My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 374: Decree and return

Silently staying in the mansion for the officials, watching my increasingly divided and refined powers dare not speak up, and the powers become smaller, but the things he has to do have become more, in modern terms, it is The pressure is high, and I feel that my ability can't keep up with the tasks.

The various decrees that were issued, I didn't even understand the reason at all. However, when it really worked, it was so effective. Some ridiculous decisions have been vigorously promoted to change the empire at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. .

Some enlightened people are thinking, after the completion of the first batch of political schools in the empire, should they study hard!

For the generals, they can only watch their own power fall, and then they are forcibly ordered to enter the rudimentary military academy first established by the empire for urgent and systematic training. Most of them are knowledge of modern weapons and technological warfare. word.

Many unpopular generals do not understand why a rough man who fought in war should even read and recognize words!

As they ca n’t understand, why do these so-called Defense Department officers have a lot of “skills” than many readers know, and they are not the vulgar warriors in the group of well-skilled people!

But after the death order of the empire was issued, they had to be forced to learn, otherwise they would be dismissed from their official positions and become a soldier.

No way, my own culture teacher, a very handsome woman, has also made it very clear. The imperial team does not raise a stubborn husband. In the future, all the people will be scholars, and soldiers will read and recognize words. As an army officer, culture The course must be proficient, and the future technology and Taoism should also be proficient.

In other words, they must understand the essence of modern warfare, use strange cannons, missiles, and the like, understand commanding skills, and must have certain achievements in monasticism. They must be able to conquer good warfare and lead their soldiers. Use spells like fairies.

In their spare time, a group of unpopular officers were helpless.

I couldn't afford to eat anymore, so I chose to join the army in desperation, but when was the requirement for being a soldier so high?

Officers from the clan of the famous Men realized that this would be a great opportunity. They saw the promotion of their officers and the status of the army, and they saw the respectable identity of the group of senior officials who read from the sages!


Zeng's once prominent princely nobility has long been gone, not only without power, without privileges, and even without royal subsidies. If each of them has a huge business system, I am afraid that it will soon fall to the point of not living!

However, in the face of such a situation, they can only helplessly accept and silently lament.

What can it do?

I want to die tight!

The clever emperor's relatives hid in the mansion to delve into every new decree issued by the empire, carefully scrutinized them, and tried to find a way out, so someone saw the so-called "modern" military and political officials seriously lacking in the empire, preparing to participate in the next training In the plan, some people saw the empire's emphasis on industry and technology, and prepared to invest heavily in a slice of the soup. Some people saw the empire's support for business, so they were ready to join the business ...


Someone is eliminated in this era, and naturally someone will rise!

No matter if you were a noble king or general marquis before, or a monk who is above the ground, the daunting monsters and spirits are beaten down in this era, just like ordinary civilians. The universal identity is equal, and it is treated equally under the government and the latest policies and laws.

The nobles of Wang Sun and the Marquis of General Xiang lost their privileges. With the establishment of better laws and the penetration of the establishment of the Extraordinary Control Department, monks and demon spirits have also been severely restricted. If they use their spells to hurt or affect people, they will also Being judged is just like a person who is far stronger than you is not willing to kill you under the control of the law. These monsters and Taoists are not much different from ordinary people except for spells and superhuman powers.

The difference between these people is only the starting line, the original assets are not compared, and these are not the most important, the most important thing is whether you can seize this special opportunity to catch the first train of empire reform, which is decided Is it possible to go to the upper level of the empire!

It is not difficult to imagine that in the future, a common mortal, relying on business or other aspects of hard work, standing in the upper class of the empire, with the protective clothing given to him by the laws and policies of the empire, and with the power of his own power, he You can hire a powerful demon as his bodyguard, or you can make the monks do things for him, and he only needs to give him wages. He can even marry the royal descendants as wives ...

This does not depend on his ability to fight alone and be stronger than the monster, nor does he depend on his ability to be higher than the Taoist, nor on whether he has a "noble bloodline", but only on the stability of the empire, as long as the law In one day, the imperial team can use the power of the empire under legal circumstances to have an equal dialogue with these extraordinary and distinguished people.

