My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 349: 3 female fairies


Xiao Chan raised his head in a panic, opened his mouth wide and small, with a surprised expression!

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing, just, but I haven't washed the dishes yet!"

Xiao Chan blushed and replied in a panic. She was obviously reluctant to give her a small hut that provided her with a peaceful life for half a year. Obviously, she hadn't had time to say goodbye to this landscape, but she didn't know she was in a hurry Whatever I thought, I just found a reason.

Anyang couldn't help but endure.

"You are addicted to being a maid, so professionally qualified, just a few bowls, put it there, if you go there for a few days and don't want to come back, this wooden house will not be needed."

Xiao Chan lowered his head, stopped talking, and did not raise his head.

She was afraid that Anyang could see that she was thinking wildly just now, and she was even more afraid of being confused by someone who was thinking what she was thinking. She was also afraid that some people would see that she usually likes quiet and quiet. In fact, she always thinks when she is quiet. .

Anyang looked at her like this, but she was not so anxious. When her heart softened, she said, "Okay, let's stop for another night and go tomorrow. But tomorrow, if you don't go, we won't wait for you. After all, I have left home. It ’s been a year, you know, I ’m not the one among the street storytellers who left home to go to Beijing to take the exam and forgot his wife ’s room! "

Emperor Xiaochan raised his head and explained: "No, I will, I will go tomorrow!"

At this time, her original white and delicate face was even redder, almost to the root of the neck, a few strands of long hair attached to her cheeks, no one knew what she was blushing, and even the rabbit spirit was curious about her head. Looking at her, her eyes rolled round.

Anyang knew why she didn't want to leave in a hurry. Xiao Chan looked cold and unfamiliar on the surface. She was wary of everything for a long time and didn't want anyone to approach her. But in fact, this little girl is very old-fashioned, easy to get used to someone, and easy to get used to a place without leaving.

Anyang will naturally take care of her thoughts. After all, Xiaochan has meticulously taken care of his food and clothing for a year. He is not an ancient man with a pedantic feudalism, nor a rich man. He did not have the idea of ​​being born superior, although he also regards Xiaochan as a girl , But the relationship is actually further than that of the maidservant and master in this world.

As for what Xiaochan blushed, he really couldn't understand, this girl is always inexplicable, perhaps the biggest difference between her and the rabbit essence is that the string that her brain lacks does not seem obvious?

Huang Lan quickly drew back attention from this and continued to look at Anyang: "Is that world not yours, but why are you so powerful that your world is all mortal?"

Anyang took it for granted: "Because can I come to your world?"

Huang Lan asked again: "Can anyone in your world travel between the worlds casually?"

A few black lines appeared on Anyang's face and said, "No, only I can."

Huang Lan's eyes lit up, but he was silent. Instead of asking what he wanted to ask, he changed the question: "An Gongzi, once I saw you holding a glass block, it seemed to be playing music. Is there something in your world? "

Anyang rubbed his lips and replied, "Yes, there are all kinds of fun things in our world. Many people can live a lifetime at home, playing games and not wanting to go out, especially the right to have money People, they will play in various ways, you can try it after you go ... "

Huang Lan really changed, but he was a little worried: "Forget it, you have said that it was played by the rich and powerful, but I still don't want to go."

Anyang smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? You are superman for them. It's like a fairy. You can shoot a hundred of them with a slap. Just a spell can kill a bunch of people. No one can find you, and no one can play you. Besides, you follow me to play, then you are naturally a rich and powerful person, as long as you don't kill people indiscriminately, you can play as you like, and it doesn't matter if you break the law. "

Huang Lan immediately surprised: "Are you very powerful in your world?"

Anyang silently said: "Okay, after all, I am also the only one with extraordinary means. I can even send troops down to Shushan."

Huang Lan smacked her lips: "I haven't experienced the taste of human power, little girl. I have heard so much from you. The powerful people in your world will surely have a better life."

Anyang nodded: "As long as you like, you can play all over the world!"

The rabbit essence was listening next to him, his eyes turned to Huang Lan and Anyang, and finally he could n’t help saying, “I also want to play everywhere, but I want you to play with me.”

Anyang was helpless: "I am very busy. I will play with you when I have time. If not, I will find someone to play with."

The rabbit essence wanted to say something. Suddenly he saw Xiao Chan listening silently with his ears wide open. He opened his eyes strangely: "Hey, fox, don't you mean you are going to wash the dishes, why not?"

Xiao Chan then reacted and quickly stood up to pick up the chopsticks: "Go right away, I'll wash immediately."

The rabbit smiled sweetly at her, "I'll wash it for you!"

Anyang smiled slightly. Although Xiaochan did n’t like to communicate with others, he was also cautious, and he did n’t even understand a lot of rabbit spirits. It can be said that his character only built a good profile. A fox is a pair of living treasures.

