My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 332: Night Sniper

This battle was not fought in the end, at least not now.

First, because of the imminent removal of demons, civil war is really inappropriate;

The second is that the strength of the two is not weak, and so many Xianshan Caves in the world cannot sit back and watch their life and death;

The third is the monastic shrines that are famous here, and there are too many well-known Taoist dignitaries, and everyone is not stupid. Many things are clearly seen. After all, Yuqing is a representative of the Shushan School, and there is not enough excuse. He will not really fight Anyang, unless he seizes the opportunity to create an accident just like that, he can justify himself with a cheeky face.

When everyone started to persuade, the two had no reason to insist on fighting, and too many offended people.

But everyone can see that the gap between the two is considered to be closed, and whether anyone will play tricks afterwards, no one knows, and no one can control it.

Yuqing had almost nailed Anyang to the demon king with an ancient sword, let alone say, Anyang later even counterattacked. The first shot made Yuqing almost vomit blood, and it was seen that neither of them could bear it, and All are powerful, and future disputes are inevitable.

Anyang shook his head and retracted the energy cannon, ignoring the monks around to see his gaze.

This group of people is nothing more than the coveted demon king Jindan. If you really have that skill, come and get it yourself!

It seems that in the future, an airborne electromagnetic cannon must be disassembled. Although the power of the energy cannon is great, it is okay in the face of the weak. In the face of these weird and unnatural means, it is inevitable that it can't help but is easily intercepted. The electromagnetic cannon is different. At ten times the speed of the sonic meter, together with the elaborately designed physical shells, do n’t say if these monks can stop it. If they suddenly attack within a kilometer distance, I am afraid they have not responded. Come here and be scummed.

It seems that in the next few days we must always watch out for Yu Qing's sneak attacks, and the Swift Flying Sword is really a bit difficult to prevent.

However, with his character, he is not a person who will silently endure and passively defend. If he can find a chance, he will not hesitate to shoot Yu Qing behind.

Anyang silently returned to the camp where the disciples of Kunlun belonged. His age and experience would naturally not make him angry like a child because of Kunlun ’s old-fashioned attitude, not to mention whether Kunlun had to face Shushan for him. Now that he and Huang Lan still need to enjoy the convenience provided by Kunlun, they should not leave here at will.

Otherwise, where would someone prepare a meal for themselves?

Where do people set up tents for themselves every night?

Where is the comfortable carriage?

Where does one serve himself?

Where does one provide vigilance for setting up a magic circle?

When he and Huang Lan stood together, they glanced down at the pair of hands that were quietly retracting their paws, and only then felt what was a teammate, but the woman was also somewhat reckless, even if he just chose to resist hard and face The powerful Yuqing and so many Kunlun disciples, what can a little tigress do?

Anyang was still touched, but he didn't say much, and his face gradually became indifferent, looking at the group of distinguished masters in front of the group who seized the blood of the demon king. Stunned

In his mind, the line between the demon and the right path was blurred again.

Seeing this group of decent people, they now cut the body of the demon king into minced meat like a scavenging hyena. Even if they are used for alchemy rather than raw eating, this behavior does not seem to be much different from demons. , Just more excuses and more hypocrisy.

If it were n’t for the evil spirits to be terrible by nature, it must be more cruel than killing people to practice. Anyang did n’t know if he would give up this cruel demon journey now.

Maybe not, after all, you can still get so many Jindan and Yaodan.

I really think that it seems that I am also such a person. The purpose of killing demons is so simple, that is, I am in love with Jindan and Yaodan. Compared with this group of righteous people, it seems that I have not regarded these demons as living creatures.

The sky quickly dimmed, and the disciples of Kunlun set up the magic circle and the tent, and put on the campfire. Within half an hour, a disciple served the meal respectfully and provided Huang Lan with a Roast leg of lamb.

After eating, Anyang sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the stars, seemingly practicing, but in fact thinking.

The Shushan School is actually quite different from the ordinary Xianshan Cave House and Taoist School. They know how to use spells, but they do not rely on spells, which means they do not use spells as their main means of battle. They are also self-cultivating and pursuing avenues, but each is very good at fighting, and there will be no monks such as the "theoretical school" among other schools of monasticism. There are no other tributaries, such as reckoning, alchemy, and magic circle. Each of them is a real combat faction and a fighting faction. They are mainly fighting and are natural swordsmen. Even if there are some such as reckoning, alchemy or magic circle I only dabbled occasionally, not proficient, the reason is just to make myself stronger and reduce my own shortcomings.

Yuqing is also different from ordinary monks. He is not only more powerful, he is good at attacking and defending, he is proficient in all kinds of attacking methods, and his flying sword is perfect in the world. He also has richer combat experience and a stronger fighting consciousness. All those who practiced Taoism are counted as hidden cards. I am afraid that they can beat Yuqing.

Was the strength shown yesterday all of Yu Qing?

It is absolutely impossible that Anyang is not stupid. The ancestors of the Shushan School have lived for almost two hundred years. Even he has many unsuitable means to fight against the demon king, and more of these means are very good at killing small targets in a single body. Yu Qing will definitely be like this spell, and may even hide for few years. The most useful card is the most troublesome.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other is not a battle.

