My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 348: Back to the real world

Anyang put down his mobile phone, got up and pushed open the wooden window, looked at the fresh green spring scene outside, and Xiao Chan, who was still struggling on the green grass that had just melted snow, and was still tossing the fire-shaped dragon, even if she was sweating Stop.

This little girl's persistence is really amazing!

Anyang couldn't help but shook his head.

After all, Taoism is not a big magic spell, nor is it a decisive battle skill that breaks mountains and rivers. Unless you reach the top and transform this fire from ordinary fire to various spirit flames, how big are these fire spells? Lethality! Like this technique of igniting a dragon, watching a fire dragon with open teeth and claws rushed over, it seemed awe-inspiring and terrifying, but in fact it was a group of fires that changed their appearance, and the root tube was poured out.

It's okay to deal with mortals, no matter how serious it is, it's not difficult to kill heartburn, and it is scary enough, and the visual impact is choking, but it is still not enough to deal with monks who are good at fighting. Not to mention the technique of igniting the dragon, the spells of the current monastic system in mainland China are not very suitable for fighting. If you really want combat power and lethality, you still have to go to the path of practitioners, such as Shushan, for example, most monsters get monstrous monster .

But for the stubborn little girl, the fire dragon who looked at the fierce and evil should be very strong, and Anyang did not tell her. Let her toss it. If you really want this little arm and calf to practice, she must eat it. She had to endure hardships, and she could clen her teeth to persevere, but Anyang did not want her to take this path full of vigor, at most Shushan Kendo was already the limit he could tolerate.

It did n’t take long for Xiao Chan to come in, her delicate little face flushed, a little sweat, it should be run out of mana, and when it was time to prepare dinner, you ca n’t forget the essence of your maid!

After about half an hour, she carefully knocked on the wooden door, indicating that Anyang was ready to eat.

The meal table is the same as usual, but it is also very rich. Two plates of light vegetarian vegetables and two bowls of white rice can be regarded as the dietary habits of taking care of Anyang and rabbit essence. The rest are all meat, all kinds of meat, Xiao Chan Huang Lan wants to eat a lot.

Every day, it takes a lot of thoughts for Xiao Chan to take care of the eating habits of teammates of different races. Fortunately, after the rabbit's brain is a little bit curious, it will come to help her do some simple ... hard work.

Anyang put down his chopsticks without taking a few bites, and his eyes moved on the faces of the three goblins. He could only see them inexplicably, before he said: "I'm going back. In the future ... I won't have much time to come here."

All three were stunned, and they naturally knew what he was talking about.

Huang Lan had heard him talk with An Qi long ago, and the rabbit essence was told to him personally. At that time, Xiao Chan, who was driving, only separated them by half a car and a curtain.

Anyang is leaving!

They may have thought about them occasionally these days, but they have never been so urgent, as if blinking immediately, or dropping the chopsticks, Anyang will disappear in front of them, and it will be hard to see after this.

The most regrettable is Huang Lan. After all, she and Anyang have been together for so long, at least nine months. When it comes to friendship, Anyang should be the person with the deepest friendship in the world. Nine months of spell guidance.

The most fearful thing is Xiao Chan, and this fear is completely unexpected. She has been working hard to prepare for these days. She has learned many spells. She can summon Sky Thunder or Fire Dragon as if she has full safety. Feelings will never be bullied by others, nor will they be arrested for cruel abuse, wanton insult, nor will it be reduced to a blind potion for the cultivation of evil Dao practitioners. She even thought that she was able to become independent. Like now, she can hunt, cook, and live well ...

But it wasn't until Anyang told her that he was leaving, she knew that she was not prepared at all. All her self-righteous security now was brought by Anyang, just like the way from Binzhou City to Kunlun Town. Dangerous, he would call himself to hide behind him. I am completely unprepared to deal with this world alone, and especially, for a long time, something called dependence.

The most sullen is the rabbit essence, she did not respond at all, as if the last time Anyang left her was just yesterday, and so quickly Anyang had to abandon her. At that time, she must live alone in this wood In the house, I was scared every day, or I went to a cold cave alone, and asked someone to plant grass and water it ...

