My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 380: Advent

Yulong Pass, the important border defense town of the Dayi dynasty, garrisoned tens of thousands of elite, occupying the jade dragon's natural danger, guarding the empire gate, advancing the defense line, opening up the territory, expanding the territory, defending the natural danger and protecting the country's security, has always been a must for the dynasty replacement Ground.

The thousand-year-old city wall is very heavy, and the surface of the city wall has traces of historical wind and frost. Many of the masonry on the wall have been mottled. The rougher the slate surface is, the gray sand even floats to the distance with the wind, but it has stood here in the weather. In the dynasty, the emperor was still dead, and the dynasty destroyed it. Even if it was stepped on by the enemy ten times a hundred times, no one could destroy it. It seemed to last forever.

The soldiers guarding the city leaned lazily against the wall, feeling that the uneven surface was a bit squeaky, moved a little bit, and continued to squint in the sun.

The position he was backing on just now was all traces left by swords, hammers and crossbows, as well as the burnt black, highlighting the terrible wars that had been experienced here, and also explaining to the world that this city wall surpassed the dynasty. Limited vicissitudes. Just as it has been silently looking at the inside and outside of the dynasty for thousands of years, but never spoke a word, making people even ignore its greatness.

Suddenly, the guardian's eyes widened and shook his head to shake his spirit.

There was a slight roar in front of him, accompanied by the sound of footsteps like a large-scale heavy infantry, but it was more neat.

Enemy attack!

This is his first reaction.

But he hesitated.

At this time, the dynasty was in a period of prosperity, with a million troops, a wealthy country, a strong country, and a small country. How could the country dare to challenge the majesty of the dynasty?

Rumble ...

The rumbling muffled footsteps became more and more clear, like a beast's uninterrupted roar, and like a demon's spell, which made him more worried in this afternoon!

at last

"Guancheng Gate!"

The soldiers guarding the city shouted and rushed in with their companions, holding a spear.

When he stepped on the wall, there was such a picture in front of him.

Several huge black irregular boxes were flying on the Gobi without marching, but they were traveling fast.

Next to the black box is a person covered in silver-grey armor, who ca n’t even see their front door, and they do n’t know how they breathe in this kind of sealed armor and how they move. Faster than horses, together with the black box, a long smoke dragon was pulled out on the ground in the distance, and the dust almost skyrocketed.

The defensive soldiers on the city wall were surprised, and soon realized

This is an army!

These people are surrounded by a whole piece of steel, just like they were born, they are made of steel. The box is even more unknown, so there are various things hanging on it, and there is a long large iron column on the top, like a big tube, but it is not round in the middle, just like all kinds of strange and strange in the legend Organ surgery.

The neat formation, the far-out kills, the strange weapons behind the soldiers, and the long sword all indicate their identity.

A strangely well-trained army!

The young defender greeted the defense loudly, but he kept looking ahead, and finally added a sentence in his heart.

It may also be an invulnerable army!

But he did not take it for granted. After all, the number of this army is too small, at most not more than a hundred people. Although these boxes are large, can they break the walls of a few meters thick? Well, I do n’t know that the gates of this city ca n’t help but withstand their impact. Such a fast speed, such a large size, seems to be made of steel. It is estimated that this metal door is not necessarily able to resist it!

But what about that? In this level, tens of thousands of elite troops, heavy cavalry charge can cut them all under the sword!

So he has no worries.

Until this group of people stopped outside the city wall, they faced each other ten meters away.

Hostility is already obvious.

The soldiers on the city walls pulled off bows and arrows, mounted strong crossbows, trebuchets were already preparing, the kerosene was also burning blazingly, and they were also filled with rolling stones, waiting for the small but weird army below.

Someone was very surprised and looked at the army under the silver-grey metal below.

The armor of this group of soldiers was smooth and flat, neatly attached to the body, outlined the soldier's tall and strong figure, I don't know what kind of steel, glorious and restrained but shining, with strange marks on it, and black and bright red paint , Even more powerful and warlike, setting them off like a mythical legend of a heavenly soldier.

And they also stood upright, neat and tidy, without any trace of messy movements, which made all the troops on the city walls uncomfortable.

At the same time, it was horrified.

How can there be an army that can stand still all? Who can run faster than a horse? This armor is so solid and heavy that it is more terrible than armor. It is afraid that it will weigh hundreds of pounds, and it will cover every inch of the whole body tightly. Who can wear it? Moreover, how can a blacksmith hit such a tightly fitting armor?

Is it possible that these people will be defeated?

