My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 310: There is a pet called someone else's pet


The rabbit got into Anyang's bed, she didn't know why, she just felt very nervous, her face was red and hot like a fire, her heart began to beat continuously, like a little deer bumping. But on the whole, she was very frankly accepted, and when most of her body's skin was close to Anyang, she felt extremely comfortable and warm.

She even changed her posture to make herself more comfortable lying down.

But simply as she did not realize that at this moment when she twisted her body, the enchanting body wrapped only in the upper and lower pieces of fur rubbed on Anyang, how great the temptation was, even if it was a defense line that was not built for the saint. Will collapse instantly. Especially her skin, not only white, but also delicate and silky, warm and hot, is undoubtedly the last spark that ignites the desire-fire.

Anyang couldn't help but think that this female goblin, who should have caused chaos and turmoil because of her beauty ten years later, was considered to have been slept in advance by herself?

Should I have a sense of accomplishment?

The height of the rabbit is not short at all, but she shrank it down deliberately, so that she could put her head on Anyang's chest and listen to his heartbeat quietly without moving.

The soft and full chest pressed against his body, making the fire inside him more intense.

In such a posture, the two were so close together, Anyang inevitably carried the position of her shoulder down with one hand, and the hand touched the white rabbit hair, which was usually wrapped around the upper chest, feeling very soft and warm Warm and warm, under the fur is a delicate and delicate body, but sadly, this body has a naive and innocent character and a pair of pure and innocent eyes!

This is a joke for him by the numerology trajectory of this world, absolutely!

Anyang hesitated, and quietly stretched his hand forward, preparing to stretch from the back of the rabbit essence to her chest, feeling the softness of the two evils.

This movement undoubtedly disturbed the rabbit spirit who was listening to his heartbeat, so she turned around alertly, staring at him with slight dissatisfaction and doubt. Then his eyes stared down at his hand again, his eyes revealing a faint color of thought, I don't know what to think, but the blushing heartbeat has faded.

The girl was used to the feeling of lying with him in just a few minutes.

Anyang was instantly defeated, only to feel like he was crying without tears to the extreme.

What can be more tempting than a bunny girl lying beside you with an exquisite figure, a pure face, full of temptation and ultimate beauty? What could be more tragic than when you turned over and prepared to pick up the gun and mount it, it turned out that this was a little girl who was extremely trustworthy and dependent on you?

Anyang lowered his head helplessly, just looking at the rabbit essence who looked up at him. The pure face was right in front of him. Face.

Those ruby ​​eyes blinked, his long eyelashes were reflected by the light and fell on the snowy cheeks, staring at him like this, his face was all innocent, but he was even more helpless.

"Hey, it ’s up to you to sleep with you. If you want me to sleep well, it ’s not that you sleep comfortably. Hey!"

Anyang couldn't help saying.

The rabbit froze for a moment, then looked down at his posture curled up in his arms, and froze again.

Unexpectedly, Anyang still touched the place he wanted to touch.

Rabbit Jing hesitated, turned over, and changed from half lying on his back to lying flat with him, but she still lay on one of his arms, and the hand that was originally placed on her shoulder was changed. In a position, she still passed under her delicate neck and long hair, but her hands were irresistibly placed on her chest, and the fullness that rose from the ground just fits the concavity of the palm.

Anyang suddenly opened his eyes, and his palm was full of soft touch. In addition to the snow-white rabbit hair, and the fullness of the soft elastic, he couldn't help but grab, and the feedback was even more amazing.

He was even more determined that the rabbit essence was full of charm and talent.

The rabbit essence was completely unnoticeable, and he looked at Anyang with his head tilted. He seemed to be consulting him. Asking him whether he was uncomfortable or dissatisfied with this posture, he just saw the delicate expression on his face. There was a trace of doubt in her eyes, and she still looked at him intently, and she no doubt changed the question again.

Anyang took a deep breath and told himself that it was just a sleeping maid, he could not wait for sleep, or something. At the same time, he pointed the oil lamp at the end of the bed with the other hand, and the big flame of the bean extinguished.

The room was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

"Sleep, don't move, otherwise I can't help but eat you."

The bunny blinked, and it was very strange in the darkness.

She originally wanted to continue rubbing against Anyang, but now she dared not move, and she seemed to like this posture, and turned her head to the other side, looking at the palm on her chest, couldn't help it. Quietly stretch out your hand to grasp it, and slowly hold it tightly, thinking that it will not be found like this.

The warmth of the palm always reminded her of the scene under the tree in the rain, and then blushing and beating.

