My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 323: Dayan gets rid of Demon Sky Thunder

readx (); The team on the Kunlun Mountain side is vast, not only thousands of disciples of Kunlun, but also elders from all sides, and even some princes.

Thousands of people rushed silently, marching silently, with low momentum. If the moon-white robes on these disciples were replaced with senran armor, it would look like a well-trained army from a distance.

These disciples have good means, so they can pick out a few at random, so that a few mortal means are worth the elite force of an imperial dynasty.

Anyang took a deep breath and looked at Huang Lan, who was beside him, only to feel that the air was full of the breath of the monks, because they belonged to the Kunlun door, so they did not appear cluttered, on the contrary, so much breath Mutual integration, bringing together a great pressure, like a living fairy hidden in all around.

Huang Lan seemed to feel his gaze, and turned his head, his eyes full of eagerness to try, and even raised his eyebrows to him, even slightly undetectable.

Well, although she looked very polite at first glance, this tigress was actually very strong and violent.

As for the rabbit essence and Xiao Chan, Anyang left them in Kunlun.

The main reason is that this line of fighting against demons, I do n’t know how many accidents and unpredictable means will occur, and he ca n’t shelter them both at all times on the battlefield, so he can only copy a few spells and let Xiao Chan stay in Kunlun Mountain Study slowly.

It ’s just a little trouble to say goodbye to rabbit essence. Maybe it was the last time that left her a shadow. She came up with all kinds of ridiculous reasons to try to let him stay.

For example, he cannot sleep without him, for example, there is no grass at the entrance of the bamboo house in Kunlun Mountain, he is not used to it, for example, the fox is to eat a rabbit, and Xiao Chan is afraid of being with himself, for example ...

some type of.

For two months, the rabbit's IQ has not risen, but it has become a lot more funny.

Whenever thinking of this, Anyang couldn't help smiling.

There is a vigilant Xiao Chan, the simple and ignorant rabbit essence should not be deceived. Although the rabbit spirit is not brave, it is also quite persistent and independent at some times. For example, it was necessary to plant an inactive grass at the entrance, or to hold water that could not be held, Cough, and she can live well by herself. This is complementary to Xiao Chan's cowardice. The two should not be bullied.

Of course, there is a relationship in Anyang. Looking at the entire Kunlun Mountain, there are few people who dare to bully them.


Anyang looked at the disciples on the left. This is a group of female disciples, dressed in plain clothes, not to mention the appearance of the figure. At least the temperament is very outstanding, but also very seductive. dudu1 ();

He knew that this was a disciple of Zangxiu Xianfu.

Although Zangxiu Xianfu is not as famous in the eyes of ordinary Fangdao people as Kunlun, after all, it is more pursuing clean and quiet practice. The four characters of Tibetan Show Fairy House are very famous, not only because they belong to the Xianshan Cave House of the same grade as Kunlun, but also because they have always been dominated by female disciples.

Is not without male disciples, but it is usually just a handyman. There is nothing to do and nothing to say.

This provides an excellent opportunity for single monastic dogs. A group of pure female monks who are not low-minded and can't see men all day long are undoubtedly the best candidates to be monks.

Good temperament, good background, high education, high education level, not only can discuss the mystery of monasticism with yourself, but also have a face, the most important thing is ...

Simply cheat!

Cough, talk too much.

There are not only Tibetan and Immortal Mansion around, but also the Shushan School, which is mainly offensive and jealous, and the pure and elegant bamboo water residence, the pure Yangmen, which is based on self-cultivation and longevity, and the Mt. , Like Tsangxiu Immortal Mansion ’s twelve caves in Tianshan, and Changgedong Mansion like a literary and art club. The disciples and disciples are all literary and artistic youths. They are good at Xiao Xiao, and they are like Tao Yuanming. Good chrysanthemum.

These are only good friends with Kunlun, so get together, there are more holy places for monasticism.

More than a dozen famous schools, Xianshan Cave House, and many small-scale or historically hidden schools of Xianshan, are extraordinary, and many of the wandering Taoists and righteous monsters who have been called have formed more than One hundred thousand army of monasticism. The vast transit, if not greeted by the imperial dynasty in advance, I am afraid that it will be thought that it is a rebel or an enemy country.

These disciples and masters, regardless of their temperament or indifference, are different from mortals in general. When passing by someone's place along the way, no accidents have caused all kinds of awesome eyes, such as encountering gods. Some people even gave their heads on the spot, but they just saw the masters who used magical or mysterious skills to fly and regarded them as gods.

After this time, I do n’t know how many legends about gods will be out of thin air and how long they will sing.

Anyone can see that this is no longer just about crusting this demon. If it is crusting against this demon, thousands of disciples from Kunlun alone are enough. This demon figured out the root of the turmoil and eliminated it in one fell swoop.

