My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1152: mission completed

real world.

The rain has stopped for a long time, but the world has become so wet, the temperature is a bit cool, the air is unusually clear, the water droplets slide off the tip of the leaves on the tree, hitting the blue stone slab with a slightly inaudible click.

The birds crowed and the insects showed their heads.

Anyang still stood in front of the window, staring at the outside world.

After the rain, the hills were foggy, showing pure white colors floating on the mountainside, illusory, reflecting the distant fields that had just sprouted after spring plowing.

His eyes were out of focus, and it took a long time to retract his gaze, rubbing his temples silently.

He already has some understanding of the tasks of Tianlin, Huang Ju and Song Qian: Tianlin ’s task is not difficult, and his strategy can be easily completed, but in the war of two races, he is weak. , It is still possible to lose lives if something goes wrong;

Huang Ju ’s “Independence Day: 2 Comebacks” seems to be not very strong, and the life-saving is very simple, but the technology of the alien race is still very strong. It is difficult for Huang Ju to complete the task without preparing in advance, and he Without the protagonist aura, there is a high probability of being killed by indiscriminate attacks;

Song Qian ’s task is the highest, he is just an ordinary person, and he is neglected to exercise. In addition to a little vague impression of the plot, his personal viability is even worse than the few foreign men who died in the play! And he didn't carry any weapons. He was just a piece of meat in front of the dinosaurs. It was already not easy to live. It was even harder to steal two kinds of dinosaur eggs!

Both Tianlin and Huangju were randomly selected by Anyang. There was no basis for it. Anyang did n’t know if they had any supernormalities. Therefore, in these two tasks, Anyang felt that 80% of them might get Tianlin ’s task rewards. , About half of the probability get Huang Ju's task reward.

It was also an accident to find Song Qian. Anyang did set up some conditions to screen out an ordinary person, but in the end none of these conditions were used.

He chose Song Qian only because Song Qian's experience was too suffocating, as if he were the protagonist in many novels, so with the support of some kind of bad taste, he decided to let this poor worm be his experiment. In other words, he decided to give the poor worm a chance to change his life.

It's just that this opportunity is too difficult. Song Qian's probability of completing the task is less than 10%. In Anyang's calculation, his only chance to survive is to recall the plot and survive with the power of the original plot characters, and then consider borrowing. The power of modern civilization steals dinosaur eggs. After all, as long as he gets the dinosaur eggs, he can leave the world without considering the cost of theft.

In addition to this, all other strategies are probabilistic, and if he succeeds, he is just lucky.

So, this is a poor bug!

It can also be seen that in the algorithm of the system automatically assigning tasks, the personal strength of the space-time mercenary is an important parameter, but it is not absolute.

The personal strength of the space-time mercenary will directly affect the power level and danger level of the mission background, and will also directly affect the difficulty of the mission, which may also be related to the abundance of mission rewards. At the same time, the system is completely unaware of the protection of space-time mercenaries. This is not comparable to him. For example, Song Qian is currently performing the "Jurassic Park" mission. It is definitely a nine-death life.

In the systematic cognition, the difficulty level of the natural world dominated by the background of the world is generally higher than that of the original world dominated by plots, such as Haishi · Ancient Silver Dragon and Tianlin, both of which enter the natural world , And the slightly weaker Huang Ju and Song Qian, who are born with flesh, entered the source world.

From the point of view of the actual benefits available, it is difficult to distinguish between the natural world and the source world. On the whole, the natural world is more complete, the civilized system is more complete, there are no defects, you can avoid a lot of embarrassment, and the original world also has its own advantages, that is, the unique technologies brought by the unique settings and difficult to derive naturally Things.

Anyang thought, frowning gradually.

"It seems that when setting mission rewards in the future, it can't be set too richly. If the difficulty of the mission rises sharply, it's a little too rewarding. After all, investing so many energy points, if the space-time mercenaries can't complete the mission, they will still die. In the case of a loss, you will lose a lot. "He said to himself that no one could hear, with a serious expression," If possible, you can design some special props as a reward for the next time and space mercenary. The mission is helpful ... "


After thinking for a long time, he felt that his head was about to be hollowed out, before Anyang shook his head, withdrew his gaze from the pine tree with dripping needles outside the window and walked back.

"The fusion system has become more and more perfect now. Although it is still suitable for my own practice system, the core ideas and fusion technology can still be considered first for the Shenzhou world. There have been a group of Taoists who have studied this for so long, and there has been no progress at all. Well, it ’s best to give them some inspiration to introduce a fusion system suitable for the general public to practice as soon as possible. "

"There is still the problem of repair."

