My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1150: dinosaur

Anyang looked dumbfounded through the mirror in the river.

Although bleeding of the gums is indeed a very common thing for modern people, it is still surprising to be able to turn it into such a fascinating way of bleeding.

The man on the bridge wiped his mouth, looked at Anyang, and lifted the contract in his hand: "Is it OK now?"

"Give me the contract."


The man threw the contract into the river.

Anyang controlled the mirror and stretched out his hand, taking over the contract that was contaminated with the blood and saliva of the man, and wished to wash it twice in the river immediately.

"Song Qian?" He glanced at the contract's name, and the words were neatly written.

"Even if the contract is reached, I have to remind you of two things. If you want to get a reward, you must pay first. If you want to stand higher than others, you have to pay more than others. There is also You have already signed the contract, and you ca n’t help you with many things, such as not mentioning what you have experienced, or you will be immediately killed by the contract. If you do n’t believe it, you can try it. ”

"I know." Song Qian replied firmly, although everything he experienced in the eyes always gave him the feeling of signing a contract with the devil.

The next second, the mirror in the river disappeared, even carrying the contract he had just signed.

"Hello? Wait ..."

Song Qian stood blankly on the bridge and shouted into the river like a neuropath.

After a moment, he turned his head and looked at his hand. The pen he used to sign was gone, and everything was in vain.

"Is there an illusion? Or are you dreaming?" Song Qian reached out and pinched himself fiercely, grinning his teeth in pain, but his expression was a bit dull, "It seems that I really met a person who transcended our cognition. Creature! Is it an alien who has visited Earth before? Or something else ... but I seem to be fooled by this person again ... "

Song Qian murmured to himself, and people began to notice him gradually around him and cast a surprised look on him.

He didn't pay much attention, and took a moment on the bridge. The pedestrians came and went uncomfortably, and then he continued to cross the bridge in despair, wandering aimlessly in the city.

Regardless of his own embarrassment, he walked step by step, like a walking dead, only occasionally remembering the magical experience of the founder, and only a little hope arose in his eyes. The rest of the time was dim. The whole world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Suddenly, he felt something under his foot trip him, and the whole person suddenly lost his weight and fell down.


He fell heavily on a dog to eat shit, and his nose was covered with mud, and he was extremely embarrassed.


Song Qian froze with a look.

This is in the city, the sidewalk is tiled, and the four-lane road is on the side. Where is the dirt?

And ... the touch of the hand is soft.

Song Qian couldn't care about the pain in his face, elbows and knees, and suddenly stood up to take a look, and he fell abruptly on a land full of fallen leaves!


He stood up, opened his mouth wide, looked around in surprise, and almost fell again in the process!

"This is impossible!"

Surrounded by tall trees, taller than he knew, the dense branches and leaves piled up, almost blocking the light, and raised his head to see the sky! The ground is covered with leaves, stacked one layer at a time without knowing how thick, mixed with the soil, and the bottom layer has even rotted, resulting in a soft touch and rustling when stepped on.

Primeval forest!

This is the first word in Song Qian's mind.

Only the primitive forest will be like this. But in the modern environment, looking at China, how many real forests are there in the real sense?

Daxinganling? Xishuangbanna?

Song Qian worked hard to tap the lack of knowledge in his mind.

He remembered that he had been to Jiuzhaigou for a lottery when he first graduated from college. He went to Jiuzhaigou once. There was also a virgin forest in Jiuzhaigou, but that was just a small piece of forest under the name of virgin forest. How could this forest be so big!

"Where is this? Where did the mysterious man get me?" Song Qian looked around with open mouth.

Determined that he was not dreaming before, nor was he tricked by some alien, but he was not happy in his heart, but there was no fear, but a calm that surprised Anyang.

There are huge trees that can be embraced by more than a dozen people everywhere, and some are far beyond this range. He is not sure whether he is still on the earth, because he does not know whether such a primitive forest still exists on the earth. There are some bushes next to it, and there seem to be several footprints on the ground. I haven't found any danger in this place for the time being, but I can't think of it. After all, staying in this place for a long time is not quite flat.

Not to mention anything else, it is enough that mosquitoes, rats and ants are enough for him to live uneasy, and if there is no beast in this forest, he is the first to believe it!

Just after the idea came out, a long roar of the beast suddenly sounded, and he was trembling in place.

This beast roar is a bit strange, it is not like the common tiger wolf howling in the forest, but it is more chilling, like the sound that can only be heard in some film and television works ...

