My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 347: Sure enough is the door of space

A year's blink of an eye reached the end, and suddenly it's peach season.

There are trees blooming on this mountain, but there are not many. I really want to see the mountains and the wild. At least I got to go in the late spring and early summer. At that time, all the mountains and rhododendrons in the mountains and mountains were in full bloom, although not the beautiful Rhododendron, But there are also a bit of a red mountain style. At a glance, the flowers that cascade downward and stretch continuously will sprinkle a magnificent and dreamy atmosphere on the top of this mountain.

When Anyang first came to this mountain, the rhododendron period had just passed. I could only see the withered dark color and a few stray flowers. But this year, I couldn't keep up with the blooming flowers of this mountain. I have to say that it is a pity.

He was fond of mountaineering, hiking, traveling and basketball in college. The guitar can only be said to deliberately pursue Jiang Xinrou, but he also climbed the famous undeveloped viewing platform in China, Jiaoding Mountain and Niubei Mountain. I have also seen pictures of alpine rhododendrons all over the mountains, but he thinks this mountain should not be worse than the mountains of the previous life. There is such a strong spiritual surrounding to nourish, the animals are more spiritual, the plants are more lush, and the rhododendrons should bloom when the sea blooms. More magnificent and magnificent!

In fact, after all, it is still nostalgia and reluctance.

Stayed in this world for a year, just like Doomsday World and Pallans, the former has a base that was laid and Chen Yafei, Zhai Liying, Chang Hui and other teammates who traversed between the zombie cities, the latter has the Silver Moon Corps and Angel , Linna, Nightingale, and a group of beautiful sky soldiers, and Chen Feng and Xi Yu, the two rivals who always love to pinch. The same is the days I have experienced, whether it is hard work and comfort, it is always memorable and will whip a light smile.

The mainland of China is naturally the same, perhaps less than a month to the real world, but in this world, he really passed the year, a wonderful and memorable year.

What is this year like, maybe like many seniors in the memory of many people, the intense learning atmosphere, night lights and night reading, always complaining while in it, always dreaming about the days after the end, but when you are careful Stopped and squinted for a moment, these days actually passed very fast. When you graduate, you will remember that the concentration of the paper written on the table and the gentleness of the sun outside the window, the blue body covered by the school uniform that the ugly score wants to take off in the minute, the girl with glasses at the same table I stick my arms with you during the nap, blowing the wind while playing basketball, looking at the corner of the skirt of the beautiful girl, forgetting the embarrassment of shooting, and some or no sense of embarrassment. It is an unforgettable memory, even if it is not often remembered, it still lurks in your heart.

Anyang's memory is very good now. Even if he hasn't deliberately developed and exercised his memory ability, it is equivalent to wasting the hardware equipment of the powerful spike Einstein without supporting software facilities, but he still remembers many things in his heart.

He remembers walking under the willow tree by the Qingshui River in Binzhou City wearing the white-washed blue book growing robe. He remembered himself lying under the old elm tree and taking a nap, remembering that the sun was mottled by the elm leaves. , Remember the scholar and the woman in costume who walked by; he remembered the cautious expression of the door frame when she first met Xiao Chan, and remembered that she was curled up in the corner and wrapped in a quilt with panic and nervousness, I remember that she was found by the demon monk and the tail and ears of the fox who were crying and exposing under the old man, remembering that she became a fox in a daze, and remembering that she was consciously capable of washing and cooking for herself.

He remembered the terrified and pitiful expression of falling down on the ground when he first saw the rabbit essence, and the Yin Hong of the snowy calf, remembering that the rabbit essence quietly approached him after he was injured, curiously looked at the armor and rained his back Back to the village, and panicked by the armor that suddenly moved. I remember the temptation when the rabbit essence only wore the three-point rabbit fur. I remember how she stood standing under the tree to hide from the rain but was soaked with water, and the water droplets left behind the hair. Remember that she stubbornly planted in front of the cave. Watering the grass, remembering her stubbornness to lift the grass in front of her hole that was stolen, remembering her eyes when she was holding carrots and nibbling, and naturally remembering her painful pleading not to leave ;

And ... the big eyes and the inspiring figure when letting the rabbit warm the bed!

He remembered that he and Xiaochan rode in a horse-drawn carriage through the mountains, the one-way trip was a month, he also remembered his stay in Binzhou City, and remembered his stay in the village; he remembered the ancient town of Kunlun surrounded by water and mist in Xianshan, remembered the old In Taoist temple, Huang Lan came to ask her questions gently and politely. I remember Huang Lan ’s claws that he did not hesitate when facing a strong enemy and the madness of the enemy. Shadow; he remembered the ancient books he had seriously read through the fire in the mountains and forests, the scenery he saw when he climbed the top of Kunlun for the first time, the battle he had with Yu Qing, the every demon he had beheaded, and the mobilization of mechas The means by which the army swept the two major schools;

I even remember the priest who is a monk of the Taoist family with the surname Wang Mingtianyu!

He remembers too much.

