My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 302: The stripes on you are pretty

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Ji Mingzi suddenly showed a blood hole on his thigh, and he kept bleeding out, and the robe turned red in the blink of an eye.

Anyang looked back and saw that Xiao Chan was holding the pistol at this side, squeezing his mouth tightly to cover the tension, his hands were shaking, and the muzzle was still emitting smoke.

"... Pretty good head!"

"His ..."

Ji Mingzi froze for a moment before making a cry, pale face fell to the ground, gritted his teeth to cover the wound on the leg, cold sweat like rain.

Although this is a pistol that uses gunpowder explosion as kinetic energy, it is not as powerful as an electromagnetic pistol, but as a military pistol of the Central Empire before the end of the world cataclysm, its power is not bad. The caliber of 11.43 mm, even when it is hit on the front Enough to cause huge harm to people.

And the effect of this gun was obvious, and the Taoists who were about to rush were stunned by it.

"I'm going to kill you goblin!"

Ji Mingzi clenched his teeth, roared, and stood up, dragging his legs that were about to be broken by bullets.

Xiaochan was so frightened that his hand trembles, almost holding his gun instability, then his heart was horizontal, his eyes closed, and the trigger was pressed again.

Anyang felt his eyes twitch.

Is that how she shot just now?


A bullet was ejected from the muzzle under the impulse of gunpowder. With strong kinetic energy, it instantly flew over a distance of ten meters.

Ji Mingzi gritted his teeth, and stretched out his palm to shoot forward, to see that it looked like the power of a hard heat-resistant weapon with flesh and blood, but with the emergence of a mysterious spell in the air, the palm suddenly lit up. The red light in his eyes, as if he was holding a cloud of smoke, hit the bullet.


The moment the bullet collided with the red light, the light sputtered towards the square brush, and the misty red light exploded with the impact of the projectile, as if blooming a gorgeous flower.

Was unexpectedly blocked by ...

Xiaochan was trembling with fear, shooting with a gun in a burst, only listening to the bang, but her good luck was exhausted, and this time she failed to hit Ji Mingzi until the bullet was empty.

Anyang did not take it for granted. An electromagnetic rifle appeared out of hand in his hand. The electronic switch and the insurance had been opened. A burst of fire was aimed at the front.

Suddenly ...

Whistled with bullets with powerful kinetic energy, instantly stunned the stunned Ji Mingzi, many parts were even blown into pieces, and the remaining bullets swept on other people, causing them many casualties.

In just a few seconds, there were four more corpses on the ground, and the **** smell suddenly filled up.

Xiao Chan froze.

Unexpectedly, the power of thermal weapons is not what they can block, and even if it can block, it can block gunpowder pistols, can it also block electromagnetic rifles? Can you block one, can you still block dozens?

"Everyone spreads out!"

"This demon has a very powerful hidden weapon, and the speed is very fast, everyone is ready to resist!"

Anyang snorted, turned around and jumped up. The brief eruption caused him to rise nearly ten meters high out of thin air. At this moment, a layer of silver-white armor suddenly appeared on his body and began to spread from the back to the front. He turned him into a human-shaped armor. With a hum, a light blue and white-yellow light suddenly sprayed under the armor and in his hand, driving him to stop in the air.

Seems like a **** general.


The missile compartment of the armor arm has been opened and aimed at a Taoist guarded by golden light.

With a bang, the missile flew out with a long tail, hitting the golden light in front of this person in a blink of an eye, triggering a shocking explosion.


The heat wave rolled, and the powerful shock wave swept across. The dust on the ground was round and scattered, and the faces of the remaining Taoists appeared incredible.

The dust settled, and the golden light that could withstand the bullets of the electromagnetic rifle had shattered. The corpse of this Taoist could not be seen, leaving only a deep hole.

The monsters not far away moved, and other Taoists shrank their pupils. While they were frightened by the power of this blow, they were fortunate that they had chosen to wait and see. Otherwise, it was their own estimate that they were blown into fly ash.

A Taoist swallowed and subconsciously stepped back, but approached the wood unconsciously. Suddenly, there was a wind in his ear, a figure slammed hard, and he held him in an instant.

