My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 317: Fairy Master is so great

For mortals, those who possess the mysterious and profound Taoism, but also succumb to demons and remove evil spirits, and help others to help others, can be regarded as a fairy master, but Kunlun Mountain is originally orthodox, and Kunlun ’s master is the vast majority. There is an unattainable presence in the eyes of the monk, and the fairy master in his mouth is afraid that only real gods will be affected by щww..lā

Of course, he didn't really regard Anyang as a fairy, it was just a respect.

Is this tribute, which has already surprised many famous monks.

Anyang didn't feel uncomfortable guilt, only a calm smile, looked around, and found that some of the old Taos he knew were awesome, he didn't say hello, he took his eyes away, smiled and said to the head of Kunlun: "I'm not a fairy master. You don't have to call yourself a junior. You are many years older than me."

Kunlun's head shook his head and said: "The Master Xian laughed. I have heard from several Master Uncles. The Master Xian predicted the chaos in the world ten years in advance and surpassed the end of the heavenly numerology. Not to mention this power, just This achievement of saving the world will be regarded as the word fairy. "

Anyang smiled again: "Just do whatever you want."

Kunlun's head took a deep breath and said, "Do whatever you want! It's that the three uncle ancestors who practiced the Tao of Heaven were able to perceive that the turmoil was changed ten years later after the fairy master changed his life. Immortal Master's mouth is just doing it by hand, this handwriting is simply beyond the reach of my generation. "

Anyang appeared a strange look on his face. Why did he suddenly feel that Kunlun's head was so painful.

But he couldn't see it, and it was those three old ways that hurt him even more, especially the old way that told him the numerology of heaven.

Twenty days ago, he was still telling the mystery of the heavenly numerology for this "young man", fully demonstrating his erudition, and even in the conversation of the three, the three also talked about the turmoil after ten years. Calculating the results, and was shocked by the peerless power of the man who turned against the sky, he once thought that someone with a talent in their mouth was right in front of them, listening calmly to their judgment and shock.

Thought at the time that this was just a wizard who was free and easy-going, and now he only knows that this talent is really powerful! As for what Anyang said to do it easily, it was decided that no one believed it, even if he was against the sky at first, if he did n’t have enough cultivation practices, how could he kill the six filthy demon, if he did n’t have enough cultivation practices, and How could it not be condemned after such a large-scale change in the trajectory of numerology?

Just think about your ignorance and feel embarrassed.

A bit of politeness, Kunlun's head insisted on treating him as a profound old man who practiced Taoism for hundreds of years. Anyang did not explain too much. Anyway, he knew that he was not under the control of Heavenly Dao in this world. Wear him, don't see through him, and can't find his birth. You don't have to worry about the lies being taken out. If you're wrong, you won't lie at all. You just can't explain it.

The knowledge established by these masters over the centuries has been solidified to the point of being unbreakable. It is only a young man who has been practicing monks for several years to explain to him that he is safe and unharmed. Thinking, and even persuading them, the result is that these old-fashioned worldviews have collapsed one after another, and they begin to wonder whether their path of practice is right or wrong.

In fact, they are right. It is true that, unless there is a heavenly path practitioner who has the power of heaven, no one can predict the world ’s big changes ten years in advance, and no one can change, because everything is under the heaven path planning, just jump out of the heaven path. It's harder than going to the sky, finding a loophole in the heavens, and finding a loophole. Such a large-scale change is impossible. And even if it changes, it is impossible not to be condemned.

As for how deep Anyang ’s cultivation practices are, ignoring the punishment after disturbing the Dao Dao on a large scale, has n’t that already explained everything?

Who can think of Anyang from another world?

When a female disciple who was fresh and refined like a white lotus came up and poured tea, the conversation was on the right track, and at this time Kunlun's head was already speechless.

At this time, it was the old Tao who told the numerology of Heavenly Dao in the outer hall.

"Although I don't know why your friends came to my Kunlun outer hall, there must be some truth about Taoism. This ... meeting is destiny. Daoyou also had some friendship with Lao Dao a few days ago. You are called Daoist. Yesterday, I heard Yan Li said a lot of things. Since Daoyou was willing to go south for the purpose of investigating the demon, and then changed his life for the sake of life, it must be a person who cares about the world. The world is in chaos, can Taoists have insights? "


"Oh? Daoyou don't plan to control?"

"……not going to."

"Cough ..."

Old-fashioned face was flushed, but he was helpless to Anyang.

I want to come too. If a normal person is capable of heaven, how can he come to Kunlun ’s outer hall and sit and watch him talk about his own destiny to change his life without taking it through? The attainments in this respect can be compared to Anyang!

There are no such quirks.

If it is a modern person, there must be more appropriate words to describe these behaviors——

Pretend to beep!

If Anyang knows what they think, he will definitely feel wronged.

I really knew nothing about the path of monasticism, um, now I only know a little bit of fur to come to participate in the Kunlun Wai Tang is really helpless.

He knew that this group of old-fashioned people wanted to use "his skill" to calculate the method of cracking the world's chaos, or to let him fight with them against demons. Unable to make promises. These have always been his life creeds. He obviously does not have the ability to do so. Of course, he cannot easily promise such things that he cannot do.