Thinking about it, Song Qian felt a bit soft.

"No way……"

This terrible idea was just forcibly rejected by him, and a voice sounded in his mind—

"You have entered the world of" Jurassic Park ", please survive in the plot and obtain two different varieties of dinosaur eggs, which is regarded as a success of the mission. The success of the mission will be rewarded: washing essence and cutting pulp * 1, Choose one of "Training Technique" / "Magic Basics" / "Mysterious Basics", time and space badges and instructions for use * 1. If any task is not completed, it is regarded as a failure, and failure will not return to the real world. Meditation check, good luck. "

"我% ¥ # @ & *% ......"

Song Qian scolded a bit, feeling weak.

"Concentrate on meditation ..."

He closed his eyes, tried hard, and thought about it. He actually felt a string of information, but it was definitely not the form of the picture depicted in some novels, nor any text, just a memory, and presented the task information to himself.

Mission World: Jurassic Park (Native World)

Task performer: Song Qian (level 0 mercenary)

Mission objective: Survive the plot; get two different kinds of dinosaur eggs

Mission success: get mission rewards: washing essence and cutting pulp liquid * 1, choose one of "Cultivation Technique" / "Magic Foundation" / "Mysterious Foundation", time-space badge and instructions * 1

Task failed: unable to return

Task time: forced open (opened)


Song Qian felt cold sweat in his back.

No one has watched the famous movie "Jurassic Park", even though it was seen earlier, most of the plot has been forgotten, he can still vaguely remember that only a few people survived in the original plot, the probability of death very large!

In this place, it is very difficult to survive successfully. This **** **** still has to obtain two different dinosaur eggs by himself. Isn't this equal to death?

He vaguely remembered that there was a person who stole dinosaur eggs in a movie. As a result, he was always chased by dinosaurs. In the end, he didn't get the egg, and he killed himself!

Could it be that he is following in this person's footsteps?

Rao is very rewarding, and it seems that he can get rid of the realm of mortals when he gets the reward, but he still has heart palpitations.

After thinking for a while, Song Qian decided that it was important to save his life first, to ensure that he could survive, and then to consider the dinosaur eggs, otherwise his life would be gone, and what he got was nothing. And from the point of view of the punishment system, as long as you can survive, even if you do n’t get the dinosaur eggs, at most you ca n’t leave the world. If you leave this place, the outside is still a civilized society, but you have changed your life in the world.

"Fortunately, it's not dark yet. It's darker and more dangerous. There is still enough time to find a safe place. The task will be more confident when the movie plot is recalled!"

Song Qian said, walking cautiously into the distance.

God ... slowly getting dark.

"¥% & * # @% ......"

Song Qian really wanted to scold the **** of death with the most vicious words!

"Damn it! Everything is met! It's worse than in real life! Laozitang's seven-foot man, won't be buried in this foreign land!" Song Qian speeded up her pace, still cursing the Lord God at the same time, but also Silently praying ~ ~ Now I can only pray for better luck, don't encounter carnivorous dinosaurs so soon! Don't do it! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, accompanied by a strange cry.


Without saying anything, Song Qian speeded up and ran forward.

About five minutes later, he hugged a branch of a big tree tightly. His buttocks had been torn off, revealing a piece of white flowers, and three blood stains were caught on his back.

"Damn it! Lord God I% ¥ # @ * &"

Song Qian gritted his teeth and did not dare to let go.

The two ends below are about two meters high. He can't see the dinosaurs of the breed are hovering, and from time to time he looks up at him, making a few screams, or jumping up and trying to bite him.

He swears that this is the most thrilling scene he has ever experienced in his life! There is no more terrible than this!

Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the top of his head.

The foliage is lush and the sky is invisible.

Then he tried to turn his head, trying to see the wound on his back, but he couldn't see it anyway.

I just felt the wound was bleeding.

"No! You have to climb up and wrap up the wound, otherwise the **** smell will attract more carnivorous dinosaurs. If you encounter a large dinosaur, this height may not be enough to save my life!" Song Qian thought, I felt another force deep in my body, "You wait, I will make you regret one day!"

He climbed to a high place, wrapped his clothes around his back, and took a break. He also tried his best to break a branch thick enough to use it as a weapon of self-defense. Then he found a comfortable place to lie down and relax.

It didn't take long for him to find out he had a cold.

"This task is really not easy to do!" Song Qian gave a weak smile and sneezed by the way.

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