But what impressed me most was this nameless mountain, this tiny wooden house with a seaside villa style. After all, in the twelve months, I stayed here for almost eight months. The most clean and ordinary day is here. Fortunately, there are three female elves accompanied by it. It seems that the repairs that isolated the world are not boring, but because of the beauty of the mountains. It is particularly memorable.

And after more than eight months of repairs, I have also obtained very rich.

If I say it, I am afraid that even all the celestial wizards in the history of mainland China are not enough to compare with him. In just eight months, they have laid nearly a hundred years of Taoism, second only to the major monastic powers of the major schools. Or the hidden masters scattered in the world, this speed is horrible no matter in who's ears!

Of course, although this is related to his physique and brain power are different from ordinary people, but it does not matter much.

Except for the first three or four months of running around, most of the remaining eight or nine months are practice, which is not hard work, but even if he has a higher starting point in the practice, it is less than a year Time will not increase for several years. The main reason is that the endless stream of Jindan, the level of evil kings, each contains spiritual things raised naturally for more than 100 years.

Such a crazy absorption of Jindan is bound to be unique in the history of the mainland of China, and even the monks who dare to think about it do not dare to think, so he said that the starting line is not only many times higher than others, but also his speed is much faster than ordinary people. While others were down to earth, he was still sitting on a rocket faster than a supercar!

Anyang, who has practiced for nearly a hundred years, can be said to be a master of Taoism everywhere, but it is still the time limit for the practice of Taoism, making him not as good as the real master of Taoism in terms of spells and understanding of Dadao. No matter how the function of the bio-assist chip goes against the sky, it can't catch up with the life-long efforts of others in a short time!

But he did n’t care much. There were no ordinary novels, movies, and even ordinary people who took it for granted that the foundation was unstable, vacant, and not strong, nor had any sequelae. At least in this world, at least in the aspect of monasticism, at least through heaven and earth Jin Dan, did not appear in these conditions or even a trace of discomfort, which has already satisfied him.

No wonder so many people are rushing towards Jindan.

As for spells, it will catch up sooner or later, Dadao understands that the gap is not too big. After all, Jin Danzhong itself contains the mysteries of Dadao that the master himself feels, which can make up for this to a certain extent.

Anyang thought about it, touched the phone, and watched the countdown.

1 hour, 12 minutes, 23 seconds.

Anyang swipes his fingers at random, and he doesn't even know what inexplicable operations he is doing, but his personal data is just right on the screen, which is exactly what he wants.

Selected by: Anyang

physical fitness:

Physique: 9.1

Strength: 7.6

Speed: 7.5

Brainpower: 5.9

Quality points to be allocated: 0

master a skill:

Master of Fighting (Master)

Gun Mastery (Master)

Cold Weapon Mastery (Master)

Driving Proficiency (Advanced)

Theoretical basis of science and technology (intermediate)

Master of Mechanical Engineering (Intermediate)

Musical Instrument Mastery (Elementary)

English Proficiency (Elementary)

Military Literacy Mastery (Elementary)

Skill points to be allocated: 5

Prop ability:

Portable space (1000 cubic meters)

The Gate of Space (Connected Doomsday No. 94567 and Real World)

Gate of Space (connected Pallans to the real world)

Item extraction (to be used)

Character possession (to be used)

Ability to extract items: 0

Other capabilities:

Kunlun (level 8)

The world is infinite, borrowed from heaven and earth (level 3)

Goblin (Level 5)

The sudden change in physical fitness is the most intuitive benefit from the instant increase of Kunlun's decision-making in less than ten years to nearly one hundred years. By the way, it has also increased from Kunlun's decision at level 5 to level 8 ~ ~ However, although the level is higher, Kunlun has become stronger, but the traits that were similar to the cultivation exercises have not been changed. The increase in physique is much greater than strength and speed, and the ability to assist all aspects of the body is still very strong. Strong.

For example, the physical constitution has been increased by 3 points, the strength has been increased by 1.8 points, the speed has increased by 1.5 points, and the brain power has only increased by 0.9 points. It seems that the shortest board of Daoist power seen by Anyang lies in brain power, and the most powerful one seems to be in physique. Perhaps it is really related to the Taoist system.

Anyang sits and thinks, the three monsters are either trying hard to practice, or practicing spells, but no one bothers him.

In addition to the cold sound of the system.

The mission is successful and the mission rewards are obtained: props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 1, the selected person can return to the real world at any time.

This time, his skill points have reached eight points.

Anyang didn't have time to control the others, the first time was the ability to extract props.

"In the process of extraction ... The extraction is over, and the ability to obtain props is available: With the door of the space, it can be used at any time."

Anyang finally relieved.

Sure enough, I guessed it right, which also proves that the system is not a game, and many things are not random!

The space-time shuttle system is not so much a plaything created by the "God" when it is boring, but rather a kind of training process against the sky, but I don't know why it fell outside, and it fell into his own hands.

Sure enough, I can come back again.

However, he also knows that the next time he comes to the mainland of China, his mood will be different, even with all the scenery, so now he is especially cherished in the face of this, and he is particularly sorry to say goodbye.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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