Just thinking about it, her ruby ​​eyes were covered with a layer of air. With his left hand, he grasped Anyang's pants tightly and looked at him pitifully, begging hard, unable to speak.

Obviously, she wanted to try it, if she could stay him like last time.

Anyang was helpless. She looked down at her and said, "It's useless for you to pull me. I told you when you followed me. I'm not a person in this world. I will return to mine one day. World, I have my home and family. "

The rabbit looked at him blankly, his eyes thicker, like a layer of mist making the ruby ​​obscured.

Huang Lan asked, "Are you going back to your world?"

Anyang nodded: "Yes."

Huang Lan sighed and inadvertently said, "That must be a wonderful world."

Anyang said: "It's more exciting than this world. If you want, I can show you when you have time."

As soon as this remark came out, Huang Lan froze, and the rabbit spirit also froze. At this time, she reacted extremely quickly. She quickly reached out and wiped the drops of water from the corners of her eyes. ! "

Anyang turned and chuckled: "I knew you would say that!"

Rabbit Jingsheng was afraid that he would disagree and stressed: "I'm going!"

Anyang smiled and said, "Go if you want."

The rabbit subconsciously regarded him as a coaxing and deceiving herself, she is not as stupid now! But she realized again how tough she was at this time, and it seemed useless in front of this person, so she had to make a pitiful look and begged: "Please, I will go, take me with me I do n’t have to eat too much, I wo n’t bother you any more. I ’ll warm your bed every day, and I ’ll shrink into a hug for you ... "

Seeing this rabbit spirit getting more and more outrageous, Anyang turned black, and quickly stopped: "Okay, okay, take you away, take you away, didn't say don't want you to go! It's just that there is no goblin in our world. With your ears retracted, you can turn your glasses into black. You ca n’t just run around with your rabbit skins on. You must wear clothes when you go out. "

The rabbit stopped his poor expression immediately, listening very carefully, and looked at him and nodded: "Oh!"

Xiao Chan also looked at him, the expression on his face hesitated, but in the end he still didn't speak.

She has always been less talkative.

"A world without monsters?" Huang Lan's attention is obviously different. "What kind of world is that?"

Anyang thought for a while and said, "It's a world full of mortals. Because there are no monsters, no demons, and no Taoism, mortals use their wisdom to develop powerful weapons, and the power of the mortal army can be destroyed. A martial art like Kunlun Mountain, but such power is only in the hands of the state, the army, and policemen like government officials. Ordinary people are mortals, and there is no mortal who has no resistance in your eyes. "

Huang Lan exclaimed: "Everyone is a mortal, but the army can destroy Kunlun Mountain. How can there be such a world?"

An Yang smiled: "Of course, Xiao Chan has used my weapon, don't you often go hunting with her, you should know that my weapon can also be used by mortals, it can easily kill thousands of kilometers away The monks. My world has stronger weapons, similar to the ones I have used that can explode huge flames, but they are only in the hands of the country, ordinary people cannot touch them, otherwise they will be discovered Will be punished by strict laws! "

Xiao Chan nodded to the side, but there was a circle of unstoppable ripples in his heart.

Not only because the scholar who has been protecting her is about to leave, but also because of the world in the mouth of the scholar, there is no monk or monster.

If you go, will no one recognize you as a monster, and no one will consider yourself a monster?

I have to say that she was really smart, and thought of it easily, but Anyang continued to say that she could only stop thinking and turned to the bottom of the bowl unconsciously with chopsticks, and lowered her head and raised her ears to listen to him. .

They can't hear it naturally, and Anyang's words have obvious temptations.

"In our world, there are wide, hard roads everywhere, and the roads are full of the cars you have been sitting in, and they must walk according to the traffic regulations, because they are covered with electronic eyes everywhere. Monitor if they break the law. "

"The vast majority of people in our world are safe and secure, because there is no one like a monk who has more power than mortals, no one has the power to challenge the country, so no one dares to violate the law easily. There is peace, there are thieves, Robbery is very rare. They will only proceed in secret, because once they are found, they will be caught in jail. Even the sons of high officials, or people with wealth, do n’t dare to violate the law. "

"Our country also has rich people and poor people, but the difference is only good and bad. There are very few people who can't afford to eat. Even in the days of natural disasters due to droughts and floods, few people starve to death. Seeing beggars, he may just beg for work. In fact, he is using people's kindness to earn wealth. There are very few real beggars. "

The three gradually marveled.

