My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 321: Downhill

? After three months.

This is a mountain with an altitude of about 3,500 meters. It is far less natural than Kunlun Mountain, but it is not comparable to ordinary hills. Because in the summer season, the foot of the mountain is full of lush forests, but the top of the mountain is much barren. The grass is mostly yellow grass. Occasionally, a few green and lush trees are also alpine plants such as pines, and you can see the vast clouds below. Something is beautiful.

In such a high place, ordinary people have to spend more than half a day on mountaineering, and high altitude is not so easy to control. They will not easily live here, and beasts and poisonous insects are rampant, and mountain monsters are infested. No one cares about the mountains of the excellent natural viewing platform.

After all, the so-called tourists and backpackers can't play in this world.

However, this does not mean that there are no people on this mountain.

A very simple two-storey wooden house has challenged the strong wind on the mountain for three months. Its architectural style is very inconsistent with this world, but it is very beautiful and practical. It has a spiral wooden ladder relying on the outside and a view of a shed. The terrace, the wooden floor and a set of tables and chairs, if you put a glass of iced lemon juice, it is a great place to rest and enjoy.

This is a super-shrinkage, super-simple coastal villa, full of modern style.

It's just that this little villa is not along the ordinary sea, but the sea of ​​clouds above the mountains, not on the beach, but on the top of the mountains of hundreds of meters, a place where this small cabin can be settled.

Anyang was sitting by the viewing platform, under which was a very comfortable recliner, shaking, the wooden shed like a pavilion covered the sun that was rich in ultraviolet rays, and there was a glass of water on the table, not far away It is the magnificent cloud sea and the cloud sea waterfall, but he didn't care to watch, only to squint and take a nap, this day is uncomfortable!

There are only sunglasses and beach pants.

High altitude is really a summer resort, as long as it avoids the sun, it is equivalent to the spring and autumn time under the mountain, which is the most comfortable temperature.

But Anyang was not nap at this time, but was silently reading the ancient book in his mind, the five-element escape method in the Five Elements Spell.

It has been tormenting him for almost a month, but he still hasn't learned it. Only Tu Dun has a little bit of fur, which is probably similar to that of the Taoist.

In general, these three months are still very comfortable. In addition to the lack of real-world lights and the prosperity of classical cities, Anyang is not too obsessed with those. This pure and simple life is really good. Instead of a mana operation model, occasionally look at ancient books of monasticism, increase insights and knowledge, learn spells, and worry about eating and drinking, clothing and daily life are solved by Xiao Chan, the standard treatment of your feudal feudal son.

In addition, the scenery on this mountain is also excellent. The magnificent sunrise in the morning, the Buddha light in the mountains, the cloud waterfall in the daytime, the magnificent sunset in the dusk, the golden mountain in the sun, and the dazzling starry sky at night, also have a great help in the cultivation of the mind At least it looks so refreshing.

It ’s just that the high mountain also has many shortcomings. The wind is strong, and the big tree can be blown off when it is big. The temperature difference between morning and night is great, which is nothing to a few people, except that the rabbit essence does not like to be exposed to the sun.

Another point is that it is easy to fog up. The higher the place, the easier it is to fog up. This can be an exception to Kunlun Mountain, but this mountain cannot be avoided. While the weather is good, the scenery is magnificent and beautiful, but when the weather is bad, the fog is diffuse, and the visibility is less than 20 meters, which is not much worse than that of Fengshan. The most important thing is the permeability of the fog.

In order to prevent the quilt from getting wet and the room from getting wet, it is not necessary to wake up in the morning. The clothes and bed are wet, Anyang can spend a lot of time!


There were two figures suddenly in the front of the mountain. At first, only a head with messy hair and a standard melon seed face appeared, but the facial features were full of wild temptations. As she continued to walk up, she slowly showed the upper body of the spike model and the bodybuilding goddess, her unusually tall proud chest, and her slender waist, which was so thin that she seemed to have a very strong grip, it was full of explosive power, and it also gave There is a complete desire to conquer.

Then only another head with long hair was exposed, a few meters away from Huang Lan, and his height was only below his chest, delicate facial features, white skin, wearing a gorgeous clothes, about seven or eight years old But behind the back is a sniper rifle about the same height as hers, full of the coldness and savage smell of metal, which can meet the little girl's white and silent face, but it has an unusual sense of harmony.

Huang Lan walked up the mountain with her long, tight legs. The strangely graceful pace, graceful to calm, easy to reveal the style of the king, only then found the prey in her hand, a small tall goat, But nothing in her hands.

The head of the sheep was crushed in half, the waist of the sheep horn was broken, obviously caused by the large caliber firearms.

This will be their food tonight, well, just tonight.

In order to prey, after Anyang gave this sniper rifle, Xiao Chan finally reluctantly walked with Huang Lan. Although he only went out to hunt, the word embarrassed is now obsolete. To be precise, it is tiger and fox. The distance between a large and a small group of two carnivores is unknown how many mountain beasts have been harmed.

Anyang only opened his eyes and glanced at them, then closed again, and continued to practice the spell.

He is now Teacher An. He can't do great educational work without learning much knowledge.

Xiaochan followed Huang Lan to put his prey in the house, and somehow came out, and stood in front of him timidly, as if to say something.

Anyang opened his eyes again and looked at her calmly, but in fact he was still thinking about the Five Elements Great Escape Technique.