Since the three skill points were added to the ancient nerve last time, it seems that it has just broken a certain bottleneck. Now he can enter the second stage of the ancient nerve, the ancient **** stage at any time, according to the level of the origin , He has completely entered the ranks of sixth-order scholars.

It is just because the progress is too fast, the practice system is mostly, and it is not in the place of origin or the world of the God and Buddha era all the year round. His accumulation of knowledge does not match a sixth-rank academic or ancient Shinto practitioner who is steadily promoted. On the surface, there is no difference, and even his combat power is far better than that of ordinary sixth-order scholars or ancient Shinto practitioners. However, when encountering some difficult problems, when creating new means of magic, and even later. At the first stage, this kind of malpractice caused by lack of knowledge will be manifested, and it is very fatal.

"The road is still very long!" Anyang said silently.

"It is imperative to stabilize the realm now, and then finish the things that this realm should do. There is no need to upgrade or upgrade the place. The things that should be equipped must also be prepared. The next mission is not far away."

"Then, read the book!"

Haishi · Ancient Silver Dragon has returned to the place of origin, and activated the badge disguised as a mission reward to become a member of the space-time power system. Anyang can gain a lot of knowledge about the place of origin through him. After he is successfully promoted to the fifth-level academic, he can also be considered a big man in the place of origin, and then Anyang will be able to gain more secret knowledge through him.

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, the past two days are more than 20 days for Song Qian and Huang Ju, and half a month for Tianlin, another natural world.

Song Qian didn't know whether to say it was good or bad. After a lot of bad luck, Enron spent two days, but he just fell into the tree to find food and ran into the dragon. ... Although he escaped by virtue of cleverness, he was severely arrested. Several wounds spanned his face and his right eye was blind. The ensuing wound infection and hunger almost killed him.

At this time, he met the protagonist, Dr. Grant.

The doctor rescued him and bandaged his wound, but his right eye had completely lost his sight and his face was disfigured, becoming an ugly one-eyed dragon.

He didn't recuperate afterwards, but gritted his teeth like a cockroach to find life, and finally survived. He crossed the plot with Dr. Grant and met the creator of Jurassic Park-John Hammond .

Jurassic Park gradually regained control. Song Qian ’s first mission was completed. After simple treatment, he gave up rest in the hospital and insisted on staying in the park to find opportunities.

Huang Ju met the protagonist Jack Morrison when the alien invasion was at its strongest. During the crisis, many rules became waste paper. He took the opportunity to transform into a skilled pilot, and the Space Defense Agency ’s The pilots and the World Anti-Alien Alliance jointly resisted the enemy, and at the last minute captured the alien queen with a biological trap and captured the alien fighter to escape the alien spaceship.

However, the second mission has not yet been completed, the world is suffering from a huge trauma, ushering in a period of reconstruction, if he can not seize the time to obtain alien technology ~ ~ he must explain to the officials of the Space Defense Agency : Why can an ordinary security guard be familiar with the latest fighters?

In comparison, Tianlin's mission went smoothly.

Because humans used a large number of mercenaries in addition to the regular army in the war against giant insects, and there were also a large number of private mercenaries hired by capitalists to desolate the planet 'gold rush', Tian Lin's identity was not severely questioned.

Even though he could not report his own information and refused to name the employer, the human military still regarded him as some illegal smuggling on this planet, obtaining illegal resources for certain capitalist tumors or cherishing giant insect organs The Desperado, who then organized him into a team, confronted the giant insects head-on, making Tianlin complete most of the first mission in just half a month, and had found a giant insect nest.

Another day later, Anyang sorted out the core principles of the fusion system and handed it to the Taoist Institute of Shenzhou World. In the following days, he would spend at least a month to upgrade the natal method, so he chose to carry out this in Shenzhou World. Things, this can save a lot of time.

More than a month is about three days in the real world.

Then, he must create more energy application methods to match the new fusion system, so as to fully exert the power of this new system.

But because he is the only person who practises this system, everything must be done by him independently.

This is a very boring time, and also a very brain-burning thing. He must deal with various formulas every day, try various uses of energy, record every success, failure or sudden flash of inspiration, almost every In a few days, a new principle can be discovered on its own, and at the same time, it has begun to accumulate profound theoretical knowledge.

At this time, Huang Ju completed the task first.

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