Numerous ghosts shrieked on the figure of that bodybuilding figure, tearing this person to flesh and blood in a blink of an eye, and he seemed to be able to do nothing but shout and cry.

Only Anyang can see that Huang Lan's movements are slightly stiff, which should have been injured when he previously ventured to attack the Jinxiu Taoists from the crowd.


It seemed as if there was a roaring tiger roaring around.

Huang Lan put down the dead Taoist, his hands were covered with blood, and he walked towards the remaining Taoists step by step.

At noon, the sun was rising, and the shadow cast on her figure clearly showed a tiger.

Anyang frowned, fearing that the missile might be too powerful to accidentally hurt her, so he turned off the missile compartment, reached out his back and pulled out a spear, turned away, increased the power of the thruster and rushed down.

The speed that exceeds Mach is within a hundred meters, and it will be instantaneous.


A Daoist was instantly penetrated by a spear, his body hit the armor again, he was slammed into tens of meters, and was torn apart.

Only the remaining Taoists were overwhelmed. They did not expect it anyway. Just now they had the upper hand. At least they were overwhelmed by the advantage of the number of people, but the situation was reversed in just a few minutes. Fang was almost dead and wounded, and the man was still arrogantly slaughtered with great prestige.

"Live ... Stop!"

A Taoist shouted with his hand stretched out, but was pierced into his throat with a spear flying at supersonic speed and nailed it to the ground.

Anyang kept his eyes indifferent, maneuvering his armor and flying out an arc from top to bottom, regardless of the spear on the ground, whistling past the body of the Taoist and continuing onwards, first a repulsive shelling out, will A young Taoist was interrupting the spell he was casting, then lowered his height, knocked it to the ground with great force, raised his arm to accumulate strength, and punched him with a punch.


The scalp was split and blood was splattered.

The disciples of Kunlun, who was watching, seemed to twitch their eyes.

They also realized that this was destined to be a killing.

I saw that Anyang withdrew his arm and stood up from the young Taoist, turned his head to look into the distance, and with a wave of his hand, the spear flew from the distance, and he slammed it firmly in the palm of his hand. The blood splashed down the body slid down the streamlined armor, leaving no trace, and the armor was as clean as it was in a blink of an eye.

Anyang took out a long electromagnetic sniper rifle, turned on the thruster with a buzz, and soared into the sky with light, chasing the Taoist who fled into the distance.

"Daoyou, have to be spared and ..."

The man's shouting was not finished, but he was interrupted by a bullet flying at nearly ten times the speed of sound.


His entire head exploded like a watermelon, and the red and yellow spilled on the ground, which was even more terrifying than the beast killing.

The scene is bloody!

The disciples of Kunlun next to him were almost staring, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten people were killed or injured.

What is going on in this silver-white armor, and why can it shine with this man? And the speed is faster than the five elements of the monk's escape and Tengyun driving fog! There are also weapons, which hit the ground like a meteor, and can cause a skyrocketing explosion. Which martial art is this?

Not far away from them, a Taoist stared nervously at Anyang, constantly retreating, and quickly chanted the spell in his mouth.

Howling, Anyang came down from the sky, turned his head to stare at him indifferently, and rushed towards him.

Yan Li's face changed, and suddenly he stepped forward in front of him, saying, "Your Excellency, please be merciful."

Anyang ’s expression could not be seen clearly through the armor, but when Anyang reached out his hand and pushed him aside, the spear pierced like a silver dragon. This movement was so ruthless, presumably his expression was not so good. .

Just as the spear was about to stab the Daoist, a flush of red suddenly appeared on the face of the Daoist, and a spit of blood spurted from the wow, and the body sank down into the earth, leaving only a large basin The hole is missing.


The spear was empty.

"Tu Dunshu?"

Anyang's face sank slightly, and he retracted his spear and stabbed it down the hole on the ground, but felt nothing but dirt.

"Open the scan, life heat detection!"

"No thermal energy was detected, perhaps because the soil layer is too thick to isolate the heat."


Anyang snorted, suddenly jumped up, opened the missile compartment at the arm and shoulders of the armor, and pointed them downward.

Two missiles dragged out a long tail flame and screamed out, hitting the ground violently, turning into a flame in the sky.

Boom! boom!

