My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1154: What can this guy do!

"What sound!" Song Qian was alert with conditional reflexes, looking for the source of the sound, and at the same time looked at Anyang with one eye puzzled, "Is it a system prompt sound, or is there a newcomer?

"Just knock on the door." Anyang said helplessly.

"Knock on the door?" Song Qian was a little puzzled. Is there a knock on the door in this place, but he didn't see the door!

"Yeah." Anyang said.

At this time, the sound continued to come--

"Boom boom ..."

"Anyang Daoyou, let's have dinner, do you want to eat?" Huang Lan's murmured voice came, obviously what was wrapped in his mouth.

"This sound ... sounds familiar." Song Qian immediately frowned, and then looked at Anyang, "What did she call you? What Daoyou are coming? That should be your name? Uh, no, this is you." Always tell me why you are in a hurry? "

"Yeah, my wife has already prepared the meal. Do you want to eat it together?" Anyang said calmly.

"Isn't this good?" Song Qian rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, "But I haven't had a good meal for a long time. Those Americans don't eat anything. It's hard for you, Senior I ’m not going to be polite to you anymore, I just happen to be a friend, and I can take care of each other if I meet in the process of performing tasks in the future. "

Anyang looked at him with a pain in his face. For a long time, he waved his hand decisively: "Think beautiful!"

Song Qian felt unconscious as soon as her eyes were dark.

He was awakened by a sudden pain.

The moment he regained consciousness, he only felt that he was lying on the ground, like he had just fallen, his face was on the hard and cold ground, and the pain was hot. The previous memories were like a dream, or a certain An illusion.

It was indeed a fall, and the face was definitely wearing off.

Such thoughts flashed in Song Qian's mind.

Really bad!

Suddenly, he felt a hand grabbing him and holding him up, followed by a burst of light fragrance.

"Are you all right? How did you fall?" A gentle female voice came into his ear, and the female voice immediately became a little surprised. "Ah! You bleed!"

Song Qian stood up and glanced at the woman whose appearance was only moderate. Just wanting to thank, she saw a little panic in the woman's eyes.

"You ..." The woman covered her mouth and pointed at herself.


Song Qian immediately touched his face, starting with the rough touch of the scar and the **** his right eye.

The world seems to be a little less.

Fortunately, it's much more than one-half.

After a little recovery, Song Qian immediately felt the tingling on his back, reached out and touched it, and then took it back to take a look, his hand was bloody! Then he touched his pocket, a hard touch came, white porcelain bottles, badges and books rolled into a roll by him!

It seems not a dream anymore.

At this time, the woman had realized that the panic she had just expressed was not very polite to a person with a bad appearance and a disabled right eye. His face was flushed and he quickly waved his hand: "Sorry, do you need to go to the hospital? The situation does not seem to be very good, shall I take a taxi to the hospital? "

Song Qian waved his hand: "No, thank you, I'll take a taxi myself."

With that said, he didn't care about the girl any more, and limped on alone, walking forward, his expression a little self-deprecating.

Go to the hospital? Such a serious injury requires a large amount of inspection fees. Now that I am heavily in debt, I can still find a small medical clinic to bandage for so much money!

"How many numbers are coming today?" He suddenly turned his head and stared at the woman with one eye, asking.

"Wait, let me see ... the nineteenth."

"On the 19th, several days have passed." Song Qian muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly a little dazed.

Then he turned around and moved away.

After confirming that this matter really exists, Song Qian found that he was much calmer than he thought. Well, at least there was no excitement, or he would definitely be treated as a neuropathy.

Behind him, the woman looked at him a little stunned, still ... I think this person's brain is a bit abnormal.

Song Qian drove a luxury car back to the rental house. The first thing was to put the badge, the white porcelain bottle with the washing liquid and the "Basic Cultivation Foundation" in the cabinet and lock it. Here are a few hundred yuan that are flat and brand new, and he is going to bandage downstairs — if not afraid of affecting the next task that may be unexpected, he can't even downstairs bandage.

In the room where he had been before, Anyang only snapped his fingers, and the objects in the room gradually emerged, and the knock on the door came from the door on a wall-

"Boom ... Anyang Daoyou?"

"Come here!" Anyang hurried to the door.

With a squeak, the door was opened by him.

Huang Lan, who was wearing a tight-fitting sportswear with a very strong figure, stood at the door and looked at him with a bit of suspiciousness. The probe passed over him and looked into the room, whispering: "What's a man hiding in the room secretly, Knocking on the door for so long does not promise ... "

At this moment, there was a voice beside him, "What else can I do! This guy who is so disgusting and disgusting, hiding in the room for so long, what else can be done in addition to those things!"

Anyang froze for a moment, glanced aside, and took another step forward, only to see Anyou standing in a place where he had no line of sight before, his hands on his chest, his face disdainful.

Then he asked, "What are those things?"

Huang Lan also nodded, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

An You suddenly couldn't hold the aloof posture, a blush appeared on her face, and quickly pulled Huang Lan over: "Sister Huang Lan, how can you get along with this guy, this guy is full of things, you can never Don't be damaged by him. "

"I'm just curious what the **** is going on." Huang Lan opened his eyes and looked innocent.

