My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1159: Album

Until this time, the construction team can still be seen installing fire protection measures on some buildings.

The rest, including the barbed wire fence and the sentry post around the energy station, the military station and the aircraft landing and landing platform next to the energy station have been repaired, and only the technical team can install the equipment system for testing.

Anyang's aircraft descended slowly.

Outside the landing platform, there is a small environmentally friendly car with a starlight badge, which is parked waiting for him.

Anyang and An Qi were riding together in an eco-friendly car, and they looked at the energy station at close range, but as a result, their line of sight was greatly blocked, but they had a feeling of not knowing the true face of Lushan, but they did not see it on the aircraft. clear.

The biggest difference that Anyang can feel is the safety measures of this energy station, which is ten times stronger than the safety measures of the Crystal World Tianding Energy Station, although the scale of the Tianding Energy Station is much larger than this energy station. Not only is it a security force used to resist intruders from outsiders, but also has many facilities, such as the isolation circle that is automatically activated in the event of a security accident, and the internal defense circle, which can well prevent the hidden safety hazards of the energy station itself from deriving a powerful damage.

If Haishi was facing this energy station, it is estimated that he would feel much more difficult.

The environmentally friendly car drove all the way to the center of the energy station, the material decomposition room, where Anyang met cousin Lydia, cousin Shirley, and Danyou and Martin.

The status of the four of them is very strange.

But You is explaining something to the senior staff of a construction team, one is very enchanted and the other is listening very carefully. The senior is still holding a notebook with a diligent record of the focus; while Martin is staying aside and leaning in Leaning on the wall to watch their conversation; cousin Lydia was wrinkling her thoughts around a large crystal vortex furnace, holding a picture book in her hand, and from time to time writing down to write pictures; and cousin Shirley was holding a The small biscuits were sent into the mouth piece by piece, and the sound of chewing made Lidia very upset.

Anyang walked over slowly, and only Cousins ​​Martin and Shirley noticed him, and until he coughed twice, he pulled out the cousins ​​Dan and Lidia from the state of being enchanted.

"Oh, sir, you are here!" But You quickly gave a knightly salute, and then said, "I am telling Mr. Weixin about the temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions that must be maintained in the material decomposition room. I hope they can help us achieve it. "

"Your Majesty." The senior construction team respectfully said.

Anyang nodded and said, "Go on, these should not be difficult for Pallans' technology."

At this time, the cousin Lydia was looking at him too, but she quickly looked away and continued to look at the crystal vortex furnace, only to say lightly: "You are here."

Anyang nodded: "What are you thinking about, cousin?"

Lidia still didn't return her head: "This high-density crystal is indeed the best material for the existing vortex furnace. In the process of material decomposition, its stability still seriously drags down performance, and there are still a lot of Material escape. In order to deal with these performance deficiencies, we have to waste a lot of time and resources, but I think this should be solved. "

"The vortex furnace built by Hampi Crystal is already the latest technology in that world." Anyang said, paused, and then said, "It is difficult to solve this problem from the perspective of the crystal card civilization, but if it is from the mysterious civilization Thinking from a perspective, maybe finding a solution will be much easier! "

"I've figured it out!" Lidia said, showing him a picture book full of dense symbols and complex models. "I listed a series of formulas last night, and also performed a simple deduction of the model, proving that it uses mysterious text. It is feasible to increase the strength of Hamby Crystal. If you study it carefully, you can also use the additional surgical array to isolate more material escapes. "

"Really?" Anyang was very surprised.

"Of course it is. When I come down next time, I will definitely be able to implement these two methods!" Lidia said.

"Then trouble the elder cousin, bother." Anyang said.

Cousin Lydia glanced at him, and without further ado, continued to focus on the crystal vortex furnace.

Seeing Anyang looking at her, cousin Shirley quickly said, "Adult, I'm eating wafer biscuits. The taste is very good. Do you want to eat it?"

"Uh, I don't eat."

"Sir, I'm lazy," Martin also said.

"Well, this is great!"

Martin grinned a stern smile and said, "Last night I took a group of technicians to solve all the system control problems of the energy station overnight. Before they solved their problems, I had nothing to do."

"It's hard work."

"If there is no accident, plus the test, it will take about two months before the energy station can be officially put into operation." Martin smiled brilliantly, "Master, you can rest assured."

"Hopefully there will be no accidents." Anyang said.

Two months is not long, and it is only equivalent to one week in the real world. This speed is only obtained by Lydia and their hard work day and night. Otherwise, Anyang will have to wait for half a year.

After a long stroll, he left at about night.

