My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 376: A massive invasion from another world

How many troops should there be!

Armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery and missile vehicles, as well as countless armored soldiers, the sky is rumbling is the latest development of high-speed helicopters, I just saw a fighter flying past, and so on, those with long backs like electromagnetic Sniper rifle-like armor is lighter and more slim. What kind of army is the caliber of the sniper rifle? Can it be done at the base?

Qiao Yan immediately started running along the street, and he didn't even want to eat lunch. He quickly traced back to the source of the troops, but it was a forbidden place in the military zone.

But this won't bother her!

Qiao Yan changed his position, went to the bottom of a building, and presented the ID of his propaganda department. In the name of obtaining materials, he easily took advantage of his duties and went upstairs. And she reached the top all the way, and it was easy to see the situation of the military zone through this hundreds of meters high building next to the military zone.


Lined up neatly!

Moreover, troops from outside the base continue to be imported into it.

Ordinary people estimate that it is difficult to see tens of thousands of regular troops line up together, but now Qiao Yan can be very responsible to say that it was a very shocking scene.

Especially this is not just an ordinary force, but super soldiers all covered with metal armor, but also mixed with fighter planes, helicopters, self-propelled artillery, heavy ion guns, missile vehicles, armored vehicles and other large weapons, this scene is even more vast. . And basically all the troops are arranged neatly, even the requirements are so strict that the corners of the chariot and the fighter are aligned, and there is an officer next to each square formation, also standing straight outside the formation in armor, and the surroundings are dead. The needle drop is audible, like breath-holding before the death comes.

Just as Qiao Yan determined that the base was going to carry out a large-scale military activity, or even another expedition, Yu Guang saw a group of officers without armor in the corner.

Is that ... the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Ah, it ’s not right. People from the Ministry of Defense, Security, and Public Security should be said.

What is the significance of their appearance here?

Not only military officers, but also a group of people who did n’t even wear military uniforms stood in front. They did not stand as straight as the military. They were obviously officials, and the number was still quite large.

Qiao Yan couldn't figure it out.

There were three people standing at the front of the formation, one was wearing Aeolus armor, one was wearing military uniform, too far away to see his face, only vaguely distinguished from a very obvious figure curve is a woman, and one was wearing a suit , Should be the leader of government officials.

Qiao Yan couldn't help but praise his vision far beyond ordinary people.

Suddenly there was another roar, and a group of soldiers dressed in silver and white heavy armor flew in the distance, shining brightly in the sun.

This group of soldiers is far more powerful than ordinary soldiers. Ordinary people may not recognize it, but it has always been a military ... Cough, Qiao Yan, the elder brother's mystery, can know that this is the base's guard. The troops are not only of higher overall quality, but also have different equipment from ordinary soldiers.

She couldn't help feeling a bit bad.

She knows that the base is very lawful, but at the same time the base is also someone ’s private property. Even if you peek at Zhou Mingyuan and the generals here, it ’s nothing, but if this matter involves the highest chief, it ’s different. , Maybe I was treated as a spy, assassin, etc. in an instant, and then was slammed by the group of inhuman guards on the spot!

Qiao Yan wanted to retreat immediately, but it seemed a little late.

In the distance, a soldier from the Guards immediately reversed direction and left the formation. After a white flash of light, he accelerated towards the top of the building.

Qiao Yan wanted to speed up her escape, but reason told her that she could run no faster than the ion gun, so her footsteps stopped suddenly.

There was a bang.

A metal figure nearly one nine meters tall descended from the sky and stopped in front of her.

Qiao Yan froze, blinked, and immediately handed out his publicity department's ID: "I, I belong to the Propaganda Department. I originally came here to use the materials as a propaganda. No, I don't know about this. I promise not to do it on purpose. Peeked, I did n’t receive the message in advance, and there was no ban on it ... "

This lie will definitely force you to get full marks, tension will naturally appear, and you will make perfect use of the loopholes that have just been established in the new political system and are not sound in all aspects.

The guard soldiers moved forward two steps, stepped dullly on the floor, checked her credentials, and thought that the possibility still existed, and handed it back to her.

"The highest-level military secret, leave here immediately, and martial law begins a minute later, and if found again, it will be treated as a spy crime!"

A cold voice came out from under the armor mask, it was quite magnetic, and it sounded quite young.

Qiao Yan froze for a moment, then feared and immediately nodded and walked back. She kept feeling that she had not violated such secrets, but she took two steps, she stopped again, turned around and asked weakly: "Handsome, handsome guy, I Can I have your contact information ... "


With a slight mechanical sound, the two shoulder guns have been laid flat!

Qiao Yan was trembling with fear, and quickly turned around and ran.