This silent attitude can easily make Xiao Chan think it is serious, but not surprisingly, she is indeed misunderstood.

Xiao Chan couldn't help but be a little more embarrassed. Like an unfavorable child facing a serious parent, he struggled for a long time before he said in a soft voice: "Students ... Last night's strong wind, a piece of the kitchen The plank is blown out. "

Anyang looked at her with such an attitude, and couldn't help laughing, then glanced inside again, and nodded: "I know, I'm a little busy now, and I'll fix it when I think about this mantra, you use that yellow by the way. The paste will squeeze out of the gap to avoid air leakage and fog. "

Paused, he added a sentence: "Oh, remember to call Huang Lan, you are not so tall."

Xiaochan nodded, oh, and walked towards the small broken step house.

Left Anyang with a long sigh.

The world's material level is really frustrating. This log cabin looks very beautiful, and it is very comfortable to live. In fact, it is either bad here or bad all day long. He just broke his heart and the transportation on this mountain is inconvenient. The nearest cities and towns are separated by hundreds of miles, and it takes half a day to buy something. Of course, the flying speed of the armor is another matter.

Not much time later, the rabbit essence ran out again, and his face stopped excitedly beside him, his pure white face flushed.

Anyang couldn't help looking sideways and exhaled a long breath: "Why? Don't go to practice, would you like to come to blow and see the scenery?"

The rabbit opened his mouth finely without making a sound. She froze and opened her mouth again. A soft voice came out of her mouth, soft and bone-in: "Book, scholar, me, I seem to speak ..."

Anyang immediately opened his eyes and turned to look at her.

The rabbit was stunned for a moment, and asked, "You, can you hear?"

"I can hear, did you speak only by yourself?" Anyang smiled, paused, and raised his head again, asking, "Oh, what did you just call me?"

The rabbit essence ignored the first question, and said weakly: "I heard Xiao Chan calling you this."

"I am not a scholar."

"Why did that Xiao Chan call you so ...?"

"Probably because when I met her for the first time, did the little girl think of me as a scholar?"

The rabbit spirit was silent for a while, his eyes hesitant, shouting tentatively: "Rabbit ... Rabbit?"

"How many times have I told you, I am not a rabbit!" Anyang looked black and paused. "My name is Anyang, you can call me that."

"An ... Anyang!"

The rabbit essence speaks eloquently, but the expression is very serious, and it seems to bear this name in mind.

Anyang nodded and expressed his pleasure.

The female goblin finally speaks.


Time is as ruthless as water, and two months have passed.

The mountains have changed from midsummer to mid-autumn, and the winds under the mountains are beginning to languish, not to mention the mountains. As early as a month ago, the temperature was a bit cold, and the day was okay, especially morning and evening, it was quite cold. The mountain fog is cold, but fortunately, none of them are ordinary people, and they don't care about this temperature. Sometimes the frost on their clothes is a little troublesome.

It is estimated that it will snow for up to two months in this mountain, right?

According to the temperature at the foot of this mountain, it should be similar to the southwestern climate of the real world, and it is unlikely to snow, but in the memory that the system has forcibly jammed to myself, it will snow every year in the city.

But a few people can't wait until then.

As early as two days ago, the disciples of Kunlun Mountain came to the letter, saying that the righteous Xianshan Cave House was ready to fight against the demon, and had already announced to the world that he could help the world.

Anyang couldn't refuse it. After all, he had copied most of the books of the Kunlun Mountain Tibetan Classical Pavilion, and he couldn't do it when crossing the river to demolish the bridge.

There is no doubt that Xiao Chan, who is a close girl, and Rabbit, who is a maid, must follow him.

Huang Lan has been his student for so long, and it is impossible for him to leave him when he is in danger. Moreover, Huang Lan is also a part of the world. She once again ridiculed her as the righteous monster. The so-called righteousness is to maintain peace in the world. It ’s your duty, so you have to stand up.

So the four of them stood in front of the log cabin at this time, looking at the autumn scenery of this high mountain, the clouds lingered, and they were ready to go down the mountain to dispel evil spirits.

Xiaochan looked back at the log cabin, a little bit reluctant in his eyes.

After all, she lived for so long, and the peaceful life is always what she longed for, and only she can appreciate the preciousness of this point. Anything that can bring her peace is worthy of her cherish.

The rabbit essence looked at Anyang with his eyes, a pair of male rabbits ... an attitude wherever Anyang went.

Huang Lan is much more subtle ~ ~ is also much calmer, but what is hidden under the calm and determined eyes is not something outsiders can break.

"Let's go!"

With a gentle and calm word, several people stepped down the mountain one after another.

Is not a grandiose "start", nor a poetic feeling of nostalgia, just a simple go, opened the journey of everyone to fight against demons.

The mountain grass behind is already yellow, the leaves of many trees are dazzling yellow or bright red, colorful, only the pine is still green, and the squirrel has begun to store food, reflecting the sky of the sky, this is really a beautiful picture 'S scroll, especially when it's almost time to leave.

ps: The mainland of China is almost over. Is there anything I want to say, cough, it is forbidden to brush "rabbit rabbit, take away rabbit", "Loli Seiko, how cute little fox" in the book review area, "Luo Li has three good things, she is very soft and easy to push down, "rabbits, foxes, tigers", "opening a zoo, strongly requesting to open a zoo", "in order to uphold the guidelines of peace, I decided to build a house, which is extremely dangerous "The monsters are all imprisoned," posts like, um, so.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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