Only then did Anyang find that he knew very little about Shushan.

Whether he can beat Yuqing in frontal confrontation, he really has no idea. If there is no armor that can fly at high speed, he estimates that he can only take out the tank to see if he can use the welded energy rapid-fire gun to maintain high-speed firing, which will kill Yu Qing alive, if he is approached by the flying sword, and he breaks the heavenly fighter In the case of a protective shield, he has almost no resistance against such monastic power.

Is the protective cover from the Silvermoon Legion strong?

Although it is strong, it is faced with energy shell attacks and physical attacks, but this is a world of monasticism. Many things are very strange. Pallans has no monk, and naturally will not make technology for the shield according to the monk ’s spell. Response. It may not be possible to break the shield with the flying sword by Yuqing alone, but if he gathers the power of the entire Shushan, it is only a matter of time to break the shield, or use another very unreal magic spell, such as the Yu martial monster. Wang's black smoke, mental attacks, curses, and the like are much simpler, and the role of the shield is almost ignored.

Therefore, when Anyang first came to this world, he never dared to over-exaggerate.

It is because he knows that the destructive power of technological weapons is indeed very strong, but it is far less flexible than Taoism. If he really encounters a master of Taoism, he will easily suffer a loss once he has grasped his weaknesses, and some strange spells are simply undefeated.

Li Ru ... Yu Qing.

Not to mention, this sword-like character is strong enough in fighting consciousness and rich in combat experience. He is not afraid to underestimate. Anyang, who is good at fighting, is very clear. Compared with strength, speed, or Mastered weapons, spells, combat awareness and combat experience are the essence of combat. The former determines the lower limit of a person ’s combat effectiveness, while the latter allows you to easily climb above this height.

Moreover, Shushan is not only specialized in spells, their bodies are also as tough as swords.

Anyang can sneak a gun to blast Kunlun into a scum, but he is not sure that he can smash Yuqing. If he really acts rashly, it may be like before, suddenly causing serious injuries to Yuqing, and then he can no longer hurt him , Any means of his own will be intercepted by him, and even the missile volley may be destroyed by his sword rain before approaching him.


Anyang took a deep breath and looked at Huang Lan, who was absorbing starlight and Yuehua cultivation next to his eyes, stood quietly, dyed the tent and fire near by, and walked to the mountain near by.

Since Yu Qing dared to kill him, he would never be able to give up easily. The two did not fight just now, but it was only a matter of time. At that time, it was probably the entire Shushan faction that they faced, perhaps with Shushan. The Alliance of Xianshan Cave House.

Anyang took out his mobile phone and glanced at his personal data. The column of prop capabilities was the most conspicuous.

But for a moment, he put it away.

More than half an hour, he set foot on this hillside.

There is not much wind tonight, the temperature is cool, but the night is clear, the world is small in pollution, and it looks very far from the top. With a little better vision, you can see the continuous fires like dense stars falling on the ground, tents, The magical palace and pavilion interspersed with each other.

Buzz ...

A soft sound rose, and the silver-white armor slowly covered his body, but he was transformed into a humanoid armor in two seconds, and a silver-white sniper rifle more than one meter long appeared in his hands. It is the end of the world so far. The best performance anti-equipment electromagnetic sniper rifle produced, adjusted to maximum power, can even challenge the frontal armor of light tanks.

Anyang Shumin turned on the switch, the insurance and the scope cover, found a suitable location for sniper, and fell down indifferently, turned the scope to the camp of the Shushan School ~ ~ began to shake the crosshairs around to find Yuqing s position.

He was most impressed by the practitioners, except for the mysterious and mysterious spells, that is, the practitioners are also humans. Although the body is stronger than ordinary people, it will not be too outrageous except for deliberately practicing physical strength. They will starve to death without eating, and they will suffocate to death when there is no oxygen. If they are hit by a bullet without precautions, they are also very likely to die.

At least he knows that if there is no such thing as a "grassman's life-changing technique", Kunlun Road will definitely not avoid anti-equipment sniper rifles, and even if it is prepared, because of the characteristics of this world, such as Shushan's pure pursuit of attack and killing There are few martial arts. Naturally, there are very few defensive spells that can cope with high power, point attacks, and high-penetration bullets. Once targeted, unless a quick response is avoided, it is still difficult to escape a big hole. fate.

Anyang is a little uncertain about the Shushan School. After all, Feijian is also a means of high penetration and point of attack, but it does not matter. If it fails, this is a trial. Anyway, he is destined to tear his face from the Shushan School and Yuqing.

Soon, he found his target.

When the crosshairs were aligned, Yuqing, who was sitting on a small drink, seemed to find something, and got up and frowned.

Anyang's eyes narrowed, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The electromagnetic sniper rifle, which had no explosive sound of gunpowder, was installed with a muffler. It was almost silent and the bullets exploded violently. I saw the red armor-piercing projectile flashing in the night.

(Additional, ask for a subscription, this volume is almost over, know that many people like reality, many people want to end soon, but golden dare not cut the established plot, recently the subscription has been declining again, support the next chant.)

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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