My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 422: Shirtless playing carving art

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The passage connecting the quiet and dark twilight forest to the sad swamp overgrown by reeds is a dark path, called the headwind path.

There are strange trees overgrown, rugged rocks, deserted ...

But Karazhan stands here!

It was an ancient magic tower built secretly by Tiris long ago.

The reason why I chose to be in this remote southern mountain at that time was because of the extremely powerful magical energy field. For thousands of years, it was here that the guardians secretly monitored the devil ’s every move in the world of Azeroth.

It is a pity that the current guardian is also the last guardian, and the most powerful human in Azeroth. Medivh is doomed from the birth to be controlled by the evil of Sargeras. This is not to blame him , Should blame his mother Aegwynn, because this is his inherent imprisonment.

Today, this mage tower that has been quiet for six years has been visited again.

Still high in the sky, thousands of meters from Karazhan, Anyang saw the mysterious magic tower everywhere.

It is a majestic high tower, with a huge and gorgeous base and a tower that is hundreds of meters high. It is beautiful and mysterious. It is undoubtedly the most perfect work of a craftsman. It is backed by mountains and twilight forests, and in front of it is a sad swamp with reeds and lakes. The circular building located above the center of the tower exudes powerful magic energy, so that a light blue halo is formed, radiating light in the direction of the ground hundreds of meters high.

The magic energy is drawn by the energy field here, visible to the naked eye, like countless light blue smoke threads, drawn into this magic tower.

Seeing it from a distance, a powerful breath is coming!

Faintly behind the magic tower, there is a castle-like building, or a small magic tower complex.

It is hard to imagine that there are only two people, the guardian and his steward, in such a large enough place to live for thousands of people.


With a little hoarse eagle song, it cut through the sky, marking the arrival of the griffin.

Lothar slowed down a bit and shouted to Anyang who was flying in front of him: "Hey, listen, visit Master, I should n’t have brought you here, and I do n’t know if Medivh welcomes you, this stranger Guest, so when you arrive in Karazhan, stay with this nerd. I will go up and make it clear to Medivh, if he is not happy, you must leave as soon as possible, you know? "

Anyang turned his head and looked at him without a word.

It just means that he heard it, and it ’s a separate deal if he did n’t listen.

The Griffon quickly flew to Karazhan, but did not land under the magic tower, but flew between the huge main tower and six tall auxiliary towers until it landed on the tower The base is a flat ground with a height of tens of meters and a very wide area.

This is a level ground equal to several basketball courts, but only a corner of the base of this tower.

Medivh's housekeeper, Moros stood in the middle of the flat to greet them.

The white stone ground has become old due to years. There are even a lot of moss growing on the ground near the auxiliary tower. There are many green grass between the cracks in the ground made of square slabs. Obviously, only Moros is responsible for chores. He was a bit overwhelmed.

Griffon flapped its huge wings, blowing a dust on the ground, and landed firmly on the ground.

But it was originally called a behemoth, but in the background of this empty ground and the majestic high tower, it was like a small one.

Lothar rolled over and met the smile of the butler Moros.



"long time no see!"

"Yeah, look at you, you are not old at all!"

The two talked about the old lightly, and Khadgar also got down from the Griffon.

Then Anyang also turned off the thruster and slammed on the ground.

The little mage, the traveling mage and the prophet raised their heads and looked at this huge tower, only one eye was filled with nostalgia, and one was full of novelty.

It is too kind to say that this is a tower. It should be said that it is a group of buildings and is very large. Regardless of the castle behind, the magic tower alone has the size of a small palace. The huge and towering main tower can accommodate thousands of people if it is full of books. The famous Oriental Pearl in the real world is also far away. Incomparable, this is an architectural miracle dedicated to this world.

And around the main tower body, there are six auxiliary towers with a height of more than 200 meters, and it may not be huge from a distance, but that is because the distance between the main tower body and the main tower body is actually relatively relatively high. The small, much lower, auxiliary tower covers no less than a playground.

In the original film, because of special effects technology and capital investment, the tower was not very detailed, and it was more of a distant view. It only took a few seconds to embody the magnificent picture of Karazhan, almost flickering, really so detailed. The chance of looking at this tower is rare.

That's why Anyang raised his head high, opened the screen capture function, and watched the magic tower.