"Yeah, I'm also curious, what the **** is that?" Anyang also said very seriously next to him, "You don't want to sell it, let's talk!"

These words deeply resonated with Huang Lan, causing her to nod again and again: "Yeah, don't sell it, I'm very curious. If you say that, half of it makes me uncomfortable."

"Yes, she is super curious."

"Let's come! The two of you are singing one and one here together!" Anyou shouted blushing, and pointed at Anyang again. "You guys are less pretentious here. Are you not clear what you are doing? ! "

"It was quite clear, let me say that, I'm a little confused." Anyang shrugged.

"Yeah, me too." Huang Lan echoed.

An You took a deep breath and just wanted to have an attack. Seeing the uncovered curiosity and purity in Huang Lan's eyes, she deflated and turned back downstairs helplessly: "I don't care if you guy hides in the room What are you doing, always eating, please hurry up and wash your hands to eat! "

"Yeah, wash your hands and eat." Huang Lan also told Anyang, and then added a sentence, "Sister Xiaoqian made many delicious things that I haven't seen today."

"... When did you become a follower?"

"Follow the sound bug?"

"Yeah, it's a kind of bug. It says what others say." Anyang glanced at her. "Just like you just did."

"I understand! You are sarcastic!" Huang Lan gave him a fierce glance, then stretched out two hands and pressed his shoulder to push him into the room, "Go wash your hands!"


Washing hands before eating seems to be fine.

Anyang washed his hands and saw Anyou, Xiao Xueer and Ji Weiwei all coming downstairs, and smiled and said, "Is it going to the weekend again so quickly? Even Anyou is here."

"Doesn't Xiaoyou look intimate?" Comrade Xiaoqian set up his chopsticks and said casually.

"No!" Anyang and Anyou almost spoke in unison.

Immediately, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other and Anyou said, "You guys, don't seem to want to come so fast this weekend. Let's talk about it first. If you don't want to see me, just say it!"

"No, you are not ugly," Anyang said. "It's just that I've been too busy recently and I have forgotten my time."

"When are you busy? Don't you wait for dinner at home every day?"

Huang Lan inserted the truth at this time: "He has indeed been very busy in recent days, and almost no one can see the silhouette except when eating."

"Is ..." Anyou said nothing more.

At this point, during the entire meal, she rarely quarreled with Anyang, but seriously immersed herself in the meal.

Soon after eating, Anyang sat for a while before saying to everyone: "I'm going upstairs first, you eat slowly."

Having said that, he went upstairs.

As soon as he entered the room, he felt some movement outside, and he couldn't help turning around, helplessly said: "You know it's no use hiding, why are you still hiding?"

Huang Lan stood awkwardly from the left side of the door and touched his head: "I ... I just want to see what you do in the room."

"What else can you do?" Anyang twitched his lips.

"That's the same sentence ... Your sister said the same thing just now." Huang Lan's eyes were more doubtful, and she was a little crazy. "What the **** are you, can't you just say it? You have to be mysterious, Tormented the king! "

"Curiosity killed the cat, haven't you heard it?"

"I'm not a cat!" Huang Lan walked straight into the room and saw two big eggs scattered at the foot of the wall. She immediately wondered, "What kind of egg is this? Such a big one!"

"Dinosaur Eggs."

"Dinosaur eggs? Can you eat them?"

"Fresh, of course!"


"Well ... logically there should be no delicious eggs."

"What's it for?"

"I also want to ask, what is it for?" Anyang secretly vomited the system thousands of times.

Soon, Ji Weiwei appeared at the door and saw the two big eggs at once, and asked the same question ~ ~ After Anyang explained, her eyes widened: "Can you hatch a dinosaur?"

"Fresh, of course!"

"Doesn't it mean that I can raise two dinosaurs to play as pets?" Ji Weiwei's eyes lighted up, "It must be very windy to be led into the community at night!"

"... The current atmospheric environment should not be suitable for dinosaurs to survive. It will live shortly even if it can hatch. Well, I said it should be." Anyang is also not sure, because these two dinosaur eggs are strictly not from The Jurassic, and the earth from another world, their mother is a variant of the earth scientist resurrected from the blood in the amber mosquito, and may not be able to survive on the earth.

"Oh." Ji Weiwei nodded somewhat disappointed.

Then, An You appeared at the door again.

Anyang's expression hurt a little, and he swept the people around the room: "You guys line up for my visit, right?"

An You ignored him directly, walked in, and stared at the two big eggs: "What kind of egg is this? Such a big one! Shouldn't it be an ostrich egg? The ostrich egg isn't as long and slender."

"The specimen is just for viewing." Anyang said.

"Is it ..." An You thought to accept the statement, picked up an egg, and patted.

The egg suddenly made a booming sound.

"It's pretty hard!"

An Yourao said with interest.

With An Youzai, both Ji Weiwei and Huang Lan did not talk about the dinosaur egg anymore, but wandered around in this room, looking around.

Several people are very curious. This room usually seems to be vacant, not a bedroom. There is nothing in it, not even the bathroom. What is Anyang doing inside.

It did n’t take long for Anyou to discover the crystal ball—

Sealed with a biological trap for alien queen bees.

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