My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 423: Last guardian

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Anyang reads a history of magic while pushing his perception to the limit.

He can clearly feel the external energy and environmental changes.

This tower is a building that locks magical energy and knowledge. It is full of almost substantive magical energy everywhere. It fits his body skin and even every pore, and he does not even need to close his eyes to perceive carefully. As long as you look up, the magical energy that surrounds the central circular staircase column is like a piece of silk thread, with changes involved, exuding a light blue mysterious light, visible to the naked eye, and dazzling.

These energies, which are similar to Reiki and Mana but have obvious gaps in external manifestations, are very magical. They are like water, they can be as calm as a quiet lake under the night, or they can be violent like a surging wave, depending on How the magician uses them.

Broadly speaking, this can also be counted as "Aura".

Finally, Anyang was keenly aware of the changes in the external energy environment.

It was an ancient, alive, and even some xūruò energy breath. She quietly stepped into this tower and perfectly integrated her own magical waves into this powerful magical energy field without attracting anyone ’s attention. As a drop of mercury drops into the lake water, the fluctuations are fleeting.

It is difficult to find the fleeting silver light and the faint ripples swaying from the lake if people who are nervously watching this water at all times.

But Anyang is just such a person, a fisherman on the lake, the moment when he caught the fish.

He could feel the approach of this energy breath, and could also feel that she was cautious due to the presence of zìjǐ and lured Khadgar in the distance.

Anyang reached out and turned a large page of the ancient book in his hand, as if looking attentively, while the other hand pinched the fingerprint, chanting the spell in a low voice, and cast a large-scale sound insulation technique, just The sound of the bookshelf enveloped it, blocking snooping and listening from Medivh.

This energy breath suddenly stopped moving, and she should feel the faint energy fluctuations of the magical breath of the surroundings and the technique of forbidden sound.

Anyang chuckled and said to himself: "Alodi?"

At the moment when the voice exited, he could feel the energy breath suddenly chilling and his own breath began to fluctuate!

She was afraid of being discovered by Medivh.

Anyang paused and asked in a low voice: "Or ... Aegwynn?"

As the sound of this sentence fell, the energy breath disappeared instantly.

But Anyang could feel that she did not leave, because her departure was just like her arrival, and it was impossible to be truly silent. Whether it was mercury dropping into the lake or flying from the lake, it would inevitably cause faint ripples, And there is no fluctuation in the magic energy spread all over the outside.

"Don't be afraid, Medivh can't hear me, and I won't debunk you."

For a long time, the surroundings were unusually calm.

Until suddenly, as if she finally made up her mind, the breath of magical energy appeared again.

At the same time, a somewhat old and calm female voice sounded, the words seemed to contain infinite wisdom.


Anyang said while turning over the book: "It seems that you heard the kid's words."

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside him, apparently a woman, like the whole body was composed of black smoke, wearing a magic robe, and she could vaguely see that she was wearing a hood, but had a long and In the skirt of the ground, the black mist kept rolling in the vicinity of the ground, revealing a deep sense of witch.

"Yes, I came early."

"You haven't answered me whether you are Alodi or Aegwynn."

"It doesn't matter, prophet, do you know about Medivh?"

"Yes, I even know the purpose of your coming .... Uh-huh, you want to guide Khadgar. By letting him find a book, guide him to understand the knowledge of Alodi and the Dark Portal, and then discover Maddie Wen ’s secret, and then went to Dalaran Kirin Tor to find you, am I right? "

The figure was silent, and raised his head, revealing nothing.

"Prophet, you are such an amazing being."

"Although you do it, I will help you to hide that book for Khadgar, and it will help you fingerprint his discovery of Medivh's secret."

"Thank you, Prophet, I have run out of time, we must destroy Medivh and evil energy."

As soon as the words fell, she disappeared from Anyang.

Khadgar, who heard the movement not far away, began to walk towards this side.

"Anyang, who are you talking to?"

"Oh, wait a minute, who? Who's there? Can you hear Anyang, I seem to see one ..."

Khadgar's voice stopped abruptly.

Anyang smiled.

When he walked over, he just saw Khadgar hiding a book under his clothes, and he suddenly smiled.

This kid is so cute and stupid.

Almost at the same time, a sound came from the direction of the circular staircase column, as if someone had come down.

They glanced at each other, and quickly walked over there.

As soon as I turned a bookshelf, I saw a figure that suddenly appeared in front of them.

This is a man with a neat beard and blue eyes, his face calm and serious.