At night, it was dark.

Xiao Chan slowly ran outside for a while, and stopped at a place that was worth remembering. After a while, the rabbit essence followed her behind slowly, and she leaned her head to think in a place. , And then said to myself what I have done here, what I have played, what flowers and plants, etc., and Xiao Chan never said a word, and occasionally sat down to take a look at this mountain The night scene, the light that has not completely disappeared at the end of the sea of ​​clouds on the horizon.

Anyang was sitting at the observation deck, looking at them funny, as if to live and die. Although I can see that I want to follow him in this big and small, it is tantamount to doing parting, but it is not impossible to return. When he wants to come back and see, he can still take them back to the original ecology. The world has changed.

The night is a little thicker, and it should have been time for cultivation or rest, but they are all concentrated on the observation deck.

Anyang took out a tablet and put some real-world TV shows and materials on it to explain to the three fairies. Let them first understand what the real world looks like. After all, imagination alone is not enough.

In their exclamation, with great expectation, time passed by bit by bit, Anyang overbearingly withdrew the tablet, let them obediently go to rest, then returned to the room, quietly returned to the real world, did not expect it was noon , Xiaoqian was not at home, he came back.

Tonight is their last night in this mountain cabin.

Early the next morning, after eating the richest breakfast, Anyang opened the door to space.

When a blue circular hole appeared in the room, several people were startled, looking at the faint blue light emanating from the hole and the faint sense of twisted oppression, a bit like a mysterious and mysterious spell .

Huang Lan is curious, rabbit is even more curious, and Xiao Chan is also curious, but she suffocated.

Anyang smiled and pointed at the door of the space: "Go, are you still waiting for me to invite you?"

After thinking carefully, the rabbit decided to be alert, so he said: "You go first, or if we go, what if you suddenly disappear?"

Anyang could n’t help crying, so she had to rub her hair and watched the long ears sagged back after touching, and then slowly stood up again, and said funnyly, "When did you have so much time?" With your eyes, you are not afraid of me waiting to enter. This door was suddenly closed, and then you are left in this world, and I will go back alone? "

The rabbit stunned for a moment, opened his eyes wide, and then nodded seriously: "Yes!"

She frowned, thought for a while, then pulled Anyang's sleeve and said weakly: "Then let's go together, you won't suddenly leave me running!"

Anyang sighed, thinking that the real world should only be an hour away from last night, or in the afternoon, Xiao Qian should not be in the villa, she was pulled by her, and took her directly into the door of space.

Half a minute later, looking at the living room of the villa full of modern styles, the three fairies were completely dumbfounded.

Although the villa is not very large, it is a delicate and low-key wind, mainly hidden, but because of the habits of modern people, this is still bigger than the ancient house. And the decoration is very delicate. This is better than the private mansions of many dignitaries and nobles. After all, it is the residence of Anyang. Although he does n’t pay much attention to it, he does n’t appreciate it. The rare real world, the kind that can cause the auction to **** outside.

"An Gongzi, is this your home?"

"What is hanging there, why is there no door in your house, ah, it's glazed, fully transparent glaze ~ ~ Crystal, you use crystal to make doors and windows at home, it seems quite remote , I can't hear anyone talking ... "

"Wow, Angoko, is this a mirror? Why is it so different from a copper mirror? What is this cabinet? I seem to smell the meat in it. I remembered it. It was said in the last night Refrigerator! "

Helping Anyang, he walked to the sofa, found the bottle of Coke and pulled it off, and called Xiao Qian by the way.

What screamed was Huang Lan. This tigress was sometimes like a cat. Its curiosity was too great, and the rabbit spirit was also curious, but it was just looking around, touching around, not talking, and Xiao Chan. He only stood quietly, turned his head and looked at the strange environment, trying to hide the uneasiness deep in his heart.

The phone was quickly connected, and Xiao Qian's voice of surprise came out, but it was deliberately suppressing this surprise, so as not to let yourself lose your gait, so it still sounded gentle and gentle. Call, there is no doubt that she is in a meeting.

Anyang said a few words to her, and by the way, told her that she brought a few friends back, all monsters, all abnormal, so that she was mentally prepared, and of course, it also meant that she should not be jealous.

The phone hung up, but also played for a long time. At this time, the three fairies had suppressed the novelty. Standing in front of him, they looked at him curiously, talking to people with their mobile phones. Woman's voice.

Only Xiao Chan's gaze was slightly subtle.

"This is a phone call, you can chat with people across thousands of miles, you will know later."

Anyang said, put away the phone, opened the small refrigerator next to the sofa, and took out a few bottles of juice from it.

"What do you want to drink, forget it, you don't know, just drink it."

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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