My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 350: You can call my sister

Seeing the three goblins drinking juice in a long glass strangely, it was not a sip, he also felt strange.

It is even stranger to look at their clothes again.

Huang Lan wears clothes that look like costumes but not like costumes. It is a bit like the costume of a female character in a classic Xianxia game. It is the kind of decoration that is better than only covering important parts, but showing the navel and chest and thighs. Cough, this is not quite right. It should be said that it is a cool dress that will not affect your own actions and close combat. The clothes are in the style of ancient clothes, but they have been cut short.

Xiao Chan is like this in several sets of clothes. It is gorgeous, the colors are very bright, and it is very cumbersome. The body is tightly packed, the standard ancient noble Xiao Qianjin is dressed, with her beautiful white face and flexible eyes. Although he is young, he still has temperament.

The rabbit essence is even simpler. Inside is the rabbit hair she transformed into herself, which wraps the snowy chest and hips, and outside is another wider robe in Anyang, covering the attractive figure and avoiding this. The mortal in the world can't stand the tragedy caused by her temptation.

"Rabbit, don't you put your ears away and make your eyes look like ordinary people, how is it still the case?"


The rabbit shrewd its ears back obediently, and there was nothing on his head. There was only a long black hair, and under the long hair was a pure and beautiful face, and the eyes became black, which was no different from ordinary people. , Except for the beauty.

"Wait for you to change clothes and wear Xiaoqian's clothes. If you wear them like this, others will look at you with strange eyes. Xiao Chan doesn't need to change them, and there are no clothes suitable for you. I'm also most praised for your beautiful appearance. When Xiao Qian comes back, I will take you to buy some clothes. "

Xiao Chan looked down at her dress, but she felt so beautiful. The clothes she saw yesterday were not used to it, but it seems that people in this world wear it like that, and they can only change their habits.

In fact, she didn't know that she didn't need to force herself to change her habit, because she was still young and could usually wear costumes. It is not strange to see people wearing costumes on the streets now, and the less developed cities are, the more you think of you as a cosplayer, and it will attract attention only if you look very beautiful. But a child like her can wear it any way. Even dressing up as a European princess or wearing Batman clothes will not attract too much attention. Others will only praise that her parents are more likely to play or dress up their children. .

Huang Lan and Hare Jing were a little nervous.

Huang Lan basically didn't buy clothes in a prosperous city, but from the video yesterday, the prosperity of this world is far beyond the imagination of mainland China. The streets are full of people. Although many places selling clothes are cleaner, but that The decoration is magnificent, and the ground roofs are all glazed to reflect light. The invisible will put a huge pressure on it. If it is embarrassed, it will be embarrassing!

The rabbit essence heard Xiao Qian. Xiao Qian is the wife of Anyang. She remembers that An Yang told her a long time ago. Most of the wives in this world are very cruel to concubines or beautiful girls. She She will torture herself and bully herself, so she is a little scared about Xiao Qian, the original female rabbit in Anyang.

"Ah? Your wife takes us!"

"Yeah, I'll go with you too, but it's not convenient for me to follow some clothes, I still have to take you with Xiaoqian!"

Rabbit Jing and Huang Lan looked at each other with embarrassment.

Even Xiaochan started to tweak. After all, she arrived in a new environment. She was originally sent under the Anyang fence. It took a whole year to get acquainted with her. Now there is another person who can rule her to stay. perturbed.

But there was no way to tweak. Soon, Xiao Qian returned.

It's a pure black Rolls-Royce phantom, which can clearly reflect the shadow of people, and where the lines change, it will not have any defects due to twists and turns. The body is much larger than the ordinary car. Looking at it puts a bit of pressure on the head, and the head is very square and stylish, slowly opening into the villa until it stops outside the door.

A woman standing upright in the driver's seat, a soldier with a strong breath, clean movement without dragging mud and water, look like it should be trying to open the door for the person behind, but the door was opened before her hand touched it.

At first it was a pair of slender legs, and then quickly, Xiao Qian, wearing a big red tight short windbreaker, stepped out. She held a glittering small bag in her hand and saw Anyang through the floor-to-ceiling window at first glance. Since then, he is the only one.

The two met one year apart and one month apart.

"Husband." Xiaoqian shouted softly, as before.

"Well, I'm back." Anyang smiled and opened his hands, feeling the soft embrace of a long-term reunion. By the way, he commented, "It's very temperament and aura!"

Xiao Qianyan smiled, her cheeks flushed with joy: "Good temperament is born, what aura is not aura, it's not you, push me to do things, now now control so much power in the clear, occasionally need Worthy of your own identity. "

After speaking a few words with Anyang, she turned her eyes and looked at the three goblins carefully, obviously feeling that they were not human, but her eyes had not changed, still with a sly smile and a close look With them, especially Huang Lan and Rabbit Jing ~ ~ Obviously, Xiao Chan is too young.

Huang Lan felt the cold breath on Xiao Qian's body. She felt very uncomfortable and felt threatened. After all, she was a ghost. After suddenly encountering a female ghost who was not good at all, she naturally felt very strange, but remembered Anyang's instructions Here is Xiaoqian's home again, and she tried her best to keep her from showing off. Especially since she was still wearing her clothes, she lowered her head involuntarily.

Rabbit essence even lowered his head deeply, feeling weird, as well as dim sum. She always feels that Xiaoqian is in the right room. Look, the temperament is so generous, and she is a pretty concubine or maid who will be tortured and bullied by her. She is inexplicably worried and scared.

"Yes, Fu Jun's vision is good!"

Xiaoqian Zhanyan smiled and spit out this sentence at Anyang, making Anyang want to pat her head fiercely.

"What are you talking about? Come and introduce to you. This is Huang Lan, my friend and student. I have participated in many battles with me. It is a tiger spirit. This is a rabbit. I saved my life once. A rabbit essence, this is Xiao Chan, my little maid, I knew it as soon as I got to that world, it's ... um, a fox spirit! "

"This is Xiaoqian, my wife."

The four met quickly and were helpless, and even Xiao Chan endured the nervous and timid uproar and called Mrs. Hao, so that Anyang almost didn't laugh, feeling she really regarded her as a maid, and really regarded herself as her to serve The owner.

Xiaoqian smiled like a flower, there was no sign of jealousy, and generously said: "Don't call me Mrs. Xiaochan, my husband also said, didn't take you seriously, you can call me Xiaoqian, or you can call me small Sister Qian, or just ... sister! "

While saying this, she also turned her head to wink at Anyang, causing Anyang to look black.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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