My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 309: Rabbit warming bed

? "The troubled world seems to be none of my business ..."

Faced with a dignified expression on the face of everyone, Anyang thought about it, smashed it, smashed his mouth, and looked at the pieces of dragon scales on the ground with their eyes shining. ??????

He will leave here in nine months.

For the other people and monsters present, the so-called chaotic world can affect the world. They cannot escape the world, nor can they leave the world. Naturally, they are also part of the impact. As for whether the impact is good or bad, what How much damage can be caused to them, this is difficult to determine, I am afraid that the few Heaven Dao practitioners in Kunlun Mountain do not understand.

So everyone in each of the pregnant babies was persuaded by the disciples of Kunlun to leave this area. Now, they seem to have begun to avoid this dragon taboo.

A group of celestial masters, even some people came out of the sky, naturally received the warm reception of all the civilians in the villages and towns, in order to make these celestial masters eat comfortably, they killed chickens and sheep, in order to make these celestial masters live comfortably, they Even huddled up to make room and bed free, some people even took out new quilts and said they would be immortal.

For these stupid people, they naturally have nothing to say, and being willing to accept it is their greatest consolation.

However, Anyang is a bit troublesome, because the cute rabbit is different from the vigilant Xiao Chan. Xiao Chan retains the instinct of wild animals. Once she feels that someone is approaching her, she will tighten her nerves and body, even for three months. Get along, Anyang can only do it without causing her to avoid and resist when she is close to her. It is almost impossible to block her vigilance, and she can even clearly feel that she is forced to resist hiding every time. The open thought brought him closer, but the rabbit spirit followed him into the same room very consciously.

That's right, when Anyang turned around and saw the rabbit spirit who was walking behind him with his position low and walking across the threshold of the room, he felt the corner of his eyes twitching faintly.

Under the dim oil lamp, the rabbit's skin is as white as delicate ceramics. The long hair scattered behind him, the pure and beautiful cheeks, a touch of conquest, and two erected on the head The long ears and the long eyelashes on the ruby ​​eyes are so exciting, as if every movement of her, even standing there motionlessly, can touch the fire inside the man.

This is worthy of chaos in troubled times.

What I thought was right, keeping such a monster as a pet is much better than Xiao Chan who has to keep a distance when he sees himself, not to mention the tea and water laundry during the day and the labor and grievance. Repeatedly, just looking at it is more eye-catching than that.

Is now really effective.

Evening in various positions at night, pampering ...

Anyang said that he had n’t seen Xiaoqian in three months, and the goblin was so angry that he was already on the verge of irritability.

But the rabbit spirit had no consciousness of being a servant. When he came to the room, he raised his head and looked at him motionlessly, standing still. Why should she look at herself with such eyes, make her feel weird.

"This goblin was absolutely full of charm talent when he was born, otherwise it would not be so unbearable."

Anyang thought, and looked at the rabbit essence wearing a trench coat.

Even the perfect snow-white body has been covered, but also the tempting bunny dress is covered, but in this way, it is still dry. And the windbreaker is not complete, she is equivalent to not wearing it. At this time, a pair of white and greasy legs are stretched out under the long dress, perfect as the most exquisite artwork, no shoes are worn below, and the white thumb is like a flower Flowers in general.

The night was getting deeper, and the oil lamp flickered, hitting the shadow of the two on the wall.

The village outside the window was very quiet. Only the muffled noise and intermittent dog bark that the dragon kept trying to fly and fell. The streamer and street lights without vehicles broke the tranquility of the night. It seemed even more silent. The same is true in the window. An unscrupulous look at the mischievous female goblin, a look at the left and right, completely do not know what happened.

Until a man's voice broke the silence.

"come here."

Without much thought, the rabbit spirit took a leisurely small step and walked past unguardedly.

Anyang stretched out his hand and twitched, raised a strand of hair between her foreheads, staring at the pure ruby ​​eyes she was facing, and both sides were speechless, but he suddenly felt helpless.

This girl is too pure, has not received any pollution, and has not even contacted human beings. Carefully calculated, this should be her first step out of the small village. What's more special is that she is a monster spawned by the six filthy demon. She hasn't gone through long training, hasn't had much practice, has no knowledge and experience, and even the wisdom that the monster will enlighten to a certain extent.

Such her, who has the patience to succeed?

Rabbit Jing still looked at him with doubt, his eyes moved with the movement of his hand fiddle with his hair, unprepared look.

She didn't know the meaning of this kind of action, why she had to pluck out the ray of rabbit hair, but there was no doubt that she enjoyed Anyang's process of touching her.

Anyang put her hand on her shoulder, but took a deep breath, and suppressed her thoughts.

Such a rabbit essence, if he can't help but do something that she hasn't been ashamed or impatient with, she is not far away from the material to find a highly intelligent toy doll, from the spiritual point of view, and vent It does n’t make any difference to an underage girl.

At this time, he thought very much that the rabbit essence would grow up to ten years later. If at that time she really became a charming female fairy, he would have pushed it down without hesitation at this time, but now it is not possible, now the rabbit Jing knows nothing about these things. If he can't help it, it's a bird-beast. In fact, he could have ignored the indulgence, but Xiao Qian in the real world still added a weight to this insistence.