The soldiers took a little sweat holding the crossbows. After all, in this era of faith and worship of gods, although no one has really seen the heavenly soldiers, people often accept the existence of gods and provoke the supreme. Belief is undoubtedly a behavior that is difficult to be accepted, and some people will inevitably tremble.

The young guard Shoucheng swallowed, some uneasy, but still bravely shouted forward:

"This is the Yulong Pass, the frontier defense of the Dayi Dynasty. Who is Yan, who is coming?"

Halfway through his words, he still swallowed the phrase "no outsiders are allowed to invade, and those with helmets and swords close to him" were swallowed into the room without saying it.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the door of the huge black steel box open, and a woman in plain clothes walked out from above.


A colorful ray of light rose, shining behind the woman in plain clothes, and surrounded by light, the wind and sand Gobi suddenly became extraordinary.

The soldiers on the wall exclaimed loudly.

Two armored soldiers came forward from behind, blocking the woman in plain clothes behind, but quietly looked at the colorful glow that seemed to come out of her. Fortunately, the armor mask covered their expression, otherwise It should be surprising and novel.

I saw the woman in plain clothes murmured a few more words, gently waved her hand, and the dust around her spread out immediately, revealing a passageway, letting her walk towards the wall step by step.

The soldiers on the city wall opened their eyes again, and the hand holding the bow and arrow loosened involuntarily.

What a beautiful woman, good temperament, magical magic, not a fairy, but who else?

These soldiers covered with silver and gray steel are so powerful, so that the prohibition is clear. It is obviously not something that can be done in the world, should it be a heavenly soldier?

There is also a black box that can be driven automatically. The speed is still so fast. Presumably it is also a fairy.

In this way, the two armored soldiers took the woman in the Tibetan show fairy palace to the wall and received no response. The soldiers and even the generals seemed to be calmed by that simple hand! Of course, the forefront is also indispensable. This miraculous and mighty force, together with this mysterious woman who emerged from the dust, naturally became a combination of Heavenly Soldiers and Fairies in their hearts.

The radiance of the disciples of the Tibetan show fairy palace shone, and they bowed shallowly, their faces calm and indifferent, and the sound was like a yellow warbler.

"The little girl is named Panxue, who is a disciple of the Zitong Mortal Realm in the Tibetan show fairy palace. This time, at the order of the **** king, he came to receive the military power of Yulongguan in order to abolish feudal rule and promote world reform, creating a more In this glorious and brilliant era, all generals are invited to open the door immediately, otherwise there will be a military disaster. "

The soldiers on the city wall have long recognized her as a fairy, and the armored soldiers below as heavenly soldiers. At this time, she was more affirmed after her own "acknowledge", but after listening to the words, she couldn't help changing her face.

What is the Tibetan show fairy palace, which **** is the real man Zitong, who is the **** king, and even the feudal rule and reform, they can no longer care about it.

Those two sweet voices lingered in their minds.

Receive Yulongguan military power!

Open the city gate!

They are the Dayi army, even if they can't open up the territory, how can they protect the country's peace, how can they open the gates casually?

But these people in front of them are obviously extraordinary, and claim to be a disciple of Xianfu ~ ~ Under the orders of the **** king, as the saying goes, Tiandijun's teachers, they really don't know what to do.

At the time when the young defender of the city was entangled, Yulongguan rushed to the office in a hurry and looked at the army under the eyes of the city, and the plain-clothed woman, frowned.

"Don't you say that there is an enemy attack, please tell me clearly!"

"Yes, General, this is ..."

As the younger Shoucheng told, the general's face was uncertain and he scanned from time to time below.

"Huh, ridiculous, you guys are elite border guards, how can you do such a trick, a scammer with a lot of spells, almost deceived your city gate open, but it did not open, if it is really open, what do you get Come to face the trust of His Majesty and the dynasty thousands of people? "

"This, in the end, will be guilty, and the military will be punished."

"I will dispose of you when this matter is over! Now, all the archers draw bows for me, and the soldiers hold their arms, ready to listen to my orders." The Lord will breathe deeply at this time, with a majestic look, staring at the army below And the armored vehicle, and ordered the mobilization of heavy cavalry at the gate of the city to charge, before shouting to the bottom, "You listen to me, I don't care what country you are from, what you want to do. This is the Yulong Pass, the frontier of the Dayi Dynasty Your behavior is already a provocation to the dignity of the dynasty. You are limited to leave quickly, otherwise you will be killed! "

The Lord will know that there are many monks in the world, some of them are quietly retreating in the mountains, some will travel around, and others will be recruited by dignitaries, dynasties, and princes. For example, the current state division of the dynasty is a highly skilled person. In his view, the group of people below is also a strange person who lives for the power, but somehow, they will choose to collide with the border barriers of the dynasty.

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