There is no doubt that this is the last guardian-Medivh!

He wore a simple burgundy magi robe. The fabric is very good compared to the world's textile technology, but it is not the magnificent mystery engraved with various runes and powerful effects in many novels. Robe is the kind of very loose and ordinary hooded robe.

Medivh glanced over Anyang in a white robe and stopped on Khadgar, his right hand always on his chest.

"Take a good look around ..."

As soon as the words fell, he shot Khadgar without hesitation as in the plot.

I saw that he raised his hand a little, did not read the spell, nor did he reach the guiding process of arcane magic, his eyes instantly turned blue, and his fingers also began to flash a strong blue energy, sketching the mysterious trajectory , Just waved it so easily.


Suddenly, the magical energy hit Khadgar. He could n’t even scream, and his whole body flew back like a broken kite, until it hit a bookshelf, knocking the bookshelf full of books back. I went to another two bookshelves before stopping.

The turbulent energy of the blue law controlled him, and pressed him against the bookshelf, and could not fall.

The books on the bookshelf were scattered, and the yellowed pages flew all over the sky.

Medivh opened his five fingers, pointing his palm to Khadgar, and the blue occult energy surged in his hands.

He walked towards Khadgar step by step, clearly dissatisfied with the apprentice who betrayed him.

"Kadgar, you are a person obsessed with books and knowledge. Imagine if the yīqiē here is yours, what would you do?"

"Guardian, I have given up my oath!"

Medivh's eyes narrowed, because of this sentence, his anger flashed away in his calm eyes.

When he waved his hand violently, Card's body clinging to the bookshelf was slammed into the air until he slammed into the circular staircase column.

The powerful magic energy still keeps him pressed and held so that he can't fall on the wall that is several meters high.

Anyang's eyes flickered, and then it was more intuitive to see the power of the guardian of Medivh. The surging magical luster, visible to the naked eye, the constantly accumulating energy surged in Khadgar, perfect between peace and rage Balance, not only has a strong power, but will not hurt him.

Moreover, Medivh is instant!

Continuous means, close to perfect magic control, powerful power, endless magic energy ...

How terrible should such a mage be in battle?

In this world where there are no stealth thieves, it is difficult to practice martial arts to be strong against the sky, and the mage is the existence of the sky!

Not to mention the guardian Medivh?

Everyone knows that a sword can kill him, but how can a warrior get close to him?

In addition to McGrady's textual body, Anyang also reached the power of arcane magic in this world through his gǎnshòu.

Powerful, direct, and violent. It is more destructive than the magical world that tends to be peaceful. It is almost magical to learn the ultimate!

If it is based on the great historical environment of the Divine World and the development direction of the past monastic system, let them abandon the avenues such as Changsheng Dao, Xiaoyao Dao, Xian Dao, etc., and turn the avenue system towards "destruction", "power", "power It is estimated that it takes a lot of time to develop keywords like ". Even if he now controls the entire Divine State, and can gather the weak power of individuals and sects into the social power of the world, it will at most accelerate this time.

It is better to directly copy the arcane magic system, learn from each other's strengths, and slowly integrate with time until a new large social system is formed ...


Khadgar posted on the wall in large letters, his face twisted by the squeeze, but he still tried his best to maintain a calm voice.

"I do n’t want to come here, I swear, guardian, I just learned some secrets from Anyang ’s mouth. He is a prophet, so I accompanied them to find you here, and I told them that it should be you. Explain, I did not exceed my authority. "

"Explain what?"

Medivh's voice was very soft, magnetic, and a little hoarse.


Medivh's eyes condensed again, his fingers shrank, and the magical energy that surrounded him suddenly disappeared.

Khadgar was finally no longer under control, but he was greeted with a severe fall. Well, he was estimated to be five meters above the ground.

Anyang reached out his hand in time ~ ~ Mana surged out of the palm of his hand, forming a force born out of the subject, but with a completely different structure, supporting the poor little mage so as not to fall On the ground.

Khadgar landed steadily and thanked him softly.

Medivh turned his head and looked quietly at Anyang, frowning slightly, with some doubts in his eyes, but he did not intend to clarify these doubts now. Compared with the word, evil is more Can attract his attention, so he looked back at Khadgar.

"Evil energy, in Azeroth?"

"Yes, but, I did n’t see it with my own eyes, I just got to the evil energy, the dark and powerful power. I was about to investigate, but the prophet and the commander blocked me and he confirmed it After my guess, I went directly to Karazhan. "


Only then did the proud guardian focus on Anyang.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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