My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 378: Unstoppable

Anyang took out the ancient sword from Yuqing, took the hilt of the sword like natural emerald, and flicked the body of the bullet. Hearing the whisper, he played carefully, and looked at the army below silently.

After touching for about two minutes, the light in front seemed to flicker, and a slim figure wearing a black uniform of a military officer of the Ministry of Defense had appeared out of thin air. It was Zhai Liying who chose to go to the world of Shenzhou. Because on such occasions she represented the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, the Security Inspection Department and other departments that belonged to the former Ministry of Interior, she did not wear the armor that was only equipped for the army, but moved up.

"Sir, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is ready."

At this time, a middle-aged man also used his power to soar from the bottom, and flew smoothly towards this side. The speed was not fast, but he calmly fell in front of Anyang.

"Sir, the number of people in each department has been counted."

This middle-aged man, named He Zhiping, is one of Zhou Mingyuan's deputies. He has good abilities, good calculations, and few mistakes. He was recommended by Zhou Mingyuan to dominate the state affairs of China.

Anyang nodded and put away the ancient sword in his hand, facing the army and a few government officials below.

These people are the basis for him to conquer, rebuild and rule the mainland of China.

After looking at it, when the time was still there, he said in a deep voice: "Recuperate in situ, prepare food, and after noon, start to march!"

He Zhiping, Chen Yafei and Zhai Liying all bowed their heads and said yes, and then silently stepped back and began to send instructions to others.

After a while, the large army standing neatly underneath suddenly scattered, except for the security forces on the far side, all walking independently, without restoring the original formation, just like a large array of neatly arranged dominoes fell instantly, like It is a piece of upward rice that is blown by the wind in a messy direction. From this height, countless large or small figures are scattered and moving.

While the soldiers were building the stove, Anyang waved and a group of people approached immediately.

Among this group of people are senior government officials headed by He Zhiping, senior military officers headed by Chen Yafei, former military officers headed by Zhai Liying, elders Huang Chen of Shushan, Qingqiu of Tibetan Xiuxian, The three elders, Han Xuan and Zi Tong, were all standing together in silence as the pupils gathered.

"The original plan has been made very clear, and there are complete conquest control steps. Presumably you have all seen it. There is basically no place for me to say more."

"At noon, I will go out and tell your soldiers that there are two points: First, you can win by means of religious propaganda and military deterrence. It is best not to use war means; second, once you choose to go to war, give me speed Quickly decide the battle, and control the military and political power of each post-war node with the badge, then direct the troops to the next location. "

"Senior government officials are prepared to succeed the regime and embark on reforms, and strive to avoid accidents such as unrest and uprisings that waste our military energy. The Propaganda Department pays attention to promoting scientific and technological products, promoting the new government and beautifying our military from the perspective of faith. It is very important to be prepared to promote science and Taoism education! "


"The Ministry of Defense, the Security Inspection Department and the Ministry of Public Security must also be prepared to take over the security and security management of this dynasty. I know that for the manpower you bring, this task is a bit difficult, but it must be completed, which is also the top priority. It is necessary to use the power of the army at all times to ensure the implementation of various policies and our control of this country. "


"The Tibetan Xiuxian Mansion and Shushan disciples accompanied the expedition and were mainly responsible for using non-war means to conquer the Dayi dynasty, as well as lead the Tianbing troops to the various Xianshan Caves, or persuade them! Help to conquer the monks. Appease the work and be ready to act as a teacher at any time to start the spread of Taoism! "

When Anyang finished his last command, he waved their hands to signal their departure.

The four elders of Tibet Xiuxian Palace and Shushan were a little uneasy, but they still had to follow his orders.

After the meal, Anyang long sword finally ordered.

The army is open!

Rumble ...

The doomsday armored soldiers of the world and the armored armor of Pallans began to move. Hundreds of squads were separated from the tens of thousands of troops, accompanied by the disciples of Tibetan Xiuxian Palace and Shushan and the roaring self-propelled artillery and armored vehicles. Armed vehicles such as missiles and missile vehicles began to leave this plain in accordance with the established attack route; air combat soldiers, mechs and fighters, high-speed helicopters, ground attack aircraft and other flying arms also began to take off, whistling away, and each went to their respective assignments. To the initial attack site, and continue to advance under the command of the military command.

The metal frenzy that can't see the edge flows around, it is foreseeable that every time it flows through a place, it will cause a huge power change!

The main objectives of the Tianbing formations are the Xianshan Cave House and the Taoist forces in various parts of China, a few demons and monsters, and the monastic power of hunting and rebelling against the Lord and fleeing around, and the remaining part assists the base troops to conquer the world. The base forces are just the opposite. Most of them are responsible for attacking the ordinary forces, and only a small part conquer the small monastic forces, killing notorious and threatening wandering Taoists or monsters.


