My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 320: Cleaning life

? Early in the morning, a group of four people will get off ~ щww ~~ lā

The roar of the Jeep off-road vehicle rang through the mountains and forests, scorning this world without a light bulb like a roar. Although the road conditions are not good, the good performance of the vehicle still shuttles freely, plus a perverted skill and super fast response The speed of the driver can easily surpass the horses and horses of this world.

With the mentality of "nothing is hidden since the technology has been exposed," Anyang is now careless. If something really goes wrong, let the Corps of Troops wipe out everything!

There were three novel and surprised faces in the car. I was a little flustered at first. Now I've settled down. I looked around one by one. I touched it here. I poked it here. I felt the leather seat. The softness and elasticity of it, from time to time to reach out to feel the fresh and cool wind in the mountains brought by high-speed driving, it is not as screaming as the real world drag racing girl.

Because Xiao Chan and the hare's inner instinct fears are really difficult to eliminate, they are not afraid to sit next to Huang Lan, so Huang Lan sits in the co-pilot. Fortunately, she didn't pay much attention to her character. At this time, she only glanced at Anyang and kept a close eye on his operation method.

She is very smart and sees a lot of mysteries of off-road vehicles, but she wants to know how this thing moves, and how to control it if you change yourself.

This strong pushback and brutal kinetic energy rushed across the bumpy road, and all told her that he was a very powerful guy. For her, he could tame such things and let it follow his own I think Mercedes-Benz must be very energetic!

Xiao Chan was a little calmer than them. After all, she was the first little girl to accompany Anyang. She had seen this big iron box for a long time and even slept more than once in it. The color of the light has already been used to it, but she never expected that this big iron box would move, and it could fly on the road at such a fast speed.

According to this speed, they can travel more than a good carriage in one hour, which is really amazing!

Like the pistol that Anyang gave her, mysterious and novel!

There was a fork in front of the road, and the fast-turning wheels suddenly stopped running, rubbing against the yellow sand on the ground to make a long muffled noise, and the vehicle stopped.

Anyang took out a map that had turned yellow and used a little cinnabar to mark the destination of the trip. According to the head of Kunlun, it was the most spiritual "Xianshan" within a thousand miles, and no one occupied it, but according to this In the year of the map, Anyang seriously doubted whether the information was outdated for hundreds of years ...

Looked carefully at the direction and should go to the road on the left.

So he turned the steering wheel, hit the throttle, and the SUV screamed again, rushing past, and a dazzling yellow sand was raised in the rear, rising into the sky.

Anyang sighed.

"Ah, seventeen, let's go, scan this map and build directions."

"You should have been this way."


In the evening, finally arrived at the location marked on the map given by the head of Kunlun——

A lush mountain at the foot of the mountain, you can't see the mountain at a glance, it is probably not as good as Kunlun, but it also belongs to the towering into the cloud series.

Anyang turned off the engine, got out of the car, and slammed the door.

Take a deep breath, it seems that Kunlun's head did not lie to him. Although he is still at the foot of the mountain, he can already feel the very green aura here. It is much better than usual, and it is better than the park on earth. Many times, it is a good place to clean.

It's a bit strange. Such a beautiful place is located on the spiritual vein. Even if there is no monk, there should be ordinary people moving here for thousands of years, but in front of it is a lush forest and a long stretch of sight. Not to the mountains.

He didn't understand until a long wolf howling sounded in the distance.

Surrounded by mountains here, there are forests and beasts everywhere. There may be monsters around this aura, where a village usually dares to settle here, and the transportation is inconvenient.

Anyang turned around and looked at the situation in the car.

Huang Lan is a tigress with a strong physique and full of energy. At this time, when he left, he was excited to reach out and touch the gear lever, completely without the courteous appearance of the first meeting. The rabbit is simply a scum among the monsters. It was motion sickness. Fortunately, she didn't vomit. She just fell asleep with her eyes narrowed. At this time, she fell on Xiao Chan's slender legs.

Anyang was immediately full of pity for Xiao Chan. He knew that Yi Xiao Chan was alert to everything and was not used to the character of any creature approaching himself. The rabbit essence almost clinging to her in a lethargy was a great torment to her. She who wants to come at this time will definitely be more uncomfortable than the rabbit nymph of motion sickness.

But she was embarrassed to wake it up or push it away, so she could only grind her teeth, and her body was tight because of tension.

Seeing him looking over, Xiao Chan stared at him suddenly for help.

Anyang couldn't help but smile, and rarely saw the picture of the fox and rabbit so close, and the nervousness was not the rabbit, but the fox!

Is really incredible.

Anyang decided to save the poor fox, so he knocked on the car window and said, "There is no way ahead, you are not going to get off?"

Huang Lan froze for a moment, frowning back at Anyang's previous movements, groped twice inside the door, and finally pulled the door out of it, and fortunately she still maintained her reason and subtlety, and did not use brute force to destroy the door, otherwise this off-road The car doesn't necessarily stand her strength.

Xiao Chan was relieved, like a pupil who was punished by the teacher for two classes and finally reached the bell. He exhaled for a long time, his nervous body and expression relaxed, and he quickly pushed up the sleepy rabbit with his small hands. , Familiar with opening the door and drilled out.

