My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 346: Approaching the season of departure

Anyang was ultimately helpless to Yunding Mountain.

He failed to climb the Yunding Mountain and failed to see the fairy bridge in the story. Naturally, he was not sure if there was a fairy.

But I thought that if there was a fairy living on Yunding Mountain, he would have been alarmed by the noise he had made, and would he check it out?

Undeniably, he visited Yunding Mountain for the second time and ended in failure!

The mystery and power here have left a deep impression on him. If one's own army marches into mainland China one day, will he avoid this place after the invasion? Or maybe you will mobilize more troops on your own whim and put more pressure on Yunding Mountain's prohibition until it can't bear it, and then explore this mysterious place!

In any case, as long as you start your own plan, the whole world will be changed. That is naturally beneficial, at least for yourself and the vast majority of people in the world. After all, the opposition is ultimately damaged by a few interests. At that time, the entire world, whether it be Taoism or technology, will naturally increase its strength greatly. When it reaches a certain level, it will not allow the vagueness of Yunding Mountain.

That is, the secret of Yunding Mountain will be revealed sooner or later!

There are also legends about the East Pole Underwater Palace where the Dragon King lives, the Arctic glacier cave, the western sunset valley, and so on. After all, the mysterious place will be solved, either by yourself or by waiting for the descendants of this world.

Before the Tianbing mecha had left, Anyang went to Kunlun Mountain. On the one hand, he picked up the rabbit essence, Chan, and Huang Lan, and on the other hand, he asked Kunlun Mountain for the "Secret of Qiankun" spell.

After all, this spell of Qiankun ’s borrowing is indeed strong, and although he knows it, he is dead, and he has only such great power in his life. Even the old Kunlun Road ca n’t compare with it. He is naturally unwilling, and now he has the opportunity to practice himself. , How can you give up?

I want to do it myself, but I do n’t understand the principle. The feeling of power transfer is still remembered and well-known. There are also bio-assisted chip analysis simulations. It will be much easier to practice than ordinary people?

Although he knew that Kunlun Mountain did not dare to refuse, Anyang did not force it, but cast a "Qiankun Borrowing Method", casually changed the version of the story of encountering Yan Chixia to them to listen to, because of the incomplete spells he obtained. For reasons, let Kunlun Mountain complement him. Kunlun Mountain will naturally have to sell him a face. Anyway, the “Qiankun borrowing method” has leaked out in their minds. Anyang just failed to complete the spell and the spell could n’t go further. It ’s better to be a smooth man and get more for the future. Some chips.

Had to, they looked quite far.

The twelfth lunar month is the winter!

It is still the mountain that is thousands of miles away from Kunlun. The wooden house has been thickened by many layers to block the severe cold, heavy snow and cold wind. At this time, it looks a little more bloated and strong than before, but fortunately it has not affected much of the beauty. .

It has been frozen all around. At such a high altitude, no matter where you can escape winter and snow, you have this icy scene. The pine and hazelnut forest has long been covered by heavy snow, like a thick layer of white plush, the earth is too, so that the world looks very clean, and the snow falling in the sky adds a mess to the scene. The exquisiteness of the house is in stark contrast to the warmth inside the wooden house.

Anyang is still sitting on the recliner with the old **** in hand, holding a thick lined ancient book in his hand, reading with interest, and beside him is a brazier filled with charcoal, burning a subtle flame, which also adds to the room. A lot of warmth.

He is not afraid of the cold. After all, he has been to the South Pole, rabbit spirits are not afraid, Chan is not afraid, Huang Lan is even more afraid, but the warmth is always more comfortable than the cold, especially reading and studying in a warm room, do not have to feel any Uncomfortable, this kind of fan is very good.

This ancient book records the basic part of Shushan Sword Control, with some swordsmanship and tactics, because it is simpler than Royal Swordsmanship and Flying Swordsmanship, so Anyang chose this book first, which is also the knocking brick for Shushan ’s advanced swordsmanship. .

It is very strange that Shushan can only use sword weapons, whether it is royal swordsmanship or flying swordsmanship. There are even some harsh requirements on the shape of the sword, such as the Han sword, the big sword, etc., Nor can it be an eight-faced sword, as for swords, it can't even be done, nor can a Tang sword that is close to the shape of the sword. As for the specific reason, probably only the elders such as Yuqing and Huang Chen, who had been immersed in Kendo for nearly two hundred years, could have a reason. He was still far from that level.