Was still the explosion of the earth shaking, and two deep pits suddenly appeared on the ground. The huge impact even lifted Yan Li next to him. Fortunately, he was not a general generation, and he was not injured.

And this sound explosion undoubtedly also affected the nerves of all the onlookers.

Anyang wanted to continue the bombardment, but hesitated, he still put away the missile compartment.

At first he did n’t know how fast the Dun Dunshu moved. Although the missiles carried by the armor can be bombarded with a coverage of 100 meters, he was n’t sure if he could find this person. Far away, but the disciples of Kunlun can be near, and it is inevitable that they will injure and innocent by carrying out a cover attack.

When he controlled the armor to fall, the ground had fallen to a dozen dead bodies, and most of them had no human form.

Under the sun, this scene is very scary, and a figure covered with silver and white armor is stepping on a corpse, stepping in a pool of blood, dyeing the metal on the bottom of the foot red, the streamlined armor cannot be found To the slightest gap, it seemed to shine with dazzling luster.

"Why is it hard for you to succumb to utter annihilation, but it is not my decent way."

Yan Li walked calmly, first glanced at his armor, but his eyes were unmoved, he said lightly. Even if he was just taken off, he didn't seem to be angry.

Anyang's gaze returned to a certain temperature, and he glanced at him lightly, saying: "This is not to blame me. I warned them many times that they insisted on death."

Yan Li shook his head and stopped talking.

Not far away, Huang Lan was also covered with blood, especially on her paws, even with minced meat, but she didn't realize it, and walked towards this side with a pair of powerful long legs. It's just that the left foot is a little lame. When you look closely, you can see a black mark. The rest of the body is also injured. Most of them are gathered on the back.

Didn't stop until she walked in front of Anyang, with a bright yellow light in her eyes.


"um. Thank you."

Anyang said very sincerely.

But Huang Lan suddenly realized that he withdrew his paws and grinned to reveal a pair of little tiger teeth and smiled: "Thank you, I think your magic tricks are good, why not teach me? If not, then Is the technique of the stone giant good? "

Looking at her expression, it seems that instead of just causing some evil, she just made a dish.

Anyang froze for a moment, then touched his nose and said, "I call it the art of mountain and water spirits."

Huang Lan waved her hand boldly: "Whatever it is called, it will work well!"

Anyang smiled and promised to come down, preparing to take back the armor, but a slight coughing sound came from the woods next to it, very short, as if it could not be resisted.

This voice may not be heard by ordinary people, but he heard it very clearly, not only him, but also Huang Lan heard it.

Anyang raised his eyebrows, bent his legs downward, and jumped into the sky fiercely. The thruster opened at the right time, driving him to whistling away.

The armor passed sensitively through the woods and instantly captured the unusual heat source.

Just before that Taoist was hiding in the grass with a nervous expression on his face, raised his hand and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. Suddenly a silver figure fell from the sky, and it fell suddenly in front of himself. .

"You ... you, Daoyou, take my life, I will repay it in the future."

Anyang clicked down the head armor, sneered, and did not hesitate. When the gun was sent forward, he pierced his throat.

"Sorry now, it's late."

When he walked out of the forest with a **** spear, Yan Li showed a helpless face, while the rest were completely horrified. He did n’t even dare to look directly at his eyes. This person ’s character was decisive. The four words are not enough to describe, but to kill them without leaving a live mouth! The most important thing is that his strength is so strong ~ ~ A bigger attack than Tianlei is coming!

Anyang didn't care either, removed his armor in front of everyone, and threw it into his personal space.

Since it was exposed, there is no need to hide it. If the disciples of Kunlun go back to report and cause Kunlun Mountain to really want to misbehave him, then he may also consider considering the monks of this world to see the Pallans armored army power. Based on his long-time understanding of the monks, the ordinary cultivators will not interfere too much with this, especially the monastic power of the famous school.

Well, if they do not intuitively threaten their personnel, they basically will not care, like this.

Pulled out the Tang sword next to the big stone, and walked back to Huang Lan. The tigress had no feeling of killing. At this moment, he was staring at him intently, his eyes seemed to be shining with sparkling luster.

"Your armor was good, cool and shiny, but it still doesn't look as good as the stripes on our tiger!"

"... I also think the stripes on your body are pretty."

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