My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 324: Deep behind the enemy

<> The genius remembers "→ Net." In one second, and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

"Seventeen, I will give you permission to record the data I see and perceive about Dayan Demon Demon Sky Lei at this time, named and stored as" Da Yan Demon Devil Sky Lei Reference "to provide experience for the future."

"As you wish, but by the way, I detected a strong chaotic electromagnetic field, which may cause interference to electronic equipment."

Anyang was stunned for a moment, and then he was silent.

Strong electromagnetic field, and the power of thunderstorm ...

It seems that he underestimated these monks!

It is a pity that this big Yan Demon will only attack the demon autonomously, otherwise it will be a great weapon in modern warfare. Well, like the lightning storm in the red police, but the power is not so violent. The shattered lightning is still too exaggerated, but it is no problem to interfere or even destroy the electronic equipment in modern weapons.

Anyang ’s command of the Doomsday base is naturally known. Because of the immaturity of high-voltage current weapon technology, the Doomsday world, including the real world ’s main battle weapons, lacks protection against high-voltage currents. Only aircraft that often face thunderstorms can resist ordinary lightning strikes. , But can only be grounded or detoured in the event of a strong thunderstorm.

Although the range of this big Yan Demon Sky Thunder is not as good as a real thunderstorm, its rage is far worse. Just see the black pressure of the sky. If a modern fighter crashes into the dark cloud, there is no lightning protection device. It wo n’t take long to crash.

If I thought about it, the monk masters in the distant mountains and Changge Caves have stopped casting spells. Anyway, the power of this big devil eradication sky is so great, as long as the demons are not stupid, they will be able to detect it, and they will not do anything. It ’s useful, and by this time, hiding whereabouts is no longer meaningful.

"Woo ..."

A long whine sounded from the deep mountain, a bit like a horn sound, and a bit like the roar of any creature, but the penetration is exceptionally strong, I am afraid that it can be heard for dozens of miles, obviously not a mortal thing.

Anyang hadn't moved yet, so he only heard a whistle of something piercing the sky, and at a glance, he saw a figure rising from the sky.

This is a middle-aged man in loose clothes. The face is very ordinary. The only thing that is not ordinary is the sword intention between the eyes, sharp and strong, straight and unyielding. It can be imagined that if you look at him with a sword, your eyes will be fixed. Can easily pierce people's hearts from their eyes.

Furthermore, it was his behavior at this time.

Flying with the sword, stab the sky!

Anyang's pupils shrank, staring at the ancient sword at the foot of the middle-aged man.

Is this the legendary flying sword?

Didn't expect that this pure world of monasticism still has the standard in fairy tales and fantasy novels. It seems that he not only underestimated these monks, but also underestimated this world!

He thought that apart from a Yunding fairy mountain, there would be nothing more mysterious in the world.

Anyang looked through the information to find out that the Shushan faction is dominated by royal swords, and its royal swordsmanship is the crown of the great fairy mountain caves, especially the flying swordsmanship after his adult success.

Belongs to the kind of magic weapon that is the most popular and coolest category in terms of real-world eyes, killing, slying and soaking up girls.

And this speed is three points faster than the black mist of the six dirty monsters.

Of course, only talking about speed, black fog is too useful, and the practicality may be higher.

It seems that I have more time to look at the information and keep it in my mind, otherwise it is not memorized in the database. The biggest disadvantage is that I have to query the database when I want to use it. Come to these common sense.

This figure so arrogantly rises into the sky, leaving a long sword awn in the air, which attracted the attention of many people.

When the ancient sword stopped, the middle-aged man volleyed his sword on the ground, turned around and stared coldly at the disciples of the Shushan School below. The sharp eyes made many disciples who were shallows dare not look straight.

"The disciples of Shushan sent their disciples and tried their best to attack!"

Full of voice, no characteristics, but full of fighting spirit.

The disciples of the Shushan school immediately pulled out their long swords, squeezed their sword tactics, and rushed towards the jungle like electricity, and took the lead in opening the offensive overture.

I do n’t know how big this mountain is. It ’s very dense and densely covered. There is no sunlight all day long, and there is a black paint, but thousands of Kunlun disciples have no intention of retreating, even if they poured into this black paint forest as if they rushed into darkness Like the sea in the middle, it was swallowed in a blink of an eye, but the soaring sword of their bodies rushed into the sky through the dense branches and leaves, attracting the attention of many monks.

Almost immediately followed, the endless righteous monster rushed in, ready to fight against the demon hidden in the deep forest.

There is no way to hurry. Some things on the demons or the demon pill can be of great use to their cultivation. Some naturally raised evil objects even contain the precious Jindan. Look at this group of Shushan disciples like wolves. He looked like a tiger, and knew that if he went late, he could only drink soup.

A group of disciples in Xianshan Cave Mansion and Taoist Holy Land looked at each other, and they all looked at their masters, and they also knew that the Shushan faction was known for its combat power, especially in close combat. , The demons here are also almost divided.

