My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 318: Humanoid scanner

• Kunlun Mountain went to contact other holy sites of monasticism and Xianshanmen to prepare for a decisive attack on the demon, vowing to quell the turmoil at the beginning, but with the level of communication and traffic in this world, waiting for notification I know that it will take a few months to go. After all, under these circumstances, a conflict has just exploded, and the demon must be staring at the Kunlun Mountain. Paper cranes, letters and flying pigeons must be unavailable. [(

Because of Anyang's relationship, the four were arranged in a bamboo house behind Yunmeng Xianding. The surrounding environment was quiet and quiet, and no one was disturbed under the arrangement of the Kunlun head. Only the fairy birds and beasts occasionally croaked and the mountain waterfall The sound of falling from a height of 100 meters seems to be a good place to wash away the dust in the soul.

The decoration of the bamboo house is also very elegant, celebrity calligraphy and painting, probably the plum orchid bamboo and chrysanthemum, ink and landscape and the like, as well as the authentic traces left by Kunlun predecessors during this retreat, each word contains a wonderful Taoism When you gaze calmly and calmly, you seem to be able to draw people in, and you forget the flow of time without realizing it. You only feel the lingering meaning, which makes people sigh and marvelously, and it is also undoubtedly very helpful to the practice.

Even if the environment is abandoned, Kunlun Mountain is the world's famous holy place for monasticism. It is located above the spiritual veins of the world and can be described as gathering the essence of the world. Especially the spirit of Yunmeng Xianding is the most abundant. The practice here is the dream of countless monks. No one can find a reason for rejection.

It's just that the bamboo house is not big, and the four people are a little crowded.

In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Anyang is looking at a secret book of monasticism. It ’s not too shocking. It ’s not enough to describe ten lines at a glance. It ’s just a page at a glance. The whole process seems to be in continuous revelation, and his hand is also very fast. Ordinary people are afraid that they have n’t read the words on this page yet, and he has quickly turned them over.

The old bookshelf with a touch of decay has not been interested for a long time, and the sound of rapid flipping of books makes the place no longer quiet.

The guardian of the Tibetan Scriptures is an old man who is more than a year old, and his status is not high. I do n’t know if he is a hidden expert with the power of the world like in the middle. He only knows that his muddy eyes are full of horror. This Taishang elder respects the plus, but seems to be doing a meaningless joke.

But everyone understands that this is naturally not a joke. As soon as the Tibetan scripture pavilion in Kunlun Mountain is not a real-world roadside stall selling comic books, I do n’t know how many people dream of coming here to read monastic classics. No one will be bored here. Do meaningless things. Secondly, Anyang has an extraordinary status. This old man knows it, and he is not bored to this degree. Three times, that is, such actions as Anyang have lasted for four full days. At least ten hours a day are spent in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. All things are the same. They are constantly flipping through the books. They do n’t even know him. See clearly what is above.

The old man once doubted whether this "predecessor" was looking up and looking for something, but if he wanted to come this fast, no matter how great his magical power was, he could only see a few words?

As for whether Anyang is reading, he dare not think about it. If someone really has such a fast reading degree, would n’t it be like a god, if someone really has such a strong memory, what would he want to do? Want to burn a copy of Kunlun's thousands of years of secret collections in his mind?

Thinking about it is terrible!

Lao Tao also tried to report this incident to Kunlun's head and Taishang elder, but the group of people hidden behind the door and looked at it for a long time. They still didn't know what Anyang wanted to do, no, they didn't know, but the idea was too horrible, horrible No one dares to think about it, ca n’t believe it, and ultimately can only be regarded as what he is looking at, at least this reason is easier to accept.

Anyang ignored them and continued to work on his own copying business.

Did he see clearly? Naturally not. At such a quick pace, only Da Luo Shenxian can be seen. Even if his reaction and physique are far from ordinary people, he can only see a few words.

But he has a cheater-personal bio-assisted chip.

He only needs to pass this picture in front of his eyes and concentrate on it. The bio-assisted chip cuts off the picture he sees like a high-focus camera, and then saves it in the database, and then converts the picture and text when the central processor is idle. Process these cut-off pictures and scan them progressively into individual characters.

In the real world, the fastest continuous shooting rate of ordinary SLR cameras can reach eight frames per second, maybe even higher, and the degree of professional high continuous shooting cameras is even higher, to a terrible level, and large instruments can even Frame capture in one-billionth of a second, or continuous shooting. Limited by hardware conditions, the bio-assist chip is not so exaggerated, but it is no problem to deal with this quick book-like screen capture.

So now he is not looking with the naked eye, but is equivalent to scanning with a picture scanner, and the degree of reading is naturally not comparable to human reading.

Just like people can't write faster than laser printing.

In fact, after reading so much, Anyang didn't know what he had read.