Seems to be a little different today. These hands are in contact with her breasts, and the feeling of crispness is heard, making her face burn like a heart, and her heart is beating. There was a throbbing heart rising quietly. She couldn't help rubbing her long straight legs, and a trace of doubt continued to rise in her eyes, as if thinking about what was going on.


Anyang opened his eyes violently, freed his left hand to pinch the French seal, and tried not to cause any slight movements. He performed a hypnotic operation on the rabbits around him. He frowned, uneasy, and released two more in a row. Sleeping technique was on her body, but she didn't dare to use a more powerful sleeping technique, for fear of sequelae harming her.

Then, the wild rabbit who was alert to herself instantly fell asleep.

Anyang strenuously broke her five fingers holding her palm tightly, and slowly pulled her hand out from under her head, afraid to wake her up, and moved her slender leg over her body before sitting up. , Listening to the still muffled noise and barking outside, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, began to dress, and looked back at the sleeping rabbit essence.

This fairy, said that it was to accompany herself to sleep, and ended up sleeping with her!

Which owner does not hold his pet to sleep, who has seen a pet holding his owner to sleep?

Anyang curled his lips and couldn't help turning back to touch the two long rabbit ears, but the thing shrank from the moment he touched it, and after a few seconds it slowly rose again. His unconscious response made him laugh with a chuckle, which was very interesting.

He got up in the middle of the night, naturally not to vent underage girls.

The wooden door opened quietly, and a figure came out of it.

The weather here is not bad, and there are no dark clouds, but you can't see the starry sky and the bright moon. According to the weather, the moon star should be sparse at this time, and the distant mountains and bungalow roofs will be outlined. However, in fact, it is only dark, and the road is not clear through the eyesight, which means that the light in the air is too low Extremely, this is extremely unscientific, or rather abnormal.

Anyang walked step by step to the place where the dragon fell. His eyes were fixed on the flashing light on the ground, ignoring Yan Li's warning, and he didn't care about the heavenly way of this world.

The dragon is still trying to fly, but to no avail, even it is tired, it was able to provoke a height of three feet, now it can barely leave the ground two or three meters, even if it crashes to the ground, it seems that the scales on its body seem to be Extremely strong, protecting it from any harm.

The dog next to felt the stranger approaching, barking constantly, but was scared by a fierce eyes and kept backing, howling.

Anyang looked at the huge body of this dragon with some fear, frowning, hesitating, and opened five fingers towards the front. The exposed dragon scales flew out of the mud and fell into his palm. . He looked down at the dragon scales again, squinting at the deep pit that had been crushed under the dragon.

These dragon scales are not the size of a slap, cold to the touch, very hard and heavy, and much heavier than the scales made of gold, a precious metal. It seems that the weight of this dragon must be re-estimated. From the dragon scales, he could feel the thick water vapor, as if holding a piece of hard ice, and soon his hands were wet with water from unknown sources.

And according to his memory during the day, the scales that this dragon fell off should be more than just these pieces.

If nothing unexpected happens, the rest is covered by sludge.

I do n’t know when this dragon stopped, it obviously found Anyang, and his eyes were full of sorrow when he turned his head, especially when Anyang collected its scales, the more sad the color was, the more he did not pounce on him, nor did he Make any other response.

Anyang turned to stare at the dragon, he could feel the emotion in his eyes, as well as its generosity and tolerance. Coupled with a few dragon scales in the hand, the feeling of holding it in the palm of your hand, the cold and hard touch, and even the water vapor in your hand are so real, how can you make people believe ... Is this actually an illusory thing?

He pinched the seal of the hand, tentatively tossed a psychic, but did not respond like a drop of water into the sea, and did not even receive any feedback, but the color of sadness in the longan became stronger, proving that it felt it came from a A human insult. Anyang hesitated and gave up these blasphemous moves and asked instead:

"Do you ... need my help?"

This dragon ignored him ~ ~ As if he didn't hear it, he continued to jump up and try to fly, but it still didn't help.

Anyang stood at a distance of less than five meters away, carrying his hands in the middle of the night. A strange force field in front of him blocked the sputtered sludge, looked at the dragon lightly, and recorded the video calmly. Anyway, he doesn't belong to this world, and the ethereal Heavenly Dao can't restrain him, and he's not afraid of Heaven's backlash, even if this dragon will really bring unknown to ordinary people, it will definitely not affect him.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the world is getting dull, as if it's breathless, the air is not circulating, like a pool of standing water.

Anyang felt a sticky sensation on his body. He looked up and strengthened his eyesight, and saw the dark clouds gathered layer by layer, constantly sweeping the night sky.


Like the muffled sound of the collision between the world and the giant beasts, it was almost impossible to shake the mountain.

The wind and clouds were already densely covered, and a sturdy branch of lightning struck down, which was obviously thick and powerful.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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