My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 303: Why don't you eat carrots?

Anyang walked back to the carriage, stopped in front of Xiao Chan, and withdrew her eyes in her dodge eyes Щщш..lā

"Look good."

Xiaochan's eyes were blank, staring at him, not knowing what he wanted her to do.

Anyang moves very slowly, or it can be said to be very gentle. Step by step, the pistol magazine is pulled out, and then a new magazine is taken out to show her the difference between the empty magazine and the full magazine. The sound card snapped together, and then flipped out his hands to take out two new magazines and threw it back to Xiao Chan with the pistol.


"Hmm ~"

Anyang nodded and looked over behind her.

Although this little girl's brain is not normal, but the IQ is still very high, not right, it should be very high.

Behind Xiaochan stood a stone giant, and the rabbit essence was embraced by its thick, pillar-like arms. She seemed to want to come down, staring at Anyang for help, constantly struggling, but to no avail, her insignificant power again How did you break free from the stone giant?

Anyang smiled, pointed at the stone giant, and put her down.

The rabbit suddenly fell to the ground, stunned, looked back at the standing stone giant, looked up at him again, and rushed over in a small, quick step.

"never mind."

Anyang said, seeing that the rabbit was straight and stunned on him, his hands and feet were entangled with him, like an octopus, and his expression instantly stunned.

I have a family, hello.

The body shape of the rabbit may not be as exaggerated and powerful as Huang Lan, but it is absolutely enchanting. The thin place is full of grip, and the full place is also soft and sleek. The proportion of each place is perfect, otherwise how can it be So easy to let a dynasty King Shengming never go up?

But it was such a tempting body, but it was tightly attached to him at this time, his hands hugged his shoulders, a pair of slender white tender legs were surrounding his waist, the coat of the windbreaker naturally hung down, and the thigh was snow-white His skin was all exposed in front of him, and every inch of the two people's fronts were close together. He could even vaguely feel a soft mass on his chest deformed by squeezing.

Is really a demon!

Anyang sighed so hard, trying his best to make him unresponsive, and stunned the pressure of his chest.

Otherwise, so many people, it would be embarrassing.

The rabbit essence did not realize his temptation, but also raised his head, stared at his chest with his chin, and stared at him with a pair of ruby-like eyes, his eyes were a little puzzled.

Seems to be asking, why do you look a little unhappy?

Xiaochan had changed the pistol through, and put it away. At this time, he was sitting on the wooden board in front of the carriage, with his legs hanging in the air, blinking and looking at Anyang held by the rabbit, his eyes were very strange.

Anyang's expression became more and more stiff. He looked around and found that besides Xiao Chan, at least 20 pairs of eyes were looking at him. There was a little embarrassment on his face. He took hold of the rabbit's hands and broke her, and then she Put it down, hold her shoulders with one hand and push her no longer close to herself, facing her puzzled eyes, swiping her face down.

The rabbit saw his serious look. Although he didn't know why, he was still a little frightened. He stood straight and obediently, like a pupil, posing as if he was paying attention.

For a long time, Anyang didn't speak until she had begun to worry, and raised her eyes repeatedly and quietly looked at him quietly.

"How did you come here?"

Rabbit Jing opened his eyes wide and looked at him with a head, looking innocent.

Seems to be asking: Why are you asking this?

Anyang's face remained serious and asked, "answer me!"

Rabbit Jing blinked his bright eyes, lowered his head and touched the windbreaker, he opened the clothes pocket and touched a dandelion from inside.

But this dandelion is mostly grass, and the leaves are very lush, but it is already a little absent, and originally there was only one flower, and she just casually put it in her pocket, and the white tidbits fell for most of it, obviously, her purpose It's not like the little girls in the real world who are pursuing romance and fun. This dandelion ... the grass is by no means used for blowing.

At first, Anyang thought she wanted to say that she came here to find food, but when she saw the goods handing this soon-to-be dandelion grass to him, and looked at him with an expression of innocent curiosity and expectation He was stunned and found that he couldn't say a word.

I am afraid that this dandelion grass was pulled out yesterday?

And what is this rabbit doing, do you treat him as another angry rabbit?

This item hasn't been seen in just over a month, and his IQ has risen. He has learned to avoid his reprimands and not answer them, and instead responds in this "gift-giving" way.

It took a long time before Anyang took a deep breath and calmed down the pain of the egg.

"Could you please think a little bit longer, I am not a rabbit and don't like to eat this ..."

Rabbit Jing opened his eyes wide, expecting and pleasing his face slack on his face, silently collecting the dandelion grass back, as if he was very hurt inside.

