My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 421: Go to Karazhan

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When they found Khadgar, Khadgar was still on a plain outside Stormwind City.

This young man who is still just a magic apprentice or trainee guardian in the movie plot, far from being linked to the word "legendary magician" hides behind a tree, he had planned to go to Elvin Forest to investigate and feel The breath of evil energy was found by the soldiers of the kingdom and had to hide.

Well, in the eyes of most people, he is a fugitive who turned away from Karazhan.

It's a pity that this little mage's concealment method is not at all clever. He can't avoid the high-altitude detection of the mechanical eye. The location.

Anyang stood at the top of the outer defensive castle in Stormwind City, next to Lothar riding a griffon.

"Don't find it yet?"

"found it."

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Not urgent."

Anyang said, just as a sound of mosquitoes came from the air, a few flying metal **** with a sense of technology came from afar, and fell into his hands steadily under the unblinking gaze of Losa. The micro propeller stopped spinning, and the metal ball disappeared instantly.

"set off!"

After a few minutes.

A griffin flew by in the air, but a figure wearing a white robe jumped out of thin air, and his body crashed in the air.

There was no slight waves in Anyang ’s eyes, the spell was quickly and urgently in his mouth, and the light of the breeze flashed over him, followed by the body of Vajra, the body protection of the gods of mountains, and the secret of light body in Shushan royal sword, Until the distance of tens of meters blinked in the fall.


There was a muffled noise from the ground, and the fallen leaves were blown apart.

He just landed vertically, squatting on the ground with his legs bent, releasing his strength.

After all, these spells are not flying methods. They can only be partially offset by reducing the weight or external defense. The rest can only rely on their powerful physical strength in the body of Vajra and the gods of mountains. With the blessing of the magic spell, it is hard to resist!

Fortunately, his physical fitness is still very good!

After ten or more seconds, an eagle murmured and mumbled behind him, and Lothar's Griffon had landed.

Anyang walked calmly and stepped on the fallen leaves.

Lothar also got off the griffin and stood in the woods.

Khadgar behind the ancient tree finally realized that he had been found, and walked out of the back of the tree, looking at them both with evasive eyes.

But strangely, Lothar ’s eyes were full of shock, and he was not looking at him, but Anyang.

"You ... really a mage?"

Khadgar was unclear, so he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Anyang nodded: "Are you suspicious?"

Lothar pointed to the sky and swallowed.

Anyang looked at Khadgar up and down, naturally knowing the meaning of Lothar, and said without looking back: "I said, I was not from Azeroth. The impression of the weak Master is not related to me. In fact, I can use my strength to single out the orcs, or I can easily break your neck. "


Lothar took a deep breath and looked at him more deeply.

Before it was put, he absolutely did not believe that a mage dared to jump from a tens of meters, because they might fall into a meatloaf without a chance to cast a spell during the rapid decline. Can't sustain such an impact, no, not even the most powerful fighter.

But now he seems to have to believe it!

And looking at Anyang's falling posture, it is clearly a powerful warrior who is extremely confident in himself and also has familiar skills!

At this time, Lothar recovered and looked at the little mage wearing a black cloak in front of him.

It doesn't look credible!

Lothar frowned, is this his helper?

Anyang has gone up: "Kadgar?"

Khadgar looked at them suspiciously, stepping back step by step, and suddenly reached out his hand, chanting the spell loudly in his mouth.

His eyes began to glow with dazzling blue light, and at the same time, a circle of blue arcane light appeared on his palm.

Arcane Blast!


A light blue arcane energy burst from his hand, like a glowing light blue smoke column.

There was a muffled noise in the woods!

This apparently useless arcane impact was blocked by a thin golden mask when it hit Anyang. It was originally able to fly a strong orc with no merit, so it was so light. Disappeared.

Khadgar froze for a moment, stepped back quickly, and began to read aloud again.

However, Anyang's speed is far from what he can match, and the moment he almost started, he was as close as a leopard with an explosive speed.


A sound of the body being hit hard.

Lothar's eyes twitched!


Khadgar's body bow became a shrimp, and the spoken words came to an abrupt halt, and the arcane light in his eyes and hands went out.

Anyang put his knee down, grabbed Khadgar's back and let him stand straight, patting his shoulder and saying, "Don't pretend, you're okay, I control my own strength like a doctor's scalpel You died, you died long ago, don't play tricks with me, you know? "

Lothar's eyes grew stranger.

What, this is different from the imaginary battle of the Master!

Why is there only a collision of spells, and then the sleeves are rolled immediately?

Isn't the sense of disobedience in this picture too high?

Lothar quickly recovered and looked at Khadgar: "I am Lothar, the commander of Stormwind City. Do n’t try to resist. Now the person who catches you is stronger than you in spells and martial arts. You must first Knowing that he can't escape from his hands, let's go home with us! "

Khadgar's face was somewhat distorted by pain, and he looked up weakly and said, "You ... what do you want to do, I am a guardian of apprenticeship, I feel the powerful and evil power in the west, and I am going to investigate."

