My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 377: Shock of the monk


The screams that pierced the long sky were endless, and countless steel figures flew from the upper part of the two space doors, almost one after another, and burst out of the hollow with a blue light in this flash of green grass. The blue sky and white clouds against the blue sky were arbitrarily swept across, leaving a trace of white beautiful traces, and then landed under the command, arranged in accordance with the established formation.

On one side, there are queues of humanoid soldiers covered with metal armor, but they look taller than ordinary people. When flying in the sky, they are as powerful as gods; on the other side, they are tall and tall. The humanoid armor has beautiful curves and exquisite design, with a minimum height of more than three meters, like a metal giant, or a real deity in mythology.

Rumble ...

The tremor of the earth never stopped.

The upper half of the two space gates is occupied by air combat troops, and the lower half is a continuous series of marine troops running out. The heavy and rapid footsteps are like the heavy armor knights marching, but they are so uniform. , Like the rhythm of war played by the tacit army drummers, every muffled sound hit the viewers' hearts, shocking them.

It's still the same as the air combat arms flying above. On one side, they are lined up with neatly arranged humanoid soldiers covered with metal armor. They are not much different from the soldiers flying overhead, but the body looks firmer, thicker, and stronger. Powerful, the weapons on his body are extremely unbearable; on the other side, the fast-moving march is a mech unit with a height of several meters. The large and heavy metal body makes them tremble like the prehistoric giant. Mech formations passed by, and that was the well-deserved Big Mac!

Anyang opened the door of space to a diameter of tens of meters. Such a large circular hole can already allow them to form a formation, regardless of whether the armies of the apocalyptic world or the heavenly soldiers of Pallans are silent under the strict military discipline. Silent, whether it is a uniformed armored soldier or all types of mechs in formation, it looks so neat, and therefore brings a huge sense of oppression!

The three female goblins were very surprised, and all opened their mouths.

They already know that Anyang is very powerful on the earth, but they do n’t know that he still has such a large and powerful force. Compared with telling them that they can do whatever they want, this scene of a large army can be controlled by one person. 'S top power is most vividly displayed!

The most direct and iron-blooded sense of power in it has a great impact on the eyes and hearts of the three female elves. It is far from what kind of luxury car you drive, what kind of villa you live in, and what kind of life you live. Or how many people are selling their lives for you, and you can decide how many people's lives can be compared in one sentence.

At that time, Anyang, even Xiao Chan could realize that as long as he ordered, Jian Feng pointed, this invincible army would immediately go to the battlefield, use the most direct means to destroy the regime of the world, and conquer All the kingdoms and forces of this world will tear up those who are high above, who live a luxurious life, and who control the lives of others, relying on the right to be proud, and pull them down from the shining position until only He is the only one left, and he will firmly control the world in his hands!

In terms of shock, no one can be more shocked than the monks of Shushan and Zangxiu Xianfu!

Although they did not know the warriors covered with silver-gray armor, they had seen the picture of Anyang soaring in the sky wearing silver-white armor. Looking at those weird weapons that had the same shape as some of the weapons of Anyang, they knew that this The combat effectiveness of the group of fighters is by no means a reaction. What shocked them even more was that the Heavenly Soldier Force that had occupied the lower half of the plain and was still walking out of the Youlan Caverns. This force was still standing neatly and silently, like a respectable Painted metal magnificent statues, no one can ignore the power that can be revealed.

And because of their large size and size, their camp is still spreading far away, making them more imposing.

All the monks who were present on the road could not ignore the original memory. Only one hundred mechas blasted Shushan to build a streamer sword array for thousands of years, shattering the pride of this thousand-year-old "kendo holy land", and almost destroying Shushan The surrender of the order ordered, also strongly conquered the Tibetan show fairy house. Naturally, the most important thing to ignore is that this mech formation also swept the demon army, and in a moment completely calmed down the "turmoil in the world" where the entire Shenzhou righteous people were waiting!

And here ... how many such troops are there?

Elders Huang Chen of Shushan and Qingqiu, Hanxuan, Zitong and other elders of the Tibetan Xiuxian Palace could not help but looked at each other, and some of them were uneasy.

Obviously, there is nothing in China that can block this unit. Even if they all add up, they can't block the 100-armor rapid-fire artillery. They can already predict the day when the major empire empire fell and the Xianshan Cave House surrendered At that time, Shenzhou will be like them, labelled with the word An, and looking at the world, there is no place that does not surrender to the person in front of him.

They do n’t have a heart of rebellion, but after all, they have lived in this world for more than a hundred years, and have always regarded themselves as the righteous people who protect the world. They suddenly asked them to help this army to ignite the war in China, destroy the existing regime, and serve the world. Bringing an unknown life, whether to be condemned by conscience, is uneasy.