Rabbit Jing looked at the two hands on her shoulders with her head tilted left and right, narrowing her eyes to make an expression of enjoyment. After so long, she once again realized the warmth of Anyang's palm. And she didn't realize at all that the person she was extremely trusting had just struggled. The content of the struggle was whether she would "eat" herself, but even if she realized, she should not object.

It took a long time before Anyang took a deep breath and softened his facial expression as much as possible.

"Don't you sleep at night?"

Rabbit nodded his head as a matter of course, indicating that he would of course sleep, and then quietly looked at him with a fool-like look, the expression was no different than—

How do you ask this idiot question?

Anyang glanced at her body, and her expression suddenly became severe: "Then why don't you go to sleep, the night is already deep, and you don't have to go out to find food!"

No longer let her obediently go to sleep, still dangling in front of himself, he was really worried that he could not help pulling her to bed.

The rabbit was slightly surprised, and still indulged in the warmth of his palm, and was not prepared to deal with his sternness. At this time, it was inevitable that there was some confusion. While watching him secretly, he glanced at this with afterglow. Room.

After a moment, she looked for a corner, glanced at Anyang, walked tentatively over there, silently squatted down, her posture soft and pitiful, and raised her head to stare at him with open eyes.

Anyang's face appeared a bit of egg pain: "Have you always been sleeping like this?"

The rabbit was stunned, and looked down at himself, and found nothing wrong.

Don't all rabbits sleep like this?

The severeness on Anyang's face suddenly disappeared, turning into helplessness and a long sigh. He took out a pair of his flip-flops from the portable space and was still on the ground, and took out another towel.

"Come here, wash your face and feet first, and then I will teach you how to sleep."

Rabbit Jing glanced at him suspiciously, and still walked beside him without disobeying his idea.

Looking at the white soft towel, an uncontrollable flush of flush appeared on her face. I didn't know what happened, and I looked forward to it all at once.

Sure enough, Anyang whispered wet the towel in the tub and wringed it out, then pulled her by one arm and pulled the towel over her, and covered the towel with her hand.

And before that, the rabbit essence had closed his eyes consciously, let him dominate.

This feeling is really a bit familiar.

Anyang, while washing her face attentively, groaned helplessly while complaining.

"It should have been you who served me, but I didn't expect to become me who served you, except for those two women, I haven't washed someone's face so seriously."

The rabbit spirit seems to listen very seriously on the surface, but his mind has long been immersed in an unknown place, maybe in the softness of the towel, maybe in his gentle movements, maybe in the cold water, unable to extricate himself, even Forget everything.

Not long after, the rabbit essence has finished washing, wearing a pair of flip-flops that are a lot larger than her delicate feet, walking a few steps in the same place, and pedaling again, it is considered to stop and turn. Looking down at this strange thing curiously, frowning sometimes.

Whether Shu is uncomfortable or not, she will definitely not be used to it at any time.

At the same time, regardless of her habits, she will not take off easily.

At this time, she seemed to remember Anyang's previous complaint, thinking dumbly, and suddenly turned around to pick up the basin on the ground, went out to re-fetch a basin of water and returned, took the towel from Anyang, thought about it, and began to learn Following his previous appearance, he waited for Anyang to wash.

And this behavior of fast learning and obedient dress undoubtedly satisfies some kind of perverted psychology, a kind of pleasure called nurturing began to take root in someone's heart.

After about ten minutes, the rabbit carefully carried the dirty water, went out and fell, and returned to stand by the bed properly, looking at him while looking at the corner of the wall, but resisted the idea of ​​squatting in the past.

Anyang took a deep breath and turned his head to glance at the room.

Well, there is only one bed ...

Anyang's eyes flashed through the evil light, and he suddenly discovered a fact that caused a crime. Even if this rabbit can't wait and sleep in various positions, he can still accompany him to warm the bed.

Well, it's just that he changed his way to satisfy himself.

Look at this figure, it must feel good to lie next to it, and this rabbit hair should be very soft.

"Come here, do you know what this is called, this is called" bed ", people have to sleep to bed. Come, go to bed, remember to take off your shoes, you have to take off the clothes outside, um, yes, that's it ... … "

Anyang follows all kinds of temptations, such as the strange milo that teaches bad children.

However, the rabbit essence is very happy. She doesn't think there is anything to go to bed, nor does she think it is more comfortable to squat on the bed, but there is Anyang in the bed. ~ This is exactly what someone wants to do.

So, a moment later, the rabbit essence wrapped only in a tube top and a short skirt-like white fur stood in front of him, once again revealing a perfect unbearable figure and dazzling skin, squeezing the gully chest With a flat and beautiful belly, a pair of slender and slender looks together. It is definitely a top temptation to wear stockings. It has far exceeded the level of the play year and belongs to the category of playing for a lifetime.

And it was such a stunner-level female goblin who innocently climbed onto his bed. She moved slowly, unaware of how tempting her actions were at this time, curling up and curving a pair of white greasy He crawled on his bed, **** all over her body, until she stepped over to Anyang step by step, turned around and lay down, but opened her eyes, with a tension on her face that came from nowhere.

Anyang couldn't help swallowing.

"Hey, you have to cover the quilt. How do you warm me when you sleep outside the quilt ... It will catch cold."

So, the rabbit essence was so willing to be taken step by step into the bed of no return to sleep.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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