My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 331: I'm so sorry

Anyang didn't want to avoid it, but instinctively showed a sense of crisis. He intuitively felt that this inexplicable Jian Xiao would be harmful to himself. [Full text reading]

So he didn't hesitate. He turned back and lifted the energy cannon in one shot. At the same time, he turned on the thruster and flew backwards parallel to the ground, and then rose through a circle of arcs until he stopped in the air and remained alert.

The place where he had just stood was empty, with only a sharp sword, and penetrated deeply into the body of Yu Martial Demon King.

If he does not hide, this sword will surely stab him.

It was then that people were horrified to realize that the Yuhong demon king was really dead, and that during their hesitation because of the demon king's power, someone had already taken Jindan.

At least the treasure that they have dreamed of can grow for decades has come into the hands of others.


An explosion sounded from the top of a distant mountain, proving that the energy gun fired by instinct just did not hit the target, but a little bit up, a middle-aged man with an ancient sword was watching him silently, not who Yu Qing could be. ?

Anyang's eyes were a little cold, and the energy muzzle suddenly turned around, aiming at Yuqing to confront him.

He knows that the Shushan School often fights with demons and has a more irritable character than many monks. He also vaguely feels that this monk named Yuqing has a slight hostility towards him. He also knows that everyone looks at himself Jin Dan just got it, but he never expected that Yu Qing would dare to compete directly, and even hit the killer as soon as he came!

Others are not as fast as they are. Most of them are only regrets. At most, they are jealous. The biggest reaction is to rush over quickly, but Yuqing is the only one who directly attacks himself.

Immediately, even with a lot of people who gradually realized that they were wrong, they turned their attention to him, especially the Kunlun line.

A trace of disappointment appeared in Yu Qing's eyes, and the tactics of the sword in his hand pinched, and the ancient sword with the handle on the ground turned into white light and disappeared into the air.

Unfortunately, the sneak attack failed!

According to his observation of Anyang, this should be a person who only relies on the "mysterious organ" and "strong weapon", and his strength is far inferior to him, even the head of the Shushan School. In the conversation with the old Tao of Kunlun, it also proved this in disguise. Perhaps Anyang once really had the power of the sky, but after the Tian Dao counterattack, he has fallen into the world and can only fight with these foreign objects.

Heavenly Dao practitioners are not good at fighting, let alone those who have lost their cultivation practice?

The strength gained by foreign objects, no matter how powerful it is, or even capable of destroying the earth and the earth, is ultimately not its own, but ultimately fragile. How can it be comparable to a kendo practitioner who has been practicing hard for nearly two hundred years?

This is the case in Yu Qing ’s eyes. Anyang ’s strength in throwing his hands through his feet is stiff, reflecting his own weakness. Have you ever seen that he has never cast a spell once he has met a strong enemy? The armor may be gorgeous and powerful, but under the armor, it is also a weak body compared to him. Just find the right time, avoid his organs and magical instruments, and you can easily strike one. kill.

As for the Kunlun Old Taoist mouth, Anyang had tampered with the heavenly numerology and saved the world. That was too vague. Except for this group of heavenly Taoists who firmly believe in the mysterious things he calculated, who would believe such a ridiculous absurdity? thing?

Retreat ten thousand steps, even if it is true, since this young and unspeakable "predecessor" is so great, it is better to be a little bigger, to contribute the secrets of his own organs and magical instruments, and let Shushan send him to smooth out the demon in the world. Is n’t it better to live in peace for thousands of years?

It's a pity, it's a pity, he was evaded by him.

This is beyond his expectations.

Yu Qing always believed that Anyang was a weak person who had to rely on a banshee to provide close protection when fighting against demons, but he did not expect him to have such a keen sense of crisis and reaction.

This is not the best time to shoot, so he withdrew his sword, as if it was just an accident.

But Anyang refused to let him go easily. His eyes became colder and colder. He turned off the energy of the special laser sword, approached the portable space, and was in a state where he could take it out at any time. In the suspension projection of the armor, Yu Qing was already marked. For the enemy.

"Yuqing Daoyou, won't you slip your hands?"

Yuqing looked at him indifferently and bowed slightly for half a ceremony: "Anyang Daoyou, I'm really sorry. I wanted to use a sword to test whether the Yuying demon king was dead, but I didn't expect Anyang Daoyou to be faster than me. 'S Flying Sword is faster, and it fell on the demon king before my Flying Sword. "

Anyang snorted coldly: "Really? But what a coincidence, Yuqing Daoyou only shot a sword, which was just where I stood. If it weren't for me to hide fast, I'm afraid all Daoyou know the Daoyou's sword Who is harder than the armor on me! "

Yu Qing nodded seriously: "Yes, since it is a demon king, I should have shot a lot of swords!"

Anyang's eyes were suddenly cold and silent, but the missile compartment on the arm of the arm opened with a click, which had locked Yuqing.

If you really shoot a lot of swords, can you really just escape?

Others saw that they were frightened by the violent strife between them. The battle between the two in the battle against the demon king was extraordinary. One was very fierce, full of offensiveness, and the other was extremely violent. The flames are all about destruction.

