My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1153: I am your initial guide

It's still the empty room, if you change the home style of the only two sofas in the room to some other more rigorous color, everything will be perfect.

Huang Ju was sitting on one of the sofas. The man whose eyes were always cold seemed extremely silent at this moment. He looked up from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

Finally, Anyang's figure appeared on another sofa, and a crystal ball sealed with a monster appeared with him.

"Your Majesty!" Huang Ju stood up immediately.

"Don't be nervous." Anyang waved his hand and motioned him to sit down again. "It's not a feudal age now, nor is it the Huaibei Empire. You can relax."

"Yes!" Huang Ju sat down again.

"Is this the alien queen, or queen bee." Anyang turned to look at the smaller queen in the crystal ball. The queen bee, who had mastered the powerful power at this time, seemed a little panicked, bumping in and out of the crystal ball, thinking To escape, he repeatedly hit the wall, and finally only faced Anyang's scrutiny.

Huang Ju was silent and did not speak.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised that you were the first to complete the task." Anyang turned to him and said, "I thought it would be another person."

"Tianlin?" Huang Ju asked tentatively.

"No, it's not him, it's another person, an ordinary person who has been living in a peaceful age."

"Ordinary people?" Huang Ju was surprised.

"Yeah, I found a total of three people. In addition to the two of you, there is an ordinary person who does not have any special abilities." An Yang smiled. "But you don't need to be surprised. His task is for you. There is no difficulty at all, but it is very difficult for him. I thought I could hear the success or failure of his mission soon, but I did not expect that you were the first to get me a reply. "

"Do not insult the sacred life!" Huang Ju said.

"Don't talk about those." Anyang waved his hand again. "Your task is very beautiful and clean, and the timing is also very appropriate. It proves that I did not pick the wrong person. But I also know that this task makes you a bit Unpleasant, you do n’t have to be too persistent, go back and take a rest, and strive to get out of this shadow early. "

"Your Majesty!" Huang Ju really didn't expect that he would be so comforted as a soldier by the emperor.

After a pause, he said: "I ... I just haven't experienced such a thing for many years. I have never experienced such a situation after joining the army. For the time being, I'm ... not used to it."

"I know, I have seen it," Anyang said, and his tone was very gentle. "Go back and take a day off. As I said before, take a good rest and at the same time make good use of task rewards to strive to make yourself stronger. Become After the space-time mercenaries, you are no longer ordinary, and your life trajectory is likely to become more variable. You have to be well prepared to deal with these ups and downs. "

"I know." Huang Ju didn't say much, his expression was still somber, and nodded in agreement.

"So, go back."

When Anyang waved his hand, a door of blue space appeared in the room, which just appeared in front of Huang Ju. At the same time, a gentle force pushed him in.

In the plot, Huang Ju and Jack, Dylan and other people jointly fought against the alien invaders. In any case, it was considered to have fought side by side, but at the last moment, Huang Ju had to turn his face in order to **** the alien technology carrier. Become an enemy and kill them all with the same team of guards! Although he acted extremely decisively and decisively in this process, he certainly would feel uncomfortable as a military background.

Anyang probably understands this feeling.

The room quickly returned to silence, and the bird was silent.

Anyang turned to look at the crystal ball, gently waved, and the crystal ball floated over.

Through the transparent material, I can see the queen inside waving her tentacles in a panic, but the crystal ball firmly limits the space of movement. I think Anyang in her eyes is a behemoth that can destroy herself at any time, and this behemoth is watching her. , As if watching a small prey.

"Queen ... It seems to have no merit." Anyang frowned, not knowing how to place her.

"This aggressive race seems to have no need to be released at all, and it looks so ugly and has no value as a pet. It stays in this biological trap. Without energy supply, it will probably starve to death soon. Right? "Anyang said to herself, seeing that the queen in the crystal ball became more alarmed by what he said. She seemed to be saying something, but her voice was completely blocked by the crystal ball.

"It's a good creature catcher, it can be recycled. Is it okay to carry the space-time mission with it?" Anyang ignored the queen and continued, "For the sake of cosmic peace, you can't let you go, but you Rest assured, I will give you a happy one! "

He was about to start, but there was a voice in his head.