Lothar chuckled and said, "We came to you just for this matter!"

Khadgar opened his eyes suddenly.

Anyang let go of him, pointed to Stormwind City not far away, and said, "Go, Lord."


Storm stronghold.

Khadgar's face looks quite honest, with a mustache, unlike the mage in the game who is always close to the bodybuilder's muscles. He looks very weak, not linked to strong, a bit like a nerd, and the dress is different from the movie. Not too big, a civilian clothes inside, and a dark blue and black cloak on the outside. In general, it is a little wizard-like.

Only at this time, he seemed shocked, pointing at Anyang, but looking at Lothar.

"He is a mage?"

Lothar raised a brow: "Yes, I think you've seen it already."

"No, no, it should be just a magic device. I didn't feel the arcane fluctuations from him, and ... he was more like a warrior."

Lothar nodded: "Well, he said he is a mage from another world, not the same as the mage of Azeroth. Actually, I do n’t believe it too. If you are interested, you can just confirm the true and false for us. ! "

"Ah." Khadgar glanced back at Anyang slightly, shrinking, seeming to remember the scene where he was dominated by a knee hit, and felt the severe pain in the abdominal cavity still echoing in his brain. "No, we are the same now. A person in one direction, and you said that he also predicted the invasion of the orc and my arrival. I think even if he is not a mage, he will be a great prophet. We must give him enough respect! "

"Haha, are all the magicians as hypocritical as you are?"

"I am just an example."


Anyang leaned against the wall with a glass of juice, listening to them talking calmly, and occasionally greeted Khadgar with a surprised look.

This is a scene not seen in the movie!

Khadgar now seems to be a rookie, not as strong as the original when he will fight against Medivh, and his identity has also changed from the monitor who was placed next to Medivh in the six-member meeting of the Kirin Tor in the original to Medivh's disciple. , The heir to the guardian, what he called the trainee guardian.

However, because of his personality, the young mage was able to escape, and he gave up his oath.

He may have learned a lot of arcane magic, and he is very insightful in this respect, but he is still a weak chicken in combat. At least at the time when the war had not yet fully erupted, he had not experienced two wars in person as he did in the original book, and he was just an apprentice who had never seen blood.

It didn't take long for Lothar to introduce Khadgar to the current situation and general information about him.

But they had conflicts about what to do next.

Although Khadgar ’s strength is not strong, even in the original plot, even Luosha easily covered her mouth and subdued, but he seemed to insist on this matter.

Indeed, his appearance and weak body make it easy for people to ignore his inner strength, but when it comes to will, he is very firm. This can be seen from his resistance to the invasion of evil energy at the end of the original plot, and Ordinary people may not be able to resolutely betray the oath of the guardian because of their personality.

If not, he could not be selected by Alodi.

Khadgar shouted: "We should first go to the western wilderness to find out the specific origin of that evil force. I can feel them. It is a force full of darkness. When they are strong, they smell out , And it's so close to us that I can't ignore it! "

Lothar calmly replied: "This matter should be explained by the guardian."

Khadgar nodded: "Yes, yes, but I want to find out what it is before."

Lothar ’s eyes stared at him deeply, one hand snapped on his shoulders, and his five fingers pressed slightly: “The kid playing magic, I think I must tell you an unfortunate news, you did n’t have this thing The right to choose! "

Anyang next to him smiled and came out and said to Khadgar: "No need to check, everything is as you think."

Khadgar froze for a moment, frowning and said, "I think so?"

Anyang nodded: "Well, evil energy!"

Khadgar opened his eyes suddenly.

Lothar looked at them and suddenly laughed, patting Khadgar on the shoulder: "Do you want to go to Karazhan now?"

Khadgar took a deep breath and said, "If what he said is true, then we must summon the guardians as soon as possible!"

Losa smiled dumbly, and went outside with a wave of her hand, and said to the two guards: "Prepare for us, I will go to Karazhan immediately!"

When they stepped out of the storm stronghold, emergency military intelligence came at the front.

Because Stormwind evacuated most of the civilians in the western wilderness close to the Elvin forest in advance, the orc army drove straight through the western wilderness without the civilians being snatched. It is now close to the Elvin forest defense line. The frontline soldiers even They clashed.

Lothar was not afraid until after that.

If it was n’t for the mobilization of the legion in advance ~ ~ The western wilderness must be tragic now, and the Elvin forest is estimated to be on the verge of falling. Even the town of Yeshi has been trampled by the flames of war. Just imagine!

"Now that the situation is getting more urgent, even Your Majesty is sitting in the town of Shanjin personally, we must speed up to notify the guardians!"

"Well, you know, it depends on how fast your pet can fly."

Lothar almost dragged Khadgar to the Griffon, and then jumped into the sky.

"Oh ~~ Oh !!!"

The air echoed with Khadgar's exclamation, and the mage was obviously trying to fly at high altitude for the first time.

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