The architectural design is exquisite, gorgeous and beautiful, with an extremely beautiful appearance. The corridors and pillars are staggered, especially the connection between the towers, just like a horizontal sky bridge, or like an air corridor that shuttles between huge towers, and those Sophisticated carvings and golden stone carvings add a lot of color.

As mentioned before, it is difficult to achieve the architectural level of the previous life. Even if the world has reinforced concrete and various construction techniques, it is still a miracle that belongs to this world alone, an architectural miracle, and a magic miracle!

Even though he was already standing on a pedestal several tens of meters above the ground, he still could not see the top when he looked up, and he could only see the circular building on the upper half of the tower. The light reflects the blue sky and a fleet of huge flying birds.

Magnificent and magnificent panoramic view!

The griffin's roar echoed in his ears, as if reminding him that this is a mysterious fantasy world.

Moros seemed to see Anyang now, squinting at him, and was a little surprised at the strangely dressed man covered in silver and white metal. There is no doubt that this is an airtight armor, which is streamlined and covers every part of the body. It is the first time he has lived so long.

"Is this your friend?"

"Yes, this is a person ... This is a prophet, he told me that I should come here."

Lothar's words came to his lips, but he changed his mouth, not saying that he was a mage from another world.


Moros looked at Anyang in surprise again, but he didn't say much, nodded and walked towards the magic tower.

"Come with me."

The four of them walked into the tall tower, and directly into the main tower.

According to the portrayal in the movie plot, even Khadgar, the apprentice of Medivh, had never entered the trainee guardian.

The light in front of him suddenly dimmed, and An Yang narrowed his eyes and looked.

Like the picture in the movie, the center of the tower is a huge circular staircase column, and the rest is a library-like place, filled with ancient bookshelves. The shelves are full of heavy books, all kinds of, In addition to being empty, the shock is indescribable.

Lothar frowned: "What about the others?"

Moros replied with a smile: "A lot of things have changed, and here is currently only me and the guardian."

Khadgar touched the nearest row of bookshelves forward and said to himself: "Energy must be locked here, and knowledge ..."

Lothar asked Moros: "Medivan, where is he?"

Moros stood on the circular staircase post, did not answer, but pointed up quietly.

Lothar stretched out her head on the side of the handrail and glanced up, but only saw the layers of stairs. It was difficult to see the top, only a long exhalation.

I haven't climbed, I'm tired first!

He glanced back at Khadgar and Anyang and nodded at them: "You are here to wait."

Anyang smiled and nodded, and pointed at the top, which means you go.

Khadgar just reached out to touch an ancient book, but received a warning from Moros.

"Try not to touch anything!"

Khadgar quickly drew back his hand, looked at Anyang, and seemed to hide his embarrassment, saying: "I didn't know there were so many books here ..."

Anyang chuckled: "If you didn't give up your oath, these will all belong to you."

Khadgar glanced back at him, silent.

There was no one to speak. The place where there were only books left was immediately quiet and surprising, as if the needles were audible.

After a while, Anyang broke the calm and said: "Guess what Medivh is doing now?"

Khadgar thought for a while, his expression looked very wooden, and then shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe, he is studying magic, or reading books, or experimenting with some devices? It may also be meditation, silently understanding the magic deeper The true meaning of it. "

Anyang smiled and said, "I guess he is playing art carving shirtless now!"

As soon as the words fell, the sky above the tower seemed to shake.

Khadgar raised his head in panic, saw no movement before lowering his head, and looked at Anyang in amazement: "How do you know?"

Anyang smiled and nodded with his fingers: "You seem to have forgotten my identity."

Khadgar was still in amazement, lowering his head, muttering the word prophet in his mouth.

Lothar ’s heavy gasps above his head have disappeared for a long time ~ ~ The sound of footsteps is gradually becoming inaudible, he should be gradually approaching the height of the tower, he will be in the circular building in the upper half of the tower Finish the reminiscence with the shirtless Medivh playing the carving, and show the king's ring to summon the guardians!


The restless Khadgar began to shuttle between the bookshelves, without Moros being present, he was a little unscrupulous, and he went around randomly, and occasionally encountered books of interest and took them out for a look, completely reminding Moros of the reminder Leave behind.

As for Anyang ...

He admired Khadgar's non-fearing character!

So he also began to read the books of this guardian's tower.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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