Sword control is fine, at least part of it can be used on other weapons.

The fire in the brazier was a little dark, he turned a page of the book in his hand, and he made a move, and a few pieces of charcoal flew in the corner, and settled firmly in the original pot, suppressing the dim and subtle flame, but himself. It's a charcoal fire, but I don't worry about it going out.

An ancient sword was placed on the opposite shelf. It was Yu Qing's handle at that time. It was very simple and simple in shape, without any decoration, and even the hand guard was only a little. As for the handle, it was simply omitted. Originally, Anyang thought that its sword handle was made of bronze. Later, when it was held in his hand, it felt that the material of its sword handle was more like jasper. It felt warm and greasy to touch. It was probably the only place where this sword made its appearance.

Anyang frowned while turning his book, suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the ancient sword, muttered a few spells, pinched the sword seal to the sword, and then the sword suddenly flew upwards, the sword Turning around, he crossed an arch-like arc before falling into his hands.

Just looking at this sword-falling posture is not going straight, you know that this is not the art of shooting objects. These famous swords of Shushan are often endowed with various abilities by the forgeers and users of all generations, and ordinary people ca n’t move it with the technique of taking objects!

Anyang murmured a few more mantras, holding the sword in his right hand, and making a finger on the hilt with his left hand, the ancient sword fluttered immediately, and then he touched the sword body with his finger, and the shiny sword body immediately shined. In a flash, the complex was hidden again, and even the original coldness was put away.

"This sword control technique is really good. No wonder Shushan is so obsessed with swordsmanship, and it is no wonder that Shushan's attack is so famous!"

Anyang muttered to himself, and began to look at the sword again.

The hands, handles, and heads of ordinary swords are all highlights of temperament and soul, and there are even more gorgeous decorators, but this sword is so surprising, and so surprising, except for the handle, because no matter how ordinary swords are Carved a few patterns in these places, but this sword did not, only the material of the sword handle was a little eye-catching, and the rest were as if born naturally, without modification.

This is a good sword, but there is no doubt about it!

The people of the Shushan School believe in long swords and have spirits, and regard them as life. They are carried on the body every day, and they will never be far away. Even if it is not inconvenient sometimes, it is not easy to put them down. This near-pious faith has created their swordsmanship, as well as the style of swordsmanship.

Anyang didn't believe this, it was just a weapon. The words of the king of a hundred soldiers and the weapon of a gentleman might make some sense, but more than ninety points were nonsense for boring people. Then he threw the sword firmly back on the shelf and lay it flat.

At this moment, a light and gentle footsteps sounded, Chan first glanced over his head, just opposite his gaze, flashing a bit in his bright and flexible eyes, it was like doing a bad thing, being caught in a current panic, Then came timidly.

"Book, scholar, I have a question for you."

"Where do you not understand?"

"Well." Chan nodded timidly and agreed softly, affirming his guess, and then softly softly, "I clearly did everything right, and the mana output was enough, but the fire dragon that was drawn was only So big! "

"By borrowing the fire dragon technique?"

Chan raised his eyes and looked at him, and nodded slightly.

"You don't have any points, cultivation is shallow, cultivation is not diligent, and you don't know how to learn other things, you know to learn such powerful magic that you can't master!" Anyang reached out and patted her head, she didn't Dodge, but narrowed his eyes nervously, and opened after a while.

"I and I obviously did it right, and the mana is enough, it's not big!"

She eagerly tried to bring the topic back to the discussion of spells. By the way, she showed that she had learned and had enough mana to be able to master such powerful attack spells.

"How big are the fire dragons you drew?"

"That's so big." Chan gestured with his arms wide open, and then he reacted that he was still not too long, and his arms were not long, so he hesitated to put his hands down. "It's only better than the snake in the pot of soup that I ate the day before yesterday. A little bigger ... "

Anyang's face was a bit dark: "Who knows how big that snake is, I didn't see it again, and I just drank some soup and it was gone."