But they are not wandering Taoists or self-reliant monsters, they are not very rare for these things.

But Anyang is rare.

These five months, his cultivation practice has been improved so fast, isn't it because of the Golden Pills of the Six Poisonous Demon and Black Armor?

Huang Lan is also very rare. She has even urged her next: "An Gongzi, you can't go on, you can't go on, I can go on!"

Anyang grinned: "Kunlun hasn't moved yet, we are with them now!"

Huang Lan pouted: "An Gongzi is really good-natured, and he is not in a hurry to help the heavens and save the lives!"

Anyang shook his head and did not speak, but also obeyed her meaning.

AIDS ...

Pieces of silver-white metal armor appeared from behind him out of thin air, emitting a slight mechanical sound, which continued to spread along his body, and soon wrapped him all over the body, covering it so that it would not leak. For a humanoid armor, it shines in the sun.

"Do I need to take you for a ride?"

Huang Lanping looked at him who suddenly became very powerful and powerful. He looked at the disciples and monsters of the Shushan School who had disappeared, and nodded immediately.

"Of course, otherwise how can I keep up with them."

Anyang put away the individual energy cannon, and the soles and palms suddenly emitted a dazzling light, driving him to float into the air, and undoubtedly caused a lot of amazing attention.

But he didn't care.

"Hold me tight!"

"Well, well, let's go!"

Anyang nodded his head and drove the armor into the sky, even with a person, he did not lighten his spirits and soon disappeared into the air.

Pallansi's special legion thruster once again withstood the test.

The head of Kunlun looked at the old man standing with his hand down, and then looked at the armor with only a faint white light spot. He turned and waved to the Kunlun disciple behind him.

"Kunlun disciples listen to orders and attack with all their strength!"

Thousands of Kunlun disciples who squeezed the French seal suddenly poured into the forest, and hundreds of others left the place, all spit out a mysterious spell, all in unison.

The violent dark clouds swept up suddenly, as if to become lower, as if falling.


The violent lightning began to wreak havoc, and suddenly a dazzling sky thunder hit the depths of the forest thousands of meters away.

Then came the second, the third, and kept going, the power that erupted in an instant was shocking!

Kunlun Mountain's actions stirred up thousands of waves, and the rest of the martial arts also sent their disciples to fight, but they were not completely sent out. They just participated in the battle symbolically to show their sense of existence.

The passionate disciples were very excited, as if they could become a salvation hero in this battle, but in the depths of the jungle, the insidious demons occupied the home ground again, and I would like to give these young frivolous disciples one Get off Mawei.

But with the thunder of the sky, no matter how heavy the casualties are.

Anyang flew all the way.

Huang Lan is a violent madman among tiger demon, and his bearing capacity is far more than ordinary people. With the speed of the armor, they easily surpassed the previous invincible Shushan Pai elite. Go around.

"We go directly to the innermost, you provide cover for me, I come to firepower output, and get a demon or Jindan evenly!"


"Well, rest assured, even if I can't beat, I can take you out!"

"Are you sure?"

"Anyway, you can't come down now, do you?"

Anyang didn't take it seriously. He also had a tank with Tianbing mecha defensive cover and a No. 8 airborne energy rapid-fire gun in his space. He even had an airdrop cluster bomb, even if he was besieged by the siege. One area of ​​saturated bombing.

This deep mountain old forest is really very large and stretches far, and only the speed of armor can conquer so fast.

When the two fell to the ground, they all started to warn around, but they saw a dark and wet area.

"Woo ..."

The long whine sounded again, as if it was in my ear.

Anyang took out the individual energy gun without any trouble, and after thinking about it, he replaced it with a six-barrel aviation heavy machine gun, so he put it lightly in his hand ~ ~ By the way, Huang Lan asked: " Hello, will you use a sword? "

However, he only returned a baffling look: "I have claws, why use a sword?"

Anyang touched his nose, no more, because demons had noticed them.

These are a few monks who have fallen into the evil spirit, and they are all covered with thick yin qi. It seems that in order to cultivate for the sake of life, there are also a group of demon with different appearances, fierce and evil, but obviously well-trained Consciously surrounded them in the middle.

A bang.

Huang Lan's fingertips had long claw-like claws. With a tiger's roar, she bowed her body and waited for her. She began to drill a fierce ghost, a human with a distorted face, and fierce claws. The beast, shouting and crying around her, but has converged a lot more than before.

Although she was not afraid of her heart, she also showed the greatest momentum and clearly felt the threat of life.

Anyang snorted, without saying a word, pulled the trigger.

Hum ...

The motor started roaring, driving the six tubes to rotate at high speed, and then the bullet began to spray out, bringing out a long tongue of fire, rushing forward rushing forward.

Hidden in the tongue of fire, or that penetrates the tongue, is a series of dense bullets with strong kinetic energy.

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