He just used the high-tech cheater to print down the materials of the Kunlun Mountain Tibetan Classics Pavilion. Naturally, in the eyes of outsiders, this process is just turning the book indiscriminately.

Indeed, several pages per second, an average of one minute is an ancient book, sixty books per hour, sometimes faster, after all, the ancient books of this world are limited to paper materials, often not too thick. One day counts more than a thousand books. At this level, there is nothing to explain in this world except turning over books.

For a long time, Anyang stopped and stretched his waist, rubbing his eyes, feeling very sore, and his brain was a little swollen, could not help sighing.

"It seems that my physical fitness is still too low, a bit unable to keep up with the complex processing power like today, just like a computer, the performance is fully played for a few hours of games, the host will always be hot, tweeting, it's really good to be free Improve your physique and brain power. "

"Well, it's already noon."

Anyang happened to be a little hungry, so he took out a can out of thin air, just pried it open with his fingers, and stuffed it into his mouth in random, ready to eat and fight again.

The old way of telling the numerology of Heavenly Dao stood outside the window. It took a long time to silently withdraw his gaze, and his eyes were no longer as horrified as he was.

In the past few days, several senior elders will take the time to see what Anyang, the "powerful senior" is looking for, and gradually become numb, whether it is to read the book to him or not. Knowing whether it is a great thing in your sleeve or a means of extracting things out of thin air that attracted the technique of the cloud, or the strangeness of the things that Anyang took out of thin air.

Seeing that the can in Anyang's hands had bottomed out, but he didn't seem to be full, he quickly took out another bag of roast chicken and sent it to his mouth. The food became more and more delicious. Is there anything in the cabinet worthy of his hard search?

But he certainly couldn't figure it out, not to mention that Anyang didn't find anything at all, that is, there are tens of thousands of books in this Buddhist scriptures, even he hasn't read many of them.

The old man sniffed his nose, feeling that he had been practicing hard for many years and he could not bear it, so he turned around and left quietly.

Really fragrant!

Anyang did not call out armor, nor did he open an infrared detection system. Naturally, he could not detect the proximity of these hundreds of years old monsters. I wanted to detect that he would not care. There are so many precious ancient books here, many of them can be placed outside. What caused a lot of storms and rains, many people can't finish reading it after a lifetime. How can he put it in his pocket without taking the time!

Until the night, the sun has long been out of sight before he put down his book.

"Today is the fourth day, about three days, and in three days, I can print all the nearly ten thousand books here in the form of pictures in the database."

In seven days, filter out some useless or useless books, discard some that are not intuitively helpful to the monk, and the rest are classics. He copied the precious books of the Kunlun Mountain for thousands of years in seven days, and said that no one would believe it. It was precisely because no one could believe, and that group of old-schoolers did not believe it, so he was allowed to come here.

After all, how much did they watch after living for hundreds of years. How long can Anyang stay here, even if he can remember everything at once, and how much can he remember?


Anyang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, so he massaged the acupuncture points on his lower eye, rested again, and then looked up outside.

The old man who guards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion has already set the technique of shining light, and looks at him from time to time. It seems that he is watching when he will leave. He had already ordered the guest away, but for the mysterious Anyang, he did not dare to let it easily, and could only wait silently.

The bio-assist chip has obtained the access rights to the five senses of the body long ago. This time it is called directly. His eyes are almost blink-free with high-intensity and high-attention operation. The natural load is extremely heavy, even more than the mental The requirements are even higher, not to mention anything else. Ordinary people just keep concentrating on an object, and they will get tired after a long time. While he can ensure high and high quality screenshots, he does not have much rest all day. It can be imagined how difficult and intense this time is.

So this rest took a long time.

It was late at night when I went out.

Fortunately, today's physical fitness is very good ~ ~ Backache and the like are impossible, otherwise the pain will be even higher.

At dusk, the magnificent sunset at a height of 10,000 meters high missed him, but it just happened to be facing the sky of the stars. Kunlun was originally an excellent place for stargazing and watching the moon. Deeply fascinated. Not only the Milky Way and the constellation, but the nebula millions of light-years away can also be seen clearly, and even feel small.

The starry sky has always been the deepest and most fascinating, often symbolizing dreams and memories, illusory, yet intriguing. For thousands of years, countless people have known that they ca n’t touch them, they are out of reach, and they know that even if they exhaust their lives I can't pick any of them, but I still want to do everything.

Perhaps in a dream, I can reach the other side of the galaxy!

It seems that this Kunlun Mountain is not only an excellent place for stargazing and watching the moon, fortune-telling celestial phenomena, but also has the functions of self-cultivation, self-exploration and life. No wonder most of Kunlun's disciples are humble and indifferent. Facing this vast galaxy and boundless sea of ​​clouds throughout the day, do individuals realize their insignificance?

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.) 8

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