Anyang glanced at her lightly, stopped talking, and didn't bother with such issues.

He thought the matter had passed, but it didn't.

Rabbit Jing lowered his head in his pocket and searched for something. After a while, he took out a shamrock. After hesitating for a long time, she handed it to Anyang tentatively, but she leaned her head back and thought, and shrunk her hand back, probably I remember Anyang saying that he is not a rabbit, how can he love to eat these?

Shamrock is another big favorite of rabbits, clover.

Looked at Xiao Chan next to him, Bai Jing's face actually evoked a slight arc.

Fortunately, this smile was not seen, otherwise the flash of fascination in his eyes would instantly make a mortal go for it!

The rabbit essence thought about it with his head tilted, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he didn't know what happened. He reached out and touched a tangled carrot from another pocket, um, dried carrots. She hesitated again and again, seeming to be sure that Anyang should like to eat this thing, and then tentatively handed it to him, raised her head and looked at him carefully.

Facing her expectant gaze, Anyang seemed to return to the night she gave her carrots. She couldn't bear to refuse her. Then she looked down at the carrot, which was dried like a red ginseng without roots. At the corner of my mouth, I finally took this carrot ... dried carrots.

The rabbit essence finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the carrot in his hand full of expectation.

Seems to be asking him, why don't you eat?

Anyang stared at this radish for a long time before suddenly realizing a big problem ...

I took this radish today. Will this rabbit think that he likes to eat this stuff? Will I bring one to me later?

He looked at the rabbit essence, and finally he dared not eat it, but put it away.

And the ensuing result was that the eyes of the rabbit essence immediately dimmed a bit, staring blankly at his empty hand, and looked at him puzzledly.

Seemed unable to figure it out, why did he not eat it?

"Okay, I know your heart, but I am not a rabbit, and I do not like to eat this stuff."

Anyang said that, looking at the rabbit and wondering, his expression stiffened.

"Well, you rabbits don't like to eat this stuff."

The rabbit spirit still looked at him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Anyang sighed. It was really too hard to communicate with her. He walked up to the carriage and greeted Wang Tianyu and Huang Lan not far away.

"Let's find another place, here is full of corpses, and the appetite for staying at noon will be affected."


Xiaochan responded in a low voice, grabbing the whip, but looked at the rabbit spirit without moving.

The rabbit leaned out and glanced at the corpse, immediately retracted his head, carefully followed Anyang to climb into the carriage, but he was very alert to Xiao Chan.

The fox wants to eat a rabbit, she remembers it very well.

Xiaochan didn't care either, picked up the whip and pulled it on the beam behind the horse's butt.


The wagon was swaying.

Wang Tianyu was a little embarrassed, neither was he walking, nor was he not walking, until Huang Lan got on the carriage, he had no choice but to follow him.

In the previous battle, Huang Lan, who knew about the past ten days, did not hesitate to help, so he was always nervous, as if afraid of nothing, Xiao Chan could not help but shoot, and he was a big man, and Anyang It has been more than a month since I commend each other, but I just chose to wait and see. To say that Anyang lost is good, but they won, still with such crushing power.

Others united and collaborated and won the victory with formidable strength. He alone was the only one who never shot.

He did not know how to face his three teammates.

Perhaps ~ ~ is the best choice to go it alone?

However, the tigress who got on the bus arrogantly cut off his idea of ​​acting alone.


When the carriage passed the disciples of Kunlun, Anyang made Xiao Chan stop, lifted the curtain, looked at Yan Li, and looked at the Taoists behind him.

"I was fortunate enough to know that the three Heavenly Daoists in Kunlun had calculated that a year ago, the six filthy demon who had been sealed for hundreds of years broke out of the small mountain village, but was wiped out by an unknown presence. I happened to pass by from there. The six filthy demon itself is a wicked thing, and there are magical powers that spawn monsters. This rabbit spirit was spawned by the six filthy demon, all with a little bit of its evil spirit, now six The demon is dead, and this rabbit spirit has nothing to do with the demon we are looking for. You do n’t have to worry about it, otherwise I alone will be able to kill here without leaving me. I do n’t need to lie to you. "

Yan Li frowned, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, but only for a moment, his expression returned to calm, and he arched his hand to him.

"It turns out that, Yan Li did hear the teacher talk about this matter. I am still wondering in the Kunlun Mountains who the mysterious man who killed the six filthy demon is, but I didn't expect ... now I have misunderstood you because of this matter.

Hearing this, the monks in the rear suddenly felt relieved.

Anyang gave Yan Li a very meaningful look, and said no more, nodded to him and put down the curtain.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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