And soon, after the popularization of Taoism and knowledge, the transcendence and dignity of that group of people will also be reduced to the world!


Three months later, Shenzhou fell into full control and was firmly in the hands of Anyang.

Looking at the empty energy points in the second system, he suddenly felt so poor!

This is still the result of great savings. Many military and political officials should have been given badges, especially military commanders who hold military power. However, the Divine World is really too large, even larger than the world of Doomsday and the Earth. Such a vast territory Want to control, there are many forces of monasticism, the power of spontaneous combination of monsters and monsters, there are too many places that need badges, he really ca n’t give all soldiers badges like the end of the world.

There is no need to do this in this world, because there are not many enemies in this world, only a part of the garrison troops need to be left, and badges should be given to the generals or monks who are in power. These people are used as the framework to control this vast land. .

Even so, the energy points are almost insufficient.

Anyang pondered, after reforming today to be almost close to the modern system, should we build some of the largest hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants and the like in this world? After all, this world has such a fast flow rate, and the speed of supplying energy to the second system will also be Much faster.

I heard that there is a Tongtian River in the east, which is more than the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in the real world. It is possible to build a power station of the Super Three Gorges Hydropower Station. The grasslands occupied by the original Suyu tribe raged on the grassland. The establishment of a wind power group is also good. There is no desert in the east, which is suitable for nuclear power plants!

By this time, the world is already stable, and various policies that have changed people's lives greatly are also being implemented.

For example, currency unification and reform, replacing silver and copper plates with paper money, the imperial department controlling the currency system, controlling prices, ensuring the reliability and purchasing power of the currency issued by the empire, etc., but also connecting with the virtual currency of the identity integrated card of the Huaibei base ...

Even if the empire is full of prestige, even if no one doubts the actual meaning and ability of the empire policy, it is still difficult for this group of people who are used to real money to exchange the money in their hands for a thin piece of paper. !

In desperation, He Zhiping can only order to officially stop the circulation of silver and copper plates after half a year, no longer recognize the validity of this currency, and prohibit registered merchants from using this currency, which forced the civilians to quickly receive Paper money.

There are also the introduction of science and technology, the establishment of factories, the implementation of pilot education for universal education, the training of workers, the compulsory popularization of the common sense of the empire, and the thorough washing of the people ’s inherent thinking, making them aware of the changes in their status and the new empire. Opportunities etc ...

Of course, the most important thing is the migration of civilians, bringing more available population to the Huaibei base. These people will be trained as workers and soldiers, making more usable weapons for the base, occupying more cities and resource areas, and bringing More powerful military forces were even sent to Pallans!

There is also complete control over the forces of monasticism, destroying their autonomy, allowing the people to accept these creatures that are not humans, letting those monsters and Taoists who have powerful powers manage their own power and violentness, and put away their temperament, and The mortals get along equally ...

These are much easier to do. After all, most of the monks are very reasonable and do not need to warn. Needless to say, they soon understand what they should do and how they will be punished after defying this huge empire. Trial!

The real headaches are those demon spirits. Some naturally raised creatures have a hard time understanding why they should live with humans who should have become food or their own worshipers ~ ~ It is also difficult for monsters to understand the laws, rules, rules, and how to get along with people, especially some monsters who are born alone and violently predators!

In this regard, the empire can only adopt a high-pressure system, or it will be away from the human living area, and the empire will naturally build cities for you, and will also establish a political power for you to control you. It cannot be solved with its own force. In short, the world is now unified, no matter where they are, they cannot act as rashly as before, nor can they ignore the existence of the empire, nor can they be not restricted by the management and laws of the empire!

There is too much left, too much to do. This regime spans the whole of China. Governance is already very complicated. Wanting to reform, and in such a short period of time, cross-era reforms, all aspects of the policies involved are in There are too many, one can't even take care of them.

Fortunately, Anyang didn't have to manage too much. He gave it to his military and political team, and the management framework was.

As for yourself, you just have to wait to harvest this growing fruit, and occasionally come to inspect, adjust the direction slightly, or do something that only he can do, such as opening the door to the space, issuing badges, and signing important orders.

So he opened the door of space without hesitation.

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