My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 308: Out of trouble

readx (); This giant beast has a slender body like a snake, but it is much stronger and stronger than a snake. The dark blue scales are already a bit like dark green, and they have forked antlers, heads like camels, and longan. It looks like a rabbit, abdomen like a scorpion, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, claws like a tiger, binoculars like a cow, the image of a dragon in standard mythology has a mane on the back, which extends along the body, especially the neck The most prosperous in the back adds a touch of prestige to this creature.

However, at this time it was full of downfall.

Not only is the body slightly enlarged, but the mane on the back is also stuck to the sludge. There is also sludge in the cracks of the scale armor. The side is full of flies buzzing. Look closely, the scale armor on its body A few pieces were also dropped, revealing the pale skin inside, as if the person was bald, especially its appearance that it kept jumping up but could not fly, so funny.

Anyang watched its expression, full of helplessness and sorrow, and a trace of sorrow.

A farmer's earth dog barked at it constantly, but he didn't dare to get close, but the fierce look in his eyes clearly showed that he was not worried about the identity of the dragon and the **** as the legendary beast, nor was he worried about it in mythology Have the ability to call for wind and rain, but just care about its huge size.

Has to say that this is a kind of irony, which is ten thousand times more desolate than Hu Luo Ping Yang by dogs.

As the rain continued to fall, the body was washed more and more clean, the dragon gradually became less embarrassed, the scale armor shone, a bit heroic, but the body was still fat, the eyes were still sad and sad, and the smell of the body was still Thick, the fly didn't give up spinning on it.

Whether it is a monk or a righteous monster around him, although his eyes are still on the front, they all show a touch of disappointment.

Oh, this is the dragon?

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain withdrew their hands violently, the raindrops stopped, and the small cloud in the air began to disperse.

Yan Li swept the look of everyone around him, and found that most people disagreed, he naturally guessed their ideas, and the most wonderful thing is the combination of several people in Anyang. dudu1 ();

Rabbit Jing's eyes were full of curiosity, Xiao Chan was with some fear, An Yang's eyes were shining, and Tiger Jing looked at the dragon from time to time, thoughtfully, and then looked down at his paws, it seemed to be comparing Who's sharper ... cough, better looking.

No matter what these people think and how to do, he must say.

"You guys, please listen to Yan Li, Yan Li is not talented, maybe he is not as good as you in fighting strength, but I just read the record about" falling dragon ". For this dragon, you can only look at it from a distance, and remember not to Touch, otherwise the trajectory of numerology will change accordingly. According to the usual rules of heaven and earth, this will surely cause disaster for everyone. This is also the rare occurrence of dragons for so many years, but basically no one has seen it. The reason is not that no one has seen it, but some monks who happened to see it by chance, but they did not dare to record it. Even if a person with shallow knowledge records it, it will disappear by accident in some cases, so please also You are serious about your hard-won doctrines because of your own safety. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately frowned.

"Is it so mysterious?"

Anyang is also very puzzled. Even after listening to the class in Kunlun Mountain for so long, even after living in this world for so long, he still does not know what Heaven is.

Yan Li's answer is affirmative.

"Do n’t take it for granted, according to our records in Kunlun Mountain, the dragon is only a legend, not a reality. It is illusory and should not appear in this world. Heaven does not want it to appear in the eyes and ears of the world. We do n’t I know the reason, but I have seen too much in Kunlun Mountain for thousands of years, and this has become a fact. The appearance of dragons, every time predicts something, the vast majority is the year of harvest, the prosperity of the world, or the birth of the sage, and sometimes It will be chaotic down, bad weather, it is an early warning, or it is a creature that does not belong to the world. "

"We may not understand this falling dragon, but if I am here in Kunlun, I will see the essence through the surface. This falling dragon is not a creature, but a phenomenon. If everyone comes into contact with it, it is quite Yu superimposing his own numerology trajectory with these illusory things will inevitably lead to the backlash of heaven. "

Anyang frowned and looked at the dragon in the center, feeling that this was a real creature, and didn't feel any illusoryness. dudu2 ();

It occasionally opens its mouth tired when jumping, completely without the appearance of the legendary god, but it can be seen that the white fangs in its mouth are covered with jaws like jagged teeth, and there is the benefit of the flash of cold light. Claws, even if it is not a beast, there are not so many supernatural powers. With this fangs and claws and huge body, it can become a super fierce beast that can feel tricky in monastic power, but it can not be far away. The earth dog barking at it provocatively there was no sign of anger or annoyance, let alone the claws of the teeth and the claws responded, and did not even take much care.

