My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 381: Yulongguan

Master Yulong will not treat these people as immortals, but he also knows that many monks are not easy to deal with, especially this kind of seemingly invulnerable type, so he mobilized heavy cavalry.

There was a sound of tight bowstrings, and the soft sound of the armor colliding with the ice blade.

Under the gate of the city, Pan Xue was very helpless to see this, so he had to go back and said to the people around him:

"Everyone, the order given by the fairy master is to avoid war and slaughter as much as possible. Now it seems that I can only give them a little mawei."

The armored soldier beside Panxue nodded and communicated well with the other soldiers with the armored internal communication system, and then watched Panxue walk back.

Master Yulong Guan will not get any response from below, but in his experience, the army is still standing still. The retreat of these three people is by no means yielding, but more like a prelude to the attack!

He looked at the hundreds of armored soldiers below and was a little shocked, but he did not think that such a small number would cause any damage to his tens of thousands of armies, so he looked at the armored vehicles.

What are these huge black boxes for?

When Master Yulong Guan was just wondering, he saw one of the armored cars on the roof turned around, a long steel pillar above, and a slightly flat hole in the middle. The light of the hole was light blue, yes The quasi awe-inspiring direction is the city gate.

not good!

Yulongguan is not clear about the means of the cultivator, but after so many years of fighting in the battlefield, his instinct has changed dramatically.

"The archer listens, let go ..."


A huge explosion at his feet interrupted his orders, followed by the trembling of a landslide, the fire on the ground soaring, not only the city gate collapsed, but the wall that stood for thousands of years collapsed. Rising from below was the soaring dust and sky. The long wall was short of a hole, and the soldier standing just above was buried in the gravel and covered by the dust.

All the soldiers were shocked.

When the archer's hand loosened involuntarily, the arrow flew out of the string and shot into the formation of the armored soldiers 100 meters ahead, but no one evaded.

The arrows like thin raindrops flew out and hit the silver-grey armor, but with a slight ding, they spun on the ground without any scratches on the armor.

Master Yulong Guan will open his eyes wide, he can't remember the destructive power of being a master of the country.

This, this is simply, the wrath of the gods!

Fortunately, I didn't stand at the top of the gate just now, otherwise under this blow, wouldn't I be buried by the broken gate?

And the next second

Several heavy-duty ion guns on the roof of the armored vehicles were all aligned. The oblong hole lit up with a light blue light. The armored vehicles also twirled out of the missile launcher. The electromagnetic heavy machine gun has been opened insurance. The shoulder guns on the shoulders of the armored soldiers lay flat with a click, took off the electromagnetic rifle behind them, held them in their hands, and pointed them forward.

This movement is uniform and clearly a weapon that does not exist in this era, but it shows a strong deterrent.

Master Yulongguan will immediately turn around and want to call up his heavy cavalry.

But the heavy cavalry who had been waiting at the gate of the city had already been stunned by this power. They could not see the outside scene, but the sudden huge fire and explosion were enough to shock people. The forefront cavalry has been buried under the gravel, and the spattered stones have also raged through the formation. The horses have long hissed and screamed and were frightened and anxious, where can they charge!

The most important thing is that the ten-meter-high heavy city wall collapsed and there were four or five meters, and the section of the city gate was also piled up two or three meters high. This is a cavalry, not a superman. How can it get through?

Master Yulong Guan began to shake his heart.

Then, the pale blue light above the huge black steel box flashed again.


The loud noise was deafening again, and the earth was trembling, making people almost stand unsteady.

The soldiers were terrified, and the weapons in their hands were almost dropped. Fortunately, they were well trained to escape without losing their helmets and armor.

Some soldiers fell into the city wall due to instability. Some soldiers were swallowed by the huge cracks in the city wall. Some soldiers were hit by the splashed stones, and their bodies immediately deformed and died.

But no one was torn to pieces by the explosion.

The explosions just happened at the gate of the city, which caused the gravel to fly and smoke. The gravel of the gate was suddenly bombed by a huge gap. More than 100 armored soldiers were rushing forward, and the gap continuously poured into the gate. . There was even a soldier standing under the city wall and leaping upwards. The auxiliary power and emergency control thruster loaded in the iron-blooded armor ejected a white blaze and led him straight up, falling suddenly onto the city wall.

Neither the general soldiers can believe it.

This is the frontier defense wall, which is ten meters high!

Are these really heavenly soldiers?

