My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 373: Divine Empire (The Final Song of Conquest)

Everyone seems to be dreaming, a highly unrealistic dream!

In the three hundred years of the Dayi Dynasty, the southern war and the northern war inherited the vast territory of the previous dynasty. Now the border between the north and the south is only thousands of miles. , Have you conquered one kingdom after another?

Are they fighting faster than cavalry?

People with insight have discovered that the place they conquered covered almost every country in the mile surrounding the Dayi Dynasty, and the question that followed was, where did this regime that conquered the dynasty come from?

Do they fall from the sky?

This absurd guess ... but it seems very possible!

A few days before the Dayi dynasty changed its dynasty, it did not stop above the head. Almost anywhere in the dynasty, you can see the flying figure in the sky, some are in the form of armor, some are giant gods, some are silver **** birds, some are steel Monsters, the speed is extremely fast. The miracles that I haven't seen in a lifetime seem to have seen enough in those days, maybe this world change is really related to this!

So to say, this regime is like conquering the Dayi dynasty quickly, and it is also advancing to other countries in the world?


The originally tempted scholar suddenly shuddered and stood up for himself. Those civilian forces were also glad that they had not taken advantage of it. Otherwise, once the crime of rebellion was established and defeated by the army of the new dynasty, according to the policy of the new king now called violent, should n’t it be Linked to the Nine Clan?

Some people speculate that this is a celestial warrior sent by the heavens, some speculate that this is a troubled world, and some speculate that this is an army of overseas dynasties; some people worry all day long about how such a large-scale reform will bring about changes in the world, and some people are thinking about it. Active, began to explore the direction of the new dynasty.

At this time, in the Dayi Palace, Anyang sat on the top seat of the palace, discussed with a group of military and political ministers, and took the advice of the Minister of Defense, and set the name of the country at will.

Divine Empire!

Without thinking deeply about the name, or following the tradition of the country ’s one-word country name, or even having no dynasty, it took the name of the Divine State as the name of this imperial unified empire.

Many ministers of government are helpless, and the name is somewhat arbitrary, but who made the sergeant make such a casual decision, now they can only look at the defensive minister of military origin with a grudge, and they still have a lot of names Did not say it!

But if you think about it, the Shenzhou Empire looks pretty good, and it is quite representative.

After the preparation of the Imperial Propaganda Department, it also began to run at a rapid speed. Various news of beautifying the empire, deifying the army, and praising the latest reform guidelines and new policies suddenly spread throughout the empire, and in the empire ’s expanding territory, the original Dayi dynasty Only a small part.

For people of this era, understanding the world is a hobby of scholars, and discussing policies is also what scholars can do.

In addition to the readers, no matter whether they are rough rural farmers or city vendors full of copper smell, they can only talk a few words when they are drunk, and they will immediately shut their mouths when they are heard by others, afraid that they will be mocked by the readers for their shallow knowledge. Similar.

But for the Propaganda Department today, it is their duty to spread their propaganda messages as far as possible to everyone in the empire, especially those who beautify the empire, deify the army, and change the perception of people in this era. Propaganda about the general direction of the imperial policy, or those closely related to these "low status" people, must reach the ears of those who do not care much about national affairs.

Previously, the argument that Shengmin Xiaomin failed to control his homeland and tranquility did not work here. Previously, the war-fighting troops must also understand the laws and regulations, and even the vulgar people must know the general law. For some bandit robbers, they have to let them Recognize the force of the empire!

Qinglou Mingyuan

This is still the most popular place for scholars to go. Whether frustrated or proud, they like to come here for a while, or borrow wine to sorrow. They are usually a good place to make friends and provide a platform for many scholars to make friends.

At this time, the regime changed, and here became the time for them to talk.

Fine wine in hand, toasting and drinking, beautiful women in your arms, when you talk about the affairs of your home country, you will often show the eyes of admiration and infatuation. Although some are pretended, there are still many women who worship men ’s knowledge and infatuation with men. When pointing at Jiangshan.

At this time, half a month had passed since the regime announced the change. This group of scholars with extraordinary backgrounds gradually understood the power of the empire. They dared not talk about the deficiencies of the empire in the same way as before. They were afraid that they would be killed when they heard it. The sin of the head is like a literal prison.

In fact, they think too much. The political system of the empire is more modern. Even if it is very harsh in this special period now, but they are only talking about not doing anything against the government, no one will treat them. .

Fear is one thing, but not understanding policy and legal reforms is another matter!

"Brother Bai Lian, you said that Your Majesty attaches so much importance to business and trade, and it also obviously enhances the status of those inferior vendors. What's the point of this?"