The earth began to tremble, heralding the sorrow of this world.

A group of senior officials began to take off and flew to the Tibetan show fairy house according to the scheduled plan. In a short time, they were not useful. It is better to stay in this place to take a good rest, and then explore the Dayi through the data returned by soldiers fighting from all sides The civilized system of the dynasty and detailed control plans to ensure that the best results are achieved with the least amount of time and energy.

Among the marked objects of the space-time force system, the senior officials who control power basically choose the "perseverance" talent and the "flying" ability, so it is possible to fly at a constant speed without armor.

The officers in the former Ministry of Internal Affairs system are about to start, because they know that it is almost a minute to lay down a place with the combat strength of the base soldiers, and then they will take over the security defense and security of that place. Management, and on the spot to mobilize people to form their own departmental forces.


A group of soldiers dressed in Fengshen armor roared past the heads of everyone, as if bringing a gust of wind, and sharply stabbing the eardrums.

Then a team of pure celestial mechs flew overhead, the metal body with the aesthetics of power flashed away, and disappeared into the distance.

In the distance, some of the marine armored soldiers began to board troop carriers or transport planes, and they would be thrown deep into the hinterland of the Dayi dynasty, while some of the marine soldiers formed a walk away, and their combat locations were much closer. Marine mechas also began to thrive, such as the heavy knights in the run, heading to the Xianshan Cave House and the Taoist forces closer to the target of the air combat mechas.

In general, their arrangement is very optimized and very confident. Highly mobile arms go to the distance to fight, while the slower march will attack near the ground. Take the base troops as an example. This will undoubtedly ensure that they are more synchronized in time. The attack on every part of the Dayi dynasty, basically when the soldiers wearing the Aeolus armor arrived in the hinterland of the dynasty, the soldiers wearing the iron-blooded armor had already fought at the border.

The multi-party war, and the war at the same time, reveals a strong confidence.

The reason for throwing troops everywhere is also very simple. Anyang wants to reform. To promote his plan, he must completely conquer every inch of the dynasty with a war that is blooming everywhere, and rub every city and state in this country. It was crushed and swallowed into the stomach, instead of conquering the government royal family, and swallowing an entire indigestible empire.

Huang Lan then sat on the **** of the hillside, squeezing her lips tightly and looking into the distance, not knowing how she felt.

Her black eyes with bright yellow reflect the scene in front.

A strangely shaped double-helix wing helicopter blasted into the air, full of armored super soldiers. The wing slowly lay flat, and the more pointed and long fuselage quickly drove away, and it was ejected by the micro propeller. Under the flames, it accelerated to disappear into the distance; a smaller helicopter filled with various missiles and aerial guns blasted away, and streamlined vertical take-off and landing fighters, ground attack aircraft, disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye, those High-tech weapons that I have seen or never seen emit a cold light, which is particularly frightening;

A team of armored soldiers crossed the grassland slopes ~ ~ and ran away quickly. Several armored vehicles with electromagnetic heavy machine guns and heavy ion guns followed behind them. The formation was so neat, and the ground armor was also Running wildly away, the size alone can be daunting. There are also armed transport vehicles, all of which are soldiers without exception, or sky soldiers who can summon metal giant-like mechas, and more vehicles that they do not even know go away, loaded with vehicles that they do not even know. Gruesome weapon.

This unit exudes a strong sense of the strength of the forest, cold sci-fi, and unparalleled combat power.

Some people will feel at ease, but naturally others will be trembling.

Huang Lan rubbed his head and sighed for a long time, feeling that he had really been thinking about it lately!

But as Anyang said, will he bring a brighter future to this world?


At this time, the practitioners of the Heavenly Dao of Kunlun Mountain and Mount Jifeng were also shocked!

The broken string, the sprinkling of the water, the crack of the cup, the thunderbolt of the sunny day, and countless signs of uneasiness appear in front of this group of people who are closely related to the numerology of heaven!

They immediately became restless, their sleeves waved, and almost invariably the letter-hands drawn white runes in the air, combined with mysterious and unpredictable lines, but without exception all manifested the turmoil and turmoil that swept the world. However, no matter how they calculated the spy, they could not spy on the source of the world's chaos, or even the slightest trace.

"The coming is fierce and unstoppable, the coming is fierce and unstoppable ..."

Kunlun murmured and repeated this sentence in his mouth, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and opened his eyes to the door.

"Is it ... the world is destined to die?"

"Go and call me the two heavenly elders, no, no, I will go in person!"

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