My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1155: Makes no sense

"What is this !?" Her voice was curious and surprised to discover the New World.

Anyang turned around and found that she was standing by the window, holding the crystal ball in her hands, carefully watching the light through the window, and the side face with long hair was particularly beautiful.

"Oh, just a gadget."

"Small gadgets? But it's so realistic, it's still moving, like alive!" An You held a crystal ball with a smile and looked at it again, her expression suddenly froze, "But ...... This is too realistic, even the expression can be seen, and this monster is so ugly, if someone is a toy, would anyone really buy it? "

"Are you doubting its market prospects?" Anyang glanced at her and asked lightly.


"If you make it into a very cute cartoon image, or anime hero and heroine, and then design it with richer movements instead of such indiscriminate movements, and change the expression to be more cute, will no one buy it?"

"Then ... it depends on the price." Anyou hesitated a little. "Is this the latest technology?"

"Yes, the latest technology, experimental samples."

"Why do you want to do such an experimental sample? The action is like struggling, the expression also seems to be full of pain, and this thing is too ugly, why not make an image of a little yellow man, so that it can better achieve the experiment of the sample Value? "An You frowned, looking up at the creature in the crystal ball that was struggling to hit the wall of the crystal ball.

"Little yellow man? Is that good for copyright fees? We haven't had time to purchase licenses from the relevant rights holders of well-known cute pets, and it happens that one of the designers in the design team is a science fiction fan, so he designed it. Such an image that he feels very much like an alien queen. "

"It's quite like an alien, but where is it like the queen, why can't I see it?" An You frowned.

After a pause, she thought back to her head and said, "This technology is a bit like the holographic pet simulator played by Sister Rabbit, but it seems that the simulator played by Sister Rabbit seems to be much more mature than this technology. This Should it still be in the R & D stage? "

"Well, the research and development stage."

"It looks very different from the holographic pet simulator. Is it another route?"

"Yeah, the two products, the initial plan is to choose one, now it seems that this crystal ball technology may be abandoned due to the high cost and impracticality. You are now in the hands of the group. The first crystal ball pet may also be the last one. "Anyang stood next to Anyou with a glass of water and watched calmly as she played with this alien trap equipped with an alien queen.

"No wonder, there are obviously many flaws in the design of this thing!" Anyou muttered.

"You can think of the market prospect at the first glance. When I asked if anyone would buy it, the price element was taken into consideration immediately. To be honest, I was really impressed." Anyang said, "proof You learned a lot in school and company! "

Unsurprisingly, An You heard this compliment without any ordinary people's complacency and happiness, but she was very annoyed: "Are you talking to me with a predominantly guiding attitude? Or do you think I should praise you Thank you? If this is the case, you must be disappointed. I think anyone who is slightly more sensitive in this regard will think of this. If you look at me, you can only show that you stand low and your vision is not enough! "

Anyang shrugged and shook his head again: "It's just because I have always felt that your tactile sensation is quite dull, but this time it is a bit sharper, so I was surprised."


"What are you ..." Anyang glanced at her, "What about Cher?"

"Wash the dishes below, what's wrong!"

"Look at how diligent people are, like you, come and fight with me when you're full and drunk, shit!"

"Then you marry her!"

"..." Anyang glanced at her without speaking.

An You was also a little embarrassed, glancing at Ji Weiwei and Huang Lan who were in the room but pretending to hear nothing, put the crystal ball back on the shelf and went out: "I'll go and help Xiao Qian to wash the dishes Now! "

"Huh, it's estimated that it's all done."

At this time, there was a slight trembling sound in the room, as if someone was striking something.

An You's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Duo duo……"

This subtle sound is particularly clear in the room, followed by a crackling click.

An You, Huang Lan and Ji Weiwei turned their heads suddenly and looked at the two big eggs in the corner of the room, showing strange colors.

An You asked: "What ... what is this voice?"

Ji Weiwei and Huang Lan looked at each other, both wisely kept silent, and turned to look at Anyang tacitly.

"Kap ..."

One of the eggs had cracks in its shell.

Anyou's expression is even weirder.

Ji Weiwei acted decisively, and Limara passed Anyou ’s hand and said, "Do n’t you say you want to go downstairs to help Sister Xiaoqian wash the dishes? Just so I am embarrassed to eat lazy food, I usually go to help with the dishes ! "

An You pulled her by the hand, but stood still, looking at the egg, saying, "It's estimated that it's all washed up."