It's just that they will still do their best under the orders of Anyang.

Time passed bit by bit, and the army formation below became larger and larger.

The first is that no more armored soldiers and air combat mechs will fly out from the top of the hollows on both sides, and then after a long time, out of the blue hole of the tall metal giant stops, after the time of touching a cup of tea, no more armored soldiers will come out of the hollow on the right The rumbling of the ground has not stopped, and the last heavy footsteps of the special soldiers raged through the grass, and they were arrayed in accordance with the command of Chen Yafei.

The military treatment of the Armageddon base is very good, and it is accompanied by various hidden benefits, which leads to the overcrowding of every conscription, so the requirements for conscription are very high. Most of the soldiers are tall and strong, and they look taller and stronger when they wear the Aeolus armor and the Iron-Blooded armor. Not to mention Pallans, mechas are easily several meters high. If you encounter a heavy land combat mecha, it is a well-deserved behemoth. One mecha is seven or eight meters high, covering a very large area. The ordinary mecha is open. The station is also very occupied, with an average of three meters square to put down a mech.

And here there are a full 30,000 armored warriors and more than 20,000 armored soldiers!

This led to the extraordinary vastness of the army below. At first glance, it looked like a sea of ​​metal troops, all of which were powerful and high-tech troops!

Huang Lan's face was a little pale.

She thinks that between the world of Shenzhou which has not treated her well and Anyang who is also a teacher and a friend, she will not hesitate to lean towards Anyang, but she really sees so many irresistible forces like the gods of heaven When she was raising her own land, she still inevitably felt blocked. If she had a choice, she would rather not see such a picture and let Anyang do it at will.

But now she will involuntarily think about what Anyang wants to do, what he will do to this world and the civilians of this world, how much damage Anyang ’s army will cause, will he destroy all this great mountain scenery, Will he swallow up all his memories in this world, just like the alien army in Earth's Independence Day Comeback?

Such a force is not even in the news of the earth?

Where did Anyang come from?

Soon, the army below was assembled, and the rumbling of the ground came to an abrupt halt.

These invincible armored forces seem to be transformed into metal sculptures of heroes and martial arts at once. Under the solid role of armor and mecha, they really remain motionless and silent, waiting for the next step to enter or repair. Command, and before that, they must demonstrate their unparalleled military qualities in front of their king.


With a roar, a silver-and-white mech that was up to three and a half meters descended from the sky, and only a bang was heard. The mech, which weighed several tons, landed in front of Anyang in a violent and direct posture, without any recoil or bent legs By means of buffering and unloading force, the fuselage blows up a circle of dust, which makes some yellow wild grasses bow their heads, swinging around to reveal a circular outline!

"General, Yinyue and its affiliates have been arrayed!"

Almost the voice just fell, there was another roar in the air, a figure wearing silver-gray armor broke through the air, and still fell wildly in front of Anyang, straight up ~ ~ clicked open the armor mask, revealing a very The young and somewhat handsome man's face, with a serious face, stepped on the grass and took a few military salutes.

"Sir, the base army has been assembled!"

Anyang nodded and said nothing.

Only then did everyone have time to look at the ruling mech and Chen Yafei's modified Fengshen armor.

It is determined that the height of the mecha is about three and five meters. The body is silver and white and streamlined. It is not painted. Because it is a land and air mecha, her body is not as strong and powerful as the land mecha. It is a perfect combination of the two. The entire fuselage is tightly stitched, very beautiful, and the dark cabin of the missile is not visible. The only weapon that can be seen throughout the body is the electromagnetic rapid-fire gun mounted on the back of the shoulders. The sturdy mounting behind it looks more beautiful than deterrence.

But they all know that the person sitting in this silver-and-white armor, which does not seem to be tall, is the command of the group of metal giants of different sizes and appearances, even up to seven or eight meters!

Chen Yafei ’s modified Fengshen mecha curve is very close-fitting and cold, but it is also very aerodynamic. The silver-gray body is icy through the metal, and has a blue-blue paint on it, which seems to add a lot of beauty. And it made his thin body look very strong and powerful. The shoulders of the fuselage are two miniature ion cannons folded away, protruding from the chest, obviously equipped with a laser emitter, a single-handed ion cannon hanging on the back, and a folding lance, with a repulsive gun and auxiliary thrusters There are more dense missile cabin traces on his body, an electromagnetic gun is welded on his arm, and the standard electromagnetic pistol that was originally worn on his waist was replaced by a shoulder gun, and a gun handle was added, so that he can take it more conveniently. Launch on the hand.

In this way, he looked like a human-shaped mobile fort, which greatly amazed the monks.

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