My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1158: The energy station will become

Anyang put down the pen and smiled gently.

He guessed that Tianlin should have discovered the benefits of the brain nucleus of the higher-order giant insects on the barren planet, and wanted to collect more as a benefit for himself in this world.

Normal people estimate that many will choose to do so.

Indeed, those brain nuclei contain abundant energy, are purely natural and easy to absorb. They are the best source of energy and can assist in spiritual practice. They are equivalent to spirit stones in some fantasy works, and can even be swallowed directly as a tonic without causing discomfort.

In the real world of China, there is no such thing.

Anyang ignored it and began to examine his own gains.

Among the three space-time missions, Song Qian brought him the least rewards, only two skill points and one physical quality point; followed by Huang Ju, which is a little more difficult in the task world, but there are no more places, a total of three One skill point and one physical quality point; the most is Tianlin. After all, his task is the highest in terms of complexity, difficulty and danger in the background world, so he brought him a skill point and a physical quality point. And a special ability: skill upgrade.

In addition, Tianlin also retained two skill points, which was not offset by the reward set by Anyang.

In total, there are six skill points, three physical quality points and a special ability. This special ability can directly upgrade a certain skill he masters, regardless of difficulty, as long as he uses it, he can directly upgrade to one level.

Anyang is undoubtedly very satisfied.

If he is involved in the mission himself, at least two missions are required to get such a generous reward, not to mention the time and energy spent in this process, and there may be danger. And now it is just for the space-time mercenaries to perform the task, as long as you set your mind carefully to set it up, you can spend so much energy at home to get so many rewards!

It's so worth it!

He feels that since he got the space-time mercenary system, he has transformed from a migrant worker into a capitalist. Once the energy station is built, he can completely complete the crazy accumulation of strength with the space-time mercenary system!

Shaking his head, he quickly calmed down and began to analyze the favorable information that these three tasks could bring him.

Song Qian brought him the lowest income, which is undoubtedly, as an ordinary person, Song Qian itself is not difficult to enter the mission world, consumes relatively low energy, and saves all other energy expenditure. In this case, the principal-to-profit ratio he obtained for Anyang Bo was the highest, even higher than the rewarding Tianlin!

In other words, the energy cost of allowing Tianlin to perform a space-time task can allow Song Qian to perform two or three times. Most of the tasks performed by Song Qian take a very short time, which can complete the task faster, save more time, and cost-effective. higher!

And if the mission fails, the space-time mercenary may die, or may not come back, which will inevitably bring him a certain loss, and the loss of ordinary people is the smallest.

Although this time is a bit weird, all three tasks have been completed, but in the future there will definitely be a failure of the task. If the space-time mercenary is a strong man from his command, he will lose a strong man. If it is just an ordinary person, then he will just die an ordinary person. This seems too cold-blooded, but this is fact.

"It's just the failure rate and the special abilities in Tianlin's mission rewards ..." Anyang murmured.

The use of ordinary people is indeed cost-effective and does not consume much energy. From Song Qian ’s task, the system has no extra care for ordinary people. Their task difficulty is even higher than that of Huang Ju and Tian Lin. Not everyone has Song Qian's luck. Once he fails, the energy points he puts into this ordinary person will float.

There are special abilities.

Only Tianlin got the special ability. Although this ability is not particularly strong, it is always better than other rewards. Anyang ca n’t help but wonder if the task is difficult enough, the power of the background of the task is strong enough, or Time and space mercenaries are strong enough to add special abilities to mission rewards.

Thinking about it, he felt a headache.

"It seems to be more deliberate." Anyang rubbed his temples, closed the notebook, and then lay on the chair with his eyes closed to refresh himself.

After staying in Pallans for such a long period of time, he hardly had a good rest, soaked in the laboratory whenever he had free time. It has been a long time since he was so tired, and he has not had a good rest in a long time.

Somehow, when a footstep sounded, Angel came behind him and massaged him gently with professional techniques.

At first, Anyang closed her eyes and became more and more comfortable, but An Qi ’s hair was constantly scratching on her face. Itchy and crisp, she could n’t help but open her eyes and looked at An Qi from bottom to top Face, dialed the hair on the face.