"Yeah, I also carefully studied the" decisions about business development ". This is not a false statement. The dynasty ... The imperial codes have made major changes to business and trade, and even issued a variety of decrees, which opened up to businessmen. The door of convenience clearly encourages people to do business. Is it possible for your majesty to think that the whole country is full of copper smell? "

"Brother Tianyue and Brother Bailian, you have misread the key points. The popularization of the empire's education is the most important thing. I will see that everyone can learn and everyone can read. Those of us who read are afraid they will never be able to. Pretend to be a national pillar! "

"This is also true. I used to think it was ridiculous. How could it be possible for all the people in the world to study? The labor and material costs and the troubles caused by literacy are all intractable, but now it seems , The four seas have surrendered one after another, fearing that nothing can be done by His Majesty! "

"That's not, after all, your majesty is ..."

The man known as Bai Lianxiu closed in half, and pointed to heaven.

Everyone nodded and understood.

Originally, they scorned the propaganda of the empire. When they saw the armored soldiers in silver armor whizzing over the imperial capital, they finally had to believe it, and they had a little more awe of the empire, and they were even more awed by the empire ’s laws and decrees. trust.

It wasn't until someone slammed the door open, rushed in and sat down next to them with a big mouthful of gasps, and arrogantly picked up a glass of water on the table and drank it, as if shocked by something, it took a long time to return Come to God.

A group of people immediately looked at him with concern.

"Brother Dragon Pattern, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Dragon Pattern, what happened, shocked like this!"

"Yeah, Brother Longwen, could it be that your majesty ordered the pit killer to fail!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was terrified and looked at the man more nervously.

However, this student in the green shirt shook his head and eased his breath before saying, "The government decrees, the latest government decrees, His Majesty should not only promote cultural education and laws, popularize the country's common sense, but also promote a technology education. Something that is taught by Taoism! "

Everyone immediately frowned.

"Implementing cultural education is not feasible, but the promotion of laws and the popularization of national common sense is a new trick. It is a good thing to let everyone in the world know the code and common sense of the country. This majesty is not a waiter!"

"No, what are science and technology education and Taoism education?"

The crowd grabbed the point instantly.

The man held his chest again and took a breath, before saying, "I don't know about technology. I won't know it until the Laozi school is established, but you still don't know about Taoism education? Your Majesty is for the whole people to practice monks. , All people become immortals! "

This sentence roared loudly, and the entire lobby of Lanxiang Building was suddenly silent, with needles audible!

Only a strong breathing sound.

Immediately explode!


"what did you say?"

"You can't joke about this Xiongtai!"

"Yeah, Brother Longwen, can you please make us happy!"

The scholar's face flushed and said, "I can still lie to you. The Imperial Propaganda Department is making a big publicity. You just know if you go!"

The eyes of the people were wide open, and their faces were unbelievable.

For a time, the new empire regime's perception that the gods were mortal became stronger in their hearts!

In the village heads on the street, in the tavern stalls, and in the deep house, there are countless people talking about the empire's policies, some of them are ordinary people with insignificant status, some are wealthy businessmen, and some are for officials. Generals, some were once prominent princes and nobles.

Naturally, the decrees they discuss are different, mostly related to themselves.

The poor people are eating rough tea and light rice at home ~ ~ When the village chief passed the news, he was ecstatic, and he was discussing wherever he went.

"Have you heard? After the change of dynasty, the decree issued by His Majesty, all the land of the landlord squires was nationalized, and then distributed to everyone, according to the number of heads, our families can have land, and we no longer have to plant the squire landlords And then paid a lot of tenancy! "

"Yes, what kind of agricultural reform policy is good for this new empire, it really is a fairy!"

"Isn't it? There are also seeds of immortal rice. Your Majesty distributed it for free. I heard that it can produce more than 1,000 kilograms per mu after planting. Unfortunately, the seeds used for planting cannot be eaten. You can only eat it when you come out, otherwise I really want to taste what Xianmi is! "

"Come on, you. I have n’t eaten white rice for half a year. I still listened to the village chief. I endured and planted these immortal rice. Next year, when the rice is ripe, let ’s eat it again and avoid the agricultural tax. There are as many as you can grow, how good! "


Merchant hawkers also keenly smelled the empire's reform of commerce. Some big business families who had gone to school had even seen the day when they were rich and famous, and those who were rich and fascinated by the world would not be able to underestimate themselves anymore. There is no such thing as a farmer, industry and commerce!

Now the court, ah no, the government has so much preferential treatment for business, the rise of businessmen is just around the corner, and the empire adopts a military-political separation system, even the official mission, bureaucracy and justice are independent departments, which can be described as not interfering with each other. The power of the county magistrate is scattered, and those officials can no longer hack their own homes at will, nor can they covet their money.

This kind of argument will be extinct by breaking the county magistrate and destroying the prefects!

This is undoubtedly the best time for merchants!


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