just want to ask what is this? This ... I ... I am not dreaming?" The man finally turned around and began to look around in vain, but he found that it was still raining around, but The river under the bridge is level like a mirror.

"Did I ... have hallucinations?"

"You are sober now, and this is just an opportunity to make you strong enough and strong enough to resist this **** destiny."


The man is speechless.

Perhaps, over the years, he has become accustomed to this, and has become accustomed to ordinary and mediocre self.

He was silent for a long time, sometimes staring at the invisible figure on the river, and sometimes turned his head to look around, until he found that the pedestrians around completely ignored the strangeness on the river, even ignored himself, and finally made up his mind. .

"I sign!"

He gritted his teeth to say this, and pulled a piece of paper.

The upper part of the paper is drawn with some twisted and twisted symbols. The ink used is very strange, so that these symbols have a three-dimensional effect, like a neatly arranged insect.

And the following is Chinese, which says that if you become a space-time mercenary, it also states that you must drip blood on paper to take effect.

He squeezed the paper, his hands shook slightly, and even his palms were sweating, but he didn't move for a long time.

It took a long time before he lowered his head again, his voice trembling slightly:

"That, may I ask ... do you have a pen?"


A pen appeared in his hand out of thin air.

The man was stunned again for a while, and finally he no longer hesitated, swiping his name on the paper with two strokes, then closed his mouth and sucked fiercely, spitting a **** saliva on the paper——


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