The armored soldier threw the electromagnetic rifle in his hand to the back, and the instantaneously charged electromagnetic adsorber steadily sucked it to the back and hung, step by step toward the position of the general, and stepped on the wall to make a dull sound.

Master Yulongguan will widen his eyes and tremble with one hand raised: "Let, let the arrow go!"

Sporadic dozens of bows and arrows came through the air and hit the armored soldiers, but they were ejected with only a soft sound, and only a large crossbow arrow shot on the armor made a loud sound The powerful force allowed the armored soldiers to take shape, and then continued what they had done before, step by step toward the Lord.

And the armor was still neat and clean, with no traces.

Master Yulong will finally let go.

"Protect the general, protect the general."

A teenager shouted loudly, pulling out his long sword and rushing up.

His bravery was appreciated by the soldiers, so he rushed to the soldiers as he wished.

A bite.

Confrontation of blade and alloy armor.

The soldier didn't stop. He grabbed the teenager's head with one hand and pulled it hard against his chest. He fainted.

With a click, the two shoulder guns lay flat.

The border guards who rushed forward did not receive such a good treatment. The shoulder gun did not disconnect the gun under the automatic aiming system. A light blue light group that was less than the size of the egg whistled past. The power was not as powerful as the energy gun, but the bomb In this group of ordinary soldiers, it was enough to blow them up. For a time, the minced meat flew across the body and the residual limbs were shot. There was a thick **** smell around them, but no one could approach him.


Master Yulong Guan finally gave orders, and he looked at the armored soldier weakly, his chest undulating.

It is impossible to imagine how many troops such a soldier needs on the battlefield to kill him. If he reads correctly, the weapon behind him has not been used yet?

Could it really be a heavenly soldier?

The armored soldier walked to the front of General Yulongguan, with a few clicks, the shoulder guns were put away, and a firm voice came from under the mask.

"General, we are not invaders sent by the enemy, and I do not want to cause unnecessary casualties, especially those of you officers. But you must know that we can destroy any imperial dynasty in the world at any time, so rebellion is meaningless, We are under the command of the King of God to take over the government, the purpose is to change the world, and you can only obey. "

Master Yulong Guan will not speak. In the afterglow of his eyes, the huge black steel boxes started to move, making a dull and particularly powerful roar, rumbling into the gap of the city gate, and rushing in a very fast but brutal way After passing the ground that had just been bombarded with gravel and entered the Yulong Pass.

I seem to have no choice.

"Boom ..."

The armored car that entered the gate came in front of a round of salvo, which was the real tremor of the earth.

Soaring flames on the ground formed a long wall of fire. The huge explosion was deafening. The shock waves drove all the soldiers close to it. They also lifted the stone slabs on the ground and exploded giant craters.

The army of Guannei, who was rushing in, was immediately shocked and dared not act rashly.

When Lord Yulong Guan came to the bottom, it happened to see the dusty woman in plain clothes, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Pan Xue bowed slightly: "General ~ ~ Now you should believe that we are from heaven?"

The Master Shen Sheng asked: "What do you want to do?"

Panxue pointed to the sky and said with a chuckle: "The **** king cannot see the foolish life on earth, the feudal ignorance, or those of you who live under the control of others, so he decides to send the soldiers, Transform this world according to his will, and turn it into another look, a look of prosperity that you cannot imagine. "

The Lord sneered twice and did not respond.

During his life, he carried out his life with war. He did not even believe in gods like most people in the Dayi dynasty. In his view, whether it is a heavenly soldier or a **** king, this is always a military disaster.

The only difference is that this is an unstoppable military disaster.

He did not know that, except for the Jade Dragon Pass, countless armored soldiers descended throughout the Dayi Dynasty.

In the dynasty border, dynasty abdomen, and even the dynasty emperor, there are countless high-tech troops appearing at the same time, really like a **** soldier. Flying soldiers wearing Fengshen armor, air-dropped iron-blooded armored soldiers, and transport vehicles that smashed through the walls, unstoppable sky armour mechs, screaming ground attack aircraft, armed helicopters ...

Some people choose to surrender and be labeled with security words, some choose to resist, be strongly suppressed, and there are unbelievable ferocious men who will resist in the end. There is no doubt that they will be massacred by armored forces. The strength of the armed forces was shown to the fullest, and only then was it possible to implement Anyang's next policy guidelines.

If Master Yulong was to see the pictures of all the troops, would he really believe that this was a **** king?

However, Panxue did not care whether he believed that, in short, the Yulong Pass had already been captured. As long as he took out the cyan badge, he could continue to move forward.

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