Huang Lan took a deep breath and also stood up: "Then let's go downstairs, it's also boring to stay here, just because I recently sorted out a set of great ways to maintain my figure, I will show you!"

"I don't want to move when I'm full, I'll show it later." An You continued to wave her hand.

"Kap ..."

Another crack appeared in the eggshell.

The thickness of the eggshell was experienced, and it is definitely not as fragile as the egg, and even the ostrich egg is not so hard, but now it is inexplicably splintered a gap, which is like breaking from the inside! This really aroused the curiosity of Her Royal Highness Princess. She couldn't help but move closer to look at this egg, which Anyang called a craft specimen. I wonder if something will pop out of it——

Pikachu or the little yellow man?

At this moment, the eggshell actually fell off.

A strange head came out!

Her Royal Highness Princess only felt dark in front of her eyes, and the whole person suddenly lost consciousness, so soft that she was in Anyang's arms.

The only thought before coma is: not a little yellow man.

Anyang pursed her lips, carefully embraced Anyou, and laid it flat on the sofa. By the way, she sorted her squeezed hair before clapping her hands. "It's troublesome, call Xiao Chan in and let her Ignore this. "

"Oh." Huang Lan went out.

The rest of Ji Weiwei took a long breath and looked at the egg in the corner: "Can you hatch independently without a female dinosaur and incubation equipment? But don't you say that the current atmospheric environment is not suitable for dinosaurs to survive?"

"It should have been hatching when it left the incubation equipment, or it may have something to do with the warmer climate, but I really don't know if this little guy can survive in this era." Anyang smirked. The little dinosaur with its head sticking out of the eggshell is still trying to use its mouth to break the surrounding eggshell along the edge of the hole in the eggshell, so that it can get out of its trap.

"It looks like a pterosaur with a beak like a beak."


"Well, strictly speaking, it should be called pterodactyl. It is not a kind of dinosaur academically, but in the perception of many people, it is a flying dinosaur."

"Can you ride?"

"... it depends on whether it can survive, how big it can grow, and whether it can move you."

"Oh, so troublesome!"

"Yes, and most pterodactyls are carnivorous animals and have a certain degree of aggression, so it is also necessary to determine whether it is docile and willing to let you sit on their backs." Anyang shrugged. Road.

At this time, Huang Lan walked in with Xiao Chan from the door and said, "So, it's really impossible to keep this stuff. It's better to have it braised and try it!"

"Xiaochan is here, come here!" Anyang quickly pulled Xiaochan over, "Anyou will leave it to you."

"Huh." Xiao Chan nodded in a wink ~ ~ asked again, "Just ... just hypnosis?"

"Well, just hypnotize it, let her subconsciously ignore what happened today, or think it is just a ridiculous fantasy flashed in her heart, without really erasing her memory, and I can't afford to pay anything in case of damage. "Anyang said, and greeted Huang Lan again," Hurry up and take away the hatched little guy and another egg. "

"Oh." Both nodded.

When Huang Lan left the room, An Yang waved his hand, and immediately two identical eggs appeared in the room.

Blue light appeared in the room.

Not long after, An Yung woke up with a bang.

She opened her eyes, and the bright face was Anyang's calm face. Soon a hot glass of steaming water was passed to her, only to hear the dull voice of this guy: "I told you not to arrange your time like that. Tight, do n’t be so tired, give yourself a little more rest time. You do n’t listen. Fortunately, the place of coma is at my house, and it happened to fall on me. Otherwise, if you collapsed in other places, how could you tell Xueer to treat you Placed well? "

Anyou glanced at the hot water in front of her eyes, and she was stunned: "You ... you mean, I just fell into a coma?"

"Otherwise? Weiwei and Huang Lan are both present and almost scared them to death!" Anyang gave her a white glance and continued to pass the water to her mouth. "First drink some saliva, add a little glucose, to your state Recovery helps. "

An You was blocked by the mouth of the cup, closed her eyes reluctantly and drank, before continuing to be surprised: "It doesn't make sense, I'm in good health, and every morning I drink Wahaha, how could I be inexplicably comatose? ? Well, well, I ’ll drink it myself ... "

She took the glass and drank glucose water again, facing Anyang, her face was still in relief.

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