Chan ’s face flushed quickly and waved her hand: “It ’s not me, it ’s not me, it ’s Huang Lan who ate it, she ate it in a few bites, and I did n’t eat it either, um, um, that fire dragon probably resembled this sword It ’s the same size, half the length ... "

Anyang nodded: "That's enough, more than the most."

Chan raised his head and stared at him, his hands unconsciously twisted together in front of him.

Anyang's face appeared hard: "It's a bit complicated, and you don't know where you don't understand, straight fire dragon, will we have to eliminate the problem slowly? ... So, you can slowly show it first, I can see Can't see where the problem is. "


Chan nodded nervously, looked around left and right, and began to read the spell.

Feeling the faint scorching power in the air, Anyang wisely cast a barrier technique and began to carefully watch her cast, perceiving her mana fluctuations, without letting go of the slightest details, and passing it to the auxiliary chip for analysis, but by virtue of Intuition and familiarity with "the art of borrowing fire", she feels that there is nothing wrong with her casting process.

Just a moment, the fire in the room flickered, and a fire dragon with thick thighs and more than three meters long appeared, and the claws danced, causing the temperature in the room to rise suddenly, and the fire almost fell on Anyang. Fortunately, a layer of invisible The barrier blocked it.

Chan was stunned, and didn't understand what was going on. Even after the panic that almost hurt Anyang, he was helpless for a while, and the technique of the fire-shaped dragon disappeared due to the lack of mana, but Yu Wei and Yu Wen remained in the air. .

Anyang wiped his forehead where there was no sweat, and understood what was going on.

Chan blinked his eyes, very cautious.

"You are a beginner. It's not easy to use the power to induce heat fluidization into flames. In this snow and ice world, even the savvy people of Taoism know that you should not use the ignition technique easily. You borrow a fire-shaped dragon outside, which is better than loach. Big is already pretty good! "

Chan's face suddenly turned red, and he couldn't care about anything. He stumbled and wanted to go out, and suddenly remembered something. He quickly stopped and walked back with his head down: "Thank you, thank you, trouble you, yes, sorry, I I do n’t know if this is the case! "

Anyang laughed dumbly.

He looked down at the ancient book. Not long after, the rabbit essence rushed in and stormed in. There were still a few unresolved snowflakes floating on her head, against the long ears, a little more sense of ice and snow, nor Know where I just came back.

The rabbit essence dragged a long thing, like a stick with leaves, but when you looked closely, you knew that this was actually sugar cane!

God, where did she find the sugar cane?

Anyang looked at her dullly, and watched her take this thing to herself very seriously. When she got the reaction, she couldn't help but sigh. There was only food that was not wide enough, and there was no food she couldn't find!

In these days, the biggest change in rabbit essence should be a slight departure from many habits that used to be rabbits. For example, I no longer look for the grass that rabbits like to eat every day. I also started to eat vegetables and cooked food, and moved closer to humans, but She still refused to eat meat, and even when she saw them eating meat, she would show surprise and disgust.

She does not like to eat fruits that are watery and fiber-free like sugar cane.

Anyang took the sugar cane, pulled her over, and swept off the snowflakes on her ears and hair for her, or because the room temperature would soon turn into water, the rabbit should be a very dry creature, and he also knew that it was very likely It was this female goblin who deliberately did not take it off.

In this action, the rabbit essence looked at him with his ruby ​​eyes, and didn't move, let him do it ~ ~ until he took his hand back, he smiled, and then pulled a bench Sit down beside him and look up at him reading a book.

She won't realize her charms against the sky, nor will she realize that in fact, her smile is enough for some people to be at least half of reading books and can't keep her mind, but if you change ordinary people, I'm afraid It is easy to dump her life for this.

After all, such a peaceful practice day is short and fast. The winter snow has melted in a blink of an eye, and the alpine trees whose leaves turn yellow and red and then fall slowly begin to bud. The green grass slowly reaches out, and the world of sleeping season begins. recovery.

The people under the mountain should have changed their spring clothes. The well-known demeanor and the handsome young man with a poem book should go out. Perhaps the poem he made can attract the favor of every sister, maybe he can kiss him. Or soaring into the sky, perhaps a poem would become famous overnight, but more readers are still studying to look forward to gaining merit, so they jumped from the dragon gate.

There is a pink flower bud between the peach trees.

This also means that the time for Anyang to leave this world is gradually approaching.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.) L3l4


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