In that afterglow, she seemed to see many soldiers of the Guards begin to take off, and a figure different from the various types of Fengshen armor in the distance came out. The most conspicuous thing was that the dragging behind was not white but Light blue light and shadow bring extremely fast speed.

After going downstairs, Qiao Yan looked back at the Guards and Defense Department that had sealed off the entire military zone. Fortunately, fortunately, the Propaganda Department ’s documents had not been subdivided, otherwise, if the soldiers of the Guards knew I just got it as a broadcaster, and thanks to the fact that the political system is not yet sound, and recently all departments are very busy. I really did not receive the ban, of course, the most unmaskable is my wit!

But ... Brother Bing in the armor of the guard is so handsome! The sound is still so nice! The nature of the guard is similar to that of the former guard, should the treatment be high?

What a pity!

It is worthwhile to see so many, and I seem to have seen the figure of the Supreme Chief.

Qiao Yan returned to the Propaganda Department and was ready to continue today's work, but he was immediately informed by a little boy in the same office.

"Second sister Qiao, the latest announcement issued by the above, this large-scale military deployment is not allowed to be broadcast, and the above will be intercepted and checked. Don't talk nonsense!"

Qiao Yan nodded calmly, indicating that he knew.

By the way, she is the second in charge of external propaganda. Over time, she has the title of Sister Qiao.

It is said to be a propaganda base, but it cannot be used for the recent development of the broadcast base all day. How many troops there are, how many lost ground are recovered, how many residents there are, how many factories and shops are owned, etc. Those who have broadcasted for a long time do not know how many times, even others Not tired of it, I have also spoken out of myself. So Qiao Yan is more inclined to broadcast what he sees and hears, daily experiences and the like, showing himself the protagonist's stability, strength, livability, food and clothing.

Today she cleared her throat and began to talk about her encounter with a handsome soldier brother, two points true and eight points false, between the lines inadvertently revealing the peace and tranquility of the base, and talking about the equality and absence of everyone in the base Hierarchy, everyone has a job, everyone can afford to eat in a restaurant, everyone can pursue the life they want, and other elements that are fatally attractive to survivors living outside.

The work here is free and easy, of course, the treatment is not very high, but the second sister Qiao doesn't care much, she can afford to eat anyway, and now the house is everywhere, and she doesn't worry about living, so her life is extraordinarily comfortable And chic. After finishing this paragraph, she left in a hurry, waiting quietly outside the military zone, wanting to observe the destination of this unit after the collection.

I ca n’t observe your secrets. I ’m pretending to pass by and wander outside, then I can just follow you and leave?

Well, if I saw the highest chief, I ran!

However, the fact is that she did not see a large army come out at all.

I asked other people. Since the integrated army of about 30,000 people entered the military zone, they have never come out again, and have never seen a large-scale march.

For several days, Sister Qiao was paying attention to this matter, but what surprised her was that the troops mobilized from all over the place seemed to disappear, there was no movement, only some defense departments and the Ministry of Public Security The people came out, but all the people who saw the military and political system gathered in the open space that day disappeared. ~ No, they disappeared out of thin air.

The highest long-term ability to establish such a base is definitely a wise man. He can never gather all the troops from the four bases, including the front-line troops, into the military area of ​​Base No. 1. All day long, resting, eating, sleeping, and even training?

Qiao Yan couldn't understand more, but she didn't have access to such secrets with her authority, and even the Minister of the Propaganda Department couldn't get in touch, and she didn't dare to try again, for fear of losing her life accidentally.

These are all words.

What Qiao Yan saw was only the scene of the end of the world, and Parrance was similar. More than 20,000 sky troops assembled, flooded into the gate of space on a large scale, and lined up as a mech dragon, which took a lot of time to enter. The mainland of China has also caused deep confusion among the civilians in the Silver Moon Territory and even the surrounding territories.

At this time, the mainland of Shenzhou, although there was no trace of smoke rising, but it was covered with the shadow before the war.

If someone can predict in advance, they must be breathless.

On a plain near the Tibetan House of Immortals, two circular holes with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared in the air, which radiated a faint blue light, which was very mysterious.

Anyang was standing on a high place, looking down into the distance from the top, beside him were three female elves, not far from the monks of the Tibetan show fairy house headed by Qingqiu, Hanxuan and Zitong A few of the disciples of Shushan headed by Elder Huang Chen looked at the front with shock in their faces.

From the two gates of space, tens of thousands of troops came out slowly. They looked extraordinary, and once they were neatly arrayed, they even came to the death with steel!

They were terrified.

Looking at the continuous flow of troops, there is no doubt that this is a massive invasion of the entire Divine State by another world.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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