At this time, the real world is full of spring, which means that the season is coming to an end-it is already early April.

The weather quickly warmed to the most comfortable temperature in that short period of half a month, neither cold nor hot. If you are in good health, you can wear a long-sleeved shirt to go out to the sun. If you are weak, you can also wear a thin coat. Just go out and fly a kite. The weather of Jinguan this year is always particularly bright at this time, even if there is a little rain, it will quietly moisten things at night, and there is really no atmosphere of rain in the Qingming season.

Spring at this time is really the best time.

Probably only the weather when entering the autumn can be as pleasant as it is, but the autumn is too bleak, and the sad young people like it, but the most exciting thing is the vitality of spring, the kind of recovery of all things, the sky is sunny Beautiful.

In Qingming, it is reasonable to go home to commemorate, but modern people see it less and less important. If they are in the field, very few people will go back specifically to sacrifice their ancestors.

Anyang did n’t return to his hometown either. He did n’t have the idle time to worship those who were about to disappear in memory. He only remembered his grandmother, and then called Xie Yunqing before eating, and heard her talk about the worship of Qingming. , And those things that you do n’t remember before you live.

Hanging up the phone, he put down his phone and said to An You, who was sitting next to him, "Look at how naughty you were when you were a child. Nine of the ten things Mr. Xie said are related to you."

An You pouted: "Everyone knows if I was naughty when I was a child, and everyone knows who was naughty when I was a child. Most of what Mr. Xie said about me only shows that I am flattering. Those elders like me when they were kids, Like you, it ’s annoying everywhere you go, even if you were cute when you were a kid, no elder likes to play with you! "

"You actually admit that I'm cute!" Anyang surprised.

"Then what happened, Jin Yu was defeated!"

"You actually admit that I am beyond the golden jade!" Anyang was still surprised, and then nodded, "I am very pleased!"

"Why are you so mentally handicapped! Hold a sentence that is a little bit beneficial to you, and don't let go. Don't you notice the sentence behind me?" Anyou was really angry.

"Notice!" Anyang opened his eyes wide. "So what? In your eyes, haven't I always been the kind of person who is nothing but handsome?"

"Poof! Cough ..."

An You choked on her spit.

Anyang quickly turned around and tried to pat her back.

And Anyou reluctantly lifted his hand, coughing violently and shouting that I do n’t want you to take care, until she slowed down, she took a deep breath to look at Anyang, and said very seriously: "You, Ugly, explosive! "

Anyang shrugged without saying much.

Xiao Xueer said beside him: "But we haven't been to Yancheng for a long time, and we really want to go back."

Anyang smiled and asked, "Have you missed home?"

"Yeah." Xiao Xue'er nodded. "It's normal. It's been so long since I left home. Everyone will miss home."

An Youli immediately said with a bitter face: "I also missed my parents a bit, and wanted riches and those two birds, but recently I have no time to go back."

Anyang yawned and said indifferently: "Come on, the rich and the rich are simply too lazy to care about you. The relationship between the two birds and you is not good. You should save your time and prepare for the sixth-level exam!"

"A talent like you, I don't even bother to take care of you!" An You rolled her eyes and replied ~ ~ How long will it take for you to finish recording? "

"Huh?" An You stunned, "How do you guys know that we are recording songs recently, ah, no, why are you guys somehow thinking that we are recording songs recently, we are not recording songs at all!"

"Let's come! Answer my question well."

"... about the end of the month." Anyou said helplessly, and then asked, "How do you know that you have been busy with your affairs, why are you free to care about these?"

"Why do you think I don't know?" Anyang asked seriously, "Do you think you are an intelligence bureau? Can you hide me? And even if I'm busy, the cute Cher is recording songs, at least I should still Pay attention? "

"..." Anyou looked ugly.

On the contrary, Xiao Xueer chuckled.

Then Anyou nodded: "You are proud now, I will let you be proud for a while, I remember, I will complain to her when Xiao Qian's sister comes back!"

"It's more useful for you to complain to our mother."


Anyang ’s expression was slightly condensed when he was in the upper hand, and then he said helplessly: “It seems that I will be on business again soon. You should record your songs. When you come back, your record will be released. I will give it to you. Support. "

An You snorted coldly and raised his head: "It's quite a big tone, but now it's all electronic records, at most ten dollars a piece, and our first album is still popular for free, how do you give us support, Go to register a member to download more times to increase the download volume for us? "

"I can download a lot of songs with a lot of players, and give it to the aunt of the square dance as a dance accompaniment for free. It must be very effective to expand your popularity." Anyang Pi said with a smile.

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