"Our world is full of high-rise buildings. Houses made of a very hard material may be hundreds of meters high. Each high-rise building can live a lot of people. It looks like you look cool in your expression, but In fact, people with real identities live in courtyard villas similar to the wealthy people in mainland China. In short, they are very beautiful. "

"Haha, I suddenly remembered that if you go to my world, then you are Superman, um, beyond the meaning of mortal, that is, you can do what mortals can't, and no one can beat you, no one. Can bully you, even if you do n’t use spells, no matter how high the martial arts are, you ca n’t have the power. Huang Lan can definitely be the first master of the day. As long as you do n’t show your true body and strength in front of mortals, no one will treat you as a monster. Because there are no monsters in my world at all, and you can live in peace and quiet like an ordinary person, but have the power that ordinary people do not have. "

Xiao Chan's eyes widened unconsciously, full of longing inside.

Doesn't you want to protect yourself if you practice spells so hard? If he encounters a bad guy, he will be able to run away with his spells.

Have you always been afraid that someone will take out your own monster identity, and then shouted to kill yourself? Is n’t it just because I ’m afraid that my true face will be exposed, and someone will catch myself up and insult and torment, and become a plaything for the powerful or the monks? Isn't it that people who are afraid of demons see themselves weak and bully, will they kill themselves and take blood to practice? Just like the demon monk to his father, mother and sister, so cruel and horrible!

But this world ...

No one thinks of themselves as monsters, no priests who will destroy themselves, no right to mobilize a lot of people to open themselves up, and no demons want to take their own blood. There are ordinary people who abide by the law and regulations everywhere. Do you still need to be afraid? Do you still use worry and hard work to practice spells?

The ordinary, peaceful and peaceful life is what Xiao Chan wants most, and it is the reason why she misses this mountain so much. The original demon monk really left her with an indelible shadow, so this world can make her an ordinary person, and the temptation to her is actually stronger than anyone!

Huang Lan was already interested and opened his eyes and said, "If that is the case, I really want to see it, then I won't leave!"

Xiao Chan also quickly raised her head and looked nervously at Anyang.

Anyang smiled more calmly and said, "I can take you back to ~ ~ But you must be careful not to expose your side of mortals in front of ordinary people, or to hurt people easily, otherwise you will Those arrested by the police, especially Huang Lan, know that you have a short temper. Also, my wife can be at home. By then, you can get along with her. By the way, my wife is not a mortal. Do n’t be surprised. . "

"it is good!"

Huang Lan answered loudly.

With longing on his face, Rabbit Jing smirked a few times.

Xiao Chan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, but her heart is more entangled, because she doesn't want to go if she has gone to that world herself, but she doesn't know what she should say to Anyang, what reason she should use, and she is after all The rabbits are different. The rabbit essence can be hung on Anyang's arm for cuteness and cuteness, but he can't. The rabbit essence can follow behind Anyang for whatever reason. Anyway, she can't think of so much in her head, but she can't. .

Do you want to sleep in Anyang's warm bed like her?

No, no, I'm close to the maid, isn't it a maid?

But I seem to have said things like growing up and dressing him ...

In that world, what should he do if he really wants to do what he does, he must be called Tiantian should not be stunned, and he rebelled, but he was not even sure whether he should resist, he has been to himself this year so good……

Well, it seems to be called here every day should not be called to the ground!

Her cranky thoughts were quickly interrupted, causing her cheeks to be red in panic.

"Then we will go back after eating, anyway, we can come back at any time."

Anyang said.

(Recommend a beautiful woman's book, "System Sword Fairy", the author is a super beautiful cute girl, welcome to flirt, let her burst photos, fruit chat!)

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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