Seeing him open his eyes, Angel kept on moving and said with a serious frown: "General, the state affairs are already busy, but there is a basket for the general affairs of the generals. For a long time, even the iron body can't stand it! "

Anyang smiled and said, "My body is much harder than iron."

Seeing that he didn't take his words to heart at all, An Qi frowned more tightly, and while unconsciously aggravating the massage force slightly, he said, "The general is highly weighted, and the billions of people in the three empires are tied to In the hands of the general, there are some things that have to be worried about. Angel will not say that, but the general has already assumed the supremacy, almost a **** in the eyes of civilians, is it necessary to rack his brain to chase personal strength? "

Anyang shook his head again: "The obsession with power is a beast in everyone's heart. We must beware of being swallowed by this beast, but it is also indispensable."

After a pause, he said: "The beast in my heart is not too powerful. My obsession with power is far from crazy, but there are some things you have not experienced, you will never understand. For me In other words, if I cannot guarantee the continued growth of power, I will most likely die. "

"In today's world, can anyone threaten you, General?" An Qi was a little surprised.

"It's not this world, nor the other two worlds you know, but the other worlds. The world you don't know, I don't know." Anyang didn't look tired when she said this, but rather Calm, it seems that I have been used to this kind of life, and it seems that the state of mind is strong enough to face everything calmly and calmly.

An Qi seemed to understand, but she didn't say more.

Gradually, Anyang's consciousness grew deeper and deeper, until she fell asleep completely during An Qi's massage.

When he woke up, two hours later, Angel had left, and she usually had a lot of things to do.

Anyang looked at his watch, relieved, and thought how long he slept, but now it seems that it is only equivalent to a nap.

Touching the phone, he said: "The system adds all three physical fitness points to the brain."

In a blink of an eye, it has been successfully assigned.

Anyang suddenly felt unprecedentedly clear-cut and clear-sighted, and his awkward mind immediately recovered after waking up, and then he was almost uncomfortable with this sudden enhancement ...

"His!" He took a deep breath. "Sure enough, up to now, every point of physical fitness has brought earth-shaking changes!"

And he just added three points at once!

Anyang sat on the office chair, and took a long time to recover, then rubbed his head hard.

His brain power has reached more than 22 points of horror, close to 23 points, and this is only the calculation result of the system. His cultivation ground still has a hidden bonus in this respect. For a short bonus, ignoring this two-digit number, his actual brain power is many times stronger than ordinary people do not know!

But other aspects have not yet caught up.

Anyang Chang exhaled and put down his phone.

There are also six skill points and a special ability, all of which are effective for the skill. He does not intend to use it now, but is ready to wait for the completion of the third thing he has set up for himself, and then use it to upgrade the new "Ancient nerve" ~ ~ After sitting for a while, he walked out of the office.

As soon as I went out, I met Angel.

An Qi held a cup of tea, stopped immediately, and did not salute him. He stared straight at him and asked, "Is the general going to the lab again?"

"I'm not going anymore. I went to the energy station to see. I heard that I was about to enter the finishing work. I have to go." Anyang glanced down at the tea in An Qi's hand and said, "Are you going to see ? "

An Qi was a little stunned, and immediately said: "Okay."

Anyang smiled, took the cup in her hand, took a sip, and walked out slowly carrying it.

An Qi followed silently behind him.

In fact, she is involved in the research and construction of the energy station. Although there are many things in common, she will do some simple things as soon as she is free. Naturally, she knows very well the current progress of the construction of the energy station. When you come back from the energy station, you don't need to visit it at all.

When he walked to the landing platform, an aircraft was already waiting there. Anyang just sipped the mint tea from the cup, handed the cup to the person next to it, and walked into the aircraft with An Qi.

The energy station is still a long distance away from Yinyue City, probably in a deep mountain behind Yinyue City. It used to be the base of a mechanical lord, and it is still very unpopular until now.

Now Anyang has classified it as a military restricted zone, and it is estimated that no one will set foot here for at least a few hundred years.

Still in the air, you can see the building.

Technically speaking, it is similar to the Tianding Energy Station of Crystal World, but because of the difference in aesthetics and architectural culture, the difference in appearance between them is more obvious.

Overall, this is also a very large building, which makes it hard to believe that it was built in just half a year.

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