Heaven and earth can be learned, she is really not used to being approached by her so close, nor is she used to being touched by her body, even if it is just a rabbit without any threats. She would have been subconsciously repulsed by the close proximity of Anyang, who had lived with him for so long, and how long did this rabbit elite know her?

The rabbit almost fell back to the seat. Fortunately, when he fell, he woke up, stabilized his swaying body, rubbed his eyes, and saw that the empty car could not help but froze, suddenly sober, and went out of the window. Sweep, this is a relief.

She pushed the cart door to figure it out, but the door was motionless. She couldn't help but stunned again. She was at a loss and had to look for help to the nearest Xiao Chan.

Xiao Chan seems to have a deep memory of her falling on herself. Although she helped her open the door, she immediately jumped a few meters away, as if she was avoiding something.

The rabbit essence naturally does not know the sleeping phase when he is asleep, so he steps out of the car door for unknown reasons.

Anyang smiled, turned and pointed to the mountain ahead, and said, "Did you see that this is where we will practice in the future? Do you feel that the aura is very strong?"

Rabbit Jing nodded quickly to show his peace.

Xiaochan frowned slightly, and said softly, "I, I seem to smell a demon ..."

Huang Lan also nodded his head, and his machete-like claws popped out with his fingertips: "I smell it too, it seems to have the smell of a bear. Gee, I really miss it!"

Anyang is not surprised that there are monsters in this place. The spirit of heaven and earth is the perfect cradle for keeping monsters. He is only curious about Huang Lan ’s words.

"What do you miss?"

Huang Lan replied: "Did I say that, the smell of the bear!"

Anyang's eyes immediately looked up, looked at Huang Lan, and asked, "Do you like bears?"

"Yes indeed!"

"... I didn't expect you to have such a strong taste, but ... you are a tiger and actually like bears!"

Huang Lan froze for a moment, his expression a little embarrassed: "You misunderstood, I mean the smell of bear meat."

"Cough, that's what it is!"

"Bear meat tastes good, haven't you tried it?"

"... Amitabha, the poor monk does not want to talk to you like a foodie!"

Anyang waved his hand back and put the off-road vehicle into his body space before stepping towards the path ahead.

He soon realized that he was wrong. Except for Huang Lan, this big foodie, he seemed to be unable to find anyone to speak, and he felt bored for a while.

"... That, I don't know if you tigers are going to eat bears. I remember bears are also fierce."

"Well, it ’s like this. Although our tigers and bears are large and ferocious animals, the tigers want to eat bears. In your words, the bears are on top of our recipes. In general, we do n’t risk catching Bears are afraid of being injured. It is very dangerous to be injured in the forest. In many cases, being injured or sick means death. But there is no way to be hungry, or when there is little food in the winter, and the bear is hibernating, we will list the bear as food. Normally, it ’s the problem of not being able to fight. As long as the bear is bully, we will also go. If the strength gap is not big, we generally wo n’t provoke. ”

"... Thank you popular science."

Anyang pinched the Fayin seal and was about to summon a stone giant to walk in. He just smelled a smell of fishy smell. There was obviously a monster nearby and he was a meat eater.

He hadn't had time to take out his weapon yet. Huang Lan's paws flew into the jungle quickly.

"The bear is nearby, I will go back as soon as I go!"

Anyang hurriedly chased up, and only heard a roar of muffled roar in the distance, followed by a tiger roar, and then a dull fighting sound, very fierce.

When he arrived, Huang Lan stood beside the tree with a positive look, her claws were already covered with blood, and she looked forward coldly. She confronted her with a monster resembling a half-bear. His body was very thick, covered with thick bearskin, claws like hooks, but there were several wounds with deep bones on his body, and blood was flowing out.

This bear demon is bowing at his waist and panting, looking at Huang Lan with vigilance, like a bellows.

Has won or lost.

Anyang is very annoyed by this sudden battle. It seems that this bear demon did n’t recruit anyone to provoke anyone. It ’s good to stay here, but they are intruders.

"Okay, Huang Lan, forget it, they are all humanoid, and you can eat as you like."

"But this is our territory in the future, what is he here?"

"Well, we only used it for a few months, not counting it ~ ~ Let him go!" Anyang was afraid, but this tigress with a strong sense of territory, directly pulled her back and walked in, by the way A glance at the bear demon, "We are just here to help for a few months, and we will leave in a few months. Before that, I hope that our well water will not violate the river water. Do n’t challenge us, we wo n’t attack you. how about it?"

Xiong Yao looked at Huang Lan with some vigilance and a little fear, touched the wound on his body, and nodded slowly.

Anyang summoned two stone giants, carrying four people directly and ignoring the woods upwards. During the period, they scanned around to see if there was any threat. By the way, observe what better trees are suitable for cutting down to quickly build a wooden house. Kind of.

And at this moment, Huang Lan still muttered dissatisfiedly.

"You can't eat into a human form, but I can eat ..."

"Okay, this mountain is so big, there must be more than this monster, is it possible that you intend to kill all?"

"If there is a threat, you have to kill. If you don't have a threat, look at your mood. It's not bad to kill a little demon and take the demon to eat!"

"No wonder you are the king of beasts, so overbearing!"

"How come, don't all tigers come here like this?"

Anyang was too lazy to tell her more, he couldn't even figure it out, with Huang Lan's serious killing intention, why would there be no evil spirit in his body?

——The days of restoration in the forest are about to begin.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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