After half an hour, when he saw that he really did not intend to shoot for the life, several old men looked at each other, and they didn't know what they thought of, so they stopped here and started chatting.

Only then did Anyang confirm that it was not the head of this name Tianchi who really controlled Kunlun Mountain, but the old ones in front of him ... The emperors, especially the three Tiandao practitioners, although they were not as good as several other Taoists in magical powers. However, the ability to calculate numerology trajectories is really against the sky, so it is said that they are the real helmsmen of this huge ship of Kunlun, and they are also the people who **** Kunlun.

In this way, the head of Kunlun is completely reduced to an executor, and the status is not as high as the ordinary wandering Taoists think, as for the elders, that is, middle-level personnel.

Anyang reached out his mobile phone out of thin air. There was no fear of anyone here. He turned on the screen and looked at the time. More than an hour had passed. The taste of the spirit tea in front of him was faint.

"Thank you for the hospitality of several Daoyou friends. The companions below are still waiting in the side hall. If there is much interruption here, leave here."

An old Taoist glanced at what was in his hand, revealing a polite smile, and said, "Where, Daoyou once went against the world for the sake of the world, this merit is worthy of our admiration. As a cultivator of Kunlun, a few Taoists should thank the Taoists for their immeasurable merits for the souls of the world and the 10,000 disciples in Kunlun. To make the world grateful to Dade. "

Anyang felt cold sweat left on his face, and quickly said: "This is not necessary, I am still a little low-key."

The old Dao who told about the numerology of Heavenly Dao immediately replied: "Yes, I understand," low-key "is only in line with the nature of Daoyou, and it is also convenient to walk around and talk with the juniors."

Anyang froze for a moment, looking at this old-fashioned narrow expression, vaguely felt if he had misunderstood something.

Before he left, he thought for a while and then stopped, saying, "If it breaks the trajectory of numerology, deduces the weakness or crack of the demon's turmoil, it is really powerless underneath, but if it is purely against the demon, I think I can still help A little busy. "

An old man was very happy, but he also saw that he did n’t say anything. He said: "As long as the Taoist can take action, it is the blessing of the world. What the Daoist wants, despite speaking, as long as he can help Cangsheng avoid this This turmoil will not be stingy as long as I can get it from Kunlun Mountain. "

Anyang whispered secretly. This old man has not lived in vain for hundreds of years. At least he has left too much space to speak. It seems to be very generous, but there are only two premises.

"What I want is simple, Kunlun can get it naturally, but don't hold too much hope. This is a scourge of life. The turmoil is not light. My strength is too weak ... But if you want me to go to the battlefield If so, I hope I can learn more about monasticism from Kunlun Mountain. "

The old Tao realized that his emotions were too violent, but he was neither a Taoist practitioner nor a mind-cultivator.

Think carefully, Anyang made a very reasonable point. After all, this is a scourge of life. If anyone can solve it casually, it will not cause chaos in the world, it will be a small fight. Although Anyang had avoided a greater disturbance with great magic powers before, he did it in advance, which was equivalent to strangling the turmoil in the bud, and these tactics are obviously not applicable to this one that has already begun to show momentum. turmoil.

And Tian Dao practitioners are often not good at fighting. If they really set foot on the battlefield with demons, the effect is not necessarily great.

Several old people looked left and right, looked at each other, I didn't know what was secretly communicating, and finally agreed to come down.

"The Taoist is wrong to say this. The Taoist has already made a blessing for the life against the heavens. It is a great benefactor for the world. The Taoist can afford it, and now he is willing to take action to deal with this chaos. The mountain ’s Tibetan scripture pavilion was opened to Taoists. "

Anyang twitched his lips, saying so much, it was not to let him go to the battlefield.

"Then it's done, let's retreat first."

"Taoist walk slowly, meditate, you send the buddy a ride."

"Yes, Shizu."


Welcome the back of his departure ~ ~ Several old brows frowned deeply.

"It seems that going against the sky is not that simple!"

"Oh, the old man thought that he really had the power to avoid the condemnation after the sky, but it seems to be inevitable."

The head of Kunlun was surprised, and asked, "Master Uncle Zu, you mean ... Is the fairy master condemned for tampering with numerology?"

"Naturally, if you were not seriously injured, how could you cultivate yourself in such a situation? How could you do nothing to deduce the demon? Perhaps there are traumas that we can't imagine, otherwise with such power, come to Kunlun to listen to the so-called outer hall Why, now think about it, for this predecessor, I am afraid that I have to re-cultivate all my skills. "

In the discourse, this old man began to call his predecessors.

The head of Kunlun also sighed: "This fairy master is really great, he will not hesitate to bear the condemnation, but also to smooth the turmoil for the world. It is really an example for my generation!"

The old Tao waved his hand: "Well, the predecessors paid such a big price to change the trajectory of the Heavenly Tao to avoid the turmoil of ten years later, but I sigh that Kunlun is a holy place for monasticism, but I don't know it at all! Only in this way can the predecessors' previous efforts not be lost. "

Another old Tao agreed: "Well, Senior Brother makes sense, since the seniors are in trouble now, and ask me for the mystery of the Kunlun Mountain, we naturally cannot take care of ourselves, Tianchi, and we will arrange this for you."

"Yes, Shishuzu."

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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