Are they going to fight?

It seems that a powerful Shushan faction known for attacking, a Kunlun mountain from the centuries-old fame, are representatives of the famous monasteries and Xianshan caves.

Someone should have come to persuade, but thinking of Anyang's earlier move to seize Jin Dan with a thunderous and unspeakable momentum, many high-ranking scholars chose to be silent, and the disciples of Shushan sent their swords one after another. Starting the war and supporting his ancestors, only Kunlun Mountain and Lianfeng Peak stood out.

"Anyang Daoyou and Yuqing Daoyou are now at the time of the Devil Guarding Dao, the world's martial arts masters are all gathered here, and the evil demons that have wrecked the world have not been resolved yet. . And in the old way, it was just a misunderstanding just now. It ’s better to shake hands and make peace. This matter has been exposed. How?

Anyang's eyes grew colder.

Sure enough, do you still have to rely on yourself at the critical moment?

While looking at the Kunlun master who said this, Yu Qing's mouth evoked a faint smile, and seemed very calm.

It was good that the sword could kill Anyang just now, but more is just a trial, not only to explore Anyang, but also to Kunlun. After all, Kunlun Mountain is also the world ’s Xianshan Church, maybe one-on-one fighting is not as good as Shushan, but it is true Conflicts are not a good thing for Shushan and Kunlun. What's more, Kunlun can be considered a good friend with Shushan, and he's not good for blatant evil.

Now it seems that after all, Anyang is only a guest of Kunlun, not a person of Kunlun. After the unexpected response, even the following Kunlun disciples are more intense than his reaction. At least the disciples of Kunlun also regard Anyang as Kunlun. The predecessors of Shushan, such an arrogant and tough attack posture, if they looked like this, they seemed too cowardly.

But Kunlun was finally under the control of the old man, and this group of disciples was no more fierce at this time, and the old man could calm them down in one sentence.

In this way, it is much easier to find another opportunity against Anyang.

But he had just thought, the blue light flashed suddenly in the corner of his eyes, and he was shocked. Then he saw how many "spells" had screamed at him today, and he crossed hundreds of meters in just a blink of an eye. distance.

Yu Qing was unprepared, and naturally had no time to dodge. She had to instinctively transform into thousands with ancient swords, floating in front of her, forming a sword curtain to meet the sudden blue light.



The sky exploded a striking fireball, such as bright fireworks. With the disappearance of countless white light spots, the newly constructed sword curtain was directly fragmented by this shelling, and even Yuqing was blasted back. Paled face.

At such a short distance, even if there is a layer of blocking, the energy shells do not bombard themselves, but explode in front of them, but few people can safely resist this high-tech weapon from Pallans.

Yu Qing quickly stood firm, his face was flushed with scarlet blood from the pale room due to the rising of blood and blood, only to feel the pain in the chest cavity, and he quickly applied the mana to suppress the turbulent internal organs. Just ready to drink, I saw another blue light. Flying by yourself.



Yu Qing pinched the sword tactics, his body shocked, it was an invisible sword wave, just hit with the energy shells.


A fireball appeared again in the sky, like a little sun, but it was fleeting.

Jianbo no longer, the shells have exploded.

At this time, the shortcomings of the energy shells appeared, even though Pallans has been able to make the structure of the energy cannon extremely stable, but in the end it is not as good as the physical shells. Yuqing wants to come to realize this too, so he does n’t have to fight hard against the energy cannon, and he does n’t have to have a greater lethality than the energy cannon. He just needs to hit the cannonball in advance to detonate it in advance. .

Of course, if you change armor-piercing shells, electromagnetic guns and the like, it will be different.

Around this, the disciples below were also dumbfounded.

The battle between these two masters of monasticism was indeed fierce, and a huge explosion, such as thunder and thunder, between them.

Yu Qing glanced around, without hurrying, but stopped and asked: "Anyang Daoyou, what do you mean?"

Anyang raised the muzzle ~ ~ looked at him with a smile, but he concealed the murderous intention between his eyes: "Yuqing Daoyou, I'm really sorry, my magic weapon is not working, it should not be Are you scared? "

Yu Qing took a deep breath before being blown up and wounded, and violently opened the sword wave, and now he was angry again with the expression of Anyang. Suddenly he felt that the internal organs were tumbling again, and he could not help but coughed violently. There was a flush in his face.

"Cough ..."

PS: So what, the students who add VIP group must be accompanied by verification information. Recently, it was found that many non-genuine friends add VIP group. When the final verification is not genuine, it is not good to be kicked out, right? Gold has prepared an ordinary group for non-genuine students. The VIP group is reserved for students who have always supported gold.

Now all kinds of private chat verification are tired, more tired is the heart, hard writing, but all kinds of piracy, everyone enjoys my labor results and wants to save money, and golden hard writing is also trying to mix I do n’t say anything about stuttering, I understand each other, but I do n’t agree to add a VIP group without verification information in the future. I also invite non-genuine readers to join the ordinary group, so as not to kick it, it ’s not good-looking, right?

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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