Is this falling dragon really just an illusory phenomenon, but it can be clearly seen from its eyes that it has blood and flesh, has its own thoughts, and also has the pride and even tolerance of the legendary creatures, how can this be ... What kind of warning illusion?

With Yan Li's faint explanation, in the face of this mysterious and mysterious statement, all the people who have always pursued the tangible and practical monastic techniques, although half-believe, are still silent. After all, speaking of this knowledge, No one of them can compare with the world-famous Kunlun Mountain, and they would rather be trusted than they are, and no one would want to really incur the backlash of heaven.

Anyang's doubts became heavier and he couldn't help but finally asked.

"So, Yan Li Daoyou, what does this dragon drop phenomenon show?"

Yan Li turned to look at him in an instant, his eyes shining with strange luster, and he remembered the news brought back by his two younger brothers in Xiaoshan Village, as well as what he heard when he was chatting about the old man named Shizu and his master Admonishment to myself as we approached departure.

The group of honest folks said that the killing of the six filthy demon is a magical soldier general covered with silver armor. He can rise to the sky at any time and turn into a meteor to shine on the sky, or he can call out like a meteor Immortal surgery, instantly splitting the mountains and landslides, the fire blasting into the sky, more powerful than the sky thunder. When he unloaded his armor, he looked like a young man. He was approachable, but he was not very talkative. He also carried a very beautiful little girl who was afraid of life. This **** soldier will be a good man in the mouth of the folks, a decent living god. In order to kill the demon and eliminate the devil, he will lose his life and the six filthy demon fights. Both can defeat this demon, but he also Unconscious, he was sent back by a goblin.

And all these images are so consistent with Anyang, it is almost nothing.

Carry a small girl about six or seven years old and half a person tall, afraid that a very beautiful little girl may have a coincidence, but the silver-white armor that covers the whole body turns into a meteor and rises to the sky and summons meteorites to cause landslides. The immortal technique of the fissure of the earth is not so easy to repeat, because even with his knowledge, he has never seen such a method.

Although I don't know why, the group of villagers killed to death without saying the appearance of the fairy, but he also guessed that it must be this rabbit essence. Otherwise, the character shown by Anyang that he saw these days, although gentle and indeed gentle enough, is also very polite when meeting people, but it is impossible to be so good for a female demon who never knew, even for her. Killing the ring, and the subsequent actions also proved that Anyang had long been familiar with this rabbit. dudu3 ();

The two ancestors who were extremely senior in Kunlun Mountain and had to perform junior rites even when they saw their heads said that these six filthy monsters were supposed to be evils that wrecked the world. Hundreds of years ago gave the righteous people a headache. Now born, it should have caused a chaos that swept the world, but it was erased by mysterious people. Yes, the word was erased at that time. Ordinary people may not think of the mystery among them, thinking that but killed one The evil is nothing but Yan Li knows the shock. Since the Six Poisonous Demon will cause trouble to the world, it proves that it should not be **** or die. Although it is difficult to kill the unrecovered Six Poisonous Demon, it is not so surprising, but if such a move is unpredictable, it will go against the sky. These two words are hooked, then it is absolutely extraordinary.

Before the leader left, he also told him that if the world is going to be in chaos as expected by the ancestors, then he must bring back the mysterious figure of the mysterious figure. This powerful power will certainly help Kunlun Mountain and all holy places To calm down the demons and to keep the world peaceful.

But I never imagined that the people they wanted to find in their dreams were originally in Kunlun Mountain.

As for whether there will be chaos in the world, when he saw this dragon falling, he already understood.

"There have been four recorded incidents of this dragon-falling incident, and the rest are probably dragons that did not fall to someone's place and were not discovered. The only four incidents are a sign of chaos in the world."

Anyang was surprised when the words came out, and the rest were also surprised.

"The world is in chaos!"

"Not bad ~ ~ The most recent one was four hundred years ago. At that time, when the Vietnamese nation was in its heyday, the emperor was eager to expand the territory, and he ordered wars everywhere. The rest empire in the west was also turbulent and a big food. The tooth-religious empire even burned the war to the edge of the country. The smoke spread everywhere in the world. The people did not talk about life, and demons came out. It was a chaotic world that happened once in a thousand years. And this turmoil was initiated by people, so it was born. People are really helpless, but this time it is different. This time there are obviously demons, so we have the ability to remove these demons. "

Anyang couldn't help but take a breath, the three old ways of Kunlun Mountain are really accurate.

At this time, Yan Li continued.

"When the falling dragon comes out, the chaotic world is coming, and the longer this falling dragon stays in the world, it proves that the longer the chaotic world is, the harder it is to pass. I heard that the numerology trajectory has been greatly changed once. Turmoil can be easier. "

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