"The time and space mercenary Song Qian completed the task, and the selected person received task rewards: skill points * 2, physical quality points * 1."


Anyang was a little surprised and stopped.

"That kid actually finished his job ..." Before he finished, a figure appeared in the room.

The figure was running ecstatically, as if someone behind him was chasing him, returning to the room and still running, until he hit the wall fiercely, and stopped with a thud.

"Guru ..."

The two dinosaur eggs landed on the ground and rolled twice.

Song Qian also fell to the ground weakly, supporting his back with his hands, gasping like a cow, muttering: "Almost, it's almost, and I can't come back."

A trace of blood oozed from his back, staining the floor with blood stains, but he didn't realize it, full of joy for the rest of his life.

He knew that his life would be turned upside down.

At this moment, a pair of casual leather shoes stepped in front of him. He looked up, a pair of legs in elegant trousers, obviously a man. As for his appearance, he still could not see clearly.

"I can feel that it is not easy for you to complete the task, but are you going to lie on the ground like this?"

"Lao ... Laozi was shot!"


Anyang glanced at his back and shrugged: "Accurately, it was just wiped off by a bullet, not a shot, but you'd better go to the hospital to see it. If you bleed too much, you might die."

Song Qian raised his head and did not return to him, just whispered: "Extract task rewards."

With a brush, a white porcelain bottle with a delicate logo appeared in front of him, a cyan badge with the word An, and a printed book with the foundation of the monk.

Looking at this exquisite white porcelain bottle like a luxury beverage packaging promoted by a beverage company, Song Qian was stunned, and then looked at the book "Basic Dao" with a color printed cover and thick paper, he was stunned again. , And then looked up to Anyang: "You ... are you teasing me? No, are you the initial guide or the main god? If it is the main god, it should not be this image ..."

"It makes sense," Anyang murmured, and then said to him, "I am your initial guide. This is the last time I appeared in front of you. Do you have any questions to ask as soon as possible, I will hurry!"

"Ah!" Song Qian looked at him with the only left eye. "Since it is a guide, there is no need to be so mysterious."

"This is the convention." Anyang said.

"Okay, okay." Song Qian pointed to the scars on his face and his blind right eye. "Is my eyes so abandoned, does it come out of the task, the Lord God will give me intact as before?" The obligation? "

"Sorry, Lord God does not provide such a service." Anyang shrugged again. "But this is not a difficult thing. You can restore your eyes by practicing Taoism. It's just a pity that you chose Taoism. If you choose If you choose "Basic Mystery" and major in biology, your recovery time for your right eye may be much earlier. "

"... can I change it now?"

"Obviously not." Anyang regretted.

"..." Song Qian was silent for a while, "What the **** is it!"

"Are there any questions?"

"Yes!" Song Qian said, and then looked at his task rewards, "Excuse me, this bottle of medullary washing liquid and this" Training Foundation ", do you have any doubts about its appearance?"

"Why do you suspect that this is a problem? Exquisite packaging and appearance can significantly enhance consumers' desire to buy ~ ~ and increase sales, is this not a simple reason?" Anyang somehow said.

"Uh, yes."

"Is there any problem? I'm in a hurry."

"How long is the next mission?"

"This is not clear. It depends on your ability in the last mission. Some people are very fast, some are very slow, and some people are too wasteful to be abandoned by the Lord God." .


"So, are you okay?"

"Yes!" Song Qian continued. "You should have performed many missions, can you tell me more about some rules or precautions?"


About an hour later.

Anyang looked helpless: "You are the most troublesome mercenary I have ever brought, will you still have problems?"

"Yes! ... how many mercenaries have you contacted?"


"There should be a lot of space-time mercenaries in real life?"


"They all have extraordinary abilities?"


"How can we recognize each other if we meet?"


"Did they keep hiding?"


"Ah, I know. Could it be that the extraordinary incidents and alien incidents on the Internet were caused by them?"


"Are you paralyzed? Why haven't you kept answering? You should be paid to be a guide for a newcomer? Are you so worthy of the salary the Lord God gave you?" Obviously, Song Qian's extraordinary excitement, one question after another One, can't even take care of the wounds and blind eyes.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the room--


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