This point can be seen from the old Tao accompanying the Kunlun Mountain, how great a person can practice the Heavenly Dao, but it serves as the finale of Kunlun ...

If there is no accident, as a 缥缈 峰 that is stronger than Kunlun in broken numerology, there should be no appearance of Heaven Dao practitioners who are one level above Kunlun.

This time-dudu2 ();

Anyang and Huang Lan sat alone on a giant stone, looking left and right from the height.

Thousands of miles away, it takes three days at the speed of everyone. In this era of communication blockage, there are special people who are good at discovering and hiding. It ’s long, but it can completely beat this group of demons by surprise.

Because Kunlun valued Anyang, the two of them lived a more nourishing life. Not only did they walk in the front, they did n’t have to worry about their food and accommodation, they were naturally responsible.

In such a situation, time naturally goes extremely fast. Three days later, almost blink, and Huang Lan has not yet understood a spell.

With the contact between the twelve Kunlun disciples led by Yan Li and this group of demons last time, the three old and immortal Tian Dao practitioners in Kunlun Mountain spent the boss's energy to finally calculate the position of the demons and even found them to crack them. The method of hiding the circle, so the mighty righteous practitioners soon trapped this demonic group with the tendency of quietly closing the net.

Anyang has taken out the individual energy cannon, turned on the energy switch and electronic insurance, and looked up at the huge mountain in front. It is naturally a deep mountain, and there are also old forests.

"In such a dense forest, these groups of monks want to attack and are afraid of paying a great price."

Huang Lan glanced at him, rubbing his hands with fists: "Afraid of what, so many people are here, there are always many monks who are good at fighting, and besides, there are Shushan sent us to take the lead. These people are not often in the forest and monsters Fighting, you should be very good at this kind of combat. Gee, I also heard that they have always been responsible for eliminating monsters and eliminating demons, and they do n’t even know whether the monsters are right or whether they have harmed people. After quelling, will they fight the rest of the righteous monsters, excited when you think about it! "

Anyang means speechless.

Are you also a monster?

Anyang glanced around again. The silent atmosphere was very strange. Even the disciples who had not experienced enough excitement to save the lives of the heavens, they deliberately suppressed it on their faces.

"How come this group of demons haven't found anything strange?"

"This is not easy. Please take a look at Jinjifeng and Changgedong Mansion. They are all monks who practice spells, and they have been going all the way. Otherwise, An Gongzi thinks they are in a house?"

"Amount ..."

Anyang expressed surprise and shock.

He has long known the magic of Taoism, the strange and unpredictable methods, and the endless effects. ? Or silently trekking for a sneak attack? dudu3 ();

Anyang's eyes were slightly condensed, and Yu Guang inadvertently saw hundreds of Kunlun disciples gather not far away, and he was working together to cast spells. It can be seen that these disciples are elites and cultivated well. This group of disciples not only surpassed the twelve disciples led by Yan Li at the time, but also had better quality. They were also controlled by an elder, which was naturally quite different.

So far away, he could already feel the surging mana fluctuations.

"Seventeen, compare the data to find out the similar spells in the database!"

Amount, who called the tens of thousands of ancient books with too much information, I haven't seen much in recent months.

Almost instantly, the bio-assist chip has been retrieved.

"Daiyan eliminates Demon Thunder, similarity is 82%, and lightning technique, similarity is 37%. The similarity between the remaining spells and the scanning features of the eyes is too low. No suggestions are provided. Please let me say, Mr. Anyang, because the database The records on the data are vague, and there is an inevitable deviation from the actual. The 82% similarity is already quite high. "

"Call up information, let me see."

"As you wish."

Sure enough, it was Dayan to remove Demon Thunder.

At the time of the fight against the black armor, Yan Li and others used the lightning strike technique, which is probably equivalent to the weakened version of Dayan's Demon Sky Lei.

Well ~ ~ Although I used a magic tool.

And Dayan Demon Sky Thunder is a large-scale attack spell, using Yin and Evil as a lightning guide, it will treat the demon in the attack range as a lightning rod, which is extremely effective in fighting large-scale demon.

Anyang is very curious and looking forward to it. At first, twelve people had such prestige, and now hundreds of people are coming out together. What prestige should this great demon eradicate Motianlei!

He soon saw him.


The sky was like a drop of thick ink dripping into pure water, and quickly rendered a jet of black. Upon closer inspection, it was found to be a continuous black cloud. The low pressure caused people to breathless, and they could not help rolling and expanding the area. The whole sky above the head is a manifestation of the mighty heavenly prestige.

The clouds are full of